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Bayes方法的仿真结果静态一致性检验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李姝  谢红卫 《计算机仿真》2004,21(10):55-57
近年来,随着军用系统仿真技术的迅猛发展,使得仿真系统的VV&A技术越来越受到人们的广泛关注。该文针对武器系统试验次数少、样本量小的特点,利用Bayes方法,对比了仿真系统试验结果与真实系统试验结果的静态数据的一致性。该文主要研究了小样本情况下正态分布的仿真结果静态验证方法。  相似文献   

本文介绍了集成柔性综合检测站中的统计质量控制功能,用Borland C++3.1在AutoCAD R12的基础上,开发出了IFCMS统计质量控制计算机仿真分析的ADS应用程序。  相似文献   

在实验研究过程中,使用统计检验方法对实验数据进行分析处理具有重要的现实意义。在众多的统计软件中,R语言因其使用灵活、功能强大、开源免费等优点得到了广泛使用。本文通过应用R语言检验实验数据的差异性,介绍其数据检验路径,有助于读者了解和掌握R语言的功能和用法。  相似文献   

将统计检验方法应用于核函数度量.以核函数、规范化核函数、中心化核函数和核距离作为样本在特征空间中的几何关系度量,使用t检验和F检验等7种统计检验方法检验特征空间中同类样本间几何关系度量值与异类样本间几何关系度量值的分布差异,以此反映特征空间中同类样本间内聚性与异类样本间分离性间的差异.在11个UCI数据集上进行的核函数选择实验表明,基于统计检验的核度量方法达到或超过了核校准与特征空间核度量标准等方法的效果,适用于核函数度量;并且发现两类数据分布差异主要体现在了方差差异上.此外,对核函数的处理(规范化或中心化)会改变特征空间,使得度量结果失真.  相似文献   

随机数发生器(RNG)产生的随机数质量直接关系到密码系统的安全性,而随机数统计假设检验是常用的随机数质量评测方法,在密码应用实践中发挥着重要作用.近年来,信息技术的发展极大提升了大数据处理能力,RNG的随机数统计检验也面临着更大数据量、更强检验能力和更快检验速度的迫切需求.本文针对现有检验方法在大数据量(GB级)检验适用性方面的问题,对大样本下的长模板重叠碰撞类检验进行了深入研究.首先,我们构造了碰撞对数统计量,并在此基础上通过理论推导给出了一种适用各种计数方式的新型碰撞统计模型.继而,我们得到了n比特长序列m比特模板的重叠碰撞对数的理论期望值,并基于该期望值通过统计分析,提出了两种序列重叠碰撞检验方法:(1)我们基于重叠碰撞数期望可作为碰撞出现概率上界的事实,利用极小非平凡碰撞期望拒绝较长碰撞出现这一小概率事件,给出了重叠碰撞拒绝检验;(2)基于大数定律,并通过多个样本构造样本方差,我们给出了无需已知理论方差的多样本t分布检验.针对现有碰撞搜索方法在重叠统计方式下的资源占用高、搜索效率低等问题,我们提出了一种资源受限下基于CUDA的快速搜索方法,即通过前缀分类、后缀排序等优化技术,能...  相似文献   

针对HLA仿真结果数据日益增多、难以组织管理的状况,利用数据仓库与数据挖掘技术对数据进行处理。采用基于HLA的作战系统仿真为例,设计对应的联邦与联邦成员。针对仿真产生的海量结果数据创建O rac le数据仓库,采用商业智能软件COGNOS抽取数据仓库中的数据,设计制作对应的数据立方体。对立方体中的数据进行分析和挖掘,发现并纠正仿真过程中出现的问题,有效地完成了对HLA仿真结果的评估。论文提出的方法和思路可供广大同行设计参考。  相似文献   

本文提出了一种利用八叉树结构表示三维实体布局状态空间的方法,并在此基础上设计了一个三维实体布局仿真中干涉检验的算法,首次提出了利用二进制整数的“位”记录状态信息的方法,使状态空间数据量压缩至传统算法的1/16;理论分析及实验结果证明了该算法的高效性。  相似文献   

进入二十一世纪以来,在经济快速发展的浪潮下计算机技术得到了迅猛的发展,可以说在各个行业都得到了广泛的应用,并且为其带来了可观的经济和社会效益。对于计算机的应用包括诸多方面的内容,本文将就计算机统计方法展开浅显的讨论。  相似文献   

炼钢-连铸生产作业计划编制及仿真检验方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
结合炼钢-连铸生产流程,分析了其生产作业计划编制的特点,在炼钢-连铸生产计划的基础上,通过建立简化了的保证等待时间最少且不断浇的线性规划模型,求出合理的作业计划;将所求结果导入Flexsim实体模型中,作为炼钢-连铸仿真模型的仿真输入条件,驱动仿真模型运行.统计分析设备状态设备状态和使用率,优化生产计划及设备参数,从而优化生产作业计划.  相似文献   

针对模糊聚类神经网络FCNN原有学习算法对初值敏感性、吸引域不灵活和稳定点不合理等局限性。本文提出基于统计检验的模糊聚类神经网络FCNN-ST。通过引入T平方抽样的单峰分布模式统计检验逐步调整网络结构。确定最佳聚类数c。并使算法的稳定点趋于合理的聚类中心。仿真结果表明。FCNN-ST具有较好的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

We present a new framework for feature-based statistical analysis of large-scale scientific data and demonstrate its effectiveness by analyzing features from Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) of turbulent combustion. Turbulent flows are ubiquitous and account for transport and mixing processes in combustion, astrophysics, fusion, and climate modeling among other disciplines. They are also characterized by coherent structure or organized motion, i.e. nonlocal entities whose geometrical features can directly impact molecular mixing and reactive processes. While traditional multi-point statistics provide correlative information, they lack nonlocal structural information, and hence, fail to provide mechanistic causality information between organized fluid motion and mixing and reactive processes. Hence, it is of great interest to capture and track flow features and their statistics together with their correlation with relevant scalar quantities, e.g. temperature or species concentrations. In our approach we encode the set of all possible flow features by pre-computing merge trees augmented with attributes, such as statistical moments of various scalar fields, e.g. temperature, as well as length-scales computed via spectral analysis. The computation is performed in an efficient streaming manner in a pre-processing step and results in a collection of meta-data that is orders of magnitude smaller than the original simulation data. This meta-data is sufficient to support a fully flexible and interactive analysis of the features, allowing for arbitrary thresholds, providing per-feature statistics, and creating various global diagnostics such as Cumulative Density Functions (CDFs), histograms, or time-series. We combine the analysis with a rendering of the features in a linked-view browser that enables scientists to interactively explore, visualize, and analyze the equivalent of one terabyte of simulation data. We highlight the utility of this new framework for combustion science; however, it is applicable to many other science domains.  相似文献   

This paper describes a computer simulation model capable of predicting the performance of a high data rate end-to-end communication system for biphase and quadriphase CPSK transmission. Simulation results are compared with laboratory measurements in order to verify the simulation procedure. Ultimately, the simulation model is utilized to conduct a parameter sensitivity analysis for the purpose of evaluating the effect of different signal distortion phenomena on link performance.  相似文献   

Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization - Due to inherent variability (i.e., aleatory uncertainty) in material properties, loading conditions, manufacturing processes, etc., simulation output...  相似文献   

Summary This paper deals with the generation of stationaryp th order linear autoregressive series (calledM p -series) on an electronic computer. The interrelations between the coefficients of autocorrelation are discussed and a device and a flow diagram are given for the generation ofM p -series which possess the autocorrelation coefficients 1, 2,... p . The conclusion is that there is anM p -series for a given set of values only if there is anM q -series for any subset 1,... q withq=1,2,...q–1 and that, conversely, if there is anM p -series for given 1,2,... p , there is also anM q -series with 1,... q for 1q<p.The series withp=1, 2, 3 are treated fully and numerical examples forp=1 andp=2 are given in Fig. 4.
Zusammenfassung In diesem Aufsatz wird besprochen wie mit Hilfe einer elektronischen Rechenmaschine stationäre lineare autoregressive Reihen der Ordnungp (M p -Reihen genannt) konstruiert werden können. Nachdem die Beziehungen zwischen den Autokorrelationskoeffizienten abgeleitet worden sind, wird ein Schema und ein Flußdiagramm zur Erzeugung vonM p -Reihen gegeben, die vorgegebene Autokorrelationskoeffizienten 1,... p besitzen. Das Ergebnis lautet: EineM p -Reihe für eine Gruppe von gegebenen Werten 1,... p ist nur möglich, wenn eineM q -Reihe für jede Untergruppe 1,... q mitq=1, 2, ...p–1 möglich ist. Wenn einmal eineM p -Reihe mit gegebenen 1,... p existiert, dann existiert ebenfalls jedeM q -Reihe mit 1,... q , wobei 1q<p ist.Die Fällep=1, 2, 3 werden ausführlich behandelt, während die Abb. 4 numerische Beispiele fürp=1 undp=2 zeigt.

With 4 Figures  相似文献   

A computer program, PENNZYME (M. C. Kohn, L. E. Menten, and D. Garfinkel, Comput. Biomed. Res. 12, 461, 1979), that fits trial rate laws to enzyme and transport steady-state kinetic data by nonlinear regression has been enhanced. The new version includes a set of mnemonic commands which can be displayed in a menu at the user's option. Graphic displays of measured data and computed curves, as well as deviations between them (residual plots) have been added to aid the user in determining if a model is free of bias or systematic error. Other features include the ability to display the variance-covariance matrix of the parameters, to hold individual parameters constant during an optimization, and to optimize error models for the experimental data by the extended-least-squares technique.  相似文献   

A mathematical model is proposed for describing periodical physiological rhythms using cosinor analysis. Computer statistic analysis is performed for periodic processes of cosine and complex forms with known periods using the least squares method and for several harmonics using Fourier analysis. __________ Translated from Kibernetika i Sistemnyi Analiz, No. 2, pp. 94–103, March–April 2006.  相似文献   

The expanded role of test demands a significant change in mind-set of nearly every engineer involved in the screening of semiconductor products. The issues to consider range from DFT and ATE requirements, to the design and optimization of test patterns, to the physical and statistical relationships of different tests, and finally, to the economics of reducing test time and cost. The identification of outliers to isolate latent defects will likely increase the role of statistical testing in present and future technologies. An emerging opportunity is to use statistical analysis of parametric measurements at multiple test corners to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of testing and reliability defect stressing. In this article, we propose a "statistical testing" framework that combines testing, analysis, and optimization to identify latent-defect signatures. We discuss the required characteristics of statistical testing to isolate the embedded-outlier population; test conditions and test application support for the statistical-testing framework; and the data modeling for identifying the outliers.  相似文献   

省计算机等级考试是浙江高校重要的一项考试。考生相关考试信息汇总形成的上报数据库一般是由二部分组成的,一部分为上机考试所形成的上报数据,一部分是理论考试所形成的上报数据。为了把省计算机等级考试的上机部分和理论部分整合成一个完整的上报数据,在研究上机考试所形成的上报数据自动生成的基础上,经过新的编码和检验,实现了上报数据的自动生成。改进工作采用VBA编程实现,并正确地形成了上报数据的缺考库。  相似文献   

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