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10月24日,日本经济产业省资源能源厅宣布,将在福岛县海域进行海上风力发电实验。据悉,资源能源厅拟在三四年内,在海上设置6座浮体式风车,对发电情况等进行验证,未来将扩建至100座左右,实现产业化,建成世界第一大海上风力发电基地。  相似文献   

黄海 《中国能源》2021,(4):81-86
作为新能源开发利用的可再生资源,风力发电具有优越的开发潜力.福建省地处"海西"的核心区,地势依山傍海,是全国风资源最丰富的地区之一.通过深入调研了解福建省风力发电开发现状、潜力、前景,及制约风电发展的"瓶颈"等情况.实现"碳达峰"、"碳中和"的目标,能源是主战场、电力是主力军,稳步推进福建省陆地和海上风电建设,践行中国...  相似文献   

我国风能利用现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贺德馨 《太阳能》1999,(4):16-17
我国有丰富的风能资源,风能总储量为32-26亿kW,实际可开发的风能储量为2-53亿kW。风能是我国目前技术最成熟、最有开发利用前景的一种新能源。风能利用的主要方式有风力发电、风力提水、风帆助航等,本文就我国风能利用的现状向读者作一介绍。1风力提水我国适合风力提水的区域辽阔,作业众多因此发展风力提水是弥补当前农村、牧区能源不足的有效途径之一。我国东南沿海、辽东和山东半岛以及海上岛屿等地区,风能资源丰富,地表水源也丰富,是我国以抽提地表水为主的最佳风力提水区;内蒙、青海、甘肃和新疆北部河谷地带,风…  相似文献   

孙海萍  朱鹏 《风能》2013,(5):52-56
风力发电已成为国际上公认的技术最成熟、具有广阔发展前景的可再生能源技术。因其丰富的风能资源和广阔平坦的区域,海上风电成为近年来研究和应用的热点。目前我国海上风电开发已进入快速发展阶段,亟待理顺相应的电价形成机制。本文借鉴陆上风电标杆电价的定价策略,探讨了我国近海风电的电价水平及定价机制,可为我国海上风电的发展提供借鉴作用。  相似文献   

我国风能资源十分丰富。风能的开发和利用使得这种清洁并且可以再生的能源很好地运用到了发电领域。随着现代技术的发展,风力发电以机组大型化(50kW-2MW)、集中安装和控制为特点的风电场成为主要的发展方向。现阶段600kW风机已成为我国风场采用的主流机型。  相似文献   

曹文胜 《能源与环境》2012,(5):56-57,65
积极地开发风能对于改善能源结构、缓解能源危机、保护生态环境具有深远意义。从海上风能的特点、海上风力发电机组的发展现状及特点、海上风电开发面临的制约因素,以及欧洲和我国海上风力发电发展现状等方面,综合阐述了海上风力发电及其技术发展。作为发展风电条件得天独厚的福建省,应大力发展海上风电。  相似文献   

海上风力资源以其自身优势与丰富的储量,已成为未来风力发电重要的发展方向。随着陆上风力发电的饱和,风力发电逐渐呈现出向海上发展的趋势。但因海上风电具有不同于陆上的特点,许多关键问题有待进一步研究解决,尤其是海上风电机组极易遭受雷击,而雷电灾害是威胁风力发电安全的重要因素。对此本文从海上风电场的机组尺寸、地理位置和海洋环境等方面归纳总结了海上风电场雷击防护的特点,从雷电先导发展机理、叶片接闪器与导流通道雷击放电物理特性、雷击风机叶片机械爆裂损伤机理和海上风电机组雷电强场电磁暂态过程等方面分析了国内外现有海上风电雷击演化物理机制方面的研究现状,并据此提出海上风电防雷方面有待深入研究的四个课题方向。  相似文献   

<正>GN100501我国风力发电的现状与展望.陈雯.应用能源技术,2010(8):49-51.风力发电是当今非水可再生能源资源发电技术中最成熟、最具有大规模开发条件和商业化前景的发电方式。风力发电在我国已成为继水电之后最重要的可再生能源。发展风电将为能源结构调整和环境保护做出重大的贡献。文章在对风电装机容量、风电场分布和  相似文献   

海上风电场场址海域风资源丰富,因此也伴随着丰富的波浪能资源。以广东省某海上风电场为例,采用第三代海浪数值模式WAVEWATCH-III模拟该海域近十五年波浪场资料。综合考虑本海域的波浪能密度、波浪能级频率、波浪能资源稳定性等方面对波浪能资源进行分析。为波浪能资源的开发与利用提供依据。  相似文献   

我国风力发电发展现状和问题分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
能源危机的日趋严重,优化能源结构、发展清洁环保的可再生能源迫在眉睫。风能是一种清洁环保的可再生能源,随着国家政策的支持和风力发电技术的不断发展,风力发电越来越得到人们的重视,并将在新能源发电中扮演重要的角色。概述了我国风能资源的储量和分布,介绍了近年来我国风力发电的总体情况、各省(自治区)风力发电的发展概况以及我国风电企业的发展现状,最后指出了我国风力发电目前出现的一些问题,并进行了分析。  相似文献   

The study critically reviews the prospects and challenges of utilizing wind energy resources for power generation in Nigeria. The various initiatives by governments and researchers were surveyed and the nation is found to sit in the midst of enormous potential for wind harvest for power generation. The far northern states, the mountainous regions and different places of the central and south-eastern states were identified as good areas for wind harvest together with the offshore areas spanning from Lagos through Ondo, Ogun, Cross-Rivers to Rivers states along the Atlantic Ocean in the south–south. Despite this great potential and huge prospect, the country is found to still suffer from serious energy crises due to her over dependence on hydropower which also is susceptible to seasonal variation in the amount of water levels at dams. There is yet to be committed wind energy project for power generation on-going in the country. Several challenges bedeviling the development and utilization of wind energy resources were identified and suggestions highlighted to help pull the nation out of this lingering energy crisis.  相似文献   

方韬 《中国能源》2014,(12):26-30
英国具有丰富的海上风能资源,经过10余年的发展,英国已经成为世界海上风电第一大国,海上风电装机容量超过全球海上风电装机总量的一半,目前英国是全球海上风电发展最为成熟的国家.本文回顾了英国海上风电的发展历程,研究了英国促进海上风电发展的政策支持体系,以及技术发展路线和特点,并由此提出我国可借鉴英国海上风电发展的成功经验,加快推动海上风电发展.  相似文献   

World wind energy resources are substantial, and in many areas, such as the US and northern Europe, could in theory supply all of the electricity demand. However, the remote or challenging location (i.e. offshore) and especially the intermittent character of the wind resources present formidable barriers to utilization on the scale required by a modern industrial economy. All of these technical challenges can be overcome. Long distance transmission is well understood, while offshore wind technology is being developed rapidly. Intermittent wind power can be transformed to a controllable power source with hybrid wind/compressed air energy storage (CAES) systems. The cost of electricity from such hybrid systems (including transmission) is affordable, and comparable to what users in some modern industrial economies already pay for electricity. This approach to intermittent energy integration has many advantages compared to the current strategy of forcing utilities to cope with supply uncertainty and transmission costs. Above all, it places intermittent wind on an equal technical footing with every other generation technology, including nuclear power, its most important long-term competitor.  相似文献   

Adequate recognition of the wind energy potential of coastal states may have far-reaching effects on the development of the energy systems of these countries. This study evaluates wind energy resources in Taiwan with the aid of a geographic information system (GIS), which allows local potentials and restrictions such as climate conditions, land uses, and ecological environments to be considered. The findings unveiled in this study suggest a significant role for offshore wind energy resources, which may constitute between 94% and 98% of overall wind resources in Taiwan. Total power yield from wind energy could reach between 150 and 165 TWh, which would have, respectively, accounted for between 62% and 68% of Taiwan's total power generation of 243 TWh in 2007. Based on the Taiwan's current emission factor of electricity, wind energy has the potential to reduce CO2 emissions by between 94 and 102 million ton per year in Taiwan, which is, respectively, equivalent to 28% and 31% of the national net equivalent CO2 emissions released in 2002. However, the challenge of managing the variability of wind power has to be addressed before the considerable contribution of wind energy to domestic energy supply and CO2 reduction can be realized.  相似文献   

中欧海上风电产业发展比较   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
郭越  王占坤 《中外能源》2011,16(3):26-30
相对于陆地风能,海上风能资源丰富,发电产能大,海上风电将是最有可能大规模发展的能源资源之一。欧洲是世界发展海上风力发电的先驱,从1991年至2009年,欧洲建设完成并投入运营的共有38个海上风电场,装机容量达到2056MW,其中一半以上的海上风电场是近5年建成的。欧洲海上风电产业拥有先进的核心技术,海上风电场正朝着大规模、深水化、离岸化方向发展,目前正处于示范阶段向商业扩展阶段的过渡时期。而我国虽然拥有丰富的海上风能资源,但海上风电产业的发展却比较缓慢,目前还处于研发阶段和示范阶段的过渡期,海上风电技术仍然面临着核心技术缺失、行业标准混乱、研发能力不足等问题。我国海上风电产业发展面临的主要问题包括:缺乏统筹;产能过剩、质量不高;难以盈利;缺少标准、无法推广等。为促进我国海上风电产业的发展,政府应进一步细化海上风能开发的有关规定,完善政策体系,统筹产业发展,采取多种措施推进政策具体落实;充分发挥市场作用,构建海上风电产品认证检测体系;提升核心技术含量,提高产品技术水平和工艺水平;加快培养专业人才。  相似文献   

上海电网目前基本上是纯火电电网,单一的电源结构难以满足上海市用电需求和电力系统可持续发展的战略要求。因此,开发利用可再生能源一风力资源来发电,替代部分煤电,适当减轻能源对外依靠的压力,对改善上海市的电源结构和走能源可持续发展的道路是十分必要的。上海地区江海岸线总长约450km,沿江地区年平均风速高,风力资源丰富,具有较高的开发价值,而且沿岸地势平坦,滩涂广阔,为大规模开发风力发电提供了良好的条件。  相似文献   

The interest for the exploitation of the offshore wind energy is growing in Europe, where man land use is very high resulting in strong limitation to the installation of onshore wind farms. The today offshore operating wind power is 12 MW, with two wind farms in Denmark and one in Netherlands; it starts to be significant (0.6%) in terms of the onshore power, 2000 MW in Europe.In the world the onshore installed wind power is exceeding 4000 MW, but not so much up to now has been done on the offshore area outside Europe.The European four years experience on the prototypical offshore wind farms looks significantly promising and suggests to promote a similar approach in many densely populated coastal countries in the world with high electricity demand.Results of studies are presented on the offshore wind potential in the European countries and of the tentative evaluation for the Mediterranean basin, and the seas of USA and China. A review is made of the offshore applications, particularly for the Nothern European seas.Economy and environmental trends are illustrated in parallel to those of maturing offshore technology. It is suggested to prepare an action plan to promote the development of the offshore applications in the world context.  相似文献   

Jacob Ladenburg   《Renewable Energy》2008,33(1):111-118
Wind power generation is expected to increase significantly in the near future. Owing to the increasingly limited possibilities for using on-land turbines, offshore wind generation is a potential alternative. However, wind turbines located offshore are still associated with visual disamenities potentially making offshore location a less attractive alternative to on-land wind power generation. The present paper analyses attitudes towards both on-land and offshore wind power development using a probit model. It also discusses the elicited determinants of attitude in relation to developing wind power on-land or offshore. Compared to other papers on attitude, the paper is unique in the sense that the Danish population has considerable experience with the different impacts associated with wind turbines compared to most of the other countries investing in wind power generation. This is particularly evident with regards to offshore development. The paper establishes that whilst offshore wind farms are preferred to on-land development, the results also imply that on-land development is still a feasible alternative. In that relation, differences in wind power generation costs and the substitution of smaller on-land turbines with fewer but larger turbines might make on-land development even more attractive. On a more detailed level, younger respondents are more positive towards wind power than older respondents. Interestingly, respondents living close to either on-land or offshore wind turbines did not display a more negative attitude towards wind power generation when compared to respondents who were not living close to wind turbines.  相似文献   

The application of wind energy in electric power systems is growing rapidly due to enhanced public concerns to adverse environmental impacts and escalation in energy costs associated with the use of conventional energy sources. Electric power from wind energy is quite different from that of conventional resources. The fundamental difference is that the wind power is intermittent and uncertain. Therefore, it affects the reliability of power system in a different manner from that of the conventional generators. This paper, from available literatures, presents the model of wind farms and the methods of wind speed parameters assessment. Two main categories of methods for evaluating the wind power reliability contribution, i.e., the analytical method and the Monte Carlo simulation method have been reviewed. This paper also summarizes factors affecting the reliability of wind power system, such as wake effect, correlation of output power for different windturbines, effect of windturbine parameters, penetration and environment. An example has been used to illustrate how these factors affect the reliability of wind power system. Finally, mainstream reliability indices for evaluating reliability are introduced. Among these reliability indices, some are recently developed, such as wind generation interrupted energy benefit (WGIEB), wind generation interruption cost benefit (WGICB), Equivalent Capacity Rate (ECR), load carrying capacity benefit ratio (LCCBR).  相似文献   

G. Li   《Renewable Energy》2000,21(3-4)
This paper investigates the potential and the feasibility of offshore wind energy for Hong Kong. The 1998 wind data taken from an island were analysed. The wind resource yields an annual mean wind speed of 6.6 m/s and mean wind power density of 310 W/m2. With commercially available 1.65 MW wind turbines placed on the whole of Hong Kong’s territorial waters, the maximum electricity generating potential from offshore wind is estimated to be 25 TWh which is about 72% of the total 1998 annual electricity consumption. However, potential is significantly reduced if other usages of the sea such as shipping are considered. A hypothetical offshore wind farm of 1038 MW capacity is then sited on the East-side waters. The extreme wind and wave climates, as well as the seasonal variation of wind power and demand are examined. The electricity generation costs are estimated and compared with the local retail tariff. Initial results indicate the wind farm is economically viable and technically feasible.  相似文献   

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