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在建筑能耗定额编制中,样本建筑能耗数据的准确性与其时效性界定密切相关,文中通过对几类典型公共建筑近3年和近1年的能耗数据进行各方面的统计分析对比,发现建筑本体状况的变化相比客观环境因素变化对建筑能耗产生的影响较大,综合考虑准确性和可操作性,建议取建筑近1年的能耗数据作为定额编制的统计样本.  相似文献   

GIS因其强大的分析、管理等功能,在风景园林规划设计领域的分析评价阶段应用日益广泛,其应用迅猛发展。目前的研究现状以单个案例或某个方面的研究为主,而对于该研究方向的整体情况论述较少,且前期研究距今时间较远。因此,总结近20年来GIS在风景园林领域的应用情况,将其划分为启蒙期、酝酿期、繁盛期3个阶段进行论述,重点介绍近5年的最新技术方法及成果运用。同时将研究内容上划分为传统领域和新兴领域,对传统领域的应用情况进行概述并指出其发展趋势,对新兴领域的应用情况进行探讨,最后指出现状存在的问题并作研究展望。  相似文献   

1 工程机械行业积极投身抢险救灾.凸显行业社会责任2008年年初的雪灾和"5·12"汶川大地震是大自然对中国的考验.灾难发生后,工程机械行业在第一时间向灾区伸出援助之手.特别是在"5·12"汶川大地震发生之后,众多的工程机械企业组织员工连同工程机械设备一起开赴灾区实施救援.据不完全统计,在"5·12"汶川大地震抗震救灾中,工程机械企业捐赠物资及现金超过2.8亿元,投入救灾用工程机械设备价值超过3亿元.  相似文献   

运算化时代的理论有必要通过运算化形式表达。今天大多数的数学问题是基于机器的处理。然而对于设计,我们更倾向于把电脑当作一种工具,而不是一个形成概念的媒介。关于设计的运算化理论,有必要是关于人类行动的理论。行动改变现状。设计是我们各种活动中固有的一个部分。关于设计的运算化概念有必要不成为过去某种理论的延续;它对立于那些受制于已有工具的思想。驾驭运算化设计的是意识到未来变数的希冀。设计不再被动地响应期待,而是以更积极的热情面对变化。信息处理已经构成了一种新的生态。设计正在变成一种变化的力量。  相似文献   

城市的大拆大建,是城市发展必然要经历的过程。只有珍惜过去,又不局限于过去,才能发展现在。在上海这个有着深厚历史积淀的城市,保存着许多有历史价值的老建筑,这些资料都是弥足珍贵的,一旦失去就很难弥补。因此,做好风貌建筑的历史考证和保护修缮是如今面临的一个重要的课题。  相似文献   

The legalization of casino gambling in 1976 by approval of the voters of New Jersey has attracted nearly $2.0 billion of private investment capital to Atlantic City. The opening of the first casino. Resorts International, was eagerly awaited as a step toward revitalizing the city. Four years and eight casinos later, it is quite apparent that the use of the casino gambling industry toward this end suffers from many of the same inadequacies as past renewal programs. As many studies have concluded, urban policies of the past failed to spread benefits to the urban poor and lower-income population (e.g., see Friedan and Kaplan, 1975; Weiss, 1980). The history of Atlantic City's decline offers a case study of how federal programs were unsuccessful in both addressing the causes of decline and aiding those most adversely affected by it. The evidence to date suggests that the direction of urban redevelopment in Atlantic City is presently following the pattern established by past programs. The legalization of casino gambling has spread its benefits unevenly, benefitting the already well-off while excluding the poor and elderly of the city.  相似文献   

In recent years, a number of case-control epidemiological studies have taken place and others are in progress to evaluate the lung cancer risk to the general population from exposure to radon and its short-lived progeny in the indoor residential environment. While it is actually long term exposure over past decades to radon progeny by inhalation that dominates lung doses, for a number of practical reasons it is radon gas that is measured in these studies. Because the risk from radon and its progeny results from cumulative exposure over past decades rather than from contemporary exposure, it is necessary to reconstruct the historical exposures of subjects. A number of factors limit the accuracy of this approach of which the following are perhaps the most important: the mobility and residential history of the subjects; radon exposures elsewhere; and changes that may have occurred in the radon levels in current and previous residences. Measurement techniques to assist in making more direct retrospective assessments of radon exposure have appeared in the recent past and are the subject of this paper. These are based on the measurement of the long-lived radon progeny 210Po trapped in household artefacts such as glass or porous and spongy materials. In vivo measurements of skeletal 210Pb in exposed persons is also a method that is currently being investigated as a means to assess historical exposures to radon. The advantages and disadvantages of these methods are described here as well as their potential in future radon epidemiological studies.  相似文献   

分析图书馆现存的PC终端部署维护成本高、硬件资源闲置、系统不够兼容等问题,介绍微软虚拟桌面服务相关技术,通过比较最终选择Remote App技术建设应用虚拟桌面服务系统,并通过需求分析与方案设计、虚拟计算资源池建设、前端应用服务器搭建、客户端部署、系统应用等尝试对馆内PC客户端进行虚拟化改造,实现对应用终端的统一管理、按需分配。结果表明:微软虚拟桌面服务在简化终端管理的同时,也使传统桌面虚拟化及其他应用虚拟化产品中存在的对计算资源要求较高或外设兼容性不强等问题得到较好的解决。  相似文献   

True scale models of vertical-axis wind turbines do not function at the small scales which are necessary for turbine array simulation. In past model tests vertical-axis wind turbines have been viewed as devices which have a given drag coefficient and a certain intensity of turbulence in their wakes. These features were modelled in the wind tunnel by stationary simulators when the optimum spacing in vertical-axis wind-turbine arrays was studied.In this paper, it is suggested that rotating vertical-axis machines may be spaced more closely than indicated by past model tests, owing to the enhanced mixing of laterally deflected wakes with the surrounding flow. This wake deflection has not been modelled in the past.In the present study the mean flow energy content of the boundary layer was measured in a wind tunnel downstream of groups of stationary simulators when the turbulence intensity and the drag were modelled both with and without reproduction of the deflected wake of rotating machines. Comparison of the results shows the mean flow energy content of the boundary layer to be up to ~ 10% higher when wake deflection is reproduced. The results of past model tests are expected, therefore, to be conservative.  相似文献   

介绍了圆钢管混凝土结构的特点,并系统阐述了我国近几十年对圆钢管混凝土结构的研究现状.指出了圆钢管混凝土结构的研究方向和应用前景.  相似文献   

运用先进的软件开发平台和开发工具 ,对煤矿过去建成的水文地质数据库 ,进行升级改造 ,使之适应新的形式和条件 ,满足信息化时代生产矿井对数据信息的要求 ,本文对这一思路进行了探讨 ,并在部分矿井进行了实施  相似文献   

对于复杂、环境要求严格的大中型基坑工程的施工,往往难从以往的经验中得到借鉴,也难以从理论上找到定量分析、预测的方法,这就必须依赖于施工过程中的现场监测。通过某深大基坑施工监测,介绍了基坑监测及信息反馈的重要性。  相似文献   

该文回顾了过滤技术的发展过程,详细介绍了近年出现的新型过滤技术及其实施案例——转盘滤池和移动冲洗竖片滤池的原理、优点、不足及应用效果。  相似文献   

高飞  张宝玉  罗立高 《山西建筑》2010,36(13):267-268
通过对以往确定公路网合理发展规模的模型进行分析,剖析其特点及不足,并采用一种评价相对有效性的数据包络分析来确定公路网的合理发展规模,结果表明与其他方法相比,用DEA模型所求得的公路网合理发展规模更加客观、合理。  相似文献   

Measuring the product innovation process   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The pressure on industry to develop better quality products faster is greater today than it has ever been in the past. Progressively over the past decade the rate of new product launches has increased as companies and nations jostle for superiority. Product development time has become a major source of competitive advantage. At the organisational level the number of new product launches a company achieves is very visible, easy to measure and widely understood. However, measures suitable for quantifying parts of the process are less obvious and clear. This article introduces some of the problems and pitfalls that are there to be found and offers a structured top-down approach to designing a measurement system  相似文献   

Puerto Rico's architectural legacy and struggle with modernity is found in the confrontation between the colonial period and the recent past. This conflict is revealed in the plan to replace the modernist icon, the Hotel La Concha in San Juan, with a revivalist "Hispanic" complex. In spite of the latter supposedly being more "Puerto Rican," it is the modern building from the recent past, rather than the new revival model, that is truly authentic. The proposed development copies an invented style imposed by the United States on the island after its conquest one hundred years ago. However, rather than acknowledging the presence of architecture built by the Spanish in Puerto Rico, the project revives the architecture of American colonization.  相似文献   

中国文化遗产保护三十年   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
中国文化遗产保护在过去三十年中已发生了飞跃式的历史跨越,从一个相对封闭,侧重历史研究、考证的学术领域,发展成为一个对社会、文化、经济建设产生着深刻影响,同时具有越来越强的实践意义的领域,也在推动国际文化遗产保护发展方面成为一支越来越重要的力量。  相似文献   

本文论述了空气源热泵地板空调采暖在过去5年中成功的工程实践及在建筑节能中的重要性和有效性。文章还论述了具有独创技术的空气源热泵热水器及热水装置在过去5年的实践中表现出卓越的节能效益。  相似文献   

生产实习对于土木工程专业的本科生具有重要意义,是承前启后的一个关键环节,"前"指大学前三年的专业理论知识学习,"后"指大四将要开展的部分专业课、毕业设计以及毕业后的工程实践。笔者结合带学生生产实习的经历,着重论述了对土木工程专业生产实习模式改革的探索和思考,并对存在的问题提出了相应的解决方法或建议,以期为土木工程专业本科生全面掌握、充分吸收课程的精髓提供参考。  相似文献   

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