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Use of moss-bags for monitoring heavy metals in rivers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Methods were developed for the use of aquatic mosses in mesh bags to monitor heavy metal pollution by measuring concentrations in 2-cm tips of the widespread species, Rhynchostegium riparioides and (in one experiment) Fontinalis antipyretica. Intermittent pollution events were simulated by transporting moss from streams with low concentrations to ones with high concentrations of zinc, cadmium and lead and also in one case back from high to a low concentration. Factors affecting accumulation were also studied; these included position inside bag, density of packing, mesh size and differences between moss on boulders and in bags. In general these factors influenced accumulation only slightly over a wide range of treatments. The influence of time period for which the moss was exposed to pollution on subsequent loss was tested for zinc: a greater proportion was lost over the first 2 h in moss exposed for 1 h than 24 h. The potential for using the moss-bag technique is discussed: it is robust and convenient to handle and is recommended for monitoring heavy metals in stretches of rivers where there are no natural moss populations.  相似文献   

Hg, Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, Fe and Mn concentrations were measured in Chironomidae larvae, Crustacea plankton, as well as in various organs of mussels and fishes collected from the open water area of Lake Balaton. The values were comparatively low. However, there were significant differences in the metal concentrations of species and tissue.Most Cd was found in the gill of Unio pictorum L., most Pb, Zn and Mn in the gill of Anodonta cygnea L., most Cu in Crustacea plankton and in the liver of Abramis brama L., and most Hg and Fe in Chironomidae larvae. Low concentrations occurred in fishes, the lowest in the flesh of Stizostedion lucioperca L.Accumulation of metals in organs as compared with their concentration in the lake water was in the range of 3.4 × 102−2.6 × 103 for Hg; 7.0 × 102−6.8 × 103 for Cd; 3.3 × 102−9.7 × 103 for Cu; 6.9 × 102−8.1 × 103 for Zn; 1.5 × 103−2.4 × 104 for Pb; 3.5 × 102−3.1 × 104 for Fe; and 5.0 × 101−3.5 × 105 for Mn.  相似文献   

Heavy metals extraction by microemulsions   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The objective of this study is the heavy metal extraction by microemulsion, using regional vegetable oils as surfactants. Firstly, the main parameters, which have influence in the microemulsion region, such as: nature of cosurfactant, influence of cosurfactant (C)/surfactant (S) ratio and salinity were studied, with the objective of choosing the best extraction system. The extraction/reextraction process by microemulsion consists of two stages. In the first one, the heavy metal ion present in the aqueous phase is extracted by the microemulsion. In a second step, the reextraction process occurs: the microemulsion phase, rich in metal, is acidified and the metal is recovered in a new aqueous phase, with higher concentration. The used system had the following parameters: surfactant-saponified coconut oil; cosurfactant-n-butanol; oil phase-kerosene; C/S ratio=4; salinity-2% (NaCl); temperature of 27+/-1 degrees C; water phase-aqueous solution that varied according to the heavy metal in study (Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni and Pb). A methodology of experimental planning was used (Scheffé Net) to study the behavior of the extraction in a chosen domain. The extraction was accomplished in one step and yielded extraction percentage higher than 98% for all metals. In the reextraction HCl-8M was used as reextraction agent and the influence of the pH and time were verified. This work showed the great efficiency of the microemulsion, indicating that it is possible to extract selectively the heavy metals from the aqueous phase.  相似文献   

Concentrations of cadmium, cobalt, copper, chromium, iron, manganese, nickel, lead and zinc were determined in surface sediments of the Lagos Lagoon, Nigeria. The results revealed largely anthropogenic heavy metal enrichment and implicated urban and industrial wastes and runoff water transporting metals from land‐derived wastes, as the sources of the enrichment. Higher levels (F < 0.05) of cadmium, iron, manganese, nickel and zinc occurred in sediment samples collected near industrialized‐urban areas than in those from unindustrialized‐rural areas only in the wet season. While iron constituted about 1% of dry sediment by weight, the other metals were present in trace amounts.  相似文献   

Heavy metals in maternal and cord blood   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Heavy metal concentrations have been determined in maternal and cord blood samples collected from mothers in the age group 20-25 years with full-term neonates (37-40 weeks). The concentrations of Pb, Cd, Cu and Zn were found to be low in cord blood as compared to mother's blood and the ratio between cord blood and maternal blood for the respective elements was found to be approximately 0.80, 0.86, 0.47 and 0.40. On the other hand, the concentrations of Fe and Mg in the mother's blood were found to be lower than those in the cord blood. Prenatal exposure to lead in Mumbai, though low (5.1 microg/dl), is approximately 2-3 times higher than that observed in Canada or Italy. A strong correlation (r = 0.79) between the maternal and cord blood lead levels has been observed during the present study.  相似文献   

Fumi Tada  Shizuo Suzuki 《Water research》1982,16(10):1489-1494
An adsorption experiment has been carried out to determine the factors affecting the uptake of heavy metals by bottom mud in urban rivers. The adsorption of Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb was described using the Freundlich adsorption equation. The Freundlich constant (K) was related to the grain size and organic matter content of bottom mud. It was found that the main factor controlling the adsorption of metal was organic matter, since the adsorbed metals decreased remarkably due to the destruction of organic matter from the fine bottom mud. The desorption experiment proved that the metals adsorbed by mud were extracted approx. 100% with dilute HCI. Therefore, the amount of heavy metal adsorbed per 1 g of TOC can be calculated from the acid soluble metal content of bottom mud. Moreover, the method of extraction by 2 N CH3COONH4 can be used to distinguish between an ion exchangeable form by minerals and a chemical form by organic matter.The adsorption and desorption experiments indicated that fine bottom mud with a high organic matter content contributes to the uptake of metals in urban rivers and that such metals can be extracted with 0.5 N HCI.  相似文献   

Heavy metals in wild rice from northern Wisconsin   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Wild rice grain samples from various parts of the world have been found to have elevated concentrations of heavy metals, raising concern for potential effects on human health. It was hypothesized that wild rice from north-central Wisconsin could potentially have elevated concentrations of some heavy metals because of possible exposure to these elements from the atmosphere or from water and sediments. In addition, no studies of heavy metals in wild rice from Wisconsin had been performed, and a baseline study was needed for future comparisons. Wild rice plants were collected from four areas in Bayfield, Forest, Langlade, Oneida, Sawyer and Wood Counties in September, 1997 and 1998 and divided into four plant parts for elemental analyses: roots, stems, leaves and seeds. A total of 194 samples from 51 plants were analyzed across the localities, with an average of 49 samples per part depending on the element. Samples were cleaned of soil, wet digested, and analyzed by ICP for Ag, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mg, Pb, Se and Zn. Roots contained the highest concentrations of Ag, As, Cd, Cr, Hg, Pb, and Se. Copper was highest in both roots and seeds, while Zn was highest just in seeds. Magnesium was highest in leaves. Seed baseline ranges for the 10 elements were established using the 95% confidence intervals of the medians. Wild rice plants from northern Wisconsin had normal levels of the nutritional elements Cu, Mg and Zn in the seeds. Silver, Cd, Hg, Cr, and Se were very low in concentration or within normal limits for food plants. Arsenic and Pb, however, were elevated and could pose a problem for human health. The pathway for As, Hg and Pb to the plants could be atmospheric.  相似文献   

The concentration of the metals lead, copper, zinc, cadmium and iron was determined in bone remains belonging to 30 individuals buried in the Region of Cartagena dating from different historical periods and in eight persons who had died in recent times. The metals content with respect to lead, cadmium and copper was determined either by anodic stripping voltammetry or by atomic absorption spectroscopy on the basis of the concentrations present in the bone remains. In all cases, zinc and iron were quantified by means of atomic absorption spectroscopy. The lead concentrations found in the bone remains in our city are greater than those reported in the literature for other locations. This led to the consideration of the sources of these metals in our area, both the contribution from atmospheric aerosols as well as that from the soil in the area. Correlation analysis leads us to consider the presence of the studied metals in the analysed bone samples to be the consequence of analogous inputs, namely the inhalation of atmospheric aerosols and diverse contributions in the diet. The lowest values found in the studied bone remains correspond to the Neolithic period, with similar contents to present-day samples with respect to lead, copper, cadmium and iron. As regards the evolution over time of the concentrations of the metals under study, a clear increase in these is observed between the Neolithic period and the grouping made up of the Bronze Age, Roman domination and the Byzantine period. The trend lines used to classify the samples into 7 periods show that the maximum values of lead correspond to the Roman and Byzantine periods. For copper, this peak is found in the Byzantine Period and for iron, in the Islamic Period. Zinc shows an increasing tendency over the periods under study and cadmium is the only metal whose trend lines shows a decreasing slope.  相似文献   

The concentrations of zinc, manganese, copper, cadmium, lead and mercury have been determined in soft tissues of four marine organisms (Mytilus galloprovincialis Lmk., Nephrops norvegicus L., Mullus barbatus L., Engraulis encrasicolus L.) collected seasonally from the winter of 1976 to the spring of 1980 in various areas of the Tyrrhenian Sea (western Mediterranean). In all four species levels of all metals, except mercury in all areas are alike while mercury levels vary and, furthermore, are higher than in specimens from other areas of the Mediterranean and also from other seas. The possible natural origin of the mercury from cinnabar (HgS) ore as well as the suitability of the four species as bioindicators is discussed.  相似文献   

The drainage water from three abandoned lignite mining fields (Haunstrup, Søby, and Skraastrup) in central Jutland, Denmark is extremely acid (pH, 2.4–4.4), and the concentrations of heavy metals are markedly elevated compared with background levels and with concentrations in two regenerated lignite pits (Karstoft, Nt. Vium). Iron occurs with the highest concentrations in the drainage water and the concentrations of the other elements are in the order Mn > Zn>> Ni > Pb > Cu > V > Cr and > Cd. Concentrations of all analysed elements decline downstream from the mining areas. Iron shows the steepest gradient, due to flocculation within a short distance from the mining areas. Except for Fe, simple dilution with unpolluted water is sufficient to account for the downstream gradients.The mining areas in the river Skjern system have only a local effect on concentrations of heavy metals. In the river Vorgod, concentrations increased by the following factors: Mn, 7; Fe, 6; Zn, 4; Ni, 2; and Cr, 1.5 after confluence with drainage water from Haunstrup, and in the river Rind Mn, 3; Zn, 2; and Ni, 1.2 increased after the outlet from Søby. The export of heavy metals from the lignite mining areas compared with the transport in the river Skjern is about 31% for Fe, 24% for Zn, 18% for Mn, 13% for Ni, and below 10% for the other elements. Treatment of the drainage water from Haunstrup with lime has halved the export of Fe and increased the pH from about 3.0 to 4.0, whereas the concentrations of Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, and Zn have remained almost unchanged.The diversity of submerged macrophytes is very low in the acidic water near the mining areas. High acidity, high levels of heavy metals and low alkalinity are associated, and all may play a role in suppressing the macrophyte flora.  相似文献   

Selected tissues from four short-finned pilot whales that stranded at Cumberland Island National Seashore were analyzed for total cadmium, mercury and selenium by neutron activation. Cadmium reached a maximum mean wet weight concentration of 31.4 ppm in the kidney tissues. Maximum mean wet weight concentrations of mercury, 230.0 ppm, and selenium, 44.2 ppm, were found in the liver tissues. The lowest concentration of each metal was found in the blubber. Postmortem examination showed that the whales had no food in their stomachs. The whales must have been utilizing metabolic reserves, contaminated with residual concentrations of heavy metals, prior to beaching. This utilization of reserves probably resulted in the high concentrations of cadmium, mercury and selenium found in the liver and kidney tissues. Since the heavy metal concentrations were three to four times greater in the stranded whales, as compared to apparently healthy whales of the same species, it is suggested that heavy metal toxicosis may have been a factor contributing to this particular stranding.  相似文献   

We have investigated the content of heavy meals in the stabilized sludge sediment of the station of biological purification of municipal wastewaters including an ion-exchange/bioaccessible form, which is extracted in an acidic medium at pH ∼2.5–3. We have compared the pool of heavy metals of the sludge sediment and other objects of different nature—soil and biomass of microbial cultures. In terms of the spectrum of heavy metals and their specific concentration the sludge sediment approaches natural soil. At the same time, heavy metals of the sludge sediment are extracted easier than from the soil and microbial biomass, where they may be incorporated to crystalline lattices of soil minerals or into cellular structures. The degree of removing heavy metals from the sludge sediment may reach 80% and correspond to the series: Zn > Mn > Cu ∼ Co ∼ Ni > Fe.  相似文献   

Heavy metals in aerosols over the seas of the Russian Arctic   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A review of the data on heavy metals in aerosols over the seas of the Russian Arctic is presented. Results of heavy metal studies in aerosols obtained during 11 research expeditions in summer/autumn period from 1991 to 2000, and at Severnaya Zemlya and Wrangel Island in spring, in 1985-1989 are discussed. Concentrations of most heavy metals in the atmosphere in the marine boundary layer in the Russian Arctic are nearly of the same order as literature data from other Arctic areas. The content of heavy metals in the aerosols over the seas of the Russian Arctic shows an annual variation with maximal concentrations during the winter/spring season. In the summer/autumn period increased concentrations of heavy metals could be explained, in most cases, by natural processes (generation of sea salt aerosols, etc.). In some cases, aerosols from Norilsk and Kola Peninsula were detected. Particular attention was paid to estimation of horizontal and vertical fluxes of atmospheric heavy metals. We estimated annual variations in long-range transport of heavy metals into the Russian Arctic in 1986-1995. In winter and spring, up to 50% of the average air pollutant concentrations in the Russian Arctic are due to the Arctic atmospheric pollution itself. Moreover, the monthly and annual averaged fluxes of six anthropogenic chemical elements (arsenic, nickel, lead, vanadium, zinc and cadmium) onto the surface in the Arctic were estimated, and the values obtained were in reasonable agreement with the literature data available.  相似文献   

Trace metals (Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn) were analysed in zooplankton samples and decapod crustaceans collected on cruises of "RV Walther Herwig III" to the Barents Sea (Summer 1991, 1994 and 2000). We found a substantial spatial heterogeneity in the decapod crustacean Pandalus borealis, with increasing Cd concentrations from the south (North Cape Bank; 0.7 mg kg(-1) DW) to the north (north of Svalbard; 4.7 mg kg(-1)), supporting the hypothesis that the frequently reported Cd-anomaly in polar crustaceans might be extended to the Barents Sea. Regarding various crustaceans and zooplankton collectives (2000) a distinct interspecific heterogeneity of metals was obvious, with lowest Cd concentrations in euphausiids and chaetognaths and highest ones in decapods and hyperiid amphipods; lowest Cu concentrations in chaetognaths and copepods and highest ones in euphausiids and decapods; and lowest Zn concentrations in euphausiids and decapods and highest ones in some copepods. For Pb many values were below or close to the limit of detection, suggesting that Pb concentrations about 0.4 mg kg(-1) might serve as a regional background value. Results for Cd, Cu and Zn in copepods of this study are largely within the reported range, but high Cd concentrations in copepods from summer in contrast to reported lower ones during winter/spring may be related either to changing accumulation strategies of the copepod species involved or to seasonally changing Cd absorption in copepods from food.  相似文献   

Concern about the possible contamination by heavy metals of Fontana Lake (reservoir) and potential sources of such materials led to a study of surficial sediments. Samples of sediment were collected in the main body of the lake and near the mouths of its major tributaries and analayzed for magnesium, iron, aluminum, manganese, zinc, copper and mercury. Although the drainage area of the reservoir is primarily forested and rural without major industrial developments, the results indicated that manganese, copper and zinc were present in concentrations similar to areas receiving industrial pollution. Chemical analyses of pyritic materials in the watershed (e.g. schists or Anakeesta formation) showed relatively high concentrations of many of the same metals present in Fontana sediments. It appears, therefore, that the metals in the lake sediments represent materials derived from geological sources, although airborne contributions of certain metals cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

Mark S. Davies 《Water research》1992,26(12):1691-1693
Toxicological modification of molluscan mucus production has largely been ignored. This is probably due to an underestimation of the r le of mucus in molluscan physiology and its energetic cost. This paper reports that laboratory exposure to episodic doses of waterborne copper and zinc serve to reduce pedal mucus production by the common limpet Patella vulgata L. to about 60% of the unstressed rate. The metals are effective in this respect at concentrations as low as 10 μg l−1, which in the case of zinc is below the current U.K. environmental quality standard. All metal doses reduced mucus production to the same level. This suggests a behavioural response of the limpet, limiting activity. The reduction in mucus production has important consequences both for limpet ecology and for the ways in which biological energy allocation and transformation are assessed.  相似文献   

To assess metals in biota of the Barents Sea, information is presented on concentrations of Cu, Cd, Ni, Pb and Zn in the marine inshore benthic invertebrates Gammarus oceanicus, Littorina rudis, Nucella lapillus, Mytilus edulis and Arenicola marina collected in summer 1994. For geographical comparisons, the metal content to body size relationship was taken into account due to the different body sizes found at the localities investigated. In general, our data provide further evidence for the cadmium anomaly in invertebrates from polar waters which has been frequently discussed in the literature, with Cd concentrations reaching 1 mg x kg(-1) dry wt in G. oceanicus, 7 mg x kg(-1) in L. rudis and 24 mg x kg(-1) in N. lapillus. In contrast, our results obtained for Cd in M. edulis and A. marina are largely within a world-wide reported range (1-2 and 0.2-0.9 mg x kg(-1), respectively). Although some severe Ni emissions in the Kola region (Russia) mainly from nickel smelters have been reported, we do not find indications of an enhanced Ni availability in the marine biota studied compared to other areas  相似文献   

The concentrations of Cd, Pb, Zn, Ba, Mg and Ca have been determined in 180 human bones from the last five millenia, and in 22 contemporary and 20000-50000-year-old animal bones. The original concentrations of Cd and Zn in the ancient human bones were not changed by fossilization processes, whereas Pb and Mg tended to migrate out of the bones, and Ba and Ca concentrations increased with the age of the bones. The distribution of metals in the structure of both the ancient and contemporary bones is not uniform, and neglecting this may render it difficult to compare results obtained from different studies. In Europe and Peru in the late Middle Ages the concentration of Pb in human bones increased by one order of magnitude. The high level of Pb persisted in Europe for several centuries and only recently decreased by an order of magnitude. The concentration of Cd has increased in human bones in the 20th century, to about ten times above the pre-industrial level. The concentration of Pb in contemporary cow bones from France is below analytical detection limits, probably due to competition of Pb with Ca and P which are added to cow fodder as mineral additives.  相似文献   

Heavy metals in fish from the Barents Sea (summer 1994)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
To assess the significance of metals in biota of the Barents Sea, preliminary information is presented for the concentrations of Cd, Pb, Hg, Ni, Cu and Zn in liver and muscle tissues of 15 marine fish species collected in the summer of 1994. Lead and Ni concentrations are below limits of detection (< 0.3 and 1.0 mg kg-1 dry wt.) in all tissues, as is Cd in muscle (< 0.10 mg kg-1). Generally, most of our results are within the reported literature range for various Arctic marine systems, especially regarding some commercially important species like cod and redfish, indicating that metal levels are not elevated. However, the interspecific variability is substantial and some remarkably high Cd levels (2.4 and 8.1 mg kg-1 dry wt.) in livers of Anarhichas species (catfish) and Raja fyllae (round skate) point to the problem of a general 'cadmium-anomaly' in polar marine waters, previously inferred from reported results for various pelagic and benthic invertebrates.  相似文献   

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