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在对大学非英语专业一、二年级学生在网络环境下自我监控学习能力的情况进行问卷调查的基础上,研究了网络环境下,大学英语学习者的学习动机、自我效能感和归因对其自我监控学习行为的影响。结果表明:这两个年级学生的自我监控水平偏低,各项指标差别不大,未呈现显著差异性;其自我监控行为与深层型学习动机呈极其显著的正相关,与表层型学习动机呈极其显著的负相关;其自我监控学习行为与自我效能感,呈极其显著的正相关;其自我监控学习行为与内部归因呈显著正相关,与外部归因呈显著负相关。同时,依据研究结果对大学英语网络教学提出了建议。  相似文献   


This article presents the findings of a study analyzing the learning styles of undergraduate construction management (CM) students in bachelor’s degree programs in the United States. The study utilized the Felder-Silverman model and the Index of Learning Styles (ILS) as a survey instrument. The survey population consisted of 1,069 CM students from 36 university CM programs across the Associated Schools of Construction regions. Demographic information, the raw ILS responses, and the ILS web-based survey report were collected from the students. The results were analyzed and compared to both the CM students themselves and to similar studies done with engineering students. It was found that CM students were visual, active, sensing, and sequential learners. This study provides recommendations for how CM instructors might align their teaching styles with CM-student learning styles, and discusses impacts on the CM industry.  相似文献   

李冬梅  尹晓黎  徐苏宁  陈娇 《山西建筑》2010,36(31):186-188
在对激励理论认识的基础上,总结了城市规划专业学生学习中存在的问题,并提出了针对性的教学方法,通过激发学生的学习动力,进而培养出更优秀的城市规划专业人才。  相似文献   

充分认识在农村推进当代中国马克思主义大众化的重要意义,准确把握通俗性、灵活性、日常性和长期性等在农村推进理论大众化的特点,提高大众化的积极性和实效性;要科学理解和准确定位农村当代中国马克思主义大众化的主体及其关系,尊重农民群众的主体地位,充分发挥广大农民群众的主动性创造性;通过净化农村思想文化环境,创造有利于当代中国马克思主义大众化的良好条件;立足农村农民实际,科学谋划,采取灵活多样的方式方法,推动理论"飞入寻常百姓家"。  相似文献   

建设法规课程案例教学法在高校土木工程、工程管理及工程造价等专业教学中应用较为广泛。该方法有一定的优势,但在实际应用中,由于有些案例选取不当,不能充分激发学生学习动机。文章根据学习动机激发理论,结合建设法规课程特点,设计建设法规课程案例教学的具体方式,以调动学生学习的主动性和积极性。  相似文献   

Demand for construction managers is considerable and is projected to grow through the next decade. To meet the demand for construction managers, construction management programs will have to produce enough graduates. However, to produce graduates, programs must first attract students to their programs. This study collected data from students enrolled in a construction management (CM) degree program at multiple universities to learn about their perceptions of factors that attracted them to a construction management degree program. A comparative analysis was performed to identify differences in influential factors by gender. The results indicate that very few differences exist, in regard to the factors that attract students to construction degree programs, between male and female students. It was also found that while all factors identified were positively influential, there are substantial differences between the factors regarding how many students they reach and their level of positive influence. Career opportunities was found to be the most influential factor in attracting students of both genders to CM programs, followed by, internships, non-internship work experience, and fieldtrips to job sites. Factors were also identified for CM programs trying to increase their female enrolment to focus on.  相似文献   

针对工科专业大学生学习专业课程的动机与期望、教师合适采取的教学方式与考核机制等大学专业课程改革中的关键现实问题,对来自北京航空航天大学航空科学与工程学院、自动化与电气工程学院5个工科专业计112名处于专业课学习阶段的高年级本科生、低年级硕士生、高年级硕士生和部分博士生进行了跨年级、跨专业的问卷调查。在此基础上深入探讨了学生学习工科专业课程的目的,对科研工作能力内涵与外延的认知,愿意接受的专业课程教学模式、考核方法及大作业选题方式等调查结果,并根据调研结果对实现教学研一体化的教改思路提出了4点建议。  相似文献   

郭思远  金钢  钱可敦 《园林》2021,(1):49-55
作为高校教育中普遍存在的一个现象,"转专业"问题在社会上一直受到普遍关注.随着转专业制度的不断完善,风景园林学科中转专业大学生的人数占比也在逐年提升,这对风景园林学科教育和景观行业的发展起到重要作用.目前,研究者大多将重点放在转专业的动机以及政策的合理性上,而转专业后续过程中,学生、学校所遇到的问题却被忽略.此外,风景...  相似文献   

The aim of the current study is to assess the knowledge, attitude and behavior of students enrolled at the American University of Beirut (AUB) in Lebanon, towards mad cow disease (MCD). Three hundred and fifty-six students (199 males and 157 females), ranging in age between 17 and 25 years were randomly selected from various majors and were asked to fill out a self-administered questionnaire. It was found that 99.7% of students had heard about MCD and 85.8% knew that the cow is the host for bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). Seventy five percent reported that animals contract the disease through the consumption of meat and bone meal. Thirty-seven percent wrongly believed that MCD cases were reported in Lebanon and 89% were not satisfied with the measures undertaken by the Lebanese government to curb the disease. Eighty four percent were concerned about the disease and 72% stated having modified their eating habits accordingly. Moreover, students majoring in biology and other health-related majors knew significantly more about MCD compared with students majoring in non-health related majors. A surprising finding was that females were more likely to modify their eating habits than males. Hence, this study provides an insight into the knowledge, attitude, and behavior of AUB students towards MCD. A limitation of this study is that our sample is not representative of all university students in Lebanon. Future surveys should also target students enrolled in other universities in the country.  相似文献   

针对民办高校土木工程专业学生理论基础薄弱、学习主动性不强的特点及工程地质学的教学要求,单独为其设计制作了一套生动的课件,辅以课内课外互动教学模式,提高民办高校土木工程专业学生的学习兴趣,拓宽专业知识。  相似文献   

土木工程专业(结构工程方向)要求毕业生具备扎实的结构设计理论和一定的工程实践应用能力,对于双学位辅修学生存在时间紧、任务重、学习难度大的问题。混凝土结构是典型的理论和实践并重的专业课程,以其为例对辅修专业课程教学中存在的困难进行学术调研,并提出改进对策与建议。调研发现,目前存在辅修学生已修课程基础偏弱、不同专业学生可利用时间难统一、单次课时长易导致师生疲劳,以及学生重修难度大等问题。因此,建议教师在理论知识讲解时应注重生动性和可回顾性,可配合网络课程以及相关试验和动画视频。此外,应更加注重实践能力培养,合理安排理论授课和实践教学时间,加强工程应用实例和工程事故案例讲解,提升学生分析和解决问题的能力,培养职业责任感。  相似文献   

风险型CM 项目与普通工程相比在质量、成本、进度等的管理方面存在着一些优势。随着风险型CM 项目在中国的应用不断增多,结合新的管理模式保证工程成功显得尤为重要。风险型CM 项目成功的关键是组织界面管理,论文分析了风险型CM 项目组织界面问题,运用Partnering 模式结合组织界面管理原理确定了风险型CM 项目组织界面管理流程。新的组织界面管理流程可达成组织界面管理共识、建立组织界面管理制度条件和技术条件;可解决风险型CM 项目组织界面处问题,优化组织界面,最终保证风险型CM 项目的顺利开展。  相似文献   

建筑企业环境表现评价系统(C—EPSS)层套AHP计算模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建筑施工活动一般被认为是环境污染的重要来源 ,随着人们对环境问题的日益关注 ,正确评价建筑承包企业环境表现从而采取合理的管理措施 ,已经成为重要的研究课题。本文旨在研究如何评价建筑承包企业在建筑施工过程中的环境表现 ,并对其表现出具诊断意见。为此通过对香港和内地建筑承包商的重点考察 ,采用调查问卷对承包商、业主、研究人员和相关从业者收集的意见的基础上 ,甄选了环境指标和环境要素 ,设计了层套AHP计算模型  相似文献   

目的了解不同学制医学研究生的科研训练与临床实践情况,分析各学制在医学博士培养模式上的优势与不足,以期为未来医学教育规划、调整、改革提供参考。方法采用问卷调查与个别访谈相结合的方法,收集北京协和医学院临床学院(北京协和医院)2021年临床医学专业高年级研究生,包括传统学制博士生(2018级博士生,2016级直博、转博生),2013级临床医学八年制本-博连读博士生,2018年和2019年入学的"4+4"试点班博士生科研训练与临床实践相关资料,进行分析、总结。结果共收集有效问卷55份,其中传统学制博士生33份(60.0%),临床医学八年制本-博连读博士生15份(27.3%),"4+4"试点班博士生7份(12.7%)。11人愿意接受访谈,包括6名传统学制博士生,3名临床医学八年制本-博连读博士生,2名"4+4"试点班博士生。传统学制博士生、临床医学八年制本-博连读博士生、"4+4"试点班博士生中毕业后拟投身于临床工作的比率分别为97.0%、93.3%、71.4%。关于科研动力,84.8%的传统学制博士生认为是源于事业发展需求,临床医学八年制本-博连读博士生持同样观点者占比53.3%,"4+4"试点班博士生为57.1%。科研训练中,传统学制博士生面临的最主要问题为研究设计能力弱(60.6%),临床医学八年制本-博连读博士生(73.3%)与"4+4"试点班博士生(71.4%)则主要为缺乏充足的科研时间。对当前科研状态感到满意或享受者的占比在"4+4"试点班博士生中最高(57.1%),其次为传统学制博士生(39.4%),临床医学八年制本-博连读博士生最低(26.7%);对科研产出满意者在传统学制博士生中占比最高(54.5%),其次为"4+4"试点班博士生(42.9%),临床医学八年制本-博连读博士生最低(33.3%)。传统学制博士生、临床医学八年制本-博连读博士生、"4+4"试点班博士生每周科研时间投入>20 h者的比率分别是63.7%、26.7%和14.3%,每周临床实践时间>40 h者比率分别为24.2%、20.0%和42.9%。84.8%的传统学制博士生、100%的临床医学八年制本-博连读博士生、85.7%的"4+4"试点班博士生的科研方向在导师指导下确立并开展;在科研进展遭遇困难时,3种学制博士生中需有赖于导师帮助的比率分别为48.5%、53.3%和42.9%,但每周与导师接触时间>8 h的比率分别为12.1%、20.0%和14.3%。3种学制博士生中,对当前临床实践感到满意或享受者的占比在"4+4"试点班博士生中最高(71.4%),传统学制博士生(42.4%)和临床医学八年制本-博连读博士生(40.0%)相对较低。结论科研思维和临床能力的培养是渐进的过程,需大量时间投入和导师引领。3种博士生培养学制互有优劣,应整合医院及医学院临床和科研资源,合理规划临床实践与科研训练时间分配,激发研究生能动性,以期培养出更多符合社会需求且具有国际视野的高层次拔尖创新型医学人才。  相似文献   

结构力学课程在土木工程技术人才培养过程中起着举足轻重的作用,建设结构力学讨论思考题库是推行研究性教学和学习的一次尝试。文章介绍了结构力学讨论思考题库的建设宗旨和意义,提出了设计思路,并通过实例详细介绍了有关讨论思考题的内容。  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of human capital plays a fundamental role for regional differences in economic growth and welfare. This paper examines how individual ability indicated by the grade point average (GPA) from comprehensive school affects the probability of migration among young university graduates in Sweden. Using detailed microdata available from the Swedish population register, the study examines two cohorts of individuals who enrol in tertiary education. The results indicate that individual abilities reflected by the GPA are strongly influential when it comes to completing a university degree and for the migration decision after graduation. Moreover, there is a positive relationship between the GPA and the choice of migrating from regions with a relatively low tax base and a relatively small share of highly educated people in the population, while individuals with higher GPA tend to stay at a higher rate in more flourishing regions.  相似文献   

探讨了接触校园绿色空间内在动机对大学生心理健康的影响,尤其是场所满意度和场所依恋作为中介变量在这个过程中的链式中介效应机制,以及绿色空间特征的调节作用。对杭州市10个大学校区的633名大学生展开调查,采用结构方程模型进行分析,结果表明:1)接触校园绿色空间内在动机对大学生的心理健康存在显著影响;2)场所满意度和场所依恋在接触校园绿色空间内在动机和大学生心理健康之间具有完全中介作用;3)校园绿色空间特征在接触校园绿色空间内在动机、场所满意度、场所依恋与大学生心理健康之间具有调节作用并存在调节阈值。研究结果一定程度上解释了接触校园绿色空间内在动机对大学生心理健康的影响机制,丰富了绿色空间健康促进方面的研究成果。  相似文献   

基于模糊理论的不确定性网络计划工期研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据建设工程的不确定性特征,针对不确定性网络计划,运用模糊理论建立了工序作业时间、的模糊隶属函数;并由此计算出工序作业时间的模糊概率及模糊均值和方差,在求得总工期的分布函数之后,计算了在计划工期内完工概率和按照期望的完工概率下的持续时间;最后,运用PERT验证了新方法的正确性。  相似文献   

Field data for sediment pH, Eh, sulphur and organic matter were analysed to determine their relationship with measured dissolved and particulate metals from sites in the Fly River affected by mine‐derived wastes. The above‐background concentrations of dissolved metals correspond to various concentration groups as demonstrated by copper for background (< 70 mg/kg), moderate (70–500mg/kg) and severe (> 500mg/kg), respectively. Dissolved Cu (r = 0.7431, p < 0.0005) and Mo (r = 0.7133,/> < 0.0005) were significantly correlated with their sediment component. Dissolved Al, Cd, Cu and Mo were positively correlated with sediment pH. Significant negative correlation between dissolved copper and sediment (SOM) organic matter (r = ‐0.3821, p < 0.05), and positive correlation with dissolved Al (r = 0.9358, p < 0.0005) suggest that dissolved Cu is present as a complex with either organic matter, Al/Fe oxyhydroxides, or oxyhydroxide‐organic matter colloids. Significant interrelations between dissolved Al, Cu and Mo with organic matter and the ratio of Fe/SOM also suggests that sediment physico‐chemical characteristics are important in the processes occurring in the Fly River floodplain sediments. These processes appear to be responsible for the significantly increased metal concentration in the water column.  相似文献   

我国建筑工程领域人员流动频发。为了探究建筑务工人员流动动机的形成机理,基于推拉理论和层次分解法厘清建筑务工人员流动的内在动因和外在诱因,采用因子分析法进行建筑务工人员流动的推—拉动因子分析,采用描述性分析、ANOVA分析(方差分析)进行个体特征对建筑务工人员流动动机的影响分析。结果表明:经济与发展因素是最为重要的推动机,环境因素是最为重要的拉动机;年龄、家庭劳动力比率、从业年限、受教育程度等个体特征对流动有显著影响。  相似文献   

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