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Registration is a prerequisite for fusion of geometrically distorted images. Traditionally, intensity-based image registration methods are preferred to feature-based ones due to higher accuracy of the former than that of the latter. To reduce computational load, image registration is often carried out using the approximate-level coefficients of a wavelet-like transform. Directional selectivity of the transform and the objective function used for the coefficients play vital roles in the alignment process of images. This paper introduces an image registration algorithm that uses the approximate-level coefficients of the curvelet transform, directional selectivity of which is better than many wavelet-like transforms. A conditional entropy-based objective function is developed for registration using a suitable probabilistic model of the curvelet coefficients of images. Suitability of the probability distribution of the coefficients is validated using a standard method to assess goodness of fit. To align the distorted images, the affine transformation that possesses parameters related to the translation, rotation, scaling, and shearing is used. Extensive experimentations are carried out to test the performance of the proposed registration method considering that the images are synthetically or naturally distorted. Experimental results show that performance of the proposed registration method is superior to existing methods in terms of commonly used performance metrics.  相似文献   

The curvelet transform for image denoising   总被引:155,自引:0,他引:155  
We describe approximate digital implementations of two new mathematical transforms, namely, the ridgelet transform and the curvelet transform. Our implementations offer exact reconstruction, stability against perturbations, ease of implementation, and low computational complexity. A central tool is Fourier-domain computation of an approximate digital Radon transform. We introduce a very simple interpolation in the Fourier space which takes Cartesian samples and yields samples on a rectopolar grid, which is a pseudo-polar sampling set based on a concentric squares geometry. Despite the crudeness of our interpolation, the visual performance is surprisingly good. Our ridgelet transform applies to the Radon transform a special overcomplete wavelet pyramid whose wavelets have compact support in the frequency domain. Our curvelet transform uses our ridgelet transform as a component step, and implements curvelet subbands using a filter bank of a; trous wavelet filters. Our philosophy throughout is that transforms should be overcomplete, rather than critically sampled. We apply these digital transforms to the denoising of some standard images embedded in white noise. In the tests reported here, simple thresholding of the curvelet coefficients is very competitive with "state of the art" techniques based on wavelets, including thresholding of decimated or undecimated wavelet transforms and also including tree-based Bayesian posterior mean methods. Moreover, the curvelet reconstructions exhibit higher perceptual quality than wavelet-based reconstructions, offering visually sharper images and, in particular, higher quality recovery of edges and of faint linear and curvilinear features. Existing theory for curvelet and ridgelet transforms suggests that these new approaches can outperform wavelet methods in certain image reconstruction problems. The empirical results reported here are in encouraging agreement.  相似文献   

Gray and color image contrast enhancement by the curvelet transform   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
We present a new method for contrast enhancement based on the curvelet transform. The curvelet transform represents edges better than wavelets, and is therefore well-suited for multiscale edge enhancement. We compare this approach with enhancement based on the wavelet transform, and the multiscale retinex. In a range of examples, we use edge detection and segmentation, among other processing applications, to provide for quantitative comparative evaluation. Our findings are that curvelet based enhancement out-performs other enhancement methods on noisy images, but on noiseless or near noiseless images curvelet based enhancement is not remarkably better than wavelet based enhancement.  相似文献   

基于均匀离散曲波变换的多聚焦图像融合   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
利用均匀离散曲波变换(UDCT)多尺度、多方向、低冗余等特征,提出了一种新的多聚焦图像融合方法。首先使用UDCT对源图像进行多频带分解;然后根据多聚焦图像的特点,对分解后的低频子带系数运用一种基于改进拉普拉斯和算子的方案进行融合,对高频方向子带系数运用基于局部能量的融合规则进行融合,并对融合系数做一致性检测;最后重建各子带系数得到融合图像。实验结果表明:所提方法可以有效地融合源图像中的方向信息和细节特征,同时抑制了融合图像中的伪Gibbs现象;与基于拉普拉斯金字塔分解、小波变换以及轮廓波变换的图像融合方法相比,该方法取得了更好的视觉效果和量化结果。  相似文献   

基于Curvelet变换的SAR与可见光图像融合研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
提出了一种基于Curvelet变换的合成孔径雷达(SAR)与可见光图像融合方法,设计了一种有效抑制噪声并充分保留源图像重要特征的融合规则。采用偏差指数、相关系数及等效视数指标对融合效果进行评价。实验证明,该方法明显优于基于小波和Ridgelet变换的融合方法。  相似文献   

基于曲波变换的遥感图像融合研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
李晖晖  郭雷  刘坤 《光电子.激光》2008,19(3):400-403,411
以SAR与可见光图像、多光谱与全色图像为研究对象,提出了一种基于曲波变换的遥感图像融合方法.首先将图像进行曲波变换,然后在不同的频率域利用融合规则融合曲波系数,最后通过重构得到融合图像.采用均方误差、偏差指数等指标对融合效果进行了客观评价,并与基于小波变换的融合进行了比较.实验结果表明,该方法在保留原始图像重要信息、抑制噪声能力方面均优于小波变换方法.  相似文献   

针对掌部静脉红外影像信噪比低、对比度不高、难以实现准确特征提取的情况,提出一种基于多尺度镜像曲波变换的掌部静脉影像增强新方法.基于多尺度曲波系数表达能力的剖析,该方法完全抑制了噪声高、特征信息少的高频子带系数,在去噪的同时非线性增强了细节特征丰富的中频子带系数,拉伸了反映影像整体对比度的低频子带系数.实验表明,该方法主观视觉评价和客观评价指数都显著提高,有效增强了低对比度掌部静脉红外影像特征,提高了影像信噪比和信息熵,其对静脉边缘特征的表达能力更优于双正交小波增强和直方图均衡化方法.  相似文献   

一种基于Curvelet变换的图像融合新算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于Curvelet变换提出了一种新的融合算法.首先将图像进行Curvelet 变换,然后对粗尺度系数和细尺度系数采用不同的融合规则将Curvelet 系数融合,最后进行重构得到融合结果.对得到的融合图像进行了主客观评价和对比,实验结果表明,本文方法得到的融合图像,在熵、均方误差(MSE)、峰值信噪比(PSNR)和相似度等客观指标上都优于其他方法.  相似文献   

王珺楠  邱欢  张丽娟  李阳  刘颖 《液晶与显示》2017,32(11):905-913
为了提高湍流图像的空间分辨率,提出了一种基于小波域Curvelet变换(wavelet domain Curvelet transform,WDCT)的湍流图像去噪算法。该算法根据湍流退化图像噪声的统计特性,结合贝叶斯萎缩方法优化阈值选择。首先,对含噪湍流图像进行单层二维离散小波变换,接着提取高频系数并对它作快速离散Curvelet变换,最后根据贝叶斯准则估计阈值T,改进阈值的自适应选取方法,获得最优阈值,最后给出湍流图像去噪实现过程。为验证本文算法,根据客观评价标准峰值信噪比(peak signal to noise ratio,PSNR)和均方根误差(mean square error,MSE),对模拟图像和实测湍流图像进行去噪实验。与DWT-NABayesShrink算法、UWT算法相比,视觉效果更好,PSNR值分别提高7.27%和4.92%,MSE值分别降低26.3%和23.1%。本文算法得到较清晰的目标图像,对湍流退化图像去噪有一定的应用价值。  相似文献   

周慧  陈澎 《电讯技术》2019,59(1):27-32
溢油事故带来的海洋污染问题日益严重,SAR图像快速准确地自动识别为溢油事故的处理和决策支持提供了重要前提。为了获得更高的油膜识别准确率,提出了一种基于曲波变换(Curvelet)和局部线性嵌入(Local Linear Embedding,LLE)算法的SAR图像特征提取方法。首先,利用Curvelet对图像进行分解,选取包含了主要信息的低频分量作为新的图像矩阵;然后,利用LLE进行非线性降维,提取图像分类特征。为了验证提取特征的有效性,所提的Curvelet-LLE算法与PCA、LLE、等距特征映射(Isomap)、Curvelet变换和 Fisher 判别分析(Curvelet-KFD)、Wavelet-LLE等特征提取算法,利用K最近邻和支持向量机分类器分别进行了对比实验。实验结果表明,Curvelet-LLE算法能更有效地提取SAR图像油膜识别的分类鉴别特征,其准确率相对较高,具有较好的实用性。  相似文献   

基于二代curvelet与wavelet变换的自适应图像融合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周爱平  梁久祯 《激光与红外》2010,40(9):1010-1016
针对同一场景红外图像与可见光图像的融合问题,提出了一种基于二代curvelet与wavelet变换的自适应图像融合算法。首先对源图像进行快速离散curvelet变换,得到不同尺度与方向下的粗尺度系数和细尺度系数;根据红外图像与可见光图像的不同物理特性以及人类视觉系统特性,对不同尺度与方向下的粗尺度系数和细尺度系数采用基于离散小波变换的图像融合方法,在小波域中,对低频系数采用基于红外图像与可见光图像的不同物理特性的自适应融合规则,对高频系数采用基于邻域方向对比度与局部区域匹配度相结合的自适应融合规则,然后进行小波逆变换得到融合的curvelet系数;最后,进行快速离散curvelet逆变换得到融合图像。实验结果表明,该方法能够更加有效、准确地提取图像中的特征,是一种有效可行的图像融合算法。  相似文献   

李欣  张文茂  曾启林 《激光与红外》2011,41(9):1045-1048
重点研究了Curvelet变换的去噪原理及方法,并结合ESPI条纹图中散斑乘性噪声的特性,提出了改进的Curvelet变换去噪方法,即在去噪之前,先将图像进行对数变换,使得乘性噪声变成加性噪声,然后再进行Curvelet变换去噪,这样会更有利于噪声与边缘信息的分离。并把该方法应用在对轮胎的激光无损检测图像处理系统中,实验结果表明该方法在有效去除散斑噪声的同时,较好地保持了条纹图的边缘细节信息。  相似文献   

提出了基于数学形态学的幻想脸重建算法,设计了表达图像特征的张量结构,介绍了幻想脸的重建步骤.算法首先将待重建图像的整体特征按区域分块形成特征模板,然后用这些特征模板在低频特征集中搜索特征距离最小的邻域,最后把该邻域对应的高频信息通过最优化的线性组合分块实现人脸图像的超分辨率重建.实验结果表明,该算法获得的图像视觉效果明显改善,峰值信噪比(PSNR)高于其它算法2.6 dB以上.  相似文献   

探地雷达直达波衰减的Curvelet变换方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对探地雷达信号处理中直达波衰减问题,提出了一种基于Curvelet变换的直达波衰减方法.该方法首先将原始信号变换到Curvelet域,通过直达波在Curvelet域的分布特点,得到其Curvelet系数,并对其进行重构,最后在总信号中减去重构的直达波信号得到有效信号.在处理过程中,利用Curvelet域分尺度阈值处理方法同时可以滤除随机噪声.通过对实测数据的处理和分析,验证了该方法的可行性和有效性,并且证实了该方法与2-D连续小波变换方法相比具有占有存储少和计算速度快的特点.  相似文献   

小波变换是当前图像处理、应用数学和工程学科中一个迅速发展的领域,它具有多分辨率分析的特性,同时又在变换域有表征信号局部特征的能力,能有效地从信号中提取信息。本课题以MATLAB作为平台,研究小波变换的mallet算法,对一维离散采样信号进行滤波和重采样,并扩展到多维信号中。根据算法结果,对图像进行小波分解,重构其近似信...  相似文献   

This paper presents a new algorithm for reconstructing a scene of three-dimensional structures from an image sequence. Three-dimensional reconstruction using an image sequence, called the spatiotemporal image method, is robust against image noises. But in this method, camera motion is limited to only one direction translation. Our algorithm makes allowances for camera rotation in spatiotemporal image analysis. With this technique, the whole spatiotemporal image is transformed to spherical projection and three-dimensional structures are determined robustly using the Hough transformation. We call the technique Homocentric Spherical Spatiotemporal Image (HSSI) analysis. With HSSI, it is possible to distinguish objects with a rotating camera from a longer baseline and to measure them with much greater accuracy than previously possible. This algorithm is demonstrated through simulations and experiments with real images from a translating and rotating camera, and the three-dimensional structures in a static scene are reconstructed.  相似文献   

提出了一种组合小波变换与曲波变换稀疏约束的图像插值算法。利用小波变换对图像纹理成份和曲波变换对图像卡通成份的稀疏表示特性,首先将图像插值问题转化成稀疏约束的图像重建问题,然后通过迭代投影对复原最优化问题进行求解,从而实现成份自适应的图像插值。实验结果表明,相比于现在有图像插值算法,本文算法可以显著地提高被插值图像的峰值信噪比(PSNR)和视觉质量。  相似文献   

Spherically symmetric volume elements with smooth tapering of the values near their boundaries are alternatives to the more conventional voxels for the construction of volume images in the computer. Their use, instead of voxels, introduces additional parameters which enable the user to control the shape of the volume element (blob) and consequently to control the characteristics of the images produced by iterative methods for reconstruction from projection data. For images composed of blobs, efficient algorithms have been designed for the projection and discrete back-projection operations, which are the crucial parts of iterative reconstruction methods. The authors have investigated the relationship between the values of the blob parameters and the properties of images represented by the blobs. Experiments show that using blobs in iterative reconstruction methods leads to substantial improvement in the reconstruction performance, based on visual quality and on quantitative measures, in comparison with the voxel case. The images reconstructed using appropriately chosen blobs are characterized by less image noise for both noiseless data and noisy data, without loss of image resolution.  相似文献   

A relatively unexplored algorithm is developed for reconstructing a two-dimensional image from a finite set of its sampled projections. The algorithm, referred to as the Hankel-transform-reconstruction (HTR) algorithm, is polar-coordinate based. The algorithm expands the polar-form Fourier transform F(r,theta) of an image into a Fourier series in theta calculates the appropriately ordered Hankel transform of the coefficients of this series, giving the coefficients for the Fourier series of the polar-form image f(p,phi); resolves this series, giving a polar-form reconstruction; and interpolates this reconstruction to a rectilinear grid. The HTR algorithm is outlined, and it is shown that its performance compares favorably to the popular convolution-backprojection algorithm.  相似文献   

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