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Wastewater reuse in arid regions is important for the production of a water resource to be utilised for non-potable purposes and to prevent the environmental transmission of disease-causing agents. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of water quality on the comparative disinfection efficiency of viruses, bacteria and spores by UV irradiation. Furthermore, the microbial quality of effluent produced by coagulation, high rate filtration (HRF) and either UV irradiation or chlorination was determined. Using low pressure collimated beam, a UV dose of 80 mWs/cm2 was needed to achieve a 3-log10 inactivation of either rotavirus SA-11 or coliphage MS2, whereas over 5-log10 inactivation of E. coli was reached with a dose of only 20 mWs/cm2. B. subtilis inactivation was found to be linear up to a dose of 40 mWs/cm2 and then a tailing up to a UV dose of 120 mWs/cm2 was observed. It is worth noting that effluent turbidity of < 5 NTU did not influence the inactivation efficiency of UV irradiation. Operation of a pilot plant to treat secondary effluent by coagulation, HRF and UV disinfection at a UV dose of 80 mWs/cm2 resulted in the production of high quality effluent in compliance with the Israel standards for unrestricted irrigation (< 10 CFU/100 mL faecal coliform and turbidity of < 5 NTU). Sulphite reducing clostridia (SRC) were found to be more resistant than coliphages and F coliform for UV irradiation. The results of this study indicated that UV disinfection is suitable for the production of effluents for unrestricted irrigation of food crops.  相似文献   

One of the advantages of MBR is its excellent effluent quality, which is suitable for a wide range of reuse purposes. We investigated the characteristics of MBR effluent and evaluated them based on the Japanese guideline for the reuse of treated wastewater. As the result, MBR effluent showed qualitative coaracteristics that satisfy the requirement except chromaticity for recreational purpose. Further treatment, such as by oxone or activated carbon, will be required to remove the remaining color. MBR shows high removal efficiency of bacteria and other hazardous microorganisms such as Cryptosporidium. We investigated the removal efficiency of virus by MBR using coliphage as an alternative index. The results showed that high removal efficiency for coliphage could be obtained by MBR. The removal mechanism appears to be that coliphage are attached to the activated sludge and thus rejected by the membrane together with activated sludge particles. With regard to the endocrine disrupters, no significant differences were observed between MBR and CAS in the removal of main endocrine disrupters.  相似文献   

Semi-intensive treatment plants for wastewater reuse in irrigation.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Semi-intensive technologies are a middle term between intensive ones (e.g., activated sludge with a retention time of hours) and extensive ones (e.g., stabilization ponds with a retention time of several weeks). The most common semi-intensive configuration used in Israel is made of anaerobic ponds followed by aerated lagoons. These small low-energy units remove about 75-80% of the BOD and are followed by wastewater reservoirs for storage and complementary treatment. The reduction in loading allows a flexible operation of the reservoirs for the removal of other pollutants, while providing storage capacity to cope with the changes in water demand for irrigation during the year. In schemes for wastewater reuse in irrigation, this lay-out has proved to be low-cost, low-energy, flexible, reliable and efficient. Variations of this basic configuration are the use of UASB reactors instead of anaerobic ponds, aerated lagoons in series or low-rate trickling filters instead of aerated lagoons, constructed wetlands or rock-filters for algae removal, etc. Semi-intensive technologies use less energy than intensive ones, and less land than extensive ones. They can remove as much BOD as intensive ones, and as much pathogens and refractory pollutants as extensive ones. They release no or very small amounts of sludge.  相似文献   

The operation of an activated sludge process at a paper mill (AIPM) in Hedera, Israel, was often characterized by disturbances. As part of a research and development project, a study on new biological treatment was initiated. The study included the operation of three pilot units: a. anaerobic treatment by upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB); b. aerobic treatment by two pilot units including activated sludge and membrane bioreactor (MBR), which have been operated in parallel for comparison reasons. The pilot plant working on anaerobic treatment performed COD reduction from 2,365 to 755 mg/L, expressed as average values. Based on the pilot study, a full scale anaerobic treatment system has been erected. During a period of 100 days, after achieving steady state, the MBR system provided steady operation performance, while the activated sludge produced effluent characterized by oscillatory qualities. The following results, based on average values, indicate much lower suspended solids concentrations in the MBR effluent, 2.5 mg/L, as compared to 25 mg/L in the activated sludge. The ability to develop and maintain a concentration of over 11,000 mg/L of mixed liquor volatile suspended solids in the MBR enabled an intensive bioprocess at relatively high cell residence time. This study demonstrates that the anaerobic process, followed by aerobic MBR can provide effluent of high quality which can be considered for economic reuse in the paper mill industry.  相似文献   

In this paper, reuse potentials of the secondary effluents as irrigation water was evaluated through field sampling trips. Water quality parameters significantly deviating from its guidelines were Total coliform bacteria and organic matter. Even though nutrients are not regulated in Korea, their removal would be required because they have been a barrier for secondary effluent irrigation through governmental intervention. The results of treatment study with aquatic ponds show that in spite of its poor biodegradability, organic matter in soluble form was reduced by 20% during 10 days of HRT. On the other hand, reduction of nutrients was remarkable. On average 85% of total nitrogen and 89% of total phosphorus were removed, respectively, which abates the worries of farmers for overgrowth or reduction in crop yield. However, coliform bacteria, although slightly reduced due to their propagation at the constructed wetlands still need further treatment.  相似文献   

Two different irrigation systems, subsurface drip irrigation and furrow irrigation, are tested to investigate the level of viral contamination and survival when tertiary effluent is used in arid and semi-arid regions. The effluent was injected with bacteriophages of PRD1 and MS2. A greater number of PRD1 and MS2 were recovered from the lettuce in the subsurface drip-irrigated plots as compared to those in the furrow-irrigated plots. Shallow drip tape installation and preferential water paths through cracks on the soil surface appeared to be the main causes of high viral contamination in subsurface drip irrigation plots, which led to the direct contact of the lettuce stems with the irrigation water which penetrated the soil surface. The water use efficiency of the subsurface drip irrigation system was higher than that of the furrow irrigation system. Thus, subsurface drip irrigation is an efficient irrigation method for vegetable crops in arid and semi-arid regions if viral contamination can be reduced. Deeper installation of drip tapes, frequent irrigations, and timely harvests based on cumulative heat units may further reduce health risks by ensuring viral die-off under various field conditions.  相似文献   

城镇污水处理厂出水作为河道景观用水的探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
一些观点认为按照现行的《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB 18918—2002),污水处理厂出水达到了一级A标准后就可以作为河道景观用水, 笔者以为,应根据当地情况具体分析,例如在江南平原河网地区,未必可行。  相似文献   

A system comprising a UASB reactor, shallow polishing ponds and shallow coarse filters, treating actual wastewater from the city of Belo Horizonte, Brazil, has been evaluated. The main focus of the research was to compare grain sizes and hydraulic loading rates in the coarse filters. Two filters operating in parallel were investigated, with the following grain sizes: Filter 1: 3 to 10 cm; Filter 2: 8 to 20 cm. Two hydraulic loading rates were tested: 0.5 and 1.0 m3/m3.d. The filter with the lower rock size had a better performance than the filter with the larger rock size in the removal of SS and, as a consequence, BOD and COD. A better performance was obtained with the hydraulic loading rate of 0.5 m3/m3.d, as compared to the rate of 1.0 m3/m3.d. The effluent quality during the period with the lower loading rate was very good for discharge into water bodies or for agricultural reuse (median effluent concentrations from Filter 1: BOD: 20 mg/L; COD: 106 mg/L; SS: 28 mg/L; E. coli: 528 MPN/100 mL).  相似文献   

The Mediterranean seaside resort of Le Grau du Roi includes 40 hectares of landscaped areas spray irrigated with river water supplied through a separate network. Wastewater collected from several municipalities is treated in an activated sludge wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) and polished in waste stabilization ponds (WSPs). Planned substitution of treated wastewater for river water is hindered by spray irrigation prohibition within a 100 m distance from houses and recreational areas. WWTP and WSP effluents were monitored for pathogens with a particular attention to Legionella in Spring and Summer 2006. Helminth eggs, salmonellae and enteroviruses were never detected neither in WWTP effluent nor in the ponds. Legionella spp content was slightly higher or of the order of magnitude of river water contents. Regarding Legionella pneumophila contents, WSP effluent did not significantly differ from the river water. E.coli and enterococci contents in WSP effluents complied with the "excellent quality" criteria of the European Directive for coastal bathing waters. Therefore, substituting WSP effluents to river water is unlikely to alter health risks related to spray irrigation and, in this case, the buffer zone required by the French water reuse guidelines appears being short of support.  相似文献   

Stormwater reuse: designing biofiltration systems for reliable treatment.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Stormwater reuse is increasing in popularity as a technique for overcoming water shortages in urban Australia. However, technology for the reliable treatment of stormwater for reuse is still not fully developed. This paper presents the first steps in refining biofilters for stormwater reuse. Six different filter media were selected, to target specific stormwater pollutants, as well as support plant growth. They were tested in the laboratory, where the filters were dosed three times per week with semi-synthetic stormwater for five weeks. Pollutant removal performance was monitored, and revealed that all soil-based filters performed similarly (while sand filters behaved somewhat differently). All filters removed more than 80% of solids and greater than 90% of lead, copper, and zinc. Three filter types were able to remove some phosphorus (particularly in the top 30 cm of the media). Apart from sand, all filter media were net producers of nitrogen, leading to an important conclusion that non-vegetated, soil-based filters are not suitable for targeting nutrients. However, since heavy metals are the primary pollutant of concern with respect to stormwater reuse for irrigation (the most popular end-use), it was concluded that biofilters may be promising technologies for treatment of stormwater for reuse.  相似文献   

利用XAD-8/XAD-4树脂将污水处理厂二级出水中的溶解性有机物(DOM)分为疏水性有机酸(HPO-A)、疏水性中性有机物(HPO-N)、过渡亲水性有机酸(TPI-A)、过渡亲水性中性有机物(TPI-N)和亲水性有机物(HPI),研究其对PVDF超滤膜污染性能的影响.结果表明,二级出水中DOM对超滤膜污染的顺序为疏水性有机物>过渡性亲水性有机物>亲水性有机物.二级出水的五种组分中,重均分子量(Mw)呈现出HPO-A>TPI-A>HPO-N> HPI>TPI-N的趋势,说明分子量大小与膜污染成正比.有机物对膜的污染程度和膜对有机物的去除率相关性不大.反洗对超滤膜去除有机污染的效果良好,特别是NaOH+NaClO的混合反洗水对有机污染物的去除效果最好,能够使膜的比通量恢复率达到58%.  相似文献   

Petroleum production wastewater is highly saline and contains large amounts of Ca, Mg, sulphides and hydrocarbons. The reuse of this wastewater in the secondary oil recovery can provide pollution prevention and water conservation benefits. Injection of water to the oil deposits is a frequently used method for secondary oil recovery. This operation is performed at high pressures and temperatures, because of which a suitable water quality is required to avoid deposit formation, scaling and clogging effects. The objective of this study was to select the best treatment system for the oil production wastewater, generated in one of the Mexican oil extraction facilities, for the implementation of this kind of reuse by injecting the treated water to sand formations with 12-15% porosity. A complete characterization of the petroleum production wastewater was done. Based on laboratory tests, three basic treatment options were suggested and evaluated in a pilot plant. The most suitable treatment was determined by injecting the different treated waters in samples of the real formations. The selected system consists in softening, followed by oxidation, decarbonation and filtration. This train allowed 99.8% hardness removal, a complete S(2-) removal, as well as 99% TSS, 78% TOC, 98% Sr, 86% Ba, 51% Si and 17% Fe removals.  相似文献   

Treatment of toilet wastewater for reuse in a membrane bioreactor.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Toilet wastewater is treated and reused on site at Europe's highest membrane bioreactor (MBR), located in a cable car mountain station in the ski resort of Zermatt. Negative impacts on the sensitive mountain environment are minimised by reusing close to 100% of the treated wastewater for toilet flushing. Besides 100% nitrogen removal, 80% of phosphorus was also eliminated. This paper presents operational results, optimisations of sludge management, decoloration and long-term maintenance of biomass in the very low-loaded summer season. From a global view the experiences and results of the project are of great importance, proposing a solution to a problem existing 100-fold in the Alps as well as in arid regions all over the world: reducing water consumption for sanitation by reuse.  相似文献   

In Mediterranean countries, water shortage is becoming a problem of high concern affecting the local economy, mostly based on agriculture. The problem is not only the scarcity of water in terms of average per capita, but the high cost to make water available at the right place, at the right time with the required quality. In these cases, an integrated approach for water resources management including wastewater is required. The management should also include treated wastewater (TWW) reclamation and reuse, especially for agricultural irrigation. In Italy, TWW reuse is regulated by a quite restrictive approach (Ministry Decree, M.D. 185/03), especially for some chemical compounds and microbiological parameters. The aim of the paper is the evaluation of TWW reuse potential in Sicily. A Geographic Information System (GIS) was built at regional level to quantify and locate the available TWW volumes. In particular, the characteristics of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) were integrated, through the GIS, with data on irrigation district areas. Moreover, in order to evaluate the Italian approach for reuse practice in agriculture, the water quality of different TWW effluents was analysed on the basis of both the Italian standards and the WHO guidelines.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study are to investigate ozonation characteristics, to evaluate oestrogenicity and to confirm behaviours of by-products during ozonation of secondary effluent. For the ozonation of secondary effluent, TOC was decreased only 10% when 4 (mgO3/mgC) of ozone consumption per initial TOC. However, UV254 and SUVA was decreased approximately 65% until ozone consumption of 2 (mgO3/mgC). Ozonation was also shown to be very effective for decrease of oestrogenicity in secondary effluent. Bromate ion started to form obviously when the ozone consumption per initial TOC exceeded 2 (mgO3/mgC) and increased while the time of ozonation became longer. From these results, ozone consumption per initial TOC was shown to be an appropriate operation parameter to reduce SUVA effectively and E2 equivalent concentration to less than 0.1 nM without significant formation of bromate ion, and its value was determined to be 2 (mgO3/mgC) in ozonation of secondary effluent.  相似文献   

Al‐Hassa oasis, with an estimated population of 750000, is one of the main agricultural areas in Saudi Arabia. The estimated present agricultural water consumption in the oasis is almost 419 × 106 m3 per year and the water is mainly supplied from the aquifer systems in the oasis. The climate is severely arid and the groundwater resources are limited. A deficiency in irrigation water supplies would occur in the oasis, especially during the summer season, without the reuse of wastewater effluent. Alternative schemes were developed on the basis of climatic, irrigation method, crop, health and economic considerations for the potential reuse of wastewater effluent for irrigation purposes. The schemes suggested different alternatives for reuse of the untreated effluent or with various types of additional treatments needed to render the water free of health hazards and suitable for agricultural use. An expected average wastewqter effluent of about 32.2 × 106 m3/year will be available for irrigation purposes. This will result in minimizing the mining of groundwater and in conserving the water resources in Al‐Hassa oasis.  相似文献   

The first subsurface flow wetland (SSFW) system for about 1,000 PE, was constructed in Nicaragua in 1996 to apply this technology in the form of an integral project, combining the treatment of domestic wastewater with its reuse for crop production in small and medium size communities. The SSFW-effluent meets all standards established in the national regulations for wastewater reuse in agriculture, except for faecal coliforms, existent at an average concentration of 7 x 10(4) MPN/100 ml. A conventional surface irrigation method was used to irrigate different crop species selected to establish their risk of contamination. To judge the potential health risk for consumers and farmers, samples of vegetables and fruits harvested in the dry seasons of the years 1997 to 2002, were analyzed for the presence of pathogenic microorganisms like faecal coliforms, salmonella and shigella. In addition, a yield comparison between crops irrigated with well water using chemical fertilizers, and crops irrigated with the effluent of the SSFW-system was made, to analyze the economical benefits of the wastewater reuse.  相似文献   

Competition for water can be resolved by construction of more facilities for storing water in wet years for use in dry years, by weather modification, watershed management, urban and agricultural water conservation, reuse of sewage effluent and other wastewater, desalination of saline water, water banking and transfer of water rights or other changes in water use. Reuse of wastewater requires treatment so that the water meets the quality requirements for the intended reuse. Groundwater recharge and recovery can play an important role in the treatment and storage of wastewater for reuse—agricultural, urban, and industrial, as well as potable. Often, water shortages are only shortages of cheap and abundant water, and competition problems can be resolved by good planning and management if the public is willing to pay the price and to accept changes in water use.  相似文献   

Irrigation periods are usually limited to vegetation periods. The quality requirements for treated wastewater for disposal and for reuse are different. The reuse of water for irrigation allows partly the reuse of the wastewater's nutrients (N and P). Outside the irrigation period the water must be treated for disposal, thus nutrient removal is often required in order to avoid detrimental effects on the receiving surface water body. Only wastewater treatment plants with different operation modes for different seasons can realise these requirements. The nitrification is the most sensitive biological process in the aerobic wastewater treatment process. At low water temperatures the nitrifying bacteria need several weeks to re-start full nitrification after periods without NH4-removal. Therefore it is necessary to develop options for waste water treatment plants which allow a fast re-start of the nitrification process. Based on theoretical considerations and computer simulations of the activated sludge treatment process, one possibility for implementing a wastewater treatment plant with different seasonal operation modes is evaluated.  相似文献   

Reuse of treated wastewater in irrigation is gaining recognition as a vital element in the water resources management plan of developing countries, especially those situated in arid and semi-arid regions. An understanding of the transport of residual pollutants from treated wastewater, such as bacteria, in soil as a result of irrigation is critical to assessing health risks and the possible contamination of limited groundwater resources. In this work, retention of E. coli is evaluated for a soil that is irrigated by treated wastewater for growth of non-food crops near Egypt's Red Sea coast. In particular, the effects of soil organic fraction (SOF) and hydraulic loading rate (HLR) were investigated in laboratory soil columns. The matrix of experiments included three HLRs and three SOFs. The retention of bacteria by adsorption was observed at HLRs of 5 and 13 cm/h, with the magnitude of the adsorption increasing proportionally to the SOF. The impact of SOF was greater for the lower HLR. At the lowest HLR investigated (5 cm/h), filtration was also observed for the two higher SOFs (0.674 and 2.04 per cent). At a high HLR (66 cm/h) simulating flood irrigation, retention of bacteria was minimal regardless of the SOF. Since the bacterial solution is applied to a dry soil column to simulate field conditions, E. coli breakthrough after two pore volumes of throughput (vs. one) provided a meaningful comparison of bacterial retention as a function of HLR and SOF.  相似文献   

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