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The mechanism of DNA mismatch repair has been modeled upon biochemical studies of the E. coli DNA adenine methylation-instructed pathway where the initial recognition of mismatched nucleotides is performed by the MutS protein. MutS homologs (MSH) have been identified based on a highly conserved region containing a Walker-A adenine nucleotide binding motif. Here we show that adenine nucleotide binding and hydrolysis by the human mismatch recognition complex hMSH2-hMSH6 functions as a novel molecular switch. The hMSH2-hMSH6 complex is ON (binds mismatched nucleotides) in the ADP-bound form and OFF in the ATP-bound form. These results suggest a new model for the function of MutS proteins during mismatch repair in which the switch determines the timing of downstream events.  相似文献   

Characterization of virus-specific immune responses to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) is important to understanding the early virus-host interactions that may determine the course of virus infection and disease. Using a comprehensive panel of serological assays, we have previously demonstrated a complex and lengthy maturation of virus-specific antibody responses elicited by attenuated strains of SIV that was closely associated with the development of protective immunity. In the present study, we expand these analyses to address several questions regarding the nature of the virus-specific antibody responses to pathogenic SIV, SIV/HIV-1 (SHIV), and HIV-1 infections. The results demonstrate for the first time a common theme of antibody maturation to SIV, SHIV, and HIV-1 infections that is characterized by ongoing changes in antibody titer, conformational dependence, and antibody avidity during the first 6 to 10 months following virus infection. We demonstrate that this gradual evolution of virus-specific antibody responses is independent of the levels of virus replication and the pathogenicity of the infection viral strain. While the serological assays used in these studies were useful in discriminating between protective and nonprotective antibody responses during evaluation of vaccine efficacy with attenuated SIV, these same assays do not distinguish the clinical outcome of infection in pathogenic SIV, SHIV, or HIV-1 infections. These results likely reflect differences in the immune mechanisms involved in mediating protection from virus challenge compared to those that control an established viral infection, and they suggest that additional characteristics of both humoral and cellular responses evolve during this early immune maturation.  相似文献   

We studied human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Nef protein biochemically and histologically. HIV-1 Nef, derived from baculosystem and from cells infected with HIV-1, formed homomeric monomers, dimers, trimers, and further polymers. These oligomers were non-covalently associated. In cells infected with HIV-1, Nef molecules were clustered at the cell surface as well as cytoplasm. Our previous results have indicated that the Nef on the surface of cells infected with HIV-1 is cytotoxic against uninfected CD4+ T cells. Thus, it is very likely that the HIV-1-mediated cytotoxic reaction is due, at least in part, to the clustered localization of oligomeric Nef on the cell surface.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV) is cultured more often from seminal cells than seminal plasma. Because vasectomy causes dramatic reductions in seminal cells and also eliminates secretions from proximal sites in the male reproductive tract, vasectomy may change the potential infectiousness of semen. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We used polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays to measure HIV ribonucleic acid (RNA) in seminal plasma and HIV deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in seminal cells from 46 asymptomatic, seropositive men before and after vasectomy. RESULTS: HIV RNA levels in semen correlated only weakly with blood levels (r = 0.22, p = 0.03). Of 183 semen specimens assayed for cell-free HIV RNA and proviral DNA 37 (20%) were positive for HIV RNA only, 41 (22%) were positive for HIV DNA only, and 18 (10%) were positive for RNA and DNA. Thus, detection of HIV RNA in seminal plasma was not associated with detection of HIV DNA in seminal cells. HIV RNA was present in 23 of 82 specimens (28%) (mean 2.87 log copies/ml.) before vasectomy and in 38 of 121 specimens (31%) after vasectomy (mean 2.81 log copies/ml.). CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that direct measurement of HIV levels in semen is necessary to assess the potential for sexual transmission, most cell-free HIV in seminal plasma arises distal to the vas deferens, and vasectomy may have minimal impact on the infectiousness of HIV seropositive men on sexual partners.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: HIV-1 shows high genetic variability, mainly in the genomic region codifying the envelope proteins, which are the most immunogenic. This fact explains the high heterogeneity of antibodies against HIV-1 epitopes. Both genetic and serologic diversity has allowed to classify HIV-1 variants in several subtypes (genotypes and serotypes, respectively). The clinical and epidemiological significance of infection caused by each subtype remains to be clarified. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Serum samples from 154 HIV-seropositive individuals living in Madrid were studied. Serotyping was performed using 4 peptides belonging to the V3 env region. Epidemiological and clinical variables examined in these patients were the route of infection, the year in which HIV infection occurred, the country of birth, and the rate of disease progression (rapid versus slow). RESULTS: 148 (96.2%) samples could be serotyped, and the B class was recognized in 131 (88.5%) of them. Serotype A/C was found in 9 (6.1%). Two samples (1.3%) reacted to peptide E; however, both were also reactive against the B peptide, suggesting co-infection with B and E subtypes. Six samples were EIA-reactive for HIV-1/2 but were typed as HIV-2 alone. Infection with serotypes A/C was more frequent amongst immigrants, mainly in Africans. There was not association between any subtype and the route of infection neither a different rate of disease progression. CONCLUSION: HIV-1 serotype B is the most frequently found in HIV-seropositive individuals living in Madrid, without association with the route of infection or the clinical course of the disease. Serotypes A/C and E were found sporadically, mainly among immigrants.  相似文献   

The nuclear carbohydrate-binding protein 35 (CBP35), a beta-galactoside-specific lectin with an M(r) of 35,000, has been identified in nuclear ribonucleoprotein complexes (RNPs) from a variety of mammalian tissues and cells. Here we determined that the expression of CBP35 mRNA greatly increases after infection of Molt-3 cells with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), concomitantly with the onset of expression of the viral regulatory gene tat, and then declines. The increase in CBP35 mRNA level results in an enhanced synthesis of CBP35, as evidenced in nitrocellulose filter binding assay using radiolabeled, sugar-specific neoglycoprotein. Immunoblotting experiments showed that CBP35 is present in the 40S heterogeneous nuclear RNP complex from HIV-1-infected Molt-3 cells. CBP35 could also be detected using a novel photoreactive alpha-D-galactose probe designed for the specific detection of CBP.  相似文献   

The design, synthesis, and molecular modeling studies of a novel series of azacyclic ureas, which are inhibitors of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) protease that incorporate different ligands for the S1', S2, and S2' substrate-binding sites of HIV-1 protease are described. The synthesis of this series is highly flexible in the sense that the P1', P2, and P2' residues of the inhibitors can be changed independently. Molecular modeling studies on the phenyl ring of the P2 and P2' ligand suggested incorporation of hydrogen-bonding donor/acceptor groups at the 3' and 4-positions of the phenyl ring should increase binding potency. This led to the discovery of compound 7f (A-98881), which possesses high potency in the HIV-1 protease inhibition assay and the in vitro MT-4 cell culture assay (Ki = approximately 5 pM and EC50 = 0.002 microM). This compares well with the symmetrical cyclic urea 1 pioneered at DuPont Merck.  相似文献   

We have examined the feasibility of using interferon (IFN) gene transfer as a novel approach to anti-human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) therapy in this study. To limit expression of a transduced HIV-1 long terminal repeat (LTR)-IFNA2 (the new approved nomenclature for IFN genes is used throughout this article) hybrid gene to the HIV-1-infected cells, HIV-1 LTR was modified. Deletion of the NF-kappa B elements of the HIV-1 LTR significantly inhibited Tat-mediated transactivation in T-cell lines, as well as in a monocyte line, U937. Replacement of the NF-kappa B elements in the HIV-1 LTR by a DNA fragment derived from the 5'-flanking region of IFN-stimulated gene 15 (ISG15), containing the IFN-stimulated response element, partially restored Tat-mediated activation of LTR in T cells as well as in monocytes. Insertion of this chimeric promoter (ISG15 LTR) upstream of the human IFNA2 gene directed high levels of IFN synthesis in Tat-expressing cells, while this promoter was not responsive to tumor necrosis factor alpha-mediated activation. ISG15-LTR-IFN hybrid gene inserted into the retrovirus vector was transduced into Jurkat and U937 cells. Selected transfected clones produced low levels of IFN A (IFNA) constitutively, and their abilities to express interleukin-2 and interleukin-2 receptor upon stimulation with phytohemagglutinin and phorbol myristate acetate were retained. Enhancement of IFNA synthesis observed upon HIV-1 infection resulted in significant inhibition of HIV-1 replication for a period of at least 30 days. Virus isolated from IFNA-producing cells was able to replicate in the U937 cells but did not replicate efficiently in U937 cells transduced with the IFNA gene. These results suggest that targeting IFN synthesis to HIV-1-infected cells is an attainable goal and that autocrine IFN synthesis results in a long-lasting and permanent suppression of HIV-1 replication.  相似文献   

Although typical primary isolates of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) are relatively neutralization resistant, three human monoclonal antibodies and a small number of HIV-1(+) human sera that neutralize the majority of isolates have been described. The monoclonal antibodies (2G12, 2F5, and b12) represent specificities that a putative vaccine should aim to elicit, since in vitro neutralization has been correlated with protection against primary viruses in animal models. Furthermore, a neutralization escape mutant to one of the antibodies (b12) selected in vitro remains sensitive to neutralization by the other two (2G12 and 2F5) (H. Mo, L. Stamatatos, J. E. Ip, C. F. Barbas, P. W. H. I. Parren, D. R. Burton, J. P. Moore, and D. D. Ho, J. Virol. 71:6869-6874, 1997), supporting the notion that eliciting a combination of such specificities would be particularly advantageous. Here, however, we describe a small subset of viruses, mostly pediatric, which show a high level of neutralization resistance to all three human monoclonal antibodies and to two broadly neutralizing sera. Such viruses threaten antibody-based antiviral strategies, and the basis for their resistance should be explored.  相似文献   

The core domain of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) integrase (IN) contains a D,D(35)E motif, named for the phylogenetically conserved glutamic acid and aspartic acid residues and the invariant 35 amino acid spacing between the second and third acidic residues. Each acidic residue of the D,D(35)E motif is independently essential for the 3'-processing and strand transfer activities of purified HIV-1 IN protein. Using a replication-defective viral genome with a hygromycin selectable marker, we recently reported that a mutation at any of the three residues of the D,D(35)E motif produces a 10(3)- to 10(4)-fold reduction in infectious titer compared with virus encoding wild-type IN (A. D. Leavitt et al., J. Virol. 70:721-728. 1996). The infectious titer, as measured by the number of hygromycin-resistant colonies formed following infection of cells in culture, was less than a few hundred colonies per microg of p24. To understand the mechanism by which the mutant virions conferred hygromycin resistance, we characterized the integrated viral DNA in cells infected with virus encoding mutations at each of the three residues of the D,D(35)E motif. We found the integrated viral DNA to be colinear with the incoming viral genome. DNA sequencing of the junctions between integrated viral DNA and host DNA showed that (i) the characteristic 5-bp direct repeat of host DNA flanking the HIV-1 provirus was not maintained, (ii) integration often produced a deletion of host DNA, (iii) integration sometimes occurred without the viral DNA first undergoing 3'-processing, (iv) integration sites showed a strong bias for a G residue immediately adjacent to the conserved viral CA dinucleotide, and (v) mutations at each of the residues of the D,D(35)E motif produced essentially identical phenotypes. We conclude that mutations at any of the three acidic residues of the conserved D,D(35)E motif so severely impair IN activity that most, if not all, integration events by virus encoding such mutations are not IN mediated. IN-independent provirus formation may have implications for anti-IN therapeutic agents that target the IN active site.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Adults infected by HIV have increased susceptibility to Mycobacterium tuberculosis and progress more rapidly to disease. HIV and tuberculosis (TB) coinfection in children has been reported but often lacks bacterial confirmation. We report on the clinical picture, special investigations, clinical course and outcome of 14 children with HIV infection and culture-confirmed TB from a developing country. METHODS: The clinical records of all children, from 1992 to 1997, with HIV infection and culture-proved TB were reviewed. RESULTS: Fourteen (10.4%) of 135 children with vertically transmitted HIV infection, 93% <2 years of age, fit the criteria. Nonresolving pneumonia (4) and otorrhoea (6) were common complaints. A Mantoux test was positive (> or =15 mm) in 6 of 11 children. Extrapulmonary TB was present in 5 cases. Ear swabs were the source of M. tuberculosis culture in 3. Chest radiographs were abnormal in all with hilar and paratracheal lymphadenopathy present in 7. A source case with pulmonary TB was identified for 10. Susceptibility tests were done on 9 strains of which 1 was drug-resistant. Four children were culture-positive 4 to 10 months after initiation of TB treatment. Mortality was 21% and 3 were lost to follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: In HIV-infected children the Mantoux skin test remains useful and culture specimens should be obtained from all sources. Response to treatment is unpredictable, and for this reason repeated cultures should be taken during treatment and a 9-month course of treatment considered.  相似文献   

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