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In this paper, we propose two new adaptive equalization algorithms for direct sequence code division multiple access (DS-CDMA) systems operating over time-varying and frequency selective channels. The equalization schemes consist of a number of serially connected stages and detect users in an ordered manner, applying a decision feedback equalizer (DFE) at each stage. Both the equalizer filters and the order in which the users are extracted are updated in a recursive least squares (RLS) manner, efficiently realized through time- and order-update recursions. V-BLAST detection ordering is implemented, that is, the stronger signal is extracted first so that the weaker users can be more easily detected. The spreading codes are unavailable at the receiver of the first scheme, whereas the second algorithm employs the RAKE receiver concept, incorporating knowledge of the spreading sequences to offer performance improvement. The bit error rate (BER) performance of the equalizers is evaluated via simulations, in both mild and severe near-far environments. Their superiority over existing techniques is demonstrated.  相似文献   

An improved first-order approximate decorrelating detector for direct-sequencecode divisionmultiple access (DS-CDMA) communication systems is proposed. This detector isbased on theminimization of the multiple access interference (MAI) for each user. Throughanalysis andnumerical results, the detector is shown to perform better than the originalfirst-order approximatedetector in various conditions at the expense of an additional complexity onthe order of O(K2), whereK is the number of active users in the system.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the sensitivity to system imperfections of a reference symbol assisted multi-stage successive interference cancelling (RAMSIC) receiver. Reverse link of a CDMA system with binary antipodal modulation and coherent detection is considered. Performance of systems using either biphase and quadriphase spreading is compared under different operating conditions. Analysis of a conventional matched filter receiver operating on an AWGN channel reveals that when the number of users is small (such that the multiple access interference cannot be accurately modelled as Gaussian), quadriphase spreading has a significant advantage over biphase spreading. This advantage, however, disappears when the number of users per sector is large (of the order necessary for the multiple access interference to be considered Gaussian). Results for the RAMSIC receiver with quadriphase spreading, on the other hand, show that for hexagonal cell geometry with path loss exponent of 4 and without any forward error correction coding, the traffic capacity is between 1.17 and 1.67 times that of the IS-95. These numbers represent a significant increase over those obtained with biphase spreading. Further investigation with nonidealized cell geometries and other path loss exponents also shows substantial capacity improvement over that of conventional correlator receivers. Performance losses due to nonideal transmitter power amplifier gating, imperfect power control and synchronization errors in the RAKE receiver are also determined. The results for biphase spreading show that for path loss exponent of 4, imperfect amplifier gating causes relatively minor decrease in the traffic capacity, while no such effect is observed for path loss exponents of 2 and 3. As expected, relaxing of power control for both biphase and quadriphase spreading has a similar capacity reducing effect. In spite of these two effects the resultant capacity is still significantly higher than that with the conventional matched filter receiver. Capacity increase with quadriphase over biphase spreading is between 1.4 and 2.0 times. Chip synchronization errors of the order to be expected in a properly designed conventional CDMA system have only minimal effect on performance. Therefore, we conclude that conventional synchronization algorithms should perform adequately with successive interference cancelling receivers considered in the paper.  相似文献   

This paper examines the performance of a reduced rank minimum mean square error (MMSE) receiver‐based direct sequence code division multiple access (DS‐CDMA) system. For such system, when a large processing gain is employed, substantial time is consumed in computing the filter tap weights. Many schemes for reducing the complexity of the MMSE have been proposed in recent years. In this paper, computational complexity reduction of the MMSE receiver is achieved by using the K‐mean classification algorithm. The performance of the uncoded and coded systems are investigated for the full rank MMSE receiver and reduced rank MMSE receiver and results are compared in terms of bit error rate at different loading levels in both AWGN and fading channels. A system with the matched filter (MF) receiver is also presented for the purpose of comparison and an analytical pair‐wise error bound for the coded system is derived. In the adaptive implementation of the receivers, results show that good performance is achieved for the reduced rank receiver when compared to the full rank receiver in both coded and uncoded systems, while in the optimum implementation of the tap weights, the reduced dimension receiver performance experiences degradation when compared to the full rank scheme. Over the band‐limited channels considered, results for the reduced rank receiver also reiterate the fact that higher code rates tend to yield lower BER than that of low rate codes. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In a typical mobile communications channel, the multiple accessinterference (MAI) experienced by any user in a multiuser CDMA systemwill be complex-valued due to independent phase offsets betweensignals received from different users. In addition, complex spreadingcodes may also be employed, in which case MAI is complex-valued evenwithout phase offsets. This paper shows that complex MAI substantiallyalters the single-user relationship between BPSK and QPSK modulation,in which QPSK offers twice the bandwidth efficiency of BPSK withoutsacrificing BER versus Eb/N0 performance. Itis shown bothanalytically and through simulations that it is possible to adjustsystem parameters to achieve identical system bandwidth efficiency andBER performance in BPSK and QPSK systems using the conventionaldetector. The performance of the well-known successive interferencecanceller and decorrelating detector are also examined.  相似文献   

This paper investigates interference cancellation (IC) in direct-sequence code-division multiple access (DS-CDMA) systems that support multiple data rates. Two methods for implementing multiple data rates are considered. One is the use of mixed modulation and the other is the use of multicodes. We introduce and analyze a new approach that combines these multiple data rate systems with IC. The cancellation in the receiver is performed successively on each user, starting with the user received with the highest power. This procedure can in turn be iterated, forming a multistage scheme, with the number of iterations set as a design parameter. Our analysis employs a Gaussian approximation for the distribution of the interference, and it includes both the AWGN and the flat Rayleigh fading channel. The systems are also evaluated via computer simulations. Our analysis and simulations indicate that the IC schemes used in mixed modulation or multicode systems yield a performance close to the single BPSK user bound and, consequently, give a prospect of a considerable improvement in performance compared to systems employing matched filter detectors.  相似文献   

信道估计作为相干光正交频分复用(CO-OFDM)的 一种关键技术对系统的性能有着十分重要的影响。本文重点对系统信道估计的实现进行了数 学 分析,搭建起了CO-OFDM系统仿真平台,并在此平台上将提出的最小均方误差(MMSE)及其改进算法应用到CO- OFDM系统中进行信道估计。结果表明,MMSE及其改进算法能够很 好地提高CO-OFDM 系统的传输性能,在误码率(BER)为10-3时,与最小 二乘(LS)算法相比有约2dB的光信噪比(OSNR)增益,且改进型MMSE算 法的复杂度要比MMSE算法低2个数量级。  相似文献   

本文提出了一种适用于多载波直扩码分多址系统(MC-DS-CDMA)上行信道的低复杂度部分并行干扰对消(LC-PPIC)算法.该算法充分利用MC-DS-CDMA系统的信道估计与子载波分集,在各个子载波上将用户分为可靠,普通和无效三类,对可靠用户进行干扰对消处理并消去后,再对普通用户进行相同操作,并放弃无效用户,最后将各个子载波上的结果通过最大比合并(MRC)输出.这样,在降低运算复杂度的同时,更好地抑制了多址干扰(MAI).通过仿真比较,可以看出LC-PPIC算法的误码率(BER)性能明显优于置于载波合并前后的两种部分并行干扰对消(PPIC)算法,特别是在系统负载较重和信噪比较高的情况下,这种优势十分显著.  相似文献   

郜蓓 《无线电工程》2014,(11):30-33
直接序列扩频码分多址系统是目前应用最广泛的扩频系统,影响系统容量的主要因素是系统内多址信号的干扰。分析了采用Gold码的码速率异步直扩系统多址干扰,对扩展积分周期和单一积分周期均进行了数值仿真。仿真结果表明,码速率异步的Gold序列互相关函数不再具有三值特性;随着积分长度的扩展,互相关函数的统计值逐渐递减,即多址干扰减小;多址干扰与码偏移量大小有关,在某些特定码偏移量,积分长度为最小公倍数周期时,互相关函数接近为单值,而这些码偏移量正负对称出现;积分长度为单一周期时,多址干扰随码偏移量的变化趋势与扩频码长度无关;在相同码偏移量的情况下,随着扩频码的长度增加而减小。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose and analyse parallel CCI multistage cancellation by combining RAKE and selection diversity. In order to account for channel variations, adaptive implementation of decision thresholds at the RAKE output is suggested. It is shown to provide significant improvement over either hard or soft decision techniques especially in the near‐far situation. Investigation of the system robustness to imperfect channel parameter estimation is also presented. The communication channel is modelled as slowly varying Rayleigh fading discrete multipath channel. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

低复杂度的QR解相关多用户检测算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对常规解相关多用户检测算法因对相关矩阵求逆的运算量随用户数增加呈指数增加而失去了实用价值,提出了不需对相关阵求逆的计算复杂度低的快速QR解相关多用户检测算法。该快速算法运算量与常规解相关算法相比,运算量减少了70%,而检测性能丝毫没有降低。显然,该算法优于常规算法,具有实用意义。  相似文献   

周文辉  李琳  路军  张尔扬 《信号处理》2005,21(2):158-162
本文首先说明当码元间隔内的码片数目与扩频序列周期相等时,直接序列扩频(DSSS)系统中最小均方误差(MMSE)意义下的最优滤波器也是最小误码率意义下的最优滤波器,因而能很好地抑制大多数干扰样式。本文具体分析了最小均方误差检测器对音频干扰以及自回归干扰的抑制性能,给出了详细的推导过程以及结论。  相似文献   

针对阵列雷达系统在自适应抗干扰处理过程中设备复杂度高、期望信号信噪比下降等问题,在自适应旁瓣对消(ASLC)理论基础上,研究了一种改进的数字抗干扰处理算法。该算法分析了辅助天线单元独立设计引起的空间资源占用等问题,通过在天线阵列中灵活选取数字单元形成辅助信号的方式,优化阵列资源的同时增加了主阵列与辅助单元收到的干扰信号相关性,提高了系统的干扰抑制比;根据最小均方误差准则对辅助信号进行预加权处理,削减辅助波束接收的期望信号能量,改善了由于辅助波束接收信号的自相关矩阵中含有期望信号引起的期望信号相消问题。通过系统测试,验证了该技术的有效性,实测结果表明,该算法在简化天线阵列设计的同时,干扰调零深度达到了51. 6 dB,而期望信号信噪比仅损失0. 65 dB,解决了传统ASLC 算法效率下降的难题,具有广泛的工程应用前景。  相似文献   

要:建立了室内可见光通信系统模型,针对其信道冲击响应,分别采用最小二乘(LS)估计方法和最小均方差(MMSE)估计方法对信道进行了理论分析,并且通过计算机仿真,对两种不同的估计方法性能进行了比较,最后在此基础上,分别对抽头长度和训练序列长度对信道估计的性能影响进行了仿真验证。实验结果表明:在相同信噪比下,MMSE方法的性能优于LS方法,但是计算量比LS方法复杂,而且LS方法性能依赖于噪声的影响,信噪比越高,LS估计方法的性能越好。同时抽头数越多,训练序列越长,信道估计的性能越好,但也会增加计算的复杂度。  相似文献   

The powerful iterative algorithm of Turbo code is employed in the proposed iterative multiuser receiver for the downlink of a forward error correction (FEC) coded direct-sequence code-division multiple access (DS-CDMA) environment. The receiver iterates between the 2 coding dimensions, namely the spreading codes and the FEC codes. The optimum iterative multiuser receiver uses the optimum decentralised single-user detector to generate the single-user extrinsic information for the single-user decoders. This paper suggests a near-optimum detector using a folded trellis preselection stage for the multiuser signal detection, in order to reduce the dominating complexity of the optimum decentralised detector. Simulation results show that performance is close to optimum. The effect of the single-user decoders' extrinsic information on the signal detection stage is also investigated and it is found that extrinsic information improves performance.  相似文献   

本文在DS-CDMA PCN系统抗干扰性能的分析中,首次提出了用户归一化扩频信号等效左半部分和等效右半部分的分析模型,并在此基础上有效地结合传统扩频通信RAKE接收机的抗多径性能和多用户信号检测器的抗多址干扰特性,得到了一种能同时消除同频干扰和对抗多径多用户信号检测新方法。  相似文献   

智能天线技术将信号处理由空域、时域、码域扩展到了空域,它已成为第3代移动通信系统的关键技术之一。本文结合IS-95和cdma2000系统的特点,仿真并分析智能天线对CDMA系统上行链路性能的影响。  相似文献   

第三代移动通信系统中,多用户检测技术是克服多址干扰(MAI)、增加系统容量的有效方法。本文针对多径衰落信道下的直扩码分多址(DS—CDMA)系统的上行链路,基于等效扩频码组Gram—Schmitz正交化与串行干扰消除(SIC),提出了等效同步多用户检测(ESMUD)算法。分析最大比合并瑞克(RAKE)接收算法、传统的SIC算法以及本文算法的复杂度,并对三种算法的性能进行数值仿真。结果表明,本文提出的算法能有效抑制MAI,且计算复杂度与传统SIC算法在同一量级上。  相似文献   

本文提出用RAKE接收机的可变处理增益系统,通过高斯近似,得出了各种业务在不同的概率的情况下,可变处理增益系统在Nakagami信道下误码率的计算公式,研究了衰落因子对系统的影响,最后,给出了两种业务,三种业务可变处理增益系统数值计算结果。  相似文献   

An optical dynamic frequency hopping code division multiple access communication system is proposed. In this system, an electrically controlled tunable optical filter (TOF) is used to encode the modulated broadband light source. The code depends on the function set to the controller. Two-dimensional code, named functional code, is also proposed based of shifted sine function. The function defines the dynamic coding pattern of the central wavelength of the transmitted narrowband optical signal. Thus, the system will allow for an easy reconfiguration of the transmitter without the need for sophisticated encoder. At the receiver, a synchronized TOF with the same function is used as a decoder. The system is modeled and analyzed taking into account the multiple access interference, phase induced intensity noise, and thermal noise. The performance of this system is shown to be better compared with a fast frequency hopping system and a spectral amplitude coding system that uses either a Hadamard code, a modified quadratic congruence code (MQC), or a modified frequency hopping code (MFH).  相似文献   

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