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缓存替换算法对优化网络处理应用的性能起到关键作用,但目前面向网络流量的缓存替换算法研究主要集中在算法设计和领域应用方面,较少有文献对现有的缓存替换算法在网络环境下的性能进行分析比较。对此,本文针对主要的6种缓存替换算法进行分析和比较。通过分析网络流量的新近度与频度特征,为基于最近最少使用(Least Recently Used, LRU)和最近最不常使用(Least Frequently Used, LFU)的缓存替换算法给出实际依据。对仿真环境和实际系统的实验结果表明,类LRU算法较LFU算法更适用于网络流量,而缓存空间较大时,随机替换算法较LRU算法更适用于多核环境。  相似文献   

建立准确的缓存分析模型有助于更好地预测缓存行为,对于网络性能分析与规划具有重要作用。现有面向缓存强一致性研究的分析模型普遍基于最近最少使用(LRU)缓存替换策略,然而在实际环境中需要根据不同的应用场景和缓存节点能力采取LRU、q-LRU、先进先出等不同的缓存替换策略。为扩展缓存强一致性分析模型的适用范围,基于缓存建模的基本假设构建缓存强一致性通用分析模型,并给出被动查询、主动移除、主动更新3种缓存强一致性策略下缓存命中率和服务器负载的计算方法。利用模型计算结果绘制缓存参数变化曲线图找出使缓存性能达到最优的值,通过分析模型计算结果选出给定缓存参数时对应的最优缓存替换策略。实验结果表明,该模型在3种缓存强一致性策略下均具有较高的计算精确度,其中计算结果与仿真结果的最大误差和最小误差分别为6.92%和0.06%,适用于通过特征时间近似的缓存替换策略。  相似文献   

郭晨  郑烇  丁尧  王嵩 《计算机系统应用》2017,26(12):165-169
缓存技术是数据命名网络(Named data networking,NDN)的关键技术之一. NDN传统的LCE缓存策略会造成较大的冗余. 改进的RCOne策略采用随机放置的方法,没有利用任何内容、节点信息,对网络缓存性能的提升有限. Betw策略只考虑到节点介数,导致高介数节点缓存更替频繁,当节点缓存容量远小于内容总量时,缓存性能下降. 为了解决这些问题,本文提出一种结合内容热度与节点介数的新型缓存策略HotBetw(Hot content placed on node with high Betweenness),充分利用内容与节点信息选择最佳的位置放置缓存. 仿真实验表明相对于典型NDN缓存策略,HotBetw缓存策略在提高缓存命中率、降低平均跳数方面具有很好的效果.  相似文献   

位于因特网骨干网和同一接入网之间的流媒体缓存代理服务器相互协作,可以提高缓存命中率,保持负载平衡。该文提出了一种共享缓存空间的紧耦合的多代理服务器协作机制,给出了多代理协作的缓存替换策略和负载平衡算法。通过NS2模拟验证,该机制可以使系统保持更好的性能。  相似文献   

A large scale, cache-based multiprocessor that is interconnected by a hierarchical network such as hierarchical buses or a multistage interconnection network (MIN) is considered. An adaptive cache coherence scheme for the system is proposed based on a hardware approach that handles multiple shared reads efficiently. The new protocol allows multiple copies of a shared data block in the hierarchical network, but minimizes the cache coherence overhead by dynamically partitioning the network into sharing and nonsharing regions based on program behavior. The new cache coherence scheme effectively utilizes the bandwidth of the hierarchical networks and exploits the locality properties of parallel algorithms. Simulation experiments have been carried out to analyze the performance of the new protocol. The simulation results show that the new protocol gives 15% to 30% performance improvement over some existing cache coherence schemes on similar systems for a wide range of workload parameters  相似文献   

服务器缓存性能的核心是缓存替换策略,缓存替换策略直接影响缓存的命中率, Web缓存可以解决网络拥塞和用户访问延迟问题,提高服务器的性能.传统缓存替换算法的命中率往往不高,为此文中提出了一种基于谱聚类的多级缓存替换策略.该策略利用循环滑动窗口机制提取日志文件的多项时序特征和访问属性,通过谱聚类对过滤后的数据集进行聚类分析从而得到访问预测结果.多级缓存替换策略综合考虑了缓存对象的局部频率、全局频率以及资源大小能更好地对低价值资源进行剔除,同时对高价值资源进行保留.通过与传统替换算法LRU、LFU、RC、FIFO进行实验对比,实验结果表明本文将谱聚类和多级缓存替换策略进行结合有效地提高了缓存请求命中率和字节命中率.  相似文献   

根据存储系统各级缓存的不同特点,提出了一种基于网络的异构协同预取方案RLCP(RA and Linux collaborate prefetching),它通过在存储客户端和存储服务器端使用不同的预取算法和替换算法,构建一个异构的两级存储系统,并利用合适的协同预取策略,动态调整预取算法的积极性,提高了存储系统的性能,同时也为云存储提供了一种优秀的解决方案.  相似文献   

语义缓存的最小权值项LWI替换策略   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在客户-服务器数据库系统中,语义缓存是基于客户查询语义相关建立的一种客户缓存.语义缓存的内容由以往查询的结果以及相应的描述构成.针对语义缓存的特征,提出语义缓存下最小权值项LWI(1east weight itern)替换策略.该策略由缓存项投影属性的访问频率和缓存项与查询的条件匹配情况,结合数据访问的时间局部性考虑决定缓存项的权值,替换最小权值项.通过性能分析实验,在语义缓存中,基于LWI替换策略的系统性能要优于基于传统LRU和LFU替换策略的系统性能.  相似文献   

Data caching on mobile clients is widely seen as an effective solution to improve system performance. In particular, cooperative caching, based on the idea of sharing and coordination of cache data among multiple users, can be particularly effective for information access in mobile ad hoc networks where mobile clients are moving frequently and network topology is changing dynamically. Most existing cache strategies perform replacement independently, and they seldom consider coordinated replacement and energy saving issues in the context of a mobile ad hoc network. In this paper, we analyse the impact of energy on designing a cache replacement policy and formulate the Energy-efficient COordinated cache Replacement Problem (ECORP) as a 0-1 knapsack problem. A dynamic programming algorithm called ECORP-DP and a heuristic algorithm called ECORP-Greedy are presented to solve the problem. Simulations, using both synthetic workload traces and real workload traces in our experiments, show that the proposed policies can significantly reduce energy consumption and access latency when compared to other replacement policies.  相似文献   

In this paper, a comprehensive study is first conducted to investigate the effects of cache coherence protocols and cache replacement policies on the characteristics of NUCA in current many-core processors. The main focus of this study is to analyze the effects of coherence protocols and replacement policies on the vulnerability of caches. The outcomes of this analysis indicate two facts: (i) Differences in handling write operations play an important role to make distinction in favor of or against a cache coherence protocol; (ii) Near-optimal solutions for replacement problem, aimed at enhancing the performance, can also make positive influence on reduction of cache vulnerability factor. Based on the results of first step, two schemes are introduced to enhance the reliability of caches by applying some modification on the structures of cache coherence protocols and cache replacement policies. The first scheme tries to manage sharing of the dirty data items among different same-level caches. The second helps to give priority and more opportunity to old dirty blocks than clean blocks for replacement. The proposed schemes reveal about 18% improvement in MTTF, with negligible performance, bandwidth and energy consumption overhead compared to previous cache structures.  相似文献   

移动查询缓存处理的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
客户缓存为提高客户/服务器数据库系统整体性能以及客户方数据可用性提供了有效途径。移动环境下网络资源的贫乏使客户缓存的作用更为重要,语义缓存是基于客户查询语义相关建立的一类缓存,提出一个基于语义缓存的客户缓存机制,给出缓存的内容组织,提出缓存项合并策略;然后讨论了基于语义缓存的查询处理策略;最后,模拟结果表明该客户缓存机制能够提高分布式、特别是移动环境下客户服务器数据库系统的性能。  相似文献   

给出了一种嵌入式浏览器缓存的实现策略,将网络数据进行分类,通过使用内存缓存技术,合理地缓冲网络数据,同时根据网页的结构和访问信息,使用一种简单可行的缓存淘汰策略,充分地利用缓存资源,使系统具有了较好的性能。  相似文献   

缓存和预取在提高无线环境下的Web访问性能方面发挥着重要作用。文章研究针对无线局域网的Web缓存和预取机制,分别基于数据挖掘和信息论提出了采用序列挖掘和延迟更新的预测算法,设计了上下文感知的预取算法和获益驱动的缓存替换机制,上述算法已在Web缓存系统OnceEasyCache中实现。性能评估实验结果表明,上述算法的集成能有效地提高缓存命中率和延迟节省率。  相似文献   

当前人工智能技术应用于系统结构领域的研究前景广阔,特别是将深度学习应用于多核架构的数据预取研究已经成为国内外的研究热点。针对基于深度学习的缓存预取任务进行了研究,形式化地定义了深度学习缓存预取模型。在介绍当前常见的多核缓存架构和预取技术的基础上,全面分析了现有基于深度学习的典型缓存预取器的设计思路。深度学习神经网络在多核缓存预取领域的应用主要采用了深度神经网络、循环神经网络、长短期记忆网络和注意力机制等机器学习方法,综合对比分析现有基于深度学习的数据预取神经网络模型后发现,基于深度学习的多核缓存预取技术在计算成本、模型优化和实用性等方面还存在着局限性,未来在自适应预取模型以及神经网络预取模型的实用性方面还有很大的研究探索空间和发展前景。  相似文献   

一种针对存储服务器设计的动态分区缓存管理系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种动态分区缓存管理系统,简称DPCache(dynamic partitioned buffer cache system),它适用于网络存储服务器中多应用共享缓存资源的应用模式.DPCache基于应用对缓存资源进行分区管理,其优点在于:1)每个独立的缓存分区可根据应用负载特征选择适合的缓存替换策略以提高分区缓存资源利用率;2)缓存分区在系统运行过程中通过可配置的缓存回收策略来有序竞争缓存资源,从而实现应用级的缓存区分服务.目前在Linux-2.6.18内核下实现了该系统,实验数据表明,DPCache不仅能够在实际应用中有效地支持多种缓存区分服务语义,同时它还能够支持对特定应用的性能优化.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of the buffer cache replacement is critical to the performance of I/O systems. In this paper, we propose a degree of inter-reference gap (DIG) based block replacement scheme. This scheme keeps the simplicity of the least recently used (LRU) scheme and does not depend on the detection of access regularities. The proposed scheme is based on the low inter-reference recency set (LIRS) scheme, which is currently known to be very effective. However, the proposed scheme employs several history information items whereas the LIRS scheme uses only one history information item. The overhead of the proposed scheme is almost negligible. To evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme, the comprehensive trace-driven computer simulation is used in general access patterns. Our simulation results show that the cache hit ratio (CHR) in the proposed scheme is improved as much as 65.3% (with an average of 26.6%) compared to the LRU for the same workloads, and up to 6% compared to the LIRS in multi3 trace.  相似文献   

A structured P2P network based on the small world phenomenon   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, we propose a new structured P2P overlay network, named SW-Uinta(small-world). In order to reduce the routing latency, we firstly construct the Uinta network in which both physical characteristics of network and data semantic are considered. Furthermore, based on Uinta, a nondeterministic caching strategy is employed to allow for poly-logarithmic search time while having only a constant cache size. Compared with the deterministic caching strategy proposed by previous P2P systems, the nondeterministic caching strategy can reduce communication overhead for maintaining the routing cache table. Cache entries in the cache table of peer nodes can be updated by subsequent queries rather than only by running stabilization periodically. In the following, a novel cache replacement scheme, named the SW cache replacement scheme, is used to improve lookup performance, which has proved to satisfy the small-world principle. So we call this network SW-Uinta(small-world). After that, according to the theoretical analysis, it can be proved that SW-Uinta(small-world) can get O((log 2 N)/k) search time with O(k) cache size. Lastly, the performance of SW-Uinta(small-world) is compared with those of other structured P2P networks such as Chord and Uinta. It shows that SW-Uinta(small-world) can achieve improved object lookup performance and reduce maintenance cost.
Hai Jin (Corresponding author)Email:

Web caching has been proposed as an effective solution to the problems of network traffic and congestion, Web objects access and Web load balancing. This paper presents a model for optimizing Web cache content by applying either a genetic algorithm or an evolutionary programming scheme for Web cache content replacement. Three policies are proposed for each of the genetic algorithm and the evolutionary programming techniques, in relation to objects staleness factors and retrieval rates. A simulation model is developed and long term trace-driven simulation is used to experiment on the proposed techniques. The results indicate that all evolutionary techniques are beneficial to the cache replacement, compared to the conventional replacement applied in most Web cache server. Under an appropriate objective function the genetic algorithm has been proven to be the best of all approaches with respect to cache hit and byte hit ratios.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a scheme for systematically estimating fingerprint ridge orientation and segmenting fingerprint image by means of evaluating the correctness of the ridge orientation based on neural network. The neural network is used to learn the correctness of the estimated orientation by gradient-based method. The trained network is able to distinguish correct and incorrect ridge orientations, and as a consequence, the falsely estimated ridge orientation of a local image block can be corrected using the around blocks of which orientations are correctly estimated. A coarse segmentation can also be done based on the trained neural network by taking the blocks of correctly estimated orientation as foreground and the blocks of incorrectly estimated orientation as background. Besides, following the steps of estimating ridge orientation correctness, a secondary segmentation method is proposed to segment the remaining ridges which are the afterimage of the previously scanned fingers. The proposed scheme serves for minutiae detection and is compared with VeriFinger 4.2 published by Neurotechnologija Ltd. in 2004, and the comparison shows that the proposed scheme leads to an improved accuracy of minutiae detection.  相似文献   

针对BP网络的不足,分析了一般进化算法在神经网络结构优化过程中存在的问题,根据物种内优生优育原则和物种间相互竞争、相互学习的生物学原理,提出了一种新的基于进化算法的神经网络优化方法。该方法不但有效弥补了BP神经网络在网络结构、权值选择上的随机性缺陷,缩小了神经网络结构的解搜索空间,加快了BP网络的收敛速度,进而提高了搜索效率,而且还起到对网络的结构和权值进行同时进化的作用。实验结果表明该方法取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

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