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Cryoablation is a widely used method for the treatment of nonresectable primary and metastatic liver tumors. A model that can accurately predict the size of a cryolesion may allow more effective treatment of tumor, while sparing normal liver tissue. We generated a computer model of tissue cryoablation using the finite-element method (FEM). In our model, we considered the heat transfer mechanism inside the cryoprobe and also cryoprobe surfaces so our model could incorporate the effect of heat transfer along the cryoprobe from the environment at room temperature. The modeling of the phase shift from liquid to solid was a key factor in the accurate development of this model. The model was verified initially in an ex vivo liver model. Temperature history at three locations around one cryoprobe and between two cryoprobes was measured. The comparison between the ex vivo result and the FEM modeling result at each location showed a good match, where the maximum difference was within the error range acquired in the experiment (< 5 degC). The FEM model prediction of the lesion size was within 0.7 mm of experimental results. We then validated our FEM in an in vivo experimental porcine model. We considered blood perfusion in conjunction with blood viscosity depending on temperature. The in vivo iceball size was smaller than the ex vivo iceball size due to blood perfusion as predicted in our model. The FEM results predicted this size within 0.1-mm error. The FEM model we report can accurately predict the extent of cryoablation in the liver.  相似文献   

This paper presents a comparative analysis between results from applications of the p-q and the p-q-r theories in shunt active power filters for three-phase four-wire systems, discussing aspects related to the influence of the system voltage in the control methods that calculate the compensating currents. It is shown that in some cases, a preprocessing of the system voltage is required if the goal is to achieve sinusoidal compensated currents. On the other hand, when the goal is to compensate zero-sequence current, the need of energy storage elements in the active filter is discussed. In this case, if zero-sequence components are present simultaneously in the system voltage and load current, they produce zero-sequence power flow, and the control methods based on both theories must contain additional calculations to allow the elimination of energy storage elements in the active filter. A control strategy based on the p-q theory is proposed to eliminate the neutral current without the need of energy storage elements, with the advantage of avoiding the extra transformation from alphabeta0 to pqr coordinates that is needed in the p-q-r theory. Simulation results are presented for the purpose of comparing the performance of both control methods.  相似文献   

Elevation of intracranial pressure is one of the most important issues in neurosurgery and neurology in clinical practice. The prevalent techniques for measuring intracranial pressure require equipments that are wired, restricted to a hospital environment, and cause patient discomfort. A novel method for measuring the intracranial pressure is described. A wireless completely implantable device, operating at an industrial-scientific-medical band of 2.4 GHz, has been developed and tested. In-vitro and in-vivo evaluations are described to demonstrate the feasibility of microwave pressure monitoring through scalp, device integrity over a long period of time, and repeatability of pressure measurements. A distinction between an epidural and sub-dural pressure monitoring techniques is also described. Histo-pathological results obtained upon a long-term device implantation favor the utilization of the sub-dural pressure monitoring method. On the other hand, in-vivo studies illustrate a maximum pressure reading error of 0.8 mm middot Hg obtained for a sub-dural device with a capacitive microelectromechanical system sensor compared to 2 mm middot Hg obtained for an epidural device with a piezoresistive sensor.  相似文献   

In the analysis of large random wireless networks, the underlying node distribution is almost ubiquitously assumed to be the homogeneous Poisson point process. In this paper, the node locations are assumed to form a Poisson cluster process on the plane. We derive the distributional properties of the interference and provide upper and lower bounds for its distribution. We consider the probability of successful transmission in an interference-limited channel when fading is modeled as Rayleigh. We provide a numerically integrable expression for the outage probability and closed-form upper and lower bounds. We show that when the transmitter–receiver distance is large, the success probability is greater than that of a Poisson arrangement. These results characterize the performance of the system under geographical or MAC-induced clustering. We obtain the maximum intensity of transmitting nodes for a given outage constraint, i.e., the transmission capacity (of this spatial arrangement) and show that it is equal to that of a Poisson arrangement of nodes. For the analysis, techniques from stochastic geometry are used, in particular the probability generating functional of Poisson cluster processes, the Palm characterization of Poisson cluster processes, and the Campbell–Mecke theorem.   相似文献   

This paper presents a maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) detector, based on a forward-only algorithm that can achieve high throughputs. The MAP algorithm is optimal in terms of bit error rate (BER) performance and, with Turbo processing, can approach performance close to the channel capacity limit. The implementation benefits from optimizations performed at both algorithm and circuit level. The proposed detector utilizes a deep-pipelined architecture implemented in skew-tolerant domino and experimentally measured results verify the detector can achieve throughputs greater than 750 Mb/s while consuming 2.4 W. The 16-state EEPR4 channel detector is implemented in a 0.13$ mu{hbox {m}}$ CMOS technology and has a core area of 7.1 ${hbox {mm}}^{2}$.   相似文献   

A conventional differential pair LC oscillator is capable of generating only a single fundamental oscillation frequency. This brief presents the theoretical study of a novel oscillator that incorporates higher order LC filters to produce multiple oscillation frequencies that may be several octaves apart. These multiple oscillation frequencies are obtained from a single oscillator, thereby reducing the area of the circuit when being used for multistandard wireless applications. Moreover, a multi-order oscillator does not suffer from large parasitic capacitances from switches, which is a common drawback in switched-inductor tuned oscillators. A detailed analysis is carried out, and useful design insights are provided  相似文献   

We consider the problem of determining asymptotic bounds on the capacity of a random ad hoc network. Previous approaches assumed a link layer model in which if a transmitter-receiver pair can communicate with each other, i.e., the signal to interference and noise ratio (SINR) is above a certain threshold, then the transmitted packet is received error-free by the receiver thereby. Using this model, the per node capacity of the network was shown to be $Theta left ( {{ 1}over { sqrt {nlog {n}}}}right )$. In reality, for any finite link SINR, there is a nonzero probability of erroneous reception of the packet. We show that in a large network, as the packet travels an asymptotically large number of hops from source to destination, the cumulative impact of packet losses over intermediate links results in a per-node throughput of only $Oleft ( {{ 1}over { n}}right )$ under the previously proposed routing and scheduling strategy. We then propose a new scheduling scheme to counter this effect. The proposed scheme provides tight guarantees on end-to-end packet loss probability, and improves the per-node throughput to $Omega left ( {{ 1}over { sqrt {n} left ({log {n}}right )^{{ alpha {+2}}over { 2(alpha -2)}}}}right )$ where $alpha >2$ is the path loss exponent.   相似文献   

The transmission range that achieves the most economical use of energy in wireless ad hoc networks is studied for uniformly distributed network nodes. By assuming the existence of forwarding neighbors and the knowledge of their locations, the average per-hop packet progress for a transmission range that is universal for all nodes is derived. This progress is then used to identify the optimal per-hop transmission range that gives the maximal energy efficiency. Equipped with this analytical result, the relation between the most energy-economical transmission range and the node density, as well as the path loss exponent, is numerically investigated. It is observed that when the path loss exponent is high (such as four), the optimal transmission ranges are almost identical over the range of node densities that we studied. However, when the path loss exponent is only two, the optimal transmission range decreases noticeably as the node density increases. Simulation results also confirm the optimality of the per-hop transmission range, which we found analytically.   相似文献   

Efficient and reliable reconstruction of location and shape of dielectric targets via microwave imaging is relevant in many applications. In this respect, the linear sampling method is an effective candidate to pursue this task. However, despite its simplicity and computational effectiveness, still its use is restricted to the mathematical community wherein it has been originally developed. Starting from this observation, in this paper we propose and test a simple and original "physical" interpretation of the linear sampling methods, which shows its relationship with electromagnetic focusing problems. Taking advantage of this result we discuss merits and limitations of the method and suggest new guidelines for a successful application. The analysis is supported with results against experimental data  相似文献   

Long-term human space exploration will require contingencies for emergency medical procedures including some capability to perform surgery. The ability to perform minimally invasive surgery (MIS) would be an important capability. The use of small incisions reduces surgical risk, but also eliminates the ability of the surgeon to view and touch the surgical environment directly. Robotic surgery, or telerobotic surgery, may provide emergency surgical care in remote or harsh environments such as space flight, or extremely forward environments such as battlefields. However, because current surgical robots are large and require extensive support personnel, their implementation has remained limited in forward environments, and they would be difficult, or impossible, to use in space flight or on battlefields. This paper presents experimental analysis of miniature fixed-base and mobile in vivo robots to support MIS surgery in remote and harsh environments. The objective is to develop wireless imaging and task-assisting robots that can be placed inside the abdominal cavity during surgery. Such robots will provide surgical task assistance and enable an on-site or remote surgeon to view the surgical environment from multiple angles. This approach is applicable to long-duration space flight, battlefield situations, and for traditional medical centers and other remote surgical locations.  相似文献   

Epiretinal prostheses are being developed to bypass a degenerated photoreceptor layer and excite surviving ganglion and inner retinal cells. We used custom microfabricated multielectrode arrays with 200-mum-diameter stimulating electrodes and 10-mum-diameter recording electrodes to stimulate and record neural responses in isolated tiger salamander retina. Pharmacological agents were used to isolate direct excitation of ganglion cells from excitation of other inner retinal cells. Strength-duration data suggest that, if amplitude will be used for the coding of brightness or gray level in retinal prostheses, shorter pulses (200 mus) will allow for a smaller region in the area of the electrode to be excited over a larger dynamic range compared with longer pulses (1 ms). Both electrophysiological results and electrostatic finite-element modeling show that electrode-electrode interactions can lead to increased thresholds for sites half way between simultaneously stimulated electrodes (29.4 plusmn 6.6 nC) compared with monopolar stimulation (13.3 plusmn 1.7 nC, < 0.02). Presynaptic stimulation of the same ganglion cell with both 200- and 10- m-diameter electrodes yielded threshold charge densities of 12 plusmn 6 and 7.66 plusmn 1.30 nC/cm2, respectively, while the required charge was 12.5 plusmn 6.2 and 19 plusmn 3.3 nC.  相似文献   

A dual-band LC voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) architecture suitable for GSM/PCS/DCS applications is presented. The VCO utilizes a fourth-order resonance tank and avoids quality-factor-deteriorating switches. The paper outlines the design tradeoffs and the VCO when using a fourth-order resonator. The 0.8-GHz/1.8-GHz test chip was fabricated in the 0.5-mum IBM-5AM SiGe process and has achieved phase noise of -134 dBc/Hz at a 1-MHz frequency offset from the carrier, with 56-MHz and 121-MHz tuning ranges in the corresponding bands. The VCO core consumes 15 mW from a 2.5-V power supply  相似文献   

We show that electrical impedance tomography (EIT) image reconstruction algorithms with regularization based on the total variation (TV) functional are suitable for in vivo imaging of physiological data. This reconstruction approach helps to preserve discontinuities in reconstructed profiles, such as step changes in electrical properties at interorgan boundaries, which are typically smoothed by traditional reconstruction algorithms. The use of the TV functional for regularization leads to the minimization of a nondifferentiable objective function in the inverse formulation. This cannot be efficiently solved with traditional optimization techniques such as the Newton method. We explore two implementations methods for regularization with the TV functional: the lagged diffusivity method and the primal dual–interior point method (PD-IPM). First we clarify the implementation details of these algorithms for EIT reconstruction. Next, we analyze the performance of these algorithms on noisy simulated data. Finally, we show reconstructed EIT images of in vivo data for ventilation and gastric emptying studies. In comparison to traditional quadratic regularization, TV regulariza tion shows improved ability to reconstruct sharp contrasts.   相似文献   

For a wireless network with n nodes distributed in an area A, and with n source-destination pairs communicating with each other at some common rate, the hierarchical cooperation scheme proposed in (Ozgur, Leveque, and Tse, 2007) is analyzed and optimized by choosing the number of hierarchical stages and the corresponding cluster sizes that maximize the total throughput. It turns out that increasing the number of stages does not necessarily improve the throughput, and the closed-form solutions for the optimization problem can be explicitly obtained. Based on the expression of the maximum achievable throughput, it is found that the hierarchical scheme achieves a scaling with the exponent depending on n . In addition, to apply the hierarchical cooperation scheme to random networks, a clustering algorithm is developed, which divides the whole network into quadrilateral clusters, each with exactly the number of nodes required.  相似文献   

In this letter, for the first time, we have successfully fabricated silicon-oxide-nitride-oxide-silicon (SONOS) devices with embedded silicon nanocrystals (Si-NCs) in silicon nitride using in situ method. This process is simple and compatible to modern IC processes. Different Si-NCs deposition times by in situ method were investigated at first. SONOS devices with embedded Si-NCs in silicon nitride exhibit excellent characteristics in terms of larger memory windows (> 5.5 V), lower operation voltage, high P/E speed, and longer retention time (> 108 s for 13% charge loss).  相似文献   

This paper considers basic bounds on the overhead of link-state protocols in mobile ad hoc networks. Hierarchical protocols are known for their good scalability properties, and hence this paper considers a two-level hierarchical protocol. In such protocols, nodes need to keep track of shortest path information, link states and cluster membership. Two types of overheads are considered; the memory needed to store routing-related information, including link-states and cluster membership, and the control messages that need to be exchanged to keep track of the changes in the network. Memory overhead is important practically for dimensioning network nodes, while message routing overhead is important since it reduces the effective capacity of the network to carry user data (vis-a-vis control data). The scalability properties of the message routing overhead are analyzed for different modes of network scaling. Practical implications, such as optimal cluster size, average/fixed memory requirement and routing protocol parameter selections are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents a scheme to accurately tune the quality factor of second-order LC bandpass filters. The information of the magnitude response at the center and one of the cutoff frequencies is used to tune both the amplitude and the quality factor of the filter using two independent yet interacting loops. Furthermore, the synergic interaction between the loops makes the proposed scheme stable and insensitive to the mismatch between the input amplitudes. A chip prototype was implemented in a 0.35-mum CMOS process and consumes 4.3 mA from a single 1.3-V supply. Measurement results show that at 1.97 GHz the quality factor is tunable from 60 to 220 while the amplitude is tunable between -15 and 0 dBm with worst case quality factor and amplitude tuning accuracies of 10% and 7%, respectively  相似文献   

Considers how different our present state of technological prowess would be if wireless systems had not been discovered and implemented, then forecasts where we are headed in the real world and what the role of government and regulators may be.  相似文献   

Variable-frequency microwave (VFM) curing can perform the same processing steps as conventional thermal processing in minutes, without compromising intrinsic material properties. With increasing demand for novel dielectrics, there is a corresponding demand for new processing techniques that lead to comparable or better properties than conventional methods. VFM processing can be a viable alternative to conventional thermal techniques. However, current limitations include a lack of reliable temperature measuring techniques. This research focuses on developing a reliable temperature measuring system using acoustic techniques to monitor low-k polymer dielectrics cured on silicon wafers in a VFM furnace. The acoustic sensor exhibits the capability to measure temperatures from 20degC to 300degC with an attainable accuracy of plusmn2 degrees.  相似文献   

This paper presents the 25-DOF full-size humanoid robot LOLA . Our goal is to realize fast and human-like walking. Furthermore, we want to increase the robot’s autonomous, vision-guided walking capabilities. LOLA is characterized by a redundant kinematic configuration, an extremely lightweight design, joint actuators with brushless motors and an electronics architecture using decentralized joint control. Special emphasis was put on an improved mass distribution to achieve good dynamic performance. Center of mass trajectories are calculated in real-time from footstep locations using a spline collocation method. Reference trajectories are modified by a stabilizing control system based on hybrid force/position control with an inner joint position control loop.   相似文献   

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