behaves as tT like a nontrivial self-similar profile.  相似文献   

Local controllability of nonlinear systems     
J. Basto Goncalves 《Systems & Control Letters》1985,6(3):213-217
The local controllability of control systems with an arbitrary number of controls is considered, first on an open set and then at a given point; necessary conditions are derived concerning the Lie algebra T′ generated by the input vector fields, and applied to gradient systems.The main results are a geometric sufficient condition for local controllability at a point, and an equivalent condition based on the computation of Lie brackets, assuming T′ to be (n − 1)-dimensional.  相似文献   

QFT template generation for time-delay plants based on zero-inclusion test     
Chyi Hwang  Shih-Feng Yang   《Systems & Control Letters》2002,45(3):716
Plant template generation is the key step in applying quantitative feedback theory (QFT) to design robust control for uncertain systems. In this paper we propose a technique for generating plant templates for a class of linear systems with an uncertain time delay and affine parameter perturbations in coefficients. The main contribution lies in presenting a necessary and sufficient condition for the zero inclusion of the value set f(T,Q)={f(τ,q): τT+], qQk=0m−1[qk,qk+]}, where f(τ,q)=g(q)+h(q)e−jτω*, g(q) and h(q) are both complex-valued affine functions of the m-dimensional real vector q, and ω* is a fixed frequency. Based on this condition, an efficient algorithm which involves, in the worst case, evaluation of m algebraic inequalities and solution of m2m−1 one-variable quadratic equations, is developed for testing the zero inclusion of the value set f(T,Q). This zero-inclusion test algorithm allows one to utilize a pivoting procedure to generate the outer boundary of a plant template with a prescribed accuracy or resolution. The proposed template generation technique has a linear computational complexity in resolution and is, therefore, more efficient than the parameter gridding and interval methods. A numerical example illustrating the proposed technique and its computational superiority over the interval method is included.  相似文献   

The μ-basis of a planar rational curve—properties and computation     
Falai Chen  Wenping Wang   《Graphical Models》2002,64(6):368
A moving line L(x,y;t)=0 is a family of lines with one parameter t in a plane. A moving line L(x,y;t)=0 is said to follow a rational curve P(t) if the point P(t0) is on the line L(x,y;t0)=0 for any parameter value t0. A μ-basis of a rational curve P(t) is a pair of lowest degree moving lines that constitute a basis of the module formed by all the moving lines following P(t), which is the syzygy module of P(t). The study of moving lines, especially the μ-basis, has recently led to an efficient method, called the moving line method, for computing the implicit equation of a rational curve [3 and 6]. In this paper, we present properties and equivalent definitions of a μ-basis of a planar rational curve. Several of these properties and definitions are new, and they help to clarify an earlier definition of the μ-basis [3]. Furthermore, based on some of these newly established properties, an efficient algorithm is presented to compute a μ-basis of a planar rational curve. This algorithm applies vector elimination to the moving line module of P(t), and has O(n2) time complexity, where n is the degree of P(t). We show that the new algorithm is more efficient than the fastest previous algorithm [7].  相似文献   

Filtering of some nonlinear diffusions satisfying the general Bene condition     
Tadeusz Banek 《Systems & Control Letters》1988,11(4)
Under some regularity assumptions and the following generalization of the well-known Bene condition [1]:
, where F(t,z) = g−2(t)∫f(t,z)dz, Ft, Fz, Fzz, are partial derivatives of F, we obtain explicit formulas for the unnormalized conditional density qt(z, x) α Pxt ε dz| ys, 0 st, where diffusion xt on R1 solves x0 = x, dxt = [β(t) + α(t)xt + f(t, xt] dt + g(t) dw1, and observation yt = ∫oth(s)xs ds + ∫ot(s) dw2t, with w = (w1, w2) a two-dimensional Wiener process.  相似文献   

Maximum flow and critical cutset as descriptors of multi-state systems with randomly capacitated components     
George S. Fishman 《Computers & Operations Research》1987,14(6)
Let G = (V, E, s, t) denote a directed network with node set V, arc set E = {1,…, n}, source node s and sink node t. Let Γ denote the set of all minimal st cutsets and b1(τ), …, Bn(τ), the random arc capacities at time τ with known joint probability distribution function. Let Λ(τ) denote the maximum st flow at time τ and D(τ), the corresponding critical minimal st cutset. Let Ω denote a set of minimal st cutsets. This paper describes a comprehensive Monte Carlo sampling plan for efficiently estimating the probability that D(τ)εΩ-Γ and x<λ(τ)y at time τ and the probability that D(τ) Ω given that x < Λ(τ) y at time τ. The proposed method makes use of a readily obtainable upper bound on the probability that Λ(τ) > x to gain its computational advantage. Techniques are described for computing confidence intervals and credibility measures for assessing that specified accuracies have been achieved. The paper includes an algorithm for performing the Monte Carlo sampling experiment, an example to illustrate the technique and a listing of all steps needed for implementation.  相似文献   

A note on two-sided stochastic control problems     
Hiroaki Morimoto 《Systems & Control Letters》1986,8(1)
We consider a class of two-sided stochastic control problems. For each continuous process πt = πt+ − πt with bounded variation, the state process (xt) is defined by xt = Bt + f0t I(xs - a)dπs+f0t I(xs a)dπs, where a is a positive constant and (Bt) is a standard Brownian motion. We show the existence of an optimal policy so as to minimize the cost function J(π) = E [f0 e−αsXs2 ds], with discount rate α > 0, associated with π.  相似文献   

Robust stabilization of infinite dimensional systems by finite dimensional controllers     
Ruth F. Curtain  Keith Glover 《Systems & Control Letters》1986,7(1)
The problem of robustly stabilizing an infinite dimensional system with transfer function G, subject to an additive perturbation Δ is considered. It is assumed that: G ε 0(σ) of systems introduced by Callier and Desoer [3]; the perturbation satisfies |W1ΔW2| < ε, where W1 and W2 are stable and minimum phase; and G and G + Δ have the same number of poles in +. Now write W1GW2=G1 + G1, where G1 is rational and totally unstable and G2 is stable. Generalizing the finite dimensional results of Glover [12] this family of perturbed systems is shown to be stabilizable if and only if ε σmin (G*1)( = the smallest Hankel singular value of G*1). A finite dimensional stabilizing controller is then given by where 2 is a rational approximation of G2 such that
) and K1 robustly stabilizes G1 to margin ε. The feedback system (G, K) will then be stable if |W1ΔW2| < ε − Δ.  相似文献   

Positive periodic solutions of second-order nonlinear differential systems with two parameters     
Jun Wu  Zhicheng Wang   《Computers & Mathematics with Applications》2008,56(1):43-54
By employing the Deimling fixed point index theory, we consider a class of second-order nonlinear differential systems with two parameters . We show that there exist three nonempty subsets of : Γ, Δ1 and Δ2 such that and the system has at least two positive periodic solutions for (λ,μ)Δ1, one positive periodic solution for (λ,μ)Γ and no positive periodic solutions for (λ,μ)Δ2. Meanwhile, we find two straight lines L1 and L2 such that Γ lies between L1 and L2.  相似文献   

Optimal diagonal scaling for infinity-norm optimization     
Michael G. Safonov 《Systems & Control Letters》1986,7(4)
A solution is presented for the previously unsolved diagonally scaled multivariable infinity-norm optimization problem of minimizing D(s)(A(s) + Ψ(s) X(s))D−1(s) over the set of stable minimum-phase diagonal D(s) and stable X(s). This problem is of central importance in the synthesis of feedback control laws for robust stability and insensitivity in the presence of ‘structured’ plant uncertainty. The result facilitates the design of feedback controllers which optimize the ‘excess stability margin’ [3] (or, equivalently, the ‘structured singular value μ’ [4]) of diagonally perturbed feedback systems.  相似文献   

Riccati equations and normalized coprime factorizations for strongly stabilizable infinite-dimensional systems     
Ruth F. Curtain  Hans Zwart 《Systems & Control Letters》1996,28(1):11
The first part of the paper concerns the existence of strongly stabilizing solutions to the standard algebraic Riccati equation for a class of infinite-dimensional systems of the form Σ(A,B,S−1/2B*,D), where A is dissipative and all the other operators are bounded. These systems are not exponentially stabilizable and so the standard theory is not applicable. The second part uses the Riccati equation results to give formulas for normalized coprime factorizations over H for positive real transfer functions of the form D+S−1/2B*(authorA)−1,B.  相似文献   

Geometric conditions for generic structure of multivariable root-loci     
D. H. Owens 《Systems & Control Letters》1983,3(5):273-281
Properties of the inverse (A − pBC)−1 are used to characterise the parameters of the infinite zeros of the root-locus of an invertible, multivariable feedback system S(A, B, C) as the solutions of constrained eigenvalue problems and to generate generic subspace conditions that guarantee only integer order infinite zeros in terms of the subspaces in the {A, B}-invariant subspace algorithm.  相似文献   

Amperometric phenol biosensor based on polyaniline     
Peng  Min  Jinqing   《Sensors and actuators. B, Chemical》2009,140(2):577-584
The catechol biosensor is constructed by cross-linking between polyphenol oxidase (PPO) and polyaniline (PANI) using glutaraldehyde as a cross-linking agent. The PANI, which is electrochemically synthesized in a solution containing ionic liquid, 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium ethyl sulfate, possesses good electroactivity and high conductivity above pH 6. In the presence of catechol as a substrate, the biosensor exhibits a linear range from 0.2 to 80 μmol dm−3. The maximum response current (Imax) and the Michaelis–Menten constant (km) are 9.44 μA and 117 μmol dm−3, respectively. The effects of pH and operating potential are also explored to optimize measurement conditions. The activation energy (Ea) of the PPO catalytic reaction is 30.23 kJ mol−1 in the B–R buffer. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), UV–vis and SEM are used to characterize the PANI–PPO biosensor. The biosensor exhibits good long-term stability.  相似文献   

Generalized dilations and the stabilization of uncertain systems via measurement feedback     
S. Battilotti   《Systems & Control Letters》2001,43(2)
We study the problem of semiglobally stabilizing uncertain nonlinear system

, with (A,B) in Brunowski form. We prove that if p1(z,u,t)u and p2(z,u,t)u are of order greater than 1 and 0, respectively, with “generalized” dilation δl(z,u)=(l1−nz1,…,l−1zn−1,zn,lu) and uniformly with respect to t, where zi is the ith component of z, then we can achieve semiglobal stabilization via arbitrarily bounded linear measurement feedback.  相似文献   

A different class of homing problems     
Mario Lefebvre   《Systems & Control Letters》2001,42(5):153
The problem of minimizing the expected time spent by a one-dimensional controlled diffusion process x(t) in the interval [−d,d], while taking the quadratic control costs into account, is considered. Both the infinitesimal mean and variance of the controlled process x(t) depend on the control variable u(t). The optimization problem reduces to a purely probabilistic problem.  相似文献   

On the 2-induced norm of a sampled-data system     
Tongwen Chen  Bruce Francis 《Systems & Control Letters》1990,15(3)
Formulas are given for the norms of SG and GH: G is a linear continuous-time system, S an ideal sampler, and H a zero-order hold; the signal spaces are 2(−∞, ∞) (continuous-time) and l2(Z) (discrete-time). These formulas are then applied to problems of uniformly optimal control of sampled-data systems.  相似文献   

On the bounds of the trajectories of differential systems†     
ANTHONY N. MICHEL 《International journal of control》2013,86(5):593-600
The behaviour of differential systems is investigated by considering the stability and instability of such systems with respect to certain sub-sets of the state space These Sets may in general be time-varying, and their properties do not only yield information about the stability of a system but also estimates of the bounds of the system trajectories. In all cases the results which are established yield sufficient conditions for stability and instability, and in general involve the existence of Lyapunov-like functions which do not appear to possess the usual definiteness requirements on V and [Vdot].

The developed theory is applied to two special cases: in one case, only time-invariant sub-sets are considered: in the second case, the time interval [t0, ∞) over which the systems me defined is truncated to [t 0, t a  + T), T < ∞, So the that case of stability over a finite time interval may be considered.  相似文献   

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In this paper we are concerned with admissible trajectories x(·) of infinite-dimensional linear systems, defined on an interval [0, t1] and such that x(0)−x(t1) is small. We show that these trajectories satisfy certain geometric properties.  相似文献   

Let A be a generator of a strongly continuous semigroup of operators, and assume that C and H are operators such that A + CH generates a strongly continuous semigroup SH(t) on X. Let λ0 be a real number in the resolvent set of A, and let ε [−1, 1]. Then there are some fairly unrestrictive conditions under which A+(λ0A)CH0A) also generates a strongly continuous semigroup SK(t) on X which has the same exponential growth rate as SH(t). Given an input operator B, we can use this to identify a class of feedback perturbations K such that A + BK generates a strongly continuous semigroup. We can also use this result to identify classes of feedbacks which can and cannot uniformly stabilize a system. For example, we show that if the control on a cantilever beam in the state space H02[0, 1] × L2[0, 1] is a moment force on the free end, then we cannot stabilize the beam with an A−1/2-bounded feedback, but we can find an A−1/4-bounded feedback, for any > 0, which does stabilize the beam.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to investigate the exponential stability in mean square for a neutral stochastic differential functional equation of the form d[x(t) − G(xt)] = [f(t,x(t)) + g(t, xt)]dt + σ(t, xt)dw(t), where xt = {x(t + s): − τ s 0}, with τ > 0, is the past history of the solution. Several interesting examples are a given for illustration.  相似文献   

In this paper the quasilinear heat equation with the nonlinear boundary condition is studied. The blow-up rate and existence of a self-similar solution are obtained. It is proved that the rescaled function
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