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PKUMoDEL:模型驱动的开发和语言家族支持环境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OMG发布的UML语言家族和MDA架构促进了模型驱动软件开发的思想成为现实.建模语言版本升级或者面向不同领域的语言家族新增成员的不断出现,要求模型驱动开发环境除了使得模型成为软件开发生命周期中的主体之外,还应该具有元模型的定义和操纵能力.模型驱动的开发和语言家族支持环境PKUMoDEL是基于MOF的元建模环境和基于UML2.0的建模环境的集成体,很好地解决了诸如元模型的定义、扩展和评估、建模工具的自适应和演化、不同类型工具之间的集成、模型复用、从模型到运行环境的直接映射和部署等问题.  相似文献   

ContextAgile software development approaches are currently becoming the industry standard for Web Application development. On the other hand, Model-Driven Web Engineering (MDWE) methodologies are known to improve productivity when building this kind of applications. However, current MDWE methodologies tend to ignore important aspects of Web Applications development supported by agile processes, such as constant customer feedback or early design of user interfaces.ObjectiveIn this paper we analyze the difficulties of supporting agile features in MDWE methodologies. Then, we propose an approach that eases the incorporation of well-known agile practices to MDWE.MethodWe propose using User Interface prototypes (usually known as mockups) as a way to start the modeling process in the context of a mixed agile-MDWE process. To assist this process, we defined a lightweight metamodel that allows modeling features over mockups, interacting with end-users and generating MDWE models. Then, we conducted a statistical evaluation of both approaches (traditional vs. mockup-based modeling).ResultsFirst we comment on how agile features can be added to MDWE processes using mockups. Then, we show by means of a quantitative study that the proposed approach is faster, less error-prone and still as complete as traditional MDWE processes.ConclusionThe use of mockups to guide the MDWE process helps in the reduction of the development cycle as well as in the incorporation of agile practices in the model-driven workflow. Complete MDWE models can be built and generated by using lightweight modeling over User Interface mockups, and this process suggests being more efficient, in terms of errors and effort, than traditional modeling in MDWE.  相似文献   

动态服务聚合流程定义元模型及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
适应Web服务的动态变化性是流程驱动的服务聚合研究的一个重要内容,传统的工作流建模思想必须加以改进以适应这一新的应用需求。本文引入了服务结点和服务群的概念,从服务聚合的过程维和资源维出发定义了服务聚合流程定义元模型。在此基础上,基于扩展的工作流网提出了一种新的服务聚合流程/资源描述模型WSCP/R-net,有效解决了现有的基于基本工作流网的服务聚合建模技术所不能解决的不确定路径选择和服务的动态变化性问题。文章以城市危机应急处理的Web服务流程构建为例说明了WSCP/R-net应用的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   

Modelling, simulation, and visualisation together create the third branch of human knowledge on equal footing with theory and experiment. Model-Driven Development (MDD) has been proposed as a means to support the software development process through the use of a model-centric approach. The objective of this paper is to address the design of an architecture for scientific application that may execute as multithreaded computations, as well as implementations of the related shared data structures.

New version program summary

Program title: Growth09Catalogue identifier: ADVL_v3_0Program summary URL:http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/summaries/ADVL_v3_0.htmlProgram obtainable from: CPC Program Library, Queen's University, Belfast, N. IrelandLicensing provisions: Standard CPC licence, http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/licence/licence.htmlNo. of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 30 940No. of bytes in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 3 119 488Distribution format: tar.gzProgramming language: Embarcadero DelphiComputer: Intel Core Duo-based PCOperating system: Windows XP, Vista, 7RAM: more than 1 GBClassification: 4.3, 7.2, 6.2, 8, 14Catalogue identifier of previous version: ADVL_v2_1Journal reference of previous version: Comput. Phys. Comm. 180 (2009) 1219Subprograms used:
Cat IdTitleReference
ADUY_v4_0RHEED1DProcessCPC 999 (9999) 9999
Full-size table

Scientific computing is the field of study concerned with constructing mathematical models, numerical solution techniques and with using computers to analyse and solve scientific and engineering problems. Model-Driven Development (MDD) has been proposed as a means to support the software development process through the use of a model-centric approach. This paper surveys the core MDD technology that was used to develop an application that allows computation of the RHEED intensities dynamically for a disordered surface.

New version program summary

Program title: RHEED1DProcessCatalogue identifier: ADUY_v4_0Program summary URL:http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/summaries/ADUY_v4_0.htmlProgram obtainable from: CPC Program Library, Queen's University, Belfast, N. IrelandLicensing provisions: Standard CPC licence, http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/licence/licence.htmlNo. of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 31 971No. of bytes in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 3 039 820Distribution format: tar.gzProgramming language: Embarcadero C++ BuilderComputer: Intel Core Duo-based PCOperating system: Windows XP, Vista, 7RAM: more than 1 GBClassification: 4.3, 7.2, 6.2, 8, 14Catalogue identifier of previous version: ADUY_v3_0Journal reference of previous version: Comput. Phys. Comm. 180 (2009) 2394Does the new version supersede the previous version?: NoNature of problem: An application that implements numerical simulations should be constructed according to the CSFAR rules: clear and well-documented, simple, fast, accurate, and robust. A clearly written, externally and internally documented program is much easier to understand and modify. A simple program is much less prone to error and is more easily modified than one that is complicated. Simplicity and clarity also help make the program flexible. Making the program fast has economic benefits. It also allows flexibility because some of the features that make a program efficient can be traded off for greater accuracy. Making the program fast also has the benefit of allowing longer calculations with better resolution. The compromise between speed and accuracy has always posted one of the most troublesome challenges for the programmer. Almost all advances in numerical analysis have come about trying to reach these twin goals. Change in the basic algorithms will give greater improvements in accuracy and speed than using special numerical tricks or changing programming language. A robust program works correctly over a broad spectrum of input data.Solution method: The computational model of the program is based on the use of a dynamical diffraction theory in which the electrons are taken to be diffracted by a potential, which is periodic in the dimension perpendicular to the surface. In the case of a disordered surface we can use the proportional model of the scattering potential, in which the potential of a partially filled layer is taken to be the product of the coverage of this layer and the potential of a fully filled layer:

支持工作流动态变化的过程元模型   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43       下载免费PDF全文
支持动态可变并具备灵活性是人们在实际应用中对工作流管理系统提出的新要求,已有的相关研究工作都集中在对工作流中发生变化的某个具体问题上.提出了支持动态特性的工作流过程元模型,可以为动态过程模型的设计提供指导.从时间和工作流组成的过程级别两个角度分析了其动态特性的表现,扩展了工作流管理联盟的工作流元模型.扩展后的过程元模型在工作流的建立阶段力求将动态特性进行描述和定义,在工作流执行阶段可以根据已定义的动态属性,处理过程的变化情况.基于该元模型,工作流管理系统既具有灵活性,又有利于变化控制操作.  相似文献   

刘华  姜宏 《微机发展》2007,17(5):213-216
为了解决传统信息系统不能随着需求的改变而及时改变的问题,OMG提出了模型驱动体系(MDA)。平台无关模型(PIM)是模型驱动体系中最重要的一环,为了更好地建立信息系统的平台无关模型,提出了从信息系统的功能角度入手构建PIM。首先介绍了MDA框架下的信息系统开发过程,然后从模型构建的一般性要求出发,结合MDA框架下的信息系统开发的特点,提出了MDA框架下的信息系统开发过程的PIM功能元模型构建方法。为了验证了构建方法的正确性,最后基于XML语言实现了PIM功能元模型的构建。  相似文献   

知识管理建模是构建组织知识管理系统的基础.组织知识管理建模远比信息管理建模复杂,迫切需要建模工具的支持.从知识内容和管理两个层面分析提出知识管理的建摸需求,以此为依据建立知识管理元模型.组织知识管理元模型包括组织战略、组织结构、组织流程和组织知识地图四个子模型.为了方便建模工具的开发,用组织知识管理对象建模语言集成各子模型对应的建模语言.在此基础上实现了一个知识管理建模工具.  相似文献   

Web应用开发中的动态页面建模技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Web应用日趋复杂,动态页面是复杂性主要来源。文章研究Web应用中各种动态页面性质,分析其复杂性因素。针对其建模问题,探讨用例和动态页面之间的关系,为Web应用开发人员提供一种用例驱动的、符合UML规范的建模方法,并给出实例说明。  相似文献   

It is commonly known that most applications suffer from security holes that are sooner or later exploited. One reason is that for developers the term "security" is difficult to grasp. Many security properties exist and there are many methods to enforce them or to avoid implementing common vulnerabilities in applications. Ontologies can help to get an overview of web security and to structure this domain by relating relevant assets, methods, tools, security properties, vulnerabilities and threats (referred to as knowledge objects). In this paper, we present a novel ontology with a focus on secure web applications, called SecWAO. It is based on the Context model of SecEval, which is a domain model tailored to describe knowledge objects. By providing an overview, SecWAO supports teaching purposes and web developers when specifying security requirements or making design decisions.  相似文献   

随着业务需求的日渐庞大,构筑大规模web应用系统变得愈加复杂。各种Web应用框架的出现,为应用开发人员提供了相当多的便利。然而目前大多数的Web应用框架仅为Web应用定义了一个层次清晰、分工明确的编程模型,实现这个模型仍然需要手工编写大量代码,而且基于XML的页面流配置文件往往冗长而难以维护。针对这些问题,论文提出了一种页面流模型驱动的Web应用开发框架,它以页面流模型的设计为核心,根据需求分析定制应用的整体业务流程,并给出了支持该框架的Web应用开发工具PFlowWeb。最后介绍一个由PFlowWeb开发的基于Web的文件共享交换系统的应用案例。实践表明,运用该平台可以有效提高大中型Web应用系统的开发效率,增强系统的健壮性和可扩展性。  相似文献   

基于构件技术的应用框架元模型的研究   总被引:44,自引:2,他引:44       下载免费PDF全文
从应用框架构造和组成的角度,使用UML(unified modeling language,统一建模语言)符号体系,提出了框架元模型,给出了框架内部组成元素的语义,特别是对扩展点的表示和实现机制进行了详细的讨论.最后以电信综合营业系统框架为例,给出了框架元模型的一个实例,并给出了应用框架的复用方法.  相似文献   

Web engineering is a new research line in software engineering that covers the definition of processes, techniques, and models suitable for Web environments in order to guarantee the quality of results. The research community is working in this area and, as a very recent line, they are assuming the Model-Driven paradigm to support and solve some classic problems detected in Web developments. However, there is a lack in Web requirements treatment. This paper presents a general vision of Navigational Development Techniques (NDT), which is an approach to deal with requirements in Web systems. It is based on conclusions obtained in several comparative studies and it tries to fill some gaps detected by the research community. This paper presents its scope, its most important contributions, and offers a global vision of its associated tool: NDT-Tool. Furthermore, it analyzes how Web Engineering can be applied in the enterprise environment. NDT is being applied in real projects and has been adopted by several companies as a requirements methodology. The approach offers a Web requirements solution based on a Model-Driven paradigm that follows the most accepted tendencies by Web engineering.  相似文献   

以全面而统筹的眼光解决问题,则必须从局部分析不同的侧面,面向多视点的需求工程即为该理论的一个应用.多视点需求工程越来越受到重视,但是各视点间却缺少统一,这不仅不利于获取完整的系统需求,还导致需求变更困难等问题.为了解决以上问题,首先提出一个新的多视点建模过程框架,合理的建模框架有利于获取完整的系统需求.其次在多视点建模过程框架下建立追踪元模型,阐明系统需求在多视点元模型间的平稳过渡.最后结合需求追踪矩阵方法在追踪元模型间建立起追踪关系,进而通过计算变化追踪矩阵在需求变更时可以追踪到相关元素并进行更改,解决需求变更困难的问题.  相似文献   

论文针对企业实施EAI过程中的组织建模问题,提出一个集成化的企业组织元模型(IEOMM,IntegratedEnterpriseOrganizationMeta-Model)。IEOMM整合了企业目标、组织结构、过程及资源四个不同方面,并通过引入Agent等元素来消除人员变化对组织模型的影响,能够支持固定的、临时的、外部虚拟的组织单元及其混合结构。最后给出了部分的形式化语言描述。  相似文献   

为了提高电子商务系统开发效率,通过元建模机制提出一种电子商务开发的建模语言——EBP建模语言。EBP建模语言在UML上进行扩展,添加了MVC模式的电子商务元数据及SQL建模结构,实现了元数据的支撑框架,适用于支持模型驱动的网站开发和数据库应用。开发人员通过建模和设置元数据值,可获得应用框架与程序代码,快速有效地构建电子商务系统。  相似文献   

工作流元模型的研究与应用   总被引:75,自引:2,他引:75       下载免费PDF全文
赵文  胡文蕙  张世琨  王立福 《软件学报》2003,14(6):1052-1059
由于工作流技术具有在异构环境中处理复杂事务的能力,所以在科学研究、电子政务和商务等方面引起了广泛的关注,涌现出一些研究成果和产品.其中,大部分的研究集中于工作流的调度、与数据库和遗产系统的接口等技术方向,对工作流管理系统的体系结构、模型和定义语言等方面的研究相对来说比较薄弱.分析了工作流联盟的工作流元模型,并结合实际情况,对工作流元模型以及工作流定义语言作了适当的改进和扩展,以适应日益增长的业务过程的变化和新技术的应用.  相似文献   

时态工作流将时间作为一个维度引入工作流描述.通过对一个典型工作流元模型的分析,得出时态属性是工作流各要素及其关系的普遍属性;定义了时态信息的规范表示和一组时态数据演算,并对时态工作流中主要元素进行了形式化描述;用一个例子说明如何运用上述成果进行过程建模、并处理工作流中的时态数据.结论表明时态工作流能综合处理过程的效率问题和角色、数据、应用程序的时间有效性问题.  相似文献   

ContextThere are lots of approaches or methodologies in the Model-Driven Web Engineering (MDWE) context to develop Web Applications without reaching a consensus on the use of standards and scarcity of both, practical experience and tool support.ObjectiveModel-Driven Web Engineering (MDWE) methodologies are constantly evolving. Moreover, Quality is a very important factor to identify within a methodology as it defines processes, techniques and artifacts to develop Web Applications. For this reason, when analyzing a methodology, it is not only necessary to evaluate quality, but also to find out how to improve it. The main goal of this paper is to develop a set of Quality Characteristics and Sub-Characteristics for MDWE approaches based on ISO/IEC standards.MethodFrom the software products context, some widely standards proposed, such as ISO/IEC 9126 or ISO/IEC 25000, suggest a Quality Model for software products, although up to now, there are no standard methods to assess quality on MDWE methodologies. Such methodologies can be organized into Properties, thus, a methodology has artifacts, processes and techniques. Then, each item is evaluated through a set of appropriate Quality Characteristics, depending on its nature. This paper proposes to evaluate a methodology as a product itself.ResultsThis paper recommends a set of Quality Characteristics and Sub-Characteristics based on these standards in order to evaluate MDWE methodologies quality. Additionally, it defines an agile way to relate these Quality Sub-Characteristics to Properties with the sole purpose of not only analyzing, but also assessing and improving MDWE methodologies.ConclusionsThe application of these Quality Characteristics and Sub-Characteristics could promote efficiency in methodologies since this kind of assessment enhances both the understanding of strengths and weaknesses of approaches.  相似文献   

Although Web services provide abstractions for simplifying integration at lower levels of the interaction stacks, they don't yet help simplify integration at higher abstraction levels such as business-level interaction protocols. Using a model-driven framework for Web services life-cycle management, the authors help facilitate the scalable development and maintenance of service-oriented applications by analyzing and managing Web service business protocols. Instead of using simple black and white measures,they identify different classes of protocol compatibility and replaceability. They implemented this framework in a prototype platform called Service Mosaic.  相似文献   

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