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A theoretical and experimental study of transient heat transfer in the heating of an individual slab product, subjected to an air flow at a temperature of 50°C and a velocity of 1 m/s, is presented. Experimental temperature measurements at the centre of the slab product were made, and the experimental heat-transfer rates were derived from the temperature data. A simplified analytical technique, using the boundary condition of the third kind in transient heat transfer, was used to predict the theoretical heat transfer rates for two cases, the first considering that the heat transfer coefficient is a convective heat transfer coefficient, and the second considering that heat transfer coefficient is the sum of the convective and radiative heat transfer coefficients. The experimental heat-transfer rates were compared with the predictions for two cases, and a very good agreement was obtained.  相似文献   

Low cost coaxial surface junction thermocouples (CSJTs') have been fabricated in-house and calibrated to measure the transient surface temperature rise within a UNITEN's shock tube wall facility, consisting of K-type coaxial thermocouple elements. The aim of this paper is to explain the design technique of the CSJTs' and the difficulties that have occurred during the fabrication process. The microstructural analysis and the chemical characterization for these types of thermocouples have also been carried out to verify the surface morphology and to qualitatively evaluate the CSJT materials composition. The preliminary testing was performed to demonstrate the performance of these thermocouples to be used for measuring the surface temperatures and heat transfer rates under transient conditions. The preliminary results from shock tube tests have shown that these thermocouples have a time response on the order of microseconds and were suitable for making heat transfer measurements in highly transient conditions. It was concluded that the current construction technique produced gauges that were reliable, reproducible, rugged and inexpensive.  相似文献   

In recent years the requirement for reduction of energy consumption has been increasing to solve the problems of global warming and the shortage of petroleum resources. A latent heat recovery type heat exchanger is one of the effective methods of improving thermal efficiency by recovering latent heat. This paper described the heat transfer and pressure loss characteristics of a latent heat recovery type heat exchanger having a wing fin (fin pitch: 4 mm, fin length: 65 mm). These were clarified by measuring the exchange heat quantity, the pressure loss of heat exchanger, and the heat transfer coefficient between outer fin surface and gas. The effects of condensate behavior in the fins on heat transfer and pressure loss characteristics were clarified. Furthermore, the equations for predicting the heat transfer coefficient and pressure loss which are necessary in the design of the heat exchanger were proposed. ©2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res, 36(4): 215–229, 2007; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/htj.20154  相似文献   

The examination of exergy transfer characteristics caused by forced convective heat transfer through a duct with constant wall heat flux for thermally and hydrodynamic fully developed laminar and turbulent flows has been presented. The exergy transfer Nusselt number is put forward and the dependence relationships of the exergy transfer Nusselt number on the heat transfer Nusselt number, Reynolds number and Prandtl number are obtained. Expressions involving relevant variables for the local and mean convective exergy transfer coefficient, non-dimensional exergy flux and exergy transfer rate, etc. have been derived. By reference to a smooth duct, the numerical results of exergy transfer characteristics for fluids with different Prandtl number are obtained and the effect of the Reynolds number and non-dimensional cross-sectional position on exergy transfer characteristics is analyzed. In addition, the results corresponding to the exergy transfer and energy transfer are compared.  相似文献   

通过对封闭夹层空间内置加热盘管的传热性能的机理分析和数值模拟计算,讨论了夹层的结构及盘管供水的热力工况等因素对传热性能的影响,并进行了实验测试验证。结果表明,盘管夹层内由于对流和辐射的综合作用,传热效果比同条件下纯导热作用大得多,这种结构用于干式地板采暖,实现低品位供热技术上是完全可行的。  相似文献   

A study of heat transfer in a two-pass internal cooling passage of gas turbine airfoils is presented. Heat transfer measurements were performed with a transient technique using thermochromic liquid crystals. Flow temperature measurements along the channels are used to evaluate the heat transfer distribution. Thereby two methods are applied. The first uses the measured temperature histories directly and applies the superposition method for data evaluation. The second method analyses first the fluid temperature data using a simplified model and relates them to the average flow temperature at a given location. The results of both methods are compared.  相似文献   

A new microencapsulated phase change material slurry based on microencapsulated Rubitherm RT6 at high concentration (45% w/w) was tested. Some heat storage properties and heat transfer characteristics have been experimentally investigated in order to assess its suitability for the integration into a low temperature heat storage system for solar air conditioning applications. DSC tests were conducted to evaluate the cold storage capacity and phase change temperature range. A phase change interval of approximately 3 °C and a hysteresis behaviour of the enthalpy were identified. An experimental set-up was built in order to quantify the natural convection heat transfer occurring from a vertical helically coiled tube immersed in the phase change material slurry. First, tests were carried out using water in order to obtain natural convection heat transfer correlations. Then a comparison was conducted with the results obtained for the phase change material slurry. It was found that the values of the heat transfer coefficient for the phase change material slurry were higher than for water, under identical temperature conditions inside the phase change interval.  相似文献   

D. Makhanlall  L.H. Liu  H.C. Zhang 《Energy》2010,35(12):5151-5160
This paper concerns a SLA (second-law analysis) of transient radiative heat transfer in an absorbing, emitting and scattering medium. Based on Planck’s definition of radiative entropy, transient radiative entropy transfer equation and local radiative entropy generation in semitransparent media with uniform refractive index are derived. Transient radiative exergy transfer equation and local radiative exergy destruction are also derived based on Candau’s definition of radiative exergy. The analytical results are consistent with the Gouy–Stodola theorem of classical thermodynamics. As an application concerning transient radiative transfer, exergy destruction of diffuse pulse radiation in a semitransparent slab is studied. The transient radiative transfer equation is solved using the discontinuous finite element based discrete ordinates equation. Transient radiative exergy destruction is calculated by a post-processing procedure.  相似文献   

An experimental study was conducted to investigate transient local heat transfer around a bubble at onset of boiling on a thin glass heating plate immersed in saturated n-hexane at low pressure. Eight rapid response Cu-Ni thermocouples consisting of a vacuum deposited thin film were used to measure the temperature change of the heating surface. Simultaneous high-speed video photographs were also obtained. The surface temperatures near a nucleation site decreased rapidly owing to the evaporation of a thin layer (microlayer) of liquid formed beneath the bubble in the early period and the rate of bubble growth increased with increasing incipient boiling superheat (ΔTIB). The thickness of the microlayer decreased markedly with increasing ΔTIB. © 1998 Scripta Technica, Heat Trans Jpn Res, 26(7): 484–492, 1997  相似文献   

ThreeDimensionalTransientCoupledRadiativeConductiveHeatTransferinCylindersFilledwithSemi-TransparentMediawithComplicatedSurfa...  相似文献   

The main scope of this research is to study transient heat transfer based on combined peridynamic theory and classical model. The principle of the energy conservation is used to develop the governing equation in case of existing both classical and peridynamic heat transfer mechanisms. The integro‐differential equation is developed containing the classical coefficient of heat conduction and peridynamic kernel function. To solve the equation, a spectral method based on a series solution in accordance with Gelerkin approach is implemented. Trapezoidal method is employed to compute the integral terms. Implicit Euler method is used to numerically solve the problem in time domain. In part of numerical studies, different kernel functions are attributed to the peridynamic coefficient of heat transfer. Relevant constraints are applied for making equivalency between classical and each of the peridynamic kernel functions. To ensure the accuracy of the numerical results, adequate convergence analyses are conducted. The results related to a few cases are compared to relevant data reported in the open literature showing good agreements. Moreover, comparisons are made to observe probable variations versus time. In case studies, effects of the nonlocal range on the heat transfer were studied.  相似文献   

In recent years, the requirement for the reduction of energy consumption has been increasing to solve the problems of global warming and the shortage of petroleum resources. A latent heat recovery type heat exchanger is one of the effective methods for improving thermal efficiency by recovering latent heat. This paper describes the heat transfer and pressure loss characteristics of a latent heat recovery type heat exchanger having straight fins (fin length: 65 mm or 100 mm, fin pitch: 2.5 mm or 4 mm). These were clarified by measuring the exchange heat quantity, the pressure loss of the heat exchanger, and the heat transfer coefficient between the outer fin surface and gas. The effects of fin length and fin pitch on heat transfer and pressure loss characteristics were clarified. Furthermore, equations for predicting the heat transfer coefficient and pressure loss which are necessary for heat exchanger design were proposed. ©2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res, 36(4): 230– 247, 2007; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/htj.20153 Copyright © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

板式换热器传热和阻力特性的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用搭建的液-液型板式换热器试验平台,根据实验数据运用定性雷诺数法拟合出传热关联式,找出Nu与摩擦因子f之间的通用关系式,为板式换热器的设计计算提供了依据。运用传热量与功率的消耗比来评价板式换热器的性能,找出了影响其性能的主要因素,进一步澄清了单纯依靠提高流速来增加传热性能是不经济的。  相似文献   

对空气横掠片距不相等的叉排椭圆翅片管散热器的传热及阻力性能进行了试验研究,得到试件在一系列工况下的传热与管外流动阻力数据,并对试验数据进行分析计算,从总传热系数K中分离出管外空气侧的对流换热系数h,给出有工程应用价值的管外换热准则关系式及管外阻力准则关系式。认为椭圆管管外的平均换热效果优于圆管。在相同的流通截面积下椭圆管传热周边较长,换热面积相应增加,因此结构上允许布置得更紧凑。  相似文献   

In this paper, based on the fundamentals of thermodynamics and heat transfer, an analysis is made of the exergy transfer of convection heat transfer. Some exergy transfer differential equations are derived under constant thermophysical property and uncompressible laminar flow in the convection heat transfer process. Taking one‐ and two‐dimensional convection heat transfer as examples, respectively, the exergy functions are solved and calculated. Their results agree well with those results from thermodynamic analysis. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res, 36(2): 66–73, 2007; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience. wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/htj.20146  相似文献   

根据纵向涡强化传热技术提出了新型的强化换热管——锥形内肋管,运用数值模拟方法,研究了新型强化换热管结构参数锥底宽度a、导程P、肋深e和Re数对Nu、沿程阻力系数f及传热综合因子η的影响。结果表明:换热管内壁面边缘处产生了较多的微小涡流,有效破坏了流动边界层,强化了传热。在充分湍流的条件下,流体Re越小、e越小,其综合传热性能越强。当Re<15 000时,a对η的影响要大于P;在过渡点后, P对η影响较大。通过综合传热性能分析,给出了适合不同Re区间的锥形内肋优化参数。  相似文献   

Exergy method of optimization for the geometrical parameters of an air conditioning precooling air reheater with turbulent flow is developed in this paper. The method is based on exergy, economic analysis and optimization theory. As there are humid air streams involved in the heat transfer process, then there are irreversibilities or exergy destruction, which is due to pressure losses, temperature difference and specific humidity gradient. These principle components of total irreversibility are not independent and there is a trade‐off between them. Therefore, the purpose of this research paper is to study the effect of the geometry and the specific humidity of the two streams on the irreversibilities of a crossflow precooling air reheater dehumidifier. Also, the optimum balance between the three components of irreversibility is determined thereby giving the optimum solution for heat exchanger area. The total cost function is expressed on an annualized basis of the sum of the precooler capital cost and the running cost attributable to the precooler irreversibility. This total cost function is optimized in this paper according to the optimum heat transfer area and the total irreversibilities. Two optimum heat transfer areas were found for minimum total irreversibility and minimum total annual cost for a specific example. Finally, the relations between the typical operational variables such as heat transfer area, Reynolds numbers and the total annual cost for the precooler is developed and presented in graphs, which allow the calculation of the optimal heat transfer area, which gives the optimum irreversibility and minimum total annual cost. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

发电机空冷器传热与阻力特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着空冷汽轮发电机容量的增大,发电机内各部件的发热量也随之增加,空冷技术的重要性日益突出。但我国的空冷技术与国外相比还有一定差距,因此,利用循环风洞对几个特定结构参数的翅片式空冷器进行了模化试验研究,获得了空气侧传热与阻力特性的准则关系式,就试件结构参数对传热及阻力特性的影响机理做了详细的分析。试验结果不但为国产空冷器的性能与结构优化提供了计算方法,而且为空冷器制造企业实现自主研发提供了可靠的依据。  相似文献   

This paper reports the experimental and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modeling studies on heat transfer, friction factor and thermal performance of an air cooled heat exchanger equipped with three types of tube insert including butterfly, classic and jagged twisted tape. In the studied range of Reynolds number the maximum thermal performance factor was obtained by the butterfly insert with an inclined angle of 90°. The results have also revealed that the difference between the heat transfer rates obtained from employing the classic and jagged inserts reduces by decreasing the twist ratio. The CFD predicted results were used to explain the observed results in terms of turbulence intensity. In addition, good agreements between the predicted and measured Nu number as well as friction factor values were obtained.  相似文献   

沸腾传热的分形学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分形论是当代兴起的非线性科学的一个重要组成部分。简要地阐述了分形论形的特征,解释了几何学中的维和物理学中的量纲的不同涵义。把分形论分数维的概念扩展应用到沸腾传热中的非线性问题的分析中,结合沸腾传热的操作特征和基本原理,以沸腾传热中的推动力△Tsat作为一个动力学维,进行了q-△Tsat^Df的标绘;对Df的物理意义作了分析和探讨。  相似文献   

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