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基于数字图像的混凝土破坏过程的数值模拟 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
把混凝土看作是由水泥砂浆为基相,粗细骨料为分散相的复合材料。在细观尺度上,应用数字图像处理技术表征混凝土材料中由骨料的形状、大小和分布对混凝土材料造成的非均匀性,在组成相材料内部细微观尺度上,采用统计方法来描述材料的非均匀性,建立了细-微观尺度耦合分析的混凝土损伤数值模型,模拟了混凝土单轴载荷作用下的破坏过程。数值模拟结果能反映出骨料分布和组成相材料的非均匀性对混凝土力学行为的影响,较好的模拟了混凝土试样从裂纹萌生扩展到宏观裂纹形成的整个破坏过程。 相似文献
岩石工程渐进破坏分析的边界元法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文根据内变量理论,应用均匀化技术处理岩石的变形与破坏过程,建立了岩石渐进破坏的本构关系以及相应的边界元公式并系统地给出了初应力表示下的非线性边界元计算步骤和方法。由此可有效地处理岩石的软化、膨胀、不抗拉等特性。实例计算表明本文所建立的边界元方法是有效而可靠的。 相似文献
在随机骨料模型的基础上,采用特征单元尺度对网格进行剖分,建立了非均质混凝土材料损伤破坏及宏观力学特性研究的三维细观单元等效化模型。对单轴拉伸、单轴压缩条件下湿筛混凝土试件的破坏过程及宏观力学性能进行了模拟分析;研究了混凝土梁的三分点弯拉力学特性,并与平面模型结果作了对比。研究表明:1) 与平面计算模型相比,三维模型更真实地模拟混凝土材料在外荷载作用下的损伤破坏过程,更准确的描述非均质混凝土材料的宏观力学性能,且与实验结果吻合;2) 骨料空间分布形式基本不影响混凝土材料的宏观弹性模量及强度,但影响其破坏过程和破损路径;3) 与随机骨料模型等细观力学方法相比,该方法具有高效性。 相似文献
本文提出了用流形无法和子域奇异边界元法相结合模拟结构地震响应及地震破坏的方法。流形元法的独特的网格及接触的处理方式,使该方法不仅可以象有限元法那样精确地分析结构的变形和应力,还可以象DDA、DEM等不连续分析方法那样模拟不连续面的接触和块体的运动。本文将Newmark法引入流形无法,使得该方法可以直接用来分析动力学问题。与作者提出的子域奇异边界元法相结合,可以模拟裂缝沿任意方向扩展及结构的地震破坏问题。对Koyna重力坝进行了地震破坏模拟分析,很好地再现了该坝的破坏过程,模拟破坏形式及裂缝出现的位置与实际调查结果、实验结果及其他学者用模糊裂缝模型得到的破坏结果吻合良好。 相似文献
采用离散单元法对混凝土材料和混凝土结构破坏机理进行分析。在细观尺度上将混凝土材料视为由粗骨料、水泥砂浆及界面过渡区三相组成,建立了混凝土材料的离散元模型;在宏观尺度上将混凝土视为均质材料建立了混凝土结构离散单元模型。计算分析结果表明:细观尺度上的二维离散单元模型可以用来很好地模拟混凝土材料的单轴受力破坏过程,但不能很好地模拟复合受力状态下的混凝土材料的破坏;宏观尺度上的离散单元模型可以很好地模拟钢筋混凝土构件的破坏过程,但模拟结果对单元的形状有较大的依赖性;宏观尺度上的离散单元模型可以很好地模拟结构的倒塌过程,但计算效率有待提高。 相似文献
一种非均匀采样系统采样均匀性的评价新方法 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
提出了在多A/D合成采样系统中采样均匀性的评价方法;通过使用正弦波激励系统,将各个子A/D的数据分别抽取形成子抽样序列,使用最小二乘正弦波曲线拟合法,获得各个子抽样序列初始相位间的差异,该差异对应的时间差即为各个子A/D间的采样延迟时间,它们的一致性就是系统的采样均匀性。在一组仿真数据上验证了方法的正确性。在数字存储示波器的实测数据上进行了实验验证,获得了有效的测量结果,验证了方法的可行性。该方法可以用来评价非均匀采样系统的采样均匀性。 相似文献
为反映骨料、砂浆及其之间的界面过渡区的组合特点和材料性能,基于材料细观非均匀性和有限元方法的混凝土破坏过程细观数值模拟需进行复杂、细致的网格剖分,导致了繁重的前处理工作和可观的计算量。该文对混凝土材料细观单元材质组成的单一化假定进行改进,将内嵌界面过渡区材料的规则化单元视为一种广义复合材料单元,建立了复合型界面损伤模型。采用等效方法确定单元的复合弹性关系,通过有限元法计算单元的局部应力;用细观层次上弹性力学性能的弱化描述单元组成材料的损伤,混凝土材料的破坏过程通过单元各组分的损伤模拟。应用该复合型界面损伤模型研究了混凝土试件的单轴拉伸破坏过程,细观数值模拟结果符合混凝土试件的宏观破坏特征,表明该模型可作为分析混凝土材料破坏过程的一种有效途径。 相似文献
基于格构模型的岩石类材料开裂数值模拟 总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7
采用二维格构模型模拟岩石类材料的开裂过程。格构模型将连续介质离散为由弹性杆或梁单元组成的二维格构网格,单元采用简单的本构关系和破坏准则,单元之间的参数可互有差异,以引入材料的非均质性。在外载作用下对整体网格进行线弹性分析,计算出格构中各单元的局部应力,超过断裂阈值的单元将破坏,材料的破坏过程通过单元的依次破坏来模拟。使用格构模型分析了单轴拉伸破坏和单边切口梁的剪切破坏。数值模拟结果表明,格构模型可作为岩石、混凝土类材料开裂分析的一种有效方法。 相似文献
三维弹塑性接触边界元法对摩擦的处理 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
本文建立了三维弹塑性接触问题的边界元法。采用两种摩擦模型计算了轧制过程中弹塑性体和弹性体的接触变形过程,并对两种摩擦模型的计算结果进行了比较。计算结果表明两种摩擦模型均能很好地反映实际情况 相似文献
Boundary element formulations for modelling the nonlinear behaviour of concrete are reviewed. The analysis based on the dual boundary element method (BEM) to represent the cracks in concrete is presented. The fictitious crack is adopted to represent the fracture process zone in concrete. The influence of reinforcements on the concrete is considered as a distribution of forces over the region of attachment. The yielding of reinforcement is considered when the total force at any section of the reinforcement is greater than the yielding force and is assumed to be broken when the strain reaches the maximum strain. In using the BEM to simulate cracks, the crack path need not be known in advance since it can be calculated during the iteration process and as such remeshing becomes obsolete. The numerical results obtained are compared to the FEM analysis. 相似文献
分区混合元法分析平面裂纹问题 总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1
基于分区混合能量原理的分区混合元法是一种高精度有限元方法,可用于分析含裂纹、孔洞、切口等缺陷的问题。本文推导了分区混合元法中应力元的刚度矩阵;分析了应力元的多余零能模式,并证明了整体分析中对多余零能模式的消弭;文中还对分区混合元法中应力元的应力项数与应力单元尺寸对分析结果的影响进行了系统的讨论。 相似文献
该文实现了一种半无限域SH波散射问题的数值分析方法。采用传递矩阵法得到SH波斜入射时的自由场,将其作为输入;采用集中质量显式有限元方法计算区域内节点的位移;采用透射人工边界计算人工边界点的位移;通过编写的FORTRAN程序实现计算过程。运用该方法对均匀半空间内半圆柱型沉积盆地在SH波入射下的散射进行了分析,与Trifunac M D的解析解进行了对比,验证了该文方法的有效性,分析了不同入射角对地表位移和位移谱放大系数的影响。最后,对成层半空间内半圆柱型沉积盆地在SH波入射下的散射进行了分析。相对于解析方法而言,该方法可以考虑更为复杂地形情况。 相似文献
Min Wang Y.T. Feng T.M. Qu Shi Tao T.T. Zhao 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》2020,121(21):4901-4919
The immersed moving boundary (IMB) scheme has been extensively used to couple the discrete element method (DEM) with the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM). In the literature, only the formulation of IMB for lattice nodal cells covered by a single-solid particle was given. The treatment of situations where a nodal cell is covered by two or more solid particles is seldom discussed. It is found that some numerical instability can occur for such situations due to an inappropriate computation of the weighting function in the IMB formulation. This work presents an enhanced treatment that can resolve the issue and validates it using some benchmark tests. Furthermore, to avoid the extra costs associated with the treatment and simplify the complicated procedure introduced, a simplified IMB scheme is proposed. The accuracy of both enhanced and simplified IMB schemes are validated by test cases including single-particle sedimentation, two-particle drafting-kissing-tumbling phenomenon, and multiple-particle sedimentation. Then, the robustness of both schemes is examined and discussed using a specially designed flow past cylinders test. The simplified IMB scheme is proved to be robust and sufficiently accurate and simpler and more effective than the enhanced scheme. 相似文献
Y. T. Feng K. Han D. R. J. Owen 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》2007,72(9):1111-1134
This paper presents essential numerical procedures in the context of the coupled lattice Boltzmann (LB) and discrete element (DE) solution strategy for the simulation of particle transport in turbulent fluid flows. Key computational issues involved are (1) the standard LB formulation for the solution of incompressible fluid flows, (2) the incorporation of large eddy simulation (LES)‐based turbulence models in the LB equations for turbulent flows, (3) the computation of hydrodynamic interaction forces of the fluid and moving particles; and (4) the DE modelling of the interaction between solid particles. A complete list is provided for the conversion of relevant physical variables to lattice units to facilitate the understanding and implementation of the coupled methodology. Additional contributions made in this work include the application of the Smagorinsky turbulence model to moving particles and the proposal of a subcycling time integration scheme for the DE modelling to ensure an overall stable solution. A particle transport problem comprising 70 large particles and high Reynolds number (around 56 000) is provided to demonstrate the capability of the presented coupling strategy. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
阴极保护是控制金属构件腐蚀的有效方法之一.随着阴极保护以及计算机技术的发展,数值模型在阴极保护体系设计和优化过程中得到了越来越广泛的应用.本文介绍了3种数值模型计算方法及有限元计算过程中边界条件的处理,综述了数值模型计算的发展现状以及面临的问题,阐述了有限元法和边界元法的优缺点.对比分析发现:边界元法可以使整个问题的维度降低一维,减少了计算量,提高精度,简化了建模过程.有限元法要求区域是有界的,可以对阴极保护体系进行三维分析,但计算量较大.边界元法适用于无限域、半无限域问题,有限元法的剖分灵活,更加适用于边界复杂以及求解域内电位场分布变化比较大的体系.在实际应用过程中,如何根据实际情况合理地采用有限元和边界元相结合的方法,发挥两种方法各自优点是阴极保护数值优化技术今后的一个发展方向. 相似文献
N. Mai-Duy P. Nguyen-Hong T. Tran-Cong 《Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements》1998,22(4):307-316
This paper reports a fast convergent boundary element method on a Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM) (Geist et al., PVM: Parallel Virtual Machine, A Users' Guide and Tutorial for Networked Parallel Computing. MIT Press, Cambridge, 1994) cluster using the SIMD computing model (Single Instructions Multiple Data). The method uses the strategy of subdividing the domain into a number of smaller subdomains in order to reduce the size of the system matrix and to achieve overall speedup. Unlike traditional subregioning methods, where equations from all subregions are assembled into a single linear algebraic system, the present scheme is iterative and each subdomain is handled by a separate PVM node in parallel. The iterative nature of the overall solution procedure arises due to the introduction of the artificial boundaries. However, the system equations for each subdomain is now smaller and solved by direct Gaussian elimination within each iteration. Furthermore, the boundary conditions at the artificial interfaces are estimated from the result of the previous iteration by a reapplication of the boundary integral equation for internal points. This method provides a consistent mechanism for the specification of boundary conditions on artificial interfaces, both initially and during the iterative process. The method is fast convergent in comparison with other methods in the literature. The achievements of this method are therefore: (a) simplicity and consistency of methodology and implementation; (b) more flexible choice of type of boundary conditions at the artificial interfaces; (c) fast convergence; and (d) the potential to solve large problems on very affordable PVM clusters. The present parallel method is suitable where (a) one has a distributed computing environment; (b) the problem is big enough to benefit from the speedup achieved by coarse-grained parallelisation; and (c) the subregioning is such that communication overhead is only a small percentage of total computation time. 相似文献