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Enzyme-modified amperometric microsensors have been utilized in the investigation of acetylcholine and choline diffusion in solution and choline uptake and diffusion in rat brains. A small amount of the substance of interest was introduced by pressure injection and transport to the sensor was monitored. The apparent diffusion coefficients for acetylcholine and choline in agarose gel perfused with physiological solutions were determined to be 5.2 +/- 0.7 x 10(-6) cm2/s and 6.1 +/- 0.8 x 10(-6) cm2/s, respectively. Choline transport was monitored in two brain regions: the caudate and anterior hypothalamus. The transport time of choline in the caudate was concentration dependent, but was unaffected by the presence of a competitive, high-affinity uptake inhibitor, hemicholinium-3. The apparent diffusion coefficient (D) and uptake rate (k) for choline in the caudate and anterior hypothalamus were calculated using a model for point source diffusion coupled with first-order uptake kinetics. The effect of the sensors' response time on the measurements was removed by deconvolution. The D and k were 1.8 +/- 0.1 x 10(-6) cm2/s and 2.0 +/- 0.1 x 10(-2) s-1 in the caudate and 1.9 +/- 0.1 x 10(-6) cm2/s and 3.2 +/- 0.6 x 10(-2) s-1 in the anterior hypothalamus. The reduced diffusion coefficient determined in brain tissue compared to agar gel is consistent with the increased tortuosity of the brain microenvironment. A substance in brain tissue, presumably acetylcholinesterase, prevents the use of differential measurements of acetylcholine because choline sensors became sensitive to acetylcholine.  相似文献   

A sample of UK consumers (N = 311) was interviewed in order to identify the attitudinal, cognitive and involvement characteristics of probable early adopters of polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) fed fish. Attitude to fish significantly influenced PUFA fish, premium price PUFA fish, PUFA salmon, PUFA eel and PUFA sturgeon purchase. Involvement in healthy eating influenced PUFA fish, premium price PUFA fish and PUFA salmon purchase. Cognitive style did not influence PUFA fish and premium price PUFA fish purchase; nor, contrary to earlier research, did cognitive style and involvement interact to influence intended PUFA fish purchases.  相似文献   

Although caffeine is the most widely used central nervous system stimulant, the neuronal populations and pathways mediating its stimulant effects are not well understood. Using c-Fos protein as a marker for neuronal activation, the present study investigated the pattern of c-Fos induction at 2 hours after low locomotor-stimulant doses (1, 5, 10, and 30 mg/kg, i.p.) of caffeine and compared them with those after a higher dose (75 mg/kg, i.p.) or saline injection in adult male rats. Fos-immunoreactive neurons were counted in selected nuclei across the entire brain. Caffeine induced an increase in locomotor activity in a dose-dependent manner up to doses of 30 mg/kg and a decline at 75 mg/kg. Quantitative analysis of Fos-immunoreactive neurons indicated that no structures showed significant Fos expression at doses below 75 mg/kg or a biphasic pattern of Fos expression, as in locomotion. In contrast, caffeine at 75 mg/kg induced a significant increase compared with the saline condition in the number of Fos-immunoreactive neurons in the majority of structures examined. The structures included the striatum, nucleus accumbens, globus pallidus, and substantia nigra pars reticulata and autonomic and limbic structures including the basolateral and central nuclei of the amygdala, paraventricular and supraoptic hypothalamic nuclei, periventricular hypothalamus, paraventricular thalamic nuclei, parabrachial nuclei, locus coeruleus, and nucleus of the solitary tract. The locomotor-enhancing effects of low doses of caffeine did not appear to be associated with significant Fos expression in the rat brain.  相似文献   

We studied the developmental changes in the localization of peroxisome-specific enzymes in rat kidney tissues from embryonic Day 16 to postnatal Week 10 by immunoblot analysis and immunohistochemistry, using antibodies for the peroxisomal enzymes catalase, d-amino acid oxidase, l-alpha-hydroxyacid oxidase (isozyme B), and enoyl-CoA hydratase/3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase bifunctional protein. Peroxisomal enzymes were detected in the neonatal kidney by immunoblot analysis and their amount increased with kidney development. By light microscopic immunohistochemistry, they were first localized in a few proximal tubules in the juxtamedullary cortex of 18-day embryos. The distribution of proximal tubules positive for them expanded towards the superficial cortex with development. The full thickness of the cortex became positive for the staining by 14 days after birth. Peroxisomes could be detected by electron microscopy in structurally immature proximal tubules in 18-day embryos. Their size increased and the ultrastructure of subcompartments became clear with continuing development of proximal tubules. These results show that peroxisomal enzymes appear in the immature proximal tubules in the kidney of embryos and that the ultrastructure of the peroxisomes and localization of the peroxisomal enzymes develop along with the maturation of proximal tubules and kidney tissues.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Benign tumors account for less than 1% of testicular tumors and the incidence is even lower in children. A rare case of epidermoid cyst of the testis in a child is described. The differential diagnosis and treatment options are discussed. METHODS/RESULTS: A case of unilateral epidermoid cyst of the testis in an 11-year-old boy is presented. The clinical and diagnostic aspects are discussed. Definitive diagnosis could be made only after surgical excision. CONCLUSIONS: Pathological analysis of the entire testis is warranted to make the definitive diagnosis of epidermoid cyst. However, preservation of the testis can be considered, particularly in those cases with bilateral involvement, if supported by solid, consistent diagnostic evidence, including intraoperative biopsy.  相似文献   

A combination of immunocytochemical and electron microscopic methods were employed to assess the organization of the trigeminal (V) spinal tract in adult rats. Immunostaining was employed at the light microscopic level to selectively label large myelinated (by using antibodies against neurofilament protein) and small unmyelinated (by using antibodies against calcitonin gene-related peptide) primary afferents. In addition, the plant lectin Bandeiraea simplicifolia-I was employed to histochemically label small unmyelinated primary afferents. Results from these experiments indicated that larger myelinated axons were distributed throughout the cross-sectional extent of the V spinal tract (TrV), whereas smaller fibers were most numerous just below the pial surface. These results were confirmed with quantitative electron microscopy which demonstrated that the central portion of the V sensory root and TrV were composed primarily of larger myelinated fibers, whereas the periphery of the root and the portion of TrV just below the pial surface contained a higher percentage of smaller myelinated and unmyelinated axons. When considered together with results regarding the birthdates of neurochemically defined classes of V ganglion cells (White et al. [1994] J. Comp. Neurol. 350:397-411), these results suggest that TrV is laid down in a chronotopic fashion with the first axons forming its deeper portion and later arriving axons being added more superficially.  相似文献   

Somatostatin (SRIF) acts on specific membrane receptors to inhibit exocrine and endocrine pancreatic functions. Five SRIF receptor genes have been cloned, producing six receptor proteins (sst-s). We used a recently developed antibody to localize the sst2A splice variant in the rat pancreas. Western blots identified the sst2A receptor as an 90 kDa glycosylated protein in pancreatic tissue. In tyramide-amplified immunostainings all acinar cells, and the glucagon and pancreatic polypeptide immunoreactive cells (A and PP, respectively) were intensely labeled for sst2A, while no signal was detected in SRIF producing (D) cells. A very few insulin immunoreactive (B) cells were also labeled for sst2A, but the signal in these cells was lower than in exocrine, A or PP cells. Absorption of the sst2A antibody with the receptor peptide abolished specific staining in both immunoblots and tissue sections (negative control). These studies are the first to localize any SRIF receptor subtype in the rat pancreas. The specific localization of sst2A receptor in acinar, A and PP cells if confirmed in humans, would suggest that subtype specific analogs will be useful for the therapeutic regulation of exocrine and/or endocrine pancreatic secretion.  相似文献   

A novel member of the opioid receptor family (ORL-1) has been cloned from a variety of vertebrates. ORL-1 does not bind any of the classical opioids, although a high affinity endogenous agonist with close homology to dynorphin has recently been identified. We have generated a monoclonal antibody to the N-terminus of ORL-1 to map areas of receptor expression in rat central nervous system (CNS). Intense and specific immunolabeling was observed in multiple areas in the diencephalon, mesencephalon, pons/medulla, and spinal cord. In the telencephalon, intense labeling was observed in the neuropil throughout layers II-V in the neocortex, the anterior olfactory nuclear complex, the pyriform cortex, the CA1-CA4 fields and dentate gyrus of the hippocampus, and in many of the septal and basal forebrain areas. In contrast to other members of the opioid receptor family, light labeling for ORL-1 was observed in telencephalic areas such as caudate-putamen. In the cerebellum, ORL-1 immunoreactivity was only observed in the deep nuclei. Throughout the CNS the majority of labelling was localized to fiber processes and fine puncta, although labeled scattered perikarya were observed in a few brain areas such as the hilus dentate in the hippocampus and some nuclei in the brainstem and spinal cord. The present mapping study is consistent with the reported distribution of ORL-1 mRNA and provides the first immunohistochemical report on anatomical and cellular distribution of ORL-1 receptor in the rat CNS.  相似文献   

Annexin VI has been isolated from rat liver endosomes and affinity purified antibodies have been produced. By Western blotting, in rat liver subcellular fractions, anti-annexin VI was demonstrated to recognise a 68 kDa band in the three endosomal fractions. In the present study, immunogold labeling of ultrathin Lowicryl sections of rat liver has been used to get insights into the ultrastructural hepatocyte localization. Although at the immunofluorescence level the staining seemed located at the apical, canalicular plasma membrane, domain of the hepatocytes, the electron microscopy revealed that 80% of the labeling, with the anti-annexin VI antibody was specifically localized not at the plasma membrane but in the close subapical endocytic compartment surrounding the bile canalicular plasma membrane of the hepatocyte. Double immunogold labeling with an anti peptide antibody to Rab5 and anti-annexin VI showed that 80% of the Rab5 positive apical endosomes were also labeled with anti-annexin VI antibodies. However, there was no significant colocalization of annexin VI and structures labeled with antibodies to the polymeric immunoglobulin receptor. The results suggest that annexin VI could be involved in regulating the functioning of this apical compartment in the hepatocyte.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the hemodynamic change, course of recovery and adverse reaction in desflurane, sevoflurane and enflurane inhalation under low flow for patients undergoing selective abdominal surgery. METHODS: Following thiopental induction, 42 patients were divided into three groups: the first group received desflurane, the second sevoflurane and the third enflurane. During surgery, one of the agents around 1 minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) was used for maintenance, with fresh gas flow of 0.3-0.5 L/min for either desflurane or enflurane, and (0.8-1.0) L/min for sevoflurane. Heart rate (HR), blood pressure and end-tidal anesthetic concentration were monitored continuously. Time intervals from cutting off anesthetic to patient opening eyes, following commands, stating the time and location and recalling date of birth were all recorded. In addition, postoperative nausea or vomiting was traced. RESULTS: Desflurane caused the least cardiovascular depression. with mean arterial pressure (MAP) maintained significantly better at 10, 30 and 60 minutes of surgery and with HR stabilized right after incision as well. Its emergence was 2 times faster than sevoflurane, and 5-6 times quicker than enflurane. However, nausea or vomiting was found the lowest in patients receiving sevoflurane, though no distinct difference was shown between desflurane and enflurane. Nevertheless, patients under desflurane suffered less. CONCLUSIONS: Desflurane offers significant advantages for clinical anesthesia maintenance over sevoflurane and enflurane. It provides minimal cardiovascular depression, much quicker recovery, yet still causes some nausea during emergence.  相似文献   

The activity of liver microsomal CYP2E1 is commonly measured as the rate of 5-chloro-2-benzoxazolone (chlorzoxazone) 6-hydroxylation, which requires separation of 6-hydroxychlorzoxazone and chlorzoxazone by high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). In the present study, we describe a solvent extraction (non-HPLC) assay for measuring CYP2E1 activity, based on the 6-hydroxylation of [14C]chlorzoxazone. When [14C]chlorzoxazone was incubated with human or rat liver microsomes in the presence of NADPH, the major product formed was 6-[14C]hydroxychlorzoxazone. Unreacted [14C]chlorzoxazone was quantitatively extracted from the incubation mixture with dichloromethane under conditions that resulted in approximately 45% extraction of 6-[14C]hydroxychlorzoxazone. The amount of 6-[14C]hydroxychlorzoxazone remaining in the aqueous incubation mixture ( approximately 55% of the total amount formed) was quantified by liquid scintillation spectrometry. The limit of detection for this assay was 100 pmol of 6-[14C]hydroxychlorzoxazone. The solvent extraction procedure was validated by comparing the rates of formation of 6-[14C]hydroxychlorzoxazone with those determined by HPLC under a variety of experimental conditions. The close correspondence between the two analytical methods suggests that the extraction procedure for measuring 6-[14C]hydroxychlorzoxazone provides a simple, sensitive, and rapid alternative to the HPLC procedure for measuring CYP2E1 activity. In rats, the assay is not specific for CYP2E1 because CYP1A1 also catalyzes the 6-hydroxylation of chlorzoxazone. Recombinant human CYP1A1 also catalyzed the 6-hydroxylation of chlorzoxazone (at (1)/(5) the rate of CYP2E1), although CYP1A1 is not expressed in human liver microsomes. The non-HPLC assay was used to investigate the postulated role of CYP1A2 in the 6-hydroxylation of chlorzoxazone by human liver microsomes. Recombinant CYP1A2 did not catalyze the 6-hydroxylation of chlorzoxazone, and studies with 1-[(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)methyl]-6,7-dimethoxyisoquinoline, which inhibits CYP1A2 but not CYP2E1, indicated that, in human liver microsomes, the 6-hydroxylation of chlorzoxazone is catalyzed by CYP2E1 with little or no contribution from CYP1A2 enzymes over a wide range of substrate concentrations.  相似文献   

Neuropathic pain accompanies peripheral nerve injury following a variety of insults including metabolic disorders, traumatic injury, and exposure to neurotoxins such as vincristine and taxol. Vincristine, a microtubule depolymerizing drug, produces a peripheral neuropathy in humans that is accompanied by painful paresthesias and dysesthesias (Sandler et al., [1969] Neurology 19:367-374; Holland et al. [1973] Cancer Res. 33:1258-1264). The recent development of an animal model of vincristine-induced neuropathy provides an opportunity to investigate mechanisms underlying this form of neuropathic pain. Systemic vincristine (100 microg/kg) produces hyperalgesia to mechanical stimuli during the second week of administration, which persists for more than a week (Aley et al. [1996] Neuroscience 73:259-265). To test the hypothesis that changes in microtubule structure in nociceptive sensory neurons accompany vincristine-induced hyperalgesia, we analyzed unmyelinated axons in saphenous nerves of vincristine-treated rats. This study constitutes the first quantitative ultrastructural analysis of the cytoskeleton of unmyelinated axons in peripheral nerve during neuropathic hyperalgesia. There was no evidence of unmyelinated fiber loss or a decrease in the number of microtubules per axons. There was, however, a significant decrease in microtubule density in unmyelinated axons from vincristine-treated rats. This decrease in microtubule density was due to a significant increase in the cross-sectional area of unmyelinated axons, suggesting swelling of axons. In addition, vincristine-treated axons had significantly fewer microtubules cut in cross-section and significantly more tangentially oriented microtubules per axon compared to controls. These results suggest that vincristine causes disorganization of the axonal microtubule cytoskeleton, as well as an increase in the caliber of unmyelinated sensory axons.  相似文献   

We used isolated IgG antibodies selective for P2X3 receptors to study the ultrastructural distribution of these receptors in rat sensory neurons. In trigeminal ganglia, P2X3 receptor immunoreactivity occurred in small and large nerve cell bodies and their processes. Endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus were heavily stained; cytoplasmic matrix was faintly to moderately stained. In synaptic glomeruli in lamina II of cervical dorsal horn, P2X3 receptor-immunoreactive core terminals were postsynaptic to unlabelled vesicle-containing dendrites and axons. In the nucleus of the solitary tract, receptor-positive boutons synapsed on dendrites and cell bodies and had complex synaptic relationships with other axon terminals and vesiculated dendrites. These observations identify sites from which ATP could be released to influence sensory signalling within the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Facial asymmetry (facedness) of selected academic faculty members was studied in relation to brain asymmetry and cognitive specialization. Comparisons of facedness were made among humanities faculty (H), faculty members of mathematics and physics (M-P), psychologists (P), and a group of randomly selected individuals (R). Facedness was defined in terms of the relative sizes (in square centimeters) of the two hemifaces. It was predicted that the four groups would show differences in facedness, namely, H, right face bias; M-P, left face bias; P, no bias; and R, no bias. The predictions were confirmed, and the results interpreted in terms of known differences in hemispheric specialization of cognitive functions as they relate to the dominant cognitive activity of each of the different groups. In view of the contralateral control of the two hemifaces (below the eyes) by the two hemispheres of the brain, the two sides of the face undergo differential muscular development, thus creating facial asymmetry. Other factors, such as gender, also may affect facial asymmetry. Suggestions for further research on facedness are discussed.  相似文献   

CART peptide specific polyclonal antisera were raised in rabbits. The antisera were raised to CART peptide fragments that span most of the predicted CART protein. The specificity of each antisera was demonstrated by blockade of immunostaining by the immunizing peptide but not by the other CART peptide fragments. In the hypothalamus and pituitary of colchicine and noncolchicine treated rats, immunostaining was observed in cell bodies, fibers and varicosities. Clusters of cells were also stained in the adrenal medulla. It is noteworthy that cellular immunostaining was only found in areas previously shown to express CART mRNA. These findings indicate the presence of CART peptide(s) in the hypothalamus, pituitary, and adrenal gland. Furthermore, we also present evidence for the possible processing of the CART pro-peptide into smaller peptide fragments. These neuroanatomical findings suggest a role of CART peptides in hypothalamic, pituitary and adrenal function.  相似文献   

We have tested whether the orientation of axons sprouting from bipolar dorsal root ganglion neurons is influenced by diffusible cues from surrounding tissues. Surface ectoderm, dermomyotome, and notochord exert strong chemorepulsion on axons growing in collagen gels, operating at separations beyond those found in vivo and active in cocultures of chick and mouse tissues. Basal and alar plates of the neural tube are devoid of activity, as is the posterior-half-sclerotome, which repels in a contact-dependent manner. When ganglia are sandwiched between dermomyotome and notochord placed at a distance, axon growth is channeled in a bipolar trajectory. These results show that gradients of diffusible repulsion molecules flanking axon pathways can generate linear patterns of axon growth. We suggest that such "surround repulsion" may function generally, in concert with contact-dependent guidance mechanisms, to guide axons in the developing nervous system.  相似文献   

Cell volume reduction is one of the most distinct morphological changes during spermiogenesis and may be largely attributable to water efflux from the cell. A strong candidate for a water efflux route, aquaporin 7 (AQP7), which is a water channel, was studied immunohistochemically in the rat testis. Immunoreactivity was restricted within the elongated spermatids, testicular spermatozoa, and residual bodies remaining in the seminiferous epithelium. Weak but distinct immunoreactivity was first observed in the cytoplasmic mass of the spermatid at step 8 of spermiogenesis. The Golgi-like apparatus became steadily immunoreactive at step 10. The plasma membrane covering the cytoplasmic mass showed strong immunoreactivity after step 16. At this step, the middle piece of the tail also showed immunoreactivity at the portion protruding into the lumen. The whole head and distal tail, where the elongated spermatid had only a limited amount of cytoplasm, showed no immunoreactivity throughout spermiogenesis. After spermiation, the immunoreactivity of AQP7 remained at the middle piece and in the cytoplasmic droplet in the testicular spermatozoon. The present observations suggest that AQP7 contributes to the volume reduction of spermatids, since this water channel protein is localized on the plasma membrane covering the condensing cytoplasmic mass of the elongated spermatid, and since the seminiferous tubule fluid is hypertonic.  相似文献   

Possible local sources of human tear lysozyme were investigated using an indirect immunofluorescence technique. Lysozyme was identified in 20% to 50% of acinar and ductular epithelial cells of both main and accessory lacrimal glands. The staining was granular in character and confined to the apices of the cells. Cells that stained positive tended to be grouped. Interstitial tissues of main and accessory lacrimal tissues did not stain. Conjunctiva and all other ocular tissues examined were unstained by antilysozyme antisera. Our findings are compatible with lysozyme either being produced in lacrimal tissue or being concentrated from plasma. The absence of any other lysozyme-specific fluorescence in the interstitial elements of the lacrimal tissues supports the notion of local synthesis by acinar lacrimal tissue.  相似文献   

Arginine is a precursor for the synthesis of urea, polyamines, creatine phosphate, nitric oxide and proteins. It is synthesized from ornithine by argininosuccinate synthetase and argininosuccinate lyase and is degraded by arginase, which consists of a liver-type (arginase I) and a non-hepatic type (arginase II). Recently, cDNAs for human and rat arginase II have been isolated. In this study, immunocytochemical analysis showed that human arginase II expressed in COS-7 cells was localized in the mitochondria. Arginase II mRNA was abundant in the rat small intestine and kidney. In the kidney, argininosuccinate synthetase and lyase were immunostained in the cortex, intensely in proximal tubules and much less intensely in distal tubules. In contrast, arginase II was stained intensely in the outer stripes of the outer medulla, presumably in the proximal straight tubules, and in a subpopulation of the proximal tubules in the cortex. Immunostaining of serial sections of the kidney showed that argininosuccinate synthetase and arginase II were colocalized in a subpopulation of proximal tubules in the cortex, whereas only the synthetase, but not arginase II, was present in another subpopulation of proximal tubules. In the liver, all the enzymes of the urea cycle, i.e. carbamylphosphate synthetase I, ornithine transcarbamylase, argininosuccinate synthetase and lyase and arginase I, showed similar zonation patterns with staining more intense in periportal hepatocytes than in pericentral hepatocytes, although zonation of ornithine transcarbamylase was much less prominent. The implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

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