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根据采区布置系统的特点以及采区上、下山之间的联系,建立了以吨煤成本为目标函数的采区优化通用模型。并用非线性规划数学模型分别对走向长壁采区布置以及倾斜长壁采区布置进行优化,确定出采区布置系统的技术方案及其最佳参数。  相似文献   

长期以来,由于不少油田机抽采油系统主要靠经验设计,导致机抽井普遍存在机抽参数设计和硬件配置不合理、供排不协调、系统效率低和经济效益不高等问题。在此详细介绍了能较好解决这些问题的“机抽系统优化设计软件”的主要研究思路、功能、特点、运行环境。现场应用证明:“机抽系统优化设计软件”可较大幅度的提高机抽井的系统效率和产液量,显著提高机抽井的经济效益和机抽井的管理水平。  相似文献   

依据现场观测和实验室研究的成果,总结了大倾角煤层走向长壁式开采采场矿压显现和顶板岩是活动规律,介绍了工作面矿压控制方法。  相似文献   

实际高产高效矿井的核心问题是建立以工作面为核心的最佳开采体系,合理确定工作面参数迪一目标的关键本详细介绍了美国采用诺模图确定工作面主要参数的方法,该方法形直观,适用性强,具有很高的推广应用价值。  相似文献   

铸钢冷却壁作为高炉冷却壁的升级换代产品在马钢高炉上的应用已取得初步成果,但由于应用时间较短,目前还没有明确的设计规范.总结马钢七座大中型高炉铸钢冷却壁设计和应用方面的成功经验,阐述了铸钢冷却壁的化学成分、冷却水管内径和壁厚、壁体厚度、冷却水管布置的设计原则和方法,并给出一定的经验数据,以期对今后高炉铸钢冷却壁的设计有所裨益.  相似文献   

露天矿爆破优化设计软件的开发研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

目的研究材料配方的计算机优化设计,方法研制集实验设计、数学建模、数值优化为一体的专业化软件,用它研究乙丙橡胶电绝缘料的无卤阻燃配方,在均匀设计的实验数据基础上建立该配方体系的四项指标(氧指数、体积电阻、拉伸强度、延伸率)的数学模型,最后根据多项指标要求进行配方优化,结果从有限次实验中得到的数学模型显著性好,模型分析结论与验证实验一致,且优化所得配方的综合性能优越,结论该软件运行可靠,所用技术方法可行,在材料配方的开发设计与理论研究中都有很高的应用价值。  相似文献   

采用岩层移动角进行留设保护煤柱的传统方法,增大了保护煤柱呆滞量,造成了煤炭资源的巨大浪费.为了探讨综放开采条件下保护煤柱留设的最优尺寸,基于潞安矿区王庄煤矿的地质采矿条件,提出了根据建筑物采动损害允许的临界变形值进行优化设计保护煤柱的新思路.按照概率积分法,预测计算开采工作面位于不同停采线位置时保护煤柱留设的合理尺寸,分析了不同开采方案下建筑物所受采动的影响面积、地表下沉程度及倾斜变形、拉伸变形等地表移动变形对建筑物采动损害的影响程度.通过11个方案的分析比较,结合经济与社会效益,给出了建筑物下保护煤柱留设的最优方案,为综放开采条件下建筑物压煤开采提供了科学依据.  相似文献   

Rockburst represents a very dangerous phenomenon in deep underground mining in unfavourable conditions such as great depth, high horizontal stress, proximity of important tectonic structures, and unmined pillars. The case study describes a recorded heavy rockburst in the Czech part of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin, which occurred during longwall mining near the protective pillar. The artificial dividing of geological blocks and creation of mining protective pillars(shaft pillars, crosscut pillars etc.) is a dangerous task in light of rockbursts occurring mainly due to overstressing of remaining pillars. A simple model of this situation is presented. Natural and mining conditions are analysed and presented in detail as well as registered seismicity during longwall mining in the area. Recorded rockbursts in the area of interest are described and their causes discussed. Many rockbursts near protective pillars were recorded in this mining region. Methodical instructions for rockburst prevention in proximity of protective pillars as well as for gates driving were devised based on the evaluation of rockburst causes. The paper presents these principles for prevention.  相似文献   

Effective surrounding rock control is a prerequisite for realizing safe mining in underground coal mines.In the past three decades, longwall top-coal caving mining(LTCC) and single pass large height longwall mining(SPLL) found expanded usage in extracting thick coal seams in China. The two mining methods lead to large void space left behind the working face, which increases the difficulty in ground control.Longwall face failure is a common problem in both LTCC and SPLL mining. Such failure is conventionally attributed to low strength and high fracture intensity of the coal seam. However, the stiffness of main components included in the surrounding rock system also greatly influences longwall face stability.Correspondingly, surrounding rock system is developed for LTCC and SPLL faces in this paper. The conditions for simultaneous balance of roof structure and longwall face are put forward by taking the stiffness of coal seam, roof strata and hydraulic support into account. The safety factor of the longwall face is defined as the ratio between the ultimate bearing capacity and actual load imposed on the coal wall.The influences provided by coal strength, coal stiffness, roof stiffness, and hydraulic support stiffness,as well as the movement of roof structure are analyzed. Finally, the key elements dominating longwall face stability are identified for improving surrounding rock control effectiveness in LTCC and SPLL faces.  相似文献   

Roof falls in longwall headgate can occur when weak roof and high horizontal stress are present. To prevent roof falls in the headgate under high horizontal stress, it is important to understand the ground response to high horizontal stress in the longwall headgate and the requirements for supplemental roof support. In this study, a longwall headgate under high horizontal stress was instrumented to monitor stress change in the pillars, deformations in the roof, and load in the cable bolts. The conditions in the headgate were monitored for about six months as the longwall face passed by the instrumented site.The roof behavior in the headgate near the face was carefully observed during longwall retreat.Numerical modeling was performed to correlate the modeling results with underground observation and instrumentation data and to quantify the effect of high horizontal stress on roof stability in the longwall headgate. This paper discusses roof support requirements in the longwall headgate under high horizontal stress in regard to the pattern of supplemental cable bolts and the critical locations where additional supplemental support is necessary.  相似文献   

The distribution of the final surface subsidence basin induced by longwall operations in inclined coal seam could be significantly different from that in flat coal seam and demands special prediction methods. Though many empirical prediction methods have been developed, these methods are inflexible for varying geological and mining conditions. An influence function method has been developed to take the advantage of its fundamentally sound nature and flexibility. In developing this method, significant modifications have been made to the original Knothe function to produce an asymmetrical influence function. The empirical equations for final subsidence parameters derived from US subsidence data and Chinese empirical values have been incorporated into the mathematical models to improve the prediction accuracy. A corresponding computer program is developed. A number of subsidence cases for longwall mining operations in coal seams with varying inclination angles have been used to demonstrate the applicability of the developed subsidence prediction model.  相似文献   

文章利用刀具仿真设计方法,对纳米金属陶瓷刀具的进行了有限元分析和计算,并结合实例运用ANSYS优化技术对其倒棱参数进行优化.  相似文献   

为进一步提高铝型材挤压模具的设计水平,结合作者正在开展的研究工作,设计并阐述了铝型材挤压模具智能CAD系统的关键技术和研究内容。主要淑及智能设计的任务、实现模具智能设计的编程语言的选择、模具结构优化设计方法的确定、面向对象的程序设计技术等。该系统应用于实验生产中后,取得了较好的经济效益和社会效益,实现了智能设计思想在铝型材挤压模具CAD中的具体应用。同时也表明:该系统设计合理,具有很强的可操作性与可靠性。  相似文献   

产业集聚是市场经济条件下工业化的必然产物。近年来,地方政府逐渐认识到产业集聚在推动经济发展和城市化方面的重要作用,主动依托各级各类开发区构建产业集聚区。从建立时间、背景、功能定位和目标等方面对开发区和产业集聚区进行比较,分析由开发区向产业集聚区转型的必要性和可能性。  相似文献   

针对现阶段掌纹识别相关软件开发中的问题,采用基于构件的软件开发技术,结合掌纹识别各类算法的特点,集成实现了软件平台,并分析了平台中各类相关构件的获取、分类和组装方法。本软件平台采用可复用软构件技术,实用价值高,而且该平台有效缩短了系统开发周期,并降低了软件维护难度。  相似文献   

Most, if not all longwall gob areas accumulate explosive methane-air mixtures that pose a deadly hazard to miners. Numerous mine explosions have originated from explosive gas zones(EGZs) in the longwall gob. Since 2010, researchers at the Colorado School of Mines(CSM) have studied EGZ formation in longwall gobs under two long-term research projects funded by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. Researchers used computational fluid dynamics along with in-mine measurements. For the first time, they demonstrated that EGZs form along the fringe areas between the methane-rich atmospheres and the fresh air ventilated areas along the working face and present an explosion and fire hazard to mine workers. In this study, researchers found that, for progressively sealed gobs, a targeted injection of nitrogen from the headgate and tailgate, along with a back return ventilation arrangement, will create a dynamic seal of nitrogen that effectively separates the methane zone from the face air and eliminates the EGZs to prevent explosions. Using this form of nitrogen injection to create dynamic seals should be a consideration for all longwall operators.  相似文献   

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