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Aspects of the mathematical specialty of topology appear within several seemingly distinct areas of engineering design and engineering design theory. Indeed, the expression topology of a design is often used informally. In this article a primary intent is to demonstrate the diversity of applications of topology within engineering design. A complementary goal is to introduce the engineering design community to topology as a rich, formal, well-established mathematical discipline that may be of value for wider study. Upon reviewing some of these topological applications, it appears that topology holds promise as a basis for formalizing engineering design theory. This article considers topology as a basis for unifying design abstractions. The potential benefit may be the realization of commonalities between design aspects previously considered separately, where each now has its own attendant specialized, expensive analyses.  相似文献   

Successful individual approaches in engineering design   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Designers have been observed and their abilities and design processes were analysed. Their solutions were evaluated in order to measure the success. Success-promoting abilities were: good spatial imagination, routine in sketching, solid engineering knowledge and high heuristic competence. An appropriate strategic approach was found to be oriented towards the central function when solving simple problems, whereas in more complex problems the approach also conformed with methodical guidelines. All in all, a flexible methodical style of working proved successful. During the goal analysis successful tactics were: asking questions focused on the problem structure, summarizing information, and not suppressing solution ideas. During the search for solutions successful tactics were: varying alternatives at least for the main functions, generating and reducing variants in a balanced manner, and evaluating solutions frequently and according to their level of abstraction. Based on these findings, conclusions have been drawn for engineering design research, education and practice.  相似文献   

In the research project Team-work in Engineering Design Practice, engineers and psychologists investigate design processes in industry by detailed observation. The aim is to comprehend how the external conditions in conjunction with the individual designer's and the group's prerequisites influence the design process and the solution. Therefore, the design process has to be documented in a standardized form. The paper presents a method for standardized observation of design team-work in industrial practice. In an example of an observed and recorded group setting, some abilities of the protocol analysis methods are demonstrated. After discussing the non-participating observation of design processes with on-line recordings, the planned future work is introduced. Apart from further investigation methods, experiences from first investigations in industry are mentioned.  相似文献   

The decision sciences have emerged over the past 300 years with contributions from many highly recognized individuals. Yet, by and large, these results have not been incorporated into engineering design decision methods, nor have these methods been validated. The result is that design decision methods commonly exhibit undesirable behaviors that are clearly evident when one knows what to look for. Indications of bad behavior are presented, and a framework for validation of engineering design alternative selection methods is suggested.  相似文献   

Usually an experiment is designed so as to be as balanced as possible which, among other things, simplifies the analysis of the results. However, if an appreciable number of planned observations is missing, if the data are from a survey, or if historical data are being screened, the arrangement of observations may be quite disorganized. This paper presents a simple method for finding a set of independent normal equations when the arrangement of observations is completely arbitrary. From these normal equations and their solution one can determine estimates of the parameters of the general linear model being fitted to the data, which linear functions of parameters are estimable, which hypotheses are testable, sums of squares for testable hypotheses, and point estimates and confidence intervals for estimable functions. A numerical example is included to illustrate the method.  相似文献   

Design has often been described as searching the space of solutions to a given problem for either a feasible or optimal solution. Usually, this search is conducted in an incremental, iterative manner. Unfortunately, there is a tendency for the feasible space in some domains to exhibit such poor structure that the incremental design process becomes both difficult and time consuming. This is especially true in the domain of design-for-manufacture by machining. In this paper we present the view that in such cases the sources of ill-structure must be aggressively eliminated by making strategic improvements and modifications to the target technology. To illustrate this point, we show that the domain of design-for-manufacture is ill-structured due to a class of interactions known as global interactions. We then show how global interactions can be virtually eliminated by a combination of a new workholding technology and a new interfacing technique. In the absence of global interactions, we show how the design structure exhibits a property of monotonicity. We describe the ramifications of this monotonicity on the design process, and show how design can then be considered to be deterministic. As a backdrop, we draw examples from other fields where similar strategies have resulted in greater designability.  相似文献   

极地位于地球南北两端,是全球变化研究的关键地区,要了解全球变化,特别是全球气候变化,必须对极地有所研究。我国的南极和北极实地科学考察研究,分别始于20世纪80年代和90年代。作为国家行为,到2011年年底,组织了28次南极考察、4次北冰洋考察和8次北极陆地考察;在南北极建立了4个科学考察站6,个自动气象站;形成了以有人考察站、无人自动气象站和"雪龙"号破冰科学考察船为主体的极地科学考察研究硬件支撑体系。在此过程中初步建成了包括常规气象业务、准业务和短期考察在内的中国极地大气科学观测工程体系;该技术系统所获科学数据已在我国极地科学研究中广泛应用,并在国内外产生了重大影响。  相似文献   

Engineering and managerial response to the increased demand for more usable computer products is hindered by lack of relevant knowledge in the majority of current Research and Development environments. This paper proposes to use reinterpretation of the existing reliability engineering knowledge base into the language of design for usability, as a way to speed up acceptance and adoption of human factors engineering tools, methods and expertise into the computer designers' set of core competencies. Described similarities in concepts, definitions, formal models and practical aspects between reliability and usability, justify this proposal.  相似文献   

Observations on concept generation and sketching in engineering design   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The generation of ideas is an essential element in the process of design. One suggested approach to improving the quality of ideas is through increasing their quantity. In this study, concept generation is examined via brainstorming, morphology charts and sketching. Statistically significant correlations were found between the quantity of brainstormed ideas and design outcome. In some, but not all, experiments, correlations were found between the quantity of morphological alternatives and design outcome. This discrepancy between study results hints at the role of project length and difficulty in design. The volume of dimensioned drawings generated during the early-to-middle phases of design were found to correlate with design outcome, suggesting the importance of concrete sketching, timing and milestones in the design process.  相似文献   

In recent years, the emergence of various new concepts in cross enterprise production, which focus on different market conditions and objectives, has been observed. Systems supply and consignment storage represent prominent examples. The design and implementation of enterprise specific concepts explores the individual potential of cross enterprise production successfully by the provision of individual process models. Both a multitude of alternative process chain models, as well as a suitable methodology for individual process chain design, is thereby required. In this paper, a module-base design framework for process chains in cross enterprise production introduces the use of the extended integrated production process model (eIPPM). Based both on the provision of process modules and design rules as the main contribution of the eIPPM as well as a detailed design methodology, the design of individual process chains in cross enterprise production becomes possible. Thereby, the enterprise specific process and task allocation represents one of the major design elements. Finally, we present two case studies to verify the individual applicability.  相似文献   

This work seeks to better understand how design processes affect design outcomes. Design process data were collected from journals kept as a part of mechanical engineering capstone design projects at Montana State University. Student processes were characterized by time coding journal entries using a 3 × 4 matrix of process variables. The data were modeled using a principal components artificial neural network, and the model used in a virtual designed experiment to obtain estimates for design process factors that significantly affect client satisfaction. Results indicate that greater client satisfaction is achieved through: greater problem definition (PD) activity and idea generation at conceptual design levels, and PD and engineering analysis activities at the system design level. Whereas, design activity at the detailed level associates with lower client satisfaction. These results support some aspects of existing models of “good” design process, and suggest adaptations of the models for novice designers.  相似文献   

This paper describes preliminary work toward the develoment of a framework and a system for modeling the meta-physical information of mechanical products. Meta-physical information is that information which describes the nature or reason for existence of objects in the physical product model. Such information includes product and feature functionality, design intent, relations, constraints and viewpoint-dependent definitions. This effort has resulted in an initial model structure and a prototype system. The product model consists of a meta-physical product model with attached physical product models containing, among other information, geometry, dimensions, tolerances, and features. The content and structure of the product model correspond directly to the information used and produced during the mechanical design process. The prototype system integrates a solid modeler, a feature modeler, a dimension and tolerance modeler, and a meta-physical modeler. This paper provides an overview of the meta-model structure, usage and potential.  相似文献   

Hardwood saw mill residues have traditionally not been favoured by the particleboard industry owing to their high density and extractive contents. The work presented here deals with investigating the use of hardwood saw mill residues, which are currently treated as solid wastes, in producing industry-grade particleboard.

The formulation and process modeling of particleboard production using hardwood sawmill wastes has been studied by employing experimental design and response surface method. The optimum settings found on resultant boards, were further investigated considering physical and mechanical properties of the board as well as economical considerations. It was found that industry grade hardwood particleboards can be produced in the laboratory with practical processing parameters (surface moisture, core moisture, resin load for the surface, resin load for the core, hardener content for the core, pressing time and press temperature). Formulation and validation of stochastic models for modulus of rupture (MOR) and modulus of elasticity (MOE) are presented in this paper.  相似文献   

流程管理在大型空分项目设计管理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍林德工程事业部将流程管理与设计管理进行整合的方法,重点阐明了在流程管理中采用的经修正的阶段—关卡模型,最后举例说明关卡审查的要点以及将其应用到空分项目设计管理中的效果。  相似文献   

One method of analyzing an experimental design model is to impose side conditions on the observational equations and then to solve the “reduced” model by least squares. The author demonstrates another method, which is not widely known: augment the data with the side conditions and then solve the “augmented” model by least squares.  相似文献   

The quality by design (QbD) paradigm guides the pharmaceutical industry towards improved understanding of products and processes, and at the same time facilitates a high degree of manufacturing and regulatory flexibility throughout the establishment of the design space. This review article presents scientific, statistical and regulatory considerations in design space development. All key development milestones, starting with planning, selection of factors, experimental execution, data analysis, model development and assessment, verification, and validation, and ending with design space submission, are presented and discussed. The focus is especially on frequently ignored topics, like management of factors and CQAs that will not be included in experimental design, evaluation of risk of failure on design space edges, or modeling scale-up strategy. Moreover, development of a design space that is independent of manufacturing scale is proposed as the preferred approach.  相似文献   

Research in artificial intelligence and optimization (OR) has had significant impact on the formulation and solution of computational methods in engineering design. This paper presents a conceptual framework for understanding a more powerful technology that is evolving from a combination of these approaches. The paper first proposes generalized representations of engineering design models that involve quantitative and qualitative aspects. Second, it presents a general classification of AI and OR models in terms of model attributes, in order to establish mappings with generic solution techniques. Third, the requirements of solution methods are discussed, as well as several schemes for the integration of AI and optimization to identify future research directions. Several specific approaches are included to illustrate various ways in which AI and optimization can be combined for tackling computational design models.  相似文献   

林海燕  徐慧 《湖南包装》2020,(2):127-130
建构主义教育观与艺术设计实验实践教学有许多相通之处,都主张"以真实的学习情境帮助学生建构自己的知识体系"。文章记录了笔者以建构主义教育观为指导,将"梅山文化的研究与设计"课题植入艺术设计实验实践教学,探索课程中如何营造真实的学习情境,启发直觉思维和体验,引导合作学习,鼓励研究性学习和创新性实验,实现文化的传承和创新设计的过程。  相似文献   

Towards an ontology of generic engineering design activities   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
This paper argues that there is no shared understanding (i.e. an ontology) of the design activities that designers perform in the design process. Hence the purpose of the paper was directed towards identifying and classifying a generic set of design activities from published literature into what are referred to as design definition activities, design evaluation activities and design management activities. In an attempt to achieve a shared understanding of these activities, a set of consistent and coherent definitions of these activities are deliberated and presented. A knowledge level representation based on Newells Knowledge Level hypothesis governed by the Principle of Rationality is used to represent a design activity that is motivated by a design goal of that activity through which input knowledge is changed into output knowledge by the design agents knowledge. The ontological completeness, clarity and coherence of activities are evaluated through a protocol analysis and the design process in the domain of electronic design (in particular System-on-a-Chip designs (SoC)).
Siang Kok SimEmail:

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