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Analog circuit techniques can be beneficially applied to reduce the circuit complexity and power consumption of motion estimation processors for digital video encoding. However, analog circuits are sensitive to mismatch which affects motion estimation. This paper presents the design of an analog motion estimation processor which overcomes these limitations. A novel architecture is described featuring pixel reuse and input offset error cancellation. The proof-of-concept realization was fabricated in 0.8-/spl mu/m CMOS, and operates on 4/spl times/4 pixel blocks and a search area of 8/spl times/8 pixels. However, the architecture is scalable to larger block sizes and more advanced technologies. Measured results for various QCIF video sequences at 15-f/s showed excellent PSNR performance. The prototype dissipates 0.9 mW of power from a single 3-V power supply and occupies an area of 0.95 mm/sup 2/. Energy consumption is 1.51 nJ per motion vector.  相似文献   

A novel power-efficient systolic array architecture is proposed for full search block matching (FSBM) motion estimation, where the partial distortion elimination algorithm is used to dynamically switch off the computation of eliminated partial candidate blocks. The RTL-level simulation shows that the proposed architecture can reduce the power consumption of the computation part of the algorithm to about 60% of that of the conventional 2D systolic arrays  相似文献   

该文提出了一种用于MPEG-4形状编码的快速运动估计算法。该算法利用了形状编码及形状信息的固有特性,即基于上下文的运动估计特性、相邻二值alpha块的运动矢量相关性以及形状信息的二值特性。模拟结果表明,该算法具有运算量少、处理速度快的特点,适用于MPEG-4形状编码的实时软件实现。  相似文献   

A rate-distortion estimation method for MPEG-2 video that enables one to predict the number of bits and the distortion to be generated from an encoded picture at a given quantisation step size, and vice versa is proposed. The estimation method has some outstanding advantages: first, the computational complexity is small because its major operation is just to obtain a histogram or weighted histogram of the DCT coefficients from an input picture, and the final form of the proposed estimation model is simple. Secondly, its results are accurate enough to be applied to practical video coding applications. Simulation results show that the estimation errors for the rate and for the distortion do not exceed 2.5% and 1%, respectively  相似文献   

一种新的视频编码的块运动估计算法   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文提出了一种连续判别的非线性预测搜索NPSSD块运动估计算法,可以用于视频压缩的一些国际标准,如H.261,H.263,MPEG1,MPEG2,HDTV中。NPSSD算法充分利用了序列图像的实际运动矢量与预测矢量之间的位移的空间分布特性--中心偏置分布特性和时间上的相关特性,并在搜索过程中采用了中止判别和搜索判别,可以明显地减少运动搜索复杂度。仿真表明这种算法减少了搜索次数,提高了搜索效率,降低  相似文献   

提出了一种新的MPEG-4业务模型,它利用MPEG-4的帧结构特点,以IBB和PBB序列为基本处理单元,通过Hadamard变换在正交变换域对IBB和PBB序列间的相关性进行匹配建模,从而实现对MPEG-4图像数据短期相关和长期相关特性的精确捕获。仿真研究表明,用该模型产生的随机数据和实际MPEG4图像数据在概率密度函数和自相关函数上高度吻合,在以它们为输入源的漏桶评估实验中,二者对缓存要求和比特丢失率的估计也基本相同。该模型还具有所需参数少,模型简单效率高等优点,非常适合作为无线资源管理和系统级性能评估研究等的图像数据源模型。  相似文献   

MPEG-4 uses a perspective model for global motion estimation. The region of support for global motion representation consists of the entire image frame. Estimating global motion parameters is very expensive computationally, since all the pixels in the frames are involved in the computation. Therefore, computationally efficient global motion estimation techniques are sought-after. It is shown that real-time global motion estimation in an MPEG-4 video codec can be achieved by using a pixel subsampling method based on regular subsampling patterns. Simulation results demonstrated that the proposed method was capable of speeding up the conventional all- pixel GME approach by more than 11 times, with a subsampling ratio of 1/16, without significant loss in estimation accuracy and compression efficiency.  相似文献   

In this article, novel approaches to perform efficient motion estimation specific to surveillance video compression are proposed. These includes (i) selective (ii) tracker-based and (iii) multi-frame-based motion estimation. In selective approach, motion vector search is performed for only those frames that contain some motion activity. In another approach, contrary to performing motion estimation on the encoder side, motion vectors are calculated using information of a surveillance video tracker. This approach is quicker but for some scenarios it degrades the visual perception of the video compared with selective approach. In an effort to speed up multi-frame motion estimation, we propose a fast multiple reference frames-based motion estimation technique for surveillance videos. Experimental evaluation shows that significant reduction in computational complexity can be achieved by applying the proposed strategies.  相似文献   

In this paper,we proposed a novel Two-layer Motion Estimation (TME) which searches motion vectors on two layers with partial distortion measures in order to reduce the overwhelming computational complexity of Motion Estimation (ME) in video coding.A layer is an image which is derived from the reference frame such that the sum of a block of pixels in the reference frame determines the point of a layer.It has been noticed on different video sequences that many motion vectors on the layers are the same as those searched on the reference frame.The proposed TME performs a coarse search on the first layer to identify the small region in which the best candidate block is likely to be positioned and then perform local refined search on the next layer to pick the best candidate block in the located small area.The key feature of TME is its flexibility of mixing with any fast search algorithm.Experimental results on a wide variety of video sequences show that the proposed algorithm has achieved both fast speed and good motion prediction quality when compared to well known as well as the state-of-the-art fast block matching algorithms.  相似文献   

This paper studies modeling approach of MPEG-4 VBR video traffic based on multifractal multiplicative model. Multiscale analysis reveals that the multiplier distribution is different in style on different time scales. Based on statistical characteristics of the multipliers, a composite modeling approach is proposed: Gaussian distribution is used to fit multiplier distribution at large time scales, a new statistical distribution-Symmetric Pareto distribution to fit multiplier distribution at small time scales and a linear model to model frame traffic. Simulations are performed to validate the good effect of this approach.  相似文献   

A VLSI architecture for variable block size video motion estimation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
With the advent of new video standards such as MPEG-4 part-10 and H.264/H.26L, demands for advanced video coding, particularly in the area of variable block size video motion estimation (VBSME), are increasing. In this paper, we propose a new one-dimensional (1-D) very large-scale integration architecture for full-search VBSME (FSVBSME). The VBS sum of absolute differences (SAD) computation is performed by re-using the results of smaller sub-block computations. These are distributed and combined by incorporating a shuffling mechanism within each processing element. Whereas a conventional 1-D architecture can process only one motion vector (MV), this new architecture can process up to 41 MV sub-blocks (within a macroblock) in the same number of clock cycles.  相似文献   

目前,人们对处理话音的能力已经非常强大,而且其无线传输也已十分普及,那么下一个无线传输的目标是什么呢?我们很自然地想到了图像信息,尽管仍有许多技术问题有待解决,但视频信息依然会成为无线传输的下一个热点,并且带动一系列新的无线应用。现在迫切需要建立的是,既具有实用性,又能为市场所接受的无线视频传输系统。无线视频传输当前,用于视频信号的主要传输网络有PSTN、ISDN、广播网以及Internet。最初,视频会议使用PSTN和ISDN传输,这两种网络的误码率都十分低。与此类似,有些采用广播方式的系统也设计成能在一定服…  相似文献   

余智 《电视技术》2001,(10):26-28
在分析ARMIT DMI结构基础上,详细阐述了如何对微处理器ARM7TDMI进行优化,以实现MPEG-4视频解码,并给出了实验效果。  相似文献   

MPEG-4自然视频编码技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对MPEG-4自然视频编码的关键技术作了详细的分析和阐述。首先介绍MPEG-4频语法结构,并对视频编码的框架概要分析。接着分析了自然视频编码中涉及到的关键技术,包括:VOP的产生;二值和灰度级α平面的编码技术;运动估计和补偿方法;纹理编码;基于对象的时间分级和空间分级;MPEG-4提供的再同步和各种错误掩盖,刷新方法,精 编码技术和零树小波基的静止图像编码技术。指出MPEG-4和MPEG-1,MPEG-2等标准的异同,突出MPEG-4的三个主要特点。最后给出MPEG-4技术在网络视频传输中的应用,并给出测试和分析。  相似文献   

运动估计是MPEG图像编码中提高压缩率最有效的方法,也是运算量最大的部分,因而也是较难实时实现的。针对“高清晰度电视功能样机”信源编码的要求,就全局运动做主方法提出了相应的硬件设计,并且完成了其硬件实现。  相似文献   

A new architecture for transmission of MPEG-4 video on MPLS networks   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Due to insufficient network bandwidth on the Internet, multimedia-oriented applications are still not popular. Traffic on the Internet often causes congestion in routers. Therefore, the Internet must overcome these challenges and bottlenecks to provide more multimedia-oriented applications. We study the transmission of MPEG-4-based video traffic in MPLS networks, and propose a better architecture, called actively reserved bandwidth architecture, for improving CR-LDP in MPLS networks. The architecture is designed to overcome the bottleneck of router in MPLS networks. This approach is beneficial to the transmission of MPEG-4-based video traffic.  相似文献   

Edge oriented block motion estimation for video coding   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Intensity-based block motion estimation and compensation algorithms are widely used to exploit temporal redundancies in video coding, although they suffer from several drawbacks. One of the problems is that blocks located on boundaries of moving objects are not estimated accurately. It causes poor motion-compensated prediction along the moving edges to which the human visual system is very sensitive. By considering the characteristics of block motions for typical image sequences, an intelligent classifier is proposed to separate blocks containing moving edges to improve on conventional intensity-based block matching approaches. The motion vectors of these blocks are computed using edge matching techniques, so that the motion-compensated frames are tied more closely to the physical features. The proposed method can then make use of this accurate motion information for edge blocks to compute the remaining non-edged blocks. Consequently, a fast and efficient block motion estimation algorithm is developed. Experimental results show that this approach gives a significant improvement in accuracy for motion-compensated frames and computational complexity, in comparison with the traditional intensity-based block motion estimation methods  相似文献   

An adaptive cost block matching (ACBM) motion estimation technique is proposed to achieve a good compromise between the visual quality of decoded video sequences and the computational cost. Simulation results demonstrate that the ACBM algorithm is able to obtain a better rate-distortion performance that the one given by the full-search algorithm, with reductions of up to 90% in the computational cost.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional motion estimation of objects for video coding   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three-dimensional (3-D) motion estimation is applied to the problem of motion compensation for video coding. We suppose that the video sequence consists of the perspective projections of a collection of rigid bodies which undergo a rototranslational motion. Motion compensation can be performed on the sequence once the shape of the objects and the motion parameters are determined. We show that the motion equations of a rigid body can be formulated as a nonlinear dynamic system whose state is represented by the motion parameters and by the scaled depths of the object feature points. An extended Kalman filter is used to estimate both the motion and the object shape parameters simultaneously. The inclusion of the shape parameters in the estimation procedure adds a set of constraints to the filter equations that appear to be essential for reliable motion estimation. Our experiments show that the proposed approach gives two advantages. First, the filter can give more reliable estimates in the presence of measurement noise in comparison with other motion estimators that separately compute motion and structure. Second, the filter can efficiently track abrupt motion changes. Moreover, the structure imposed by the model implies that the reconstructed motion is very natural as opposed to more common block-based schemes. Also, the parameterization of the model allows for a very efficient coding of the motion information  相似文献   

MPEG-4视频流量多重分形建模   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
王升辉  裘正定 《通信学报》2006,27(10):44-50
从多重分形树的定义出发,分析了多重分形各尺度系数的边缘分布特性及系数间自相关函数的关系,并利用得到的结论提出了一种新的MPEG-4视频流量多重分形模型(PMFM,predictable MFM)。通过对最粗尺度系数进行auto-regressive短相关预测建模,该模型具有了传统多重分形模型不具备的流量预测能力;另外,模型改进了各尺度乘子的参数获取方式,使得多重分形模型的稳定性有了显著提高。  相似文献   

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