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软件工程课程具有很强的实践性,更易在创新性人才培养中取得教学成果。本文对在教学中培养学生创新能力的意义进行了分析和讨论,然后根据创新型人才的培养要求提出了三种具有实际指导意义的方法。  相似文献   

针对我国高等院校软件工程专业课程体系现状,结合目前软件行业发展趋势,分析软件工程应用型人才特点,对软件工程硕士教育、软件工程本科教育及软件技术高等职业教育应用型人才培养模式进行研究,从人才培养目标、课程体系建设、产学研结合平台搭建等角度分析应用型软件技术人才培养,旨在培养出高素质的软件工程专业应用型人才,为软件行业发展储备优秀人才资源。  相似文献   

针对现行的软件工程人才培养模式,提出并实施了以合作企业真实项目进行实训的方式,推动软件工程教学改革,加强学生动手能力的培养,让学生将所学到的理论知识在实践中加以运用,使学生在学期间就能具备软件开发的能力和经验,并利用所学到的知识为学校和社会服务,使学校能够为社会培养出更多、更好的具有一定实际经验的软件工程技术人才,从而满足社会及用人单位的需要。  相似文献   

<正> 软件产业作为当今世界上增长最快的朝阳产业,发展前景广阔。20世纪90年代以来,美国软件产业每年以12.5%的速度增长,几乎是整个美国国民经济增长率的2.5倍,已经成为继汽车和电子产业之后的第三大产业;2000年中国软件产值达到235亿元,年均增长率超过29.7%,大大超过硬件10%的同期增长速度。软件产业必将成为中国经济的支柱产业。  相似文献   

针对软件工程教学与重大工程实践联系不紧密、培养的人才缺乏解决软件开发中重难点关键问题能力的现状,提出并实践了关键问题驱动的实践创新能力培养模式,阐述了软件工程教学中对重大工程关键问题的抽象与提炼、各种关键问题与知识领域和实践活动的多维融合、问题驱动的创新思维能力培养等具体环节和方法,形成相对系统的培养过程和体系。  相似文献   

我校软件工程专业学生培养的思路   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文全面论述了我校软件工程专业的办学思路,在制定专业培养计划时以我国软件产业对人才的需求为导向,以知识、能力、素质培养为目标,确定课程体系和实践环节;在专业培养实施时强调教学手段与教学方法的改进,使培养计划的思路得到落实。  相似文献   

软件工程实训课程体系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
袁磊  黄健  宁彬 《计算机教育》2010,(22):138-141
软件工程实训已被越来越多的高校计算机专业软件工程方向或软件工程专业所采用。然而目前的软件工程实训教学还很不成熟,存在许多问题。分析目前软件工程实训存在的主要问题,提出实训应有相应的课程体系的观点,介绍了我校计算机专业对软件工程实训课程体系的探索和实践情况。通过两年的实践证明,所提出的课程体系是有效的,对于同类院校的软件工程实训有借鉴价值。  相似文献   

针对高等学校软件工程专业学生就业难的现象,分析了进行软件实训的必要性。以湖北文理学院软件实训为例,阐明了软件实训实施的三个阶段,指出了适合实训的考核方法。通过实训,学生获得了软件开发的实践经验,提高了就业质量。  相似文献   

软件工程专业实训基地的建设与实践   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
实训是目前解决学生就业过程中实践经验不足的有效方法,也是很多高校实践教学探索的一个热点。文章介绍了软件工程专业实训基地的建设及基地实训的过程和管理,对于提高学生的职业素质和专业技能有很大帮助,对开展实训教学工作的学校亦有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The first part of this paper reviews our efforts on knowledge-based software engineering, namely PROMIS, started from 1990s. The key point of PROMIS is to generate applications automatically based on domain knowledge as well as software knowledge. That is featured by separating the development of domain knowledge from the development of software. But in PROMIS, we did not find an appropriate representation for the domain knowledge. Fortunately, in our recent work, we found such a carrier for knowledge modules, i.e. knowware. Knowware is a commercialized form of domain knowledge. This paper briefly introduces the basic definitions of knowware, knowledge middleware and knowware engineering. Three life circle models of knowware engineering and the design of corresponding knowware implementations are given. Finally we discuss application system automatic generation and domain knowledge modeling on the J2EE platform, which combines the techniques of PROMIS, knowware and J2EE, and the development and deployment framework, i.e. PROMIS/KW**.  相似文献   

针对目前软件工程教学中重理论轻实践的现状,结合教学实践和软件研发的实际经验,提出项目驱动的启发式教学模式。实践表明,该教学模式的应用增强了课堂的互动性,激发了学员的积极性和主动性,提高了学员的软件研发能力,教学效果取得显著提高。  相似文献   

随着多媒体技术的快速发展,多媒体应用软件层出不穷。提出的多媒体软件工程把软件工程的思想和方法用于多媒体应用软件的开发过程,从而解决多媒体应用软件的"软件危机"问题。这对降低多媒体应用软件开发成本、改进软多媒体应用软件质量、提高多媒体应用软件开发效率具有重大意义。  相似文献   

工程应用软件开发中应注意的问题   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
分析了软件开发过程中存在的典型错误观点,说明了开发工程应用软件的过程管理与软件质量间存在的必然联系,指出了具有必要的管理手段并解决好软件开发中的关键问题是得到高质量软件的必要条件。提出了在工程应用软件开发过程管理中应着重从人、问题和过程这3个方面加以分析和考虑。  相似文献   

软件测试工程化的研究和实践   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
软件测试是保证软件产品质量的一种重要手段,软件测试工程化的管理对于提高软件测试效率、保证软件测试质量具有重要的作用.根据工程化管理的思想,分别对软件测试模型、测试人员要求、测试生命周期、软件问题管理和测试辅助工具等软件测试相关要素的工程化要求进行了研究,提出了一种实用有效的软件测试工程化管理方案,并结合一个具体的软件项目,描述了该软件测试工程化管理方案的成功应用情况.  相似文献   

In this article, we present a systematic mapping study of research on personality in software engineering. The goal is to plot the landscape of current published empirical and theoretical studies that deal with the role of personality in software engineering. We applied the systematic review method to search and select published articles, and to extract and synthesize data from the selected articles that reported studies about personality. Our search retrieved more than 19,000 articles, from which we selected 90 articles published between 1970 and 2010. Nearly 72% of the studies were published after 2002 and 83% of the studies reported empirical research findings. Data extracted from the 90 studies showed that education and pair programming were the most recurring research topics, and that MBTI was the most used test. Research related to pair programming, education, team effectiveness, software process allocation, software engineer personality characteristics, and individual performance concentrated over 88% of the studies, while team process, behavior and preferences, and leadership performance were the topics with the smallest number of studies. We conclude that the number of articles has grown in the last few years, but contradictory evidence was found that might have been caused by differences in context, research method, and versions of the tests used in the studies. While this raises a warning for practitioners that wish to use personality tests in practice, it shows several opportunities for the research community to improve and extend findings in this field.  相似文献   

Software engineering faculty face the challenge of educating future researchers and industry practitioners regarding the generation of empirical software engineering studies and their use in evidence-based software engineering. In order to engage the Net generation with this topic, we propose development and population of a community-driven Web database containing summaries of empirical software engineering studies. We also present our experience with integrating these activities into a graduate software engineering course. These efforts resulted in the creation of “SEEDS: Software Engineering Evidence Database System”. Graduate students initially populated SEEDS with 216 summaries of empirical software engineering studies. The summaries were randomly sampled and reviewed by industry professionals who found the student-written summaries to be at least as useful as professional-written summaries. In fact, 30% more of the respondents found the student-written summaries to be “very useful”. Motivations, student and instructor-developed prototypes, and assessments of the resulting artifacts will be discussed.  相似文献   

教育软件的开发一直缺少相适应的开发方法的研究。教育软件工程是近年来出现的崭新的研究方向,是软件工程和教育学相互融合深入的产物。首先从总体上讨论了教育软件的概念、教育软件工程在软件产品开发中和生存周期的关系,然后描述了当前应用的具有代表性的教育软件开发模型,最后是关于教育软件工程的未来研究课题内容、研究趋势整体框架和研究发展分层结构。  相似文献   



Comparing and contrasting evidence from multiple studies is necessary to build knowledge and reach conclusions about the empirical support for a phenomenon. Therefore, research synthesis is at the center of the scientific enterprise in the software engineering discipline.


The objective of this article is to contribute to a better understanding of the challenges in synthesizing software engineering research and their implications for the progress of research and practice.


A tertiary study of journal articles and full proceedings papers from the inception of evidence-based software engineering was performed to assess the types and methods of research synthesis in systematic reviews in software engineering.


As many as half of the 49 reviews included in the study did not contain any synthesis. Of the studies that did contain synthesis, two thirds performed a narrative or a thematic synthesis. Only a few studies adequately demonstrated a robust, academic approach to research synthesis.


We concluded that, despite the focus on systematic reviews, there is limited attention paid to research synthesis in software engineering. This trend needs to change and a repertoire of synthesis methods needs to be an integral part of systematic reviews to increase their significance and utility for research and practice.  相似文献   

针对目前在分布异构的大规模软件开发中难以高效地知晓信息和发现知识的问题,将语义网引入软件工程领域,对多源异构数据进行细粒度语义关联,提出本体构建、关联抽取和发现的方法,实现基于本体的软件工程关联数据的自动构建。该方法对软件工程本体进行概念抽取、合并、实例消解和属性消歧,从软件仓库结构化数据集中抽取出完整无冗余的关联数据;并采用同义词、动宾短语和结构关系三个特征利用自然语言处理(NLP)技术和信息检索(IR)技术从软件仓库中发现潜在的关联数据。实验结果表明,所提出的方法能从分布式软件工程数据集中自动构建和融合生成软件工程本体,并有效地发现潜在的关联数据将其扩充到软件工程本体中;与Baseline、Phraing和O-CSTI三种方法相比,关联数据发现的召回率、精准率和F值都有显著提高。  相似文献   

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