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龚昌基 《福建建筑》2010,(4):146-148
本文就当前抗震设计中若干概念问题,包括抗震设防烈度问题、"小震计算"和"中震计算"问题、弹塑性时程分析问题、设计中控制结构裂缝问题、"半地下室"问题、框架地震剪力调整问题,以及高宽比超限如何处理、对"上部结构嵌固部位"如何理解等问题,进行思考与分析,供结构设计同行参考。  相似文献   

"问题式"教学,是指教师运用问题组织教学,学生围绕问题开展学习——课堂从问题出发,到产生更高一级的问题,并随着问题的不断解决而逐渐深化。"问题式"课堂上,具体包括预设和生成问题、探讨和解决问题、总结和深化问题三个环节。  相似文献   

目前,我国工程招标采购工作中存在的问题包括隐性问题和显性问题两大类。解决显性问题有助于政府主管部门更加准确地把脉隐性问题,从而找到对症下药的措施,为此,针对"所见略同"的报价、"汗牛充栋"的标书和"代价昂贵"的得分这3种突出的显性问题,通过分析其形成原因,在坚持3个基本的优化原则的前提下提出了"勿将招标控制价定位在标底价的水平"、"限制投标人数量"和"减少客观性材料的提供"等微观优化措施,以及3个基本的优化原则是"追求总体优化""讲究简单易行"和"避免过度竞争"。  相似文献   

培养学生学习文言文的兴趣与能力,主要取决于教师对"问题"的认识与处理。谢嗣极老师执教《邹忌讽齐王纳谏》一课时,通过"什么问题都可以问"、"将这些问题和同学讨论一下"、"解决不了的问题先留在这儿",鼓励学生提出问题、尝试解决问题、拓展课外提问。教师应着力培养学生的"问题意识",促进学生创新能力与语文素养的全面提高。  相似文献   

"十三五"规划,中央对城市建设提出了"街区制"发展思路,除"推倒围墙"外,更多地关系到与生活密切相关的法律问题。市民对"街区制"改革认知参差不齐,尤其是涉及到空间权属、安全问题、社区公共服务等方面如何积极适应"街区制"发展的问题。以"街区制"下的小区管理为切入点,研究我国"街区制"建设的法律供给,解决"街区制"推广面临的小区业主共有财产的分配、补偿问题和治安问题,为规范小区管理、保障业主利益和城市的未来建设发展,提供可行性的参考与建议。  相似文献   

目的探讨入党动机各维度与"问题行为"各维度之间的关系。方法采用入党动机需要、诱因自陈测量表和大学生问题行为量表对721名学生进行测查。结果大学生入党动机与其"问题行为"之间存在显著相关,其中高层次入党动机与"问题行为"呈负相关,低层次的入党动机与"问题行为"呈正相关或相关不显著。结论大学生的"问题行为"对其"入党动机"具有预测作用,端正大学生入党动机可以从对其"问题行为"的预防和矫正入手。  相似文献   

问题驱动教学法是以问题为牵引,将提出问题、分析问题、解决问题作为主要内容和手段的教学法。本文通过单片机教学中的"流水灯"案例,浅谈"问题驱动法"在单片机应用课程教学中的应用。  相似文献   

墨子的"和"有"质料因"、"形式因"、"动力因"、"目的因",涉及有"阴阳之和"、"天下和"。通过对"和"的"潜能性"原理即"质料"与"形式"的关系问题到"实现性"原理即"动力"与"目的"关系问题的探讨,认识到墨子"和"是天地宇宙之"阴阳之和"的应有之态、天下世界之"天下和"的最高诉求。这些构成了墨子"和"哲学的理论架构,社会理想和境界追求。  相似文献   

工业园区的"三农"问题是一个崭新的课题,工业园区"三农"问题的处理是否恰当,关系到园区的建设、城镇化的进程,甚至关系到社会的稳定。本文通过大量走访调研、问卷、座谈的方式,针对炉山工业园区的"三农"现状、存在的问题及产生的原因进行了分析,以及如何恰当处理工业园区"三农"问题提出了相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   

关注教育教学实践就是关注教育教学本身,教育教学问题和课题来源于教育教学实践领域。在一线的教育教学实践中,常常存在诸如:教育领导、教师、家长等群体对"好"教育的界定和过于"分数化"的认识,人们在对孩子考取高分的狂躁追逐中忽视了隐藏于其后的教育道德问题,"名校"、"名师"、"名校长"有待"正名"等问题。本文对这些产生于教育教学实践领域的问题进行一定的反思,以其得到更多的思考与关注。  相似文献   

Designers have a wide choice of concrete floor systems for their buildings. They can choose from three basic types available: in situ, precast or hybrid construction. A survey was conducted within the UK construction industry to investigate, in particular, the construction related factors influencing the choice of concrete floor systems. The data collected were subjected to frequency and severity index analyses, Kendall's concordance test and the chi-squared tests to produce a rank ordering of 12 construction related factors. Five factors were identified as being the most important, namely ‘appropriateness of use’, ‘cost’, ‘constructability’, ‘speed’ and ‘health and safety’. These five factors reflect current industry emphasis, and therefore could be adopted as the principal criteria for evaluating and selecting concrete floor systems during the design stage. They could also be used as assessment criteria for developing future systems.  相似文献   

The promotion of offsite production is a possible future strategic direction for the construction industry as it provides economic, environmental and social benefits. However, in China, the uptake of offsite production, particularly in the housing sector, is relatively low and few studies have identified and examined the reasons behind this trend. This research gap is addressed and factors that inhibit the wider use of offsite production in China’s housing construction industry are investigated. A questionnaire survey was carried out, examining the views of 110 construction professionals in China including developers, designers, contractors, manufacturers and suppliers. Factor analysis of 21 separate variables was undertaken which extracted six principal factors, namely: ‘constructability implementation’, ‘social climate and attitudes’, ‘architectural performance’, ‘costing’, ‘supply chain’ and ‘preparatory stage’. The findings identify both barriers and challenges to increasing the uptake of offsite production in China. This provides a rare insight about the housing construction industry in China with possible implications for other developing countries that are seeking to identify and overcome barriers to the wider uptake of offsite production.  相似文献   

This paper presents several issues related to pricing in construction. First, problems with current pricing strategy in construction are explored. Second, pricing strategies based on a market-based approach are proposed. Third, survey findings of the top 400 US contractors are presented regarding their current pricing practices and the applicability of the proposed pricing strategies. In conclusion, the belief that current pricing strategy in construction is predominantly cost-based is confirmed by the survey findings; indeed, in setting the markup, most contractors rely on their intuition after subjectively assessing the competition. The three internal pricing variables that have the largest statistically significant contingency coefficients with pricing strategy are ‘marketing intelligence capabilities’, ‘annual contract value’, and ‘the type of client in most projects’. ‘Owner's characteristics’, ‘competitors'characteristics’, and ‘market demand’ are statistically significant external variables in making pricing strategy decisions. A change of bidding procedure is proposed so that all parties in construction can maximize the benefits of market-based pricing strategies.  相似文献   

张福生 《工程质量》2009,27(10):1-6
当前我国建设工程的总体质量水平虽处于受控状态,但还有很大的上升空间,对影响工程质量的众多问题没有从实质上得到解决。通过对一些与工程质量相关问题的进一步反思,就“创建良好的工程质量氛围”、“工程质量的整改落实及监督方式的转变”、“施工资质与建筑物重要性的对等”等问题提出建议。  相似文献   


Ancient Chinese cities were closely connected to extramural areas. Therefore, research on the construction of urban space in ancient China should not be restricted to the area within the city wall; rather it should extend to the surrounding areas. There has been plenty of research on the urban planning and design of Chang’an in Tang Dynasty (618–907), which is the capital of the most prosperous dynasty of ancient China. However, little research has paid attention to its spatial order at the regional scale. This article aims to solve this problem using the ‘triple-evidence’ method, i.e. based on the evidences from archaeology, literature and field survey. More specifically, it explores the main problems involved in regional spatial construction, reveals the general strategies for construction of the regional spatial order, and further analyses the planning and design approaches for different spatial scales. This paper reveals that ‘Taking the High Ground’ is the main method used in the construction of regional spatial order of Chang’an Area in Tang Dynasty, which reflects the dialectical whole of ‘configurational force’ and ‘form’ in the planning and design theories of ancient China.  相似文献   

针对当前特色小镇规划建设现实问题,在特色小镇传统规划方法中融入"形""神"概念,阐释形神兼备规划思路基本内涵,提出形神兼备思路下的特色小镇规划设计方法:既要考虑规划方案的形态美,更应追求包括产业、人居、生态、文化等内涵的神态设计.最后结合董村花汇小镇规划,阐述了形神兼备规划设计方法在实践中的应用,以期为特色小镇的规划编...  相似文献   

Many construction companies have adopted partnering in their construction projects over the past 10–15 years due to favourable project outcomes achieved. Its use in construction projects has been increasing rapidly as its benefits become more apparent and pervasive. This paper reviews the partnering literature within the construction field and tries to portray the comprehensive picture of benefits for the partnering practice. Through partnering and the active involvement of all key project parties, the project is more likely to be completed within budget, on time, and with the least number of conflicts, claims and work defects. Also, this paper reports upon the findings of a questionnaire survey of partnering benefits in Hong Kong. Seventy‐eight project participants completed a questionnaire to indicate the relative importance of partnering benefits. The perceived benefits were measured and ranked from the perspectives of the client, contractor and consultant for cross‐comparison. The results revealed that ‘Improved relationship amongst project participants’, ‘Improved communication amongst project participants’ and ‘More responsive to the short‐term emergency, changing project or business needs’ were the most significant benefits derived from the use of partnering. More partnering arrangements should be actively introduced into the construction procurement process so that every party can enjoy the full benefits of partnering.  相似文献   

This paper presents preliminary findings of a study to examine the relationship between site productivity, construction costs and the ‘buildable score’ of a buildable design appraisal system recently developed by the Singapore Construction Industry Development Board. The buildable score for a building is a numerical figure computed by taking into account the level of standardization, simplicity and extent of integrated elements used in the design of a building. The stated objective of the appraisal system is ‘to promote more buildable designs in the industry through assessing the contribution of design to site efficiency and produc6 tivity’. Empirical results from 37 completed building projects provide support for the appraisal system's proposition that ‘a design with a higher buildable score will result in more efficient labour usage in construction and therefore higher site labour productivity’. However, the relationship between construction costs and buildable score is less distinct.  相似文献   

The construction industry of Hong Kong has a very poor site safety record. The overall accident rate has gone down a little during the last few years, but the number of fatalities has risen dramatically. In the past, the Hong Kong Government adopted a laissez-faire approach in managing construction safety, hoping that market forces would regulate the safety performance. However, the approach has proved to be ineffective. Since 1986, the Government has taken a proactive approach in combating construction site safety, and has introduced a series of safety programmes, which consist of encouraged and mandatory schemes aiming at nourishing a proper safety culture in the construction industry. Recently, the Government decided to criminalize site accident cases by introducing a so-called ‘Supervision Plan’, aiming at changing the safety attitude and culture of construction practitioners. This paper applies an attitude-changing model, ‘reinforcement theory’, to predict the changing attitude of people in the construction industry. The results show that the attitude of construction practitioners in Hong Kong will change to be more positive when they receive more messages to confirm that people really are put into jail for negligence under the Supervision Plan.  相似文献   

There has been a frequent misconception in analyses of construction sectors of the national economy: the tendency to describe these activities as ‘an industry’ or a small and stable set of ‘industries’. This has led to confusion. Construction was inappropriately assimilated to various forms of manufacturing industry. Characteristics of the construction process were treated as ‘problems’, to whose solution substantial energies were unnecessarily diverted. There has been muddle about the extent to which macro-level planning is appropriate, notably on R&D strategies and innovation for improved industrial efficiency. Construction projects increasingly use unfamiliar technological bases, comparable to ‘technology fusion’ in other sectors. A more fruitful emphasis may be to regard construction as organized as agglomerations of projects - rather than as a discrete industry or a fixed constellation of firms. The idea of the ‘demand chain’ is introduced.

The paper concludes that a ‘technological paradigm’ should replace the ‘industry paradigm’ and that an enduring question remains to explore what is meant by construction ‘capacity’.  相似文献   

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