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The present study was undertaken to investigate the relationship of microglial activation to amyloid beta protein (A beta) deposition, particularly at the early stage. Using single and double immunostaining methods with a panel of microglia markers and antibodies against A beta and amyloid beta protein precursor (APP), we examined the cerebrum and cerebella of both Alzheimer's disease (AD) and non-demented subjects obtained at autopsy. In nondemented, middle-aged subjects that had small amounts of cerebral A beta deposits, approximately 70% of the diffuse plaques contained ramified microglia. However, no evidence of microglial activation was found in diffuse plaques in any of the non-demented subjects. Dual immunostaining of sections of cerebral cortex using antibodies against A beta and major histocompatibility complex class II antigen showed that in AD subjects, approximately 20% of total diffuse plaques contained a few, activated microglia. Most of these plaques were defined as a transitional from between diffuse and primitive plaques. Both primitive and classic plaques in the cerebral cortex of AD subjects consistently contained clusters of activated microglia. Subpial A beta deposits without neuritic changes lacked microglial activation. In the cerebellum, all of the diffuse plaques lacked microglial activation, and activated microglia in the compact plaques were not as hypertrophic as those in cerebral primitive/classic plaques. Our findings indicate that microglial reactions are absent in the early stages of A beta deposition, and it occurs during the transition from diffuse to primitive plaques, when amounts of A beta deposits and the degree of neuritic changes increase.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Microsatellites are short repetitive nucleotide sequences that, through mutation, can undergo either expansion or contraction. This novel mutational mechanism known as microsatellite instability may play a role in carcinogenesis. We investigated the incidence of microsatellite instability in a series of primary breast carcinoma surgical specimens. METHODS: Using polymerase chain reaction techniques followed by polyacrylamide/urea gel electrophoresis, we analyzed 46 pairs of normal and primary breast tumor samples at seven different microsatellite loci, five of which were located on chromosome 17. RESULTS: Thirteen of our 46 tumors (28.2%) demonstrated microsatellite instability. Five tumors (10.8%) were unstable at two or more loci, and of those, four (8.7%) were unstable at different loci on different chromosomes. An additional five tumors demonstrated loss of heterozygosity alone when compared with their normal counterparts. CONCLUSIONS: These findings indicate that microsatellite instability is present in primary breast cancer populations and, although the mechanism of action has yet to be elucidated, may play a role in breast carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate guided bone regeneration (GBR) around dental implants placed in atrophic alveolar ridges using an experimental, nonporous bioresorbable barrier. In 8 Rhesus monkeys, the maxillary canines and lateral incisors were extracted bilaterally and the remaining alveoli were reduced to create atrophic ridges. After a healing period of 3 months, soft tissue expansion was performed using a subperiosteal tissue expander. After 1 month of tissue expansion, and IMZ implant was placed in the atrophic ridge on each side in such a way that its coronal 4 mm to 5 mm remained circumferentially exposed above the bone level. The test implants were covered with a bioresorbable barrier made of poly (D,L-lactid-co-trimethylencarbonate) in a 70/30 ratio, whereas the control implants were covered with a nonresorbable expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (e-PTFE) barrier. The e-PTFE barriers were stabilized with titanium minipins while the bioresorbable barriers were analogously fixed using bioresorbable minipins made of poly (L-lactid-co-D,L-lactid) 70/30. Clinical healing progressed uneventfully in both groups and no soft tissue dehiscences occurred. Histometric and histomorphometric analyses were performed 5 months post surgery. Both test and control implants exhibited direct bone-to-implant contact to variable extents. The mean direct mineralized bone-to-implant contact length fraction was 32% of the total implant length in the test sites and 58% in the control sites. Control sites exhibited significantly greater bone fill compared to the experimental sites (P < 0.001). Histologic observations of test specimens demonstrated a moderate inflammatory reaction related to the degradation and resorption products of the barrier. In conclusion, the nonresorbable e-PTFE GBR barrier was found to be superior to the bioresorbable barriers tested in the present investigation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the relationships between self-assessed financial difficulties, diet in pregnancy and birthweight. DESIGN: Information on diet composition, difficulty in affording food, smoking habits and parity was collected by self-completion questionnaires at 32 weeks of pregnancy. Information on birthweights was obtained from hospital records. SUBJECTS: A geographically defined population 11833 pregnant women resident in the South-West of England. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Nutrient intakes, food choices and birthweight. RESULTS: Women with greater difficulty in affording food had lower intakes of protein, fibre, vitamin C, niacin, pyridoxine, iron, zinc, magnesium and potassium than did women with little or no difficulty. They were more likely to use cooking and spreading fats with a high saturates content, and less likely to eat fish, fruit, vegetables and salad. In a multivariate analysis including parity and smoking status, financial difficulty was found to have no significant relationship with birthweight. CONCLUSION: The quality of diet in pregnancy falls with increasing difficulty in affording food. However, this does not appear to affect mean birthweight of infants born after 32 weeks gestation.  相似文献   

We evaluated the correspondence between in-person- and telephone interview-derived data on affective symptoms, health-related quality of life, disability days, and medication compliance in patients with bipolar disorder. Twenty-eight outpatients with DSM-III-R-documented bipolar disorder were randomly assigned to an initial in-person or telephone interview. An average of 4.0 days later, they were reassessed by the other interview method. Results indicate good to excellent agreement between telephone and in-person interviews on measures of mania (intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) = 0.92) and depression symptoms (ICC = 0.90), suicide risk (kappa = 0.80), and alcohol use (kappa = 0.61), scores on the Medical Outcomes Study 36-item Short-Form Health Survey (ICCs = 0.66-0.92), and medication compliance (ICCs = 0.50-0.66). Measures of bed disability days (ICC = 0.34) and restricted activity days (ICC = 0.66) showed less agreement. Telephone interviews are feasible and reliable for collecting data on psychiatric and other health-related outcomes in bipolar disorder patients.  相似文献   

KJ Pansegrau  KL Fridrich  D Lew  JC Keller 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,56(9):1067-73; discussion 1073-4
PURPOSE: This study was undertaken to compare the rate and degree of osseointegration of dental implants when placed into either autogenous corticocancellous chip or freeze-dried corticocancellous chip bone grafts. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The canine ilium was used as the model site. Thirty experimental and 15 control implants were placed in 15 dogs: autogenous versus freeze-dried corticocancellous chip bone grafts around the exposed implant surfaces. In addition to the placement of control implants, the apical portion of the grafted implants acted as their own control. The implants were harvested at 1, 2, and 3 months. The evaluation of the integration process was performed by means of light microscopy, microradiography, and histomorphometry. RESULTS: Using this model, the results indicate that at 1 month there was no statistical difference in the degree of osseointegration in the two bone grafts. At 2 months, there was a statistically greater degree of osseointegration noted in the autogenous corticocancellous chip sites than in the freeze-dried bone grafts. At 3 months, the degree of osseointegration in the two groups was 70% and 33%, respectively. At 3 months, there was virtually 100% integration with trabecular bone at the control implant sites. CONCLUSION: The results indicate that at 2 months postoperatively implants placed in an autogenous bone chip graft osseointegrate to a significantly greater degree than implants placed in a freeze-dried bone chip graft, and this difference remains at 3 months.  相似文献   

Sensory systems that detect weak electric fields initially evolved as a primitive vertebrate character and have subsequently been lost and 're-evolved' a number of times in various taxa. As such, they provide unique examples of evolutionary parallelism and convergence in vertebrate sensory systems. Electrosensory systems have additionally proven to be admirable models for investigating the fundamental strategies by which nervous systems interpret environmental signals as the basis for organizing behaviors.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the effects of bioabsorbable and non-resorbable membranes on experimental guided bone augmentation in 8 Japanese white rabbits. A cutaneous flap was demarcated and raised from the forehead of each animal, the periosteum was lifted, and the calvarial bone on both sides of the midline was exposed. A titanium screw was inserted into the bone on each side of the midline and one screw was covered with a bioabsorbable (polylactic acid) membrane and the other with a non-resorbable (expanded polytetrafluoroethylene) membrane. The implanted screws and membranes were then covered with the periosteum and cutaneous flap. After healing for 6 months, the animals were euthanized and the experimental area was prepared for histological investigation. New bone had formed under both membranes with no sign of infection or membrane exposure. The amount of newly generated bone (89.0 +/- 17.3% versus 54.7 +/- 14.0%, P <0.05) and the percentage of newly generated bone height (81.5 +/- 6.3% versus 58.9 +/- 7.8%, P <0.05) in the space beneath the non-resorbable membrane was greater than that beneath the bioabsorbable membrane. However, there were no statistically significant differences between the bioabsorbable and non-resorbable membranes with respect to the percentage areas of mineralized bone (52.3 +/- 11.3% versus 47.1 +/- 6.7%, P = 0.8658) and bone marrow (47.7 +/- 11.3% versus 52.9 +/- 6.7%, P = 0.4838) and bone contact with the screw (88.3 +/- 6.9% versus 89.2 +/- 7.3%, P = 0.9999). In conclusion, at least within the limitations of this rabbit model, we suggest that non-resorbable membranes with sufficient stiffness should be used to obtain greater bone volume and height instead of bioabsorbable membranes for the GBR procedure, and that this will facilitate predictable bone augmentation in spaces beyond the bone surface. Therefore, the bioabsorbable membrane could not replace the non-resorbable membrane used in this model.  相似文献   

Luteal-phase estrogen and progesterone concentrations were measured every other day and used to monitor the corpus luteum activity. The patterns of estrogen and progesterone concentrations were compared relative to the day of endogenous human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) detection (defined as the day of implantation). The relationship between estrogen and progesterone and hCG concentrations was studied in 71 viable pregnancies, 12 clinical abortions, five preclinical abortions and 84 non-pregnant cycles after IVF/ET. Although all patients received luteal-phase progesterone support (25-50 mg/ml), low late luteal-phase progesterone concentrations of < 30 ng/ml from day + 11 to day + 15 were found in 64 patients (17% of viable pregnancies, 33.3% of clinical abortions, 60% of preclinical abortions and 53.6% of non-pregnant cycles) day + 1 was the day of retrieval). Implantation always occurred before or on day + 13 and 86% of pregnant cycles implanted on day + 8 to day + 11. Viable pregnancies had significantly higher mean progesterone concentrations on day + 3 to day + 7 (pre-implantation) and on day + 9 to day + 15 (postimplantation) than those of non-pregnant cycles or abortions. On the day of implantation, the mean +/- standard of deviation of estrogen (pg/ml) and progesterone (ng/ml) levels for viable pregnancies, clinical abortion and preclinical abortions were 314 +/- 210, 40.5 +/- 25; 226.7 +/- 246, 48.7 +/- 31; and 39.6 +/- 24.5, 28.6 +/- 24.5, respectively. On the same day, 73.2% of viable pregnancies, 41.7% of clinical abortions, and 20% preclinical abortions had a progesterone concentration > 30 ng/ml; 73.2% of viable pregnancies, 41.7% of clinical abortions and 20% of preclinical abortions had an estrogen concentration > 100 pg/ml. Although not precluding implantation completely, late luteal-phase hormonal deficiencies may impair endometrial growth and might ultimately lead to failure or abnormal implantation. A viable pregnancy requires not only a functional corpus luteum in the early luteal phase to develop a receptive endometrium, but also a responsive corpus luteum in the late luteal phase to support pregnancy. The time of implantation is critical. Implantation that occurs before the demise of the corpus luteum will facilitate a normal pregnancy.  相似文献   

The influence of applied radiation on the degradation of a polyglycolide (PGA) test specimen was studied in vitro. There was no significant difference in the time-dependent degradation behaviour between the irradiated test specimen and controls. Mandatory irradiation of an operation site following surgery therefore does not contradict the employment of bioresorbable implants in orthopaedic surgery.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Grass group I consists of very potent allergenic components which are found in the pollen of all temperate grasses. Several post-translational modifications are predicted from the cDNA data. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to identify sequential IgE-binding sites on the allergen Phl p 1 and to determine their influence on IgE reactivity. METHODS: Based on cDNA data and microsequencing results we synthesized overlapping decapeptides covering the complete Phl p 1 molecule and tested them for immunological reactivity by means of the PEPSCAN technique. In a dot test we determined the frequency of IgE reactivities to post-translationally modified structures (hydroxylated proline residues, carbohydrate structure, and disulphide formations). RESULTS: Screening by overlapping peptides demonstrated an IgE binding site on the 10 N-terminal amino acids. Comprehensive studies showed that the two hydroxyproline residues of the native Phl p 1 allergen (at positions 5 and 8) and the N-glycan (at position 9) can result in an increased IgE reactivity; 3.3% of the sera exclusively bound to the hydroxyproline bearing peptide, while only 0.4% bound to the proline containing peptide. With regard to glycosylation, we estimated that 20% of sera recognized protein and carbohydrate epitopes, while one serum exclusively bound to the glycan. The formation of disulphide bonds has no detectable effect on the IgE reactivity to Phl p 1. CONCLUSION: Our results indicate that the post-translational modifications, the carbohydrate structure and the hydroxylation of proline residues, can enhance the IgE reactivity of Phl p 1.  相似文献   

Effects of partial and complete stress shielding on mechanical properties and histology of in situ frozen patellar tendons were studied in 120 mature female Japanese White rabbits that were divided into three groups: completely stress-shielded, partially stress-shielded, and sham-operated groups. In the former two groups, tendon tension was reduced to 0% and about 30% of normal force, respectively, with a polyester artificial ligament. Tensile tests were conducted on patella-patellar tendon-tibia complexes harvested 1, 2, 3, 6, or 12 weeks after surgery. Tensile strength significantly decreased compared with the sham group to 17% and 28% at 3 and 6 weeks, respectively, in the completely stress-shielded group, and to 54% and 63% at 3 and 12 weeks, respectively, in the partially stress-shielded group. Patellar tendon cross-sectional area significantly increased to 156% and 157% at 2 and 3 weeks, respectively, in the completely stress-shielded group and to 133% at 2 weeks in the partially stress-shielded group, compared with the sham group. Stress shielding significantly changed tensile strength, tangent modulus, and cross-sectional area of in situ frozen patellar tendon; these changes depended on degree of stress shielding. Histologic observations indicated that remodeling occurred in the patellar tendon while there were no cells in the fascicle.  相似文献   

To assess the satisfaction with the department and hospital services provided by a medium-size community hospital during a 2 month period (April-May 1995), 118 randomly chosen patients were asked to complete a questionnaire designed to reflect their opinions during hospitalization. The principal points of the survey concerned the general perception regarding the services in the department and the hospital, the admission and discharge procedures, the quality of food and sanitary conditions, an evaluation of the physicians' and nurses' skill and attitude, as well as their compliance to patients' needs. Overall satisfaction with the medical care was very high, the physicians' attitude and nurses' compliance being the two most important determinants. The role of this type of questionnaire as an instrument for improving health services is emphasized.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect on vertical bone regeneration of the addition of demineralized freeze-dried bone allograft or autogenous bone chips to a membrane technique. Twenty partially edentulous patients with vertical jawbone deficiencies were selected for this study. The patients were divided into two groups of 10 individuals. The 10 patients of Group A received 26 Br?nemark implants in 10 surgical sites. The 10 patients of Group B received 32 implants in 12 surgical sites. Fifty-two out of 58 implants (22 in Group A and 30 in Group B) extended 1.5 to 7.5 mm superior to the bone crest. Titanium-reinforced expanded polytetrafluoroethylene membranes were used to cover the implants and, before complete membrane fixation, demineralized freeze-dried bone allograft particles were condensed under the membrane in Group A, and autogenous bone chips were used in Group B. At the reentry after 7 to 11 months the membranes were removed and a small biopsy was collected from 11 sites comprehending the miniscrews. The clinical measurements from Group A demonstrated a mean vertical bone gain of 3.1 mm (SD = 0.9 mm, range 1 to 5 mm) with a mean percentage of bone gain of 124% (SD = 46.6%). The measurements from Group B showed a mean vertical bone gain of 5.02 mm (SD = 2.3 mm, range 1 to 8.5 mm) with a mean percentage of bone gain of 95% (SD = 26.8%). Histomorphometric analysis of the present study clearly demonstrated a direct correlation between the density of the pre-existing bone and the density of the regenerated bone. The mean percentage of new bone-titanium contact was from 39.1% to 63.2%, depending on the quality of the pre-existing bone. Both the clinical and histologic results indicate a beneficial effect of the addition of demineralized freeze-dried bone allograft or autogenous bone particles to vertical ridge augmentation procedures in humans.  相似文献   

We implanted cylinders of cobalt-chrome or titanium, with smooth or porous surfaces, into rabbit bones which had been inoculated with suspensions of Staphylococcus aureus in various doses. The bacterial concentration required to produce infection of porous-coated titanium implants was 2.5 times smaller than that necessary to infect implants with polished surfaces. Porous-coated cobalt-chromium implants required bacterial concentrations that were 40 times smaller than those needed to infect implants with polished surfaces, and 15 times smaller than those required to infect porous-coated titanium implants. The other advantages and disadvantages of the various implants, such as improved osseointegration, larger ion-release surfaces, surface wear and relative stiffness, must be weighed against the higher infection rates in the porous-coated implants, and particularly in the cobalt-chromium implants.  相似文献   

Guided bone regeneration (gbr) for the treatment of insufficient bone volume around implants can be performed using membranes with or without grafting materials (i.e., autogenous, allogenous, xenogenous, or alloplastic grafts). A possible way to evaluate the quality of implant osseointegration is the torque necessary to remove implants from their bony housing. The aim of this study was to compare the torques necessary to remove dental implants from implant beds reconstructed with different bone substitutes and GBR or GBR alone in 6 adult mongrel dogs. All mandibular premolars were extracted and 3 extraction sockets on each side were enlarged using a trephine bur. A 13 mm titanium screw-type dental implant (3.75 mm diameter) was placed in each enlarged extraction socket so that only the apical 3 to 4 mm were engaged in bone. The 3 defects were then randomly treated with either 1) canine demineralized freeze-dried bone allograft (DFDBA) plus GBR using an expanded polytetrafluoroethylene membrane (DFDBA+GTAM); 2) bioabsorbable hydroxyapatite and GBR (HA+GTAM); or 3) GBR (GTAM alone). After 6 months, the torque to remove the implants was measured in 4 animals and analyzed using ANOVA. There were no statistically significant differences between the 3 groups (GTAM alone: 46.37+/-16.41 Ncm; HA+GTAM: 46.00+/-16.59 Ncm; DFDBA+ GTAM: 52.15+/-29.24 Ncm). In addition, the influence of early removal of barriers on the torque values was evaluated with the t-test. Comparing exposed versus retained membranes by treatment modality, the only statistically significant difference was found in the DFDBA+GTAM group. When the torque values of all implants with exposed and retrieved membranes were compared to all those with retained membranes a significant difference could be detected. Histologic sections were prepared from the 2 dogs not included in the removal torque testing. In the histometric analysis the GTAM alone group showed a mean mineralized bone-to-implant-contact of 27.1%, the DFDBA+GTAM group of 34.6%, and the HA+GTAM of 39.3%. The mineralized bone-to-implant-contact of the HA+GTAM group was significantly higher than that of the GTAM alone group. In addition, the mineralized bone-to-implant-contact was divided into an apical and coronal part using the apical seventh thread as the dividing landmark. In the apical region, there was no significant difference between the groups regarding mineralized bone-to-implant-contact. In the coronal part the mineralized bone-to-implant-contact of the GTAM alone group was significantly lower compared to the other 2 groups. Within the limits of this investigation, it can be concluded that the type of grafting material will not influence torque removal values, but that early membrane exposure and removal will negatively influence the torque measurements. The combination of GBR with a bone substitute increased the mineralized bone-to-implant contact.  相似文献   

The aim of this experimental study was to evaluate the use of prefabricated autogenous bone grafts as onlay grafts to the mandible. Excess bone of 10 x 12 x 40 mm was produced inside blocks of pyrolyzed bovine bone under a polylactic membrane coverage on the outside of the mandible in 15 adult G?ttingen minipigs. After 5 months, this bone was harvested and transferred to the premolar region of the mandibular body in 10 animals. Onlay grafts of mandibular bone were used as controls for the transplanted prefabricated grafts. All grafts were fixed by primary placement of one titanium implant each. Five animals served as ungrafted controls. Evaluation was performed after 3 months and 5 months, respectively. Two animals were lost to evaluation, and one scaffold became infected. Eleven of the remaining 12 scaffolds showed sufficient bone ingrowth for grafting. Three months after transplantation, bone volume of the prefabricated grafts was almost completely preserved, with only minimal resorption in the superficial pores of the scaffolds, while the control grafts exhibited partial resorption. The titanium implants, which had been placed at the time of only grafting, exhibited direct bone-implant contact. Five months after grafting, all titanium implants showed complete osseointegration, with direct bone-implant contact. The grafted bone exhibited a significant increase in bone density by appositional bone formation. The control grafts were nearly completely resorbed at that time.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate clinically, histologically and histometrically the use of anorganic bovine bone matrix (i.e. Bio-oss) as a grafting material for maxillary sinus augmentation procedures. In 4 adult male rhesus monkeys (i.e. Macaca mulatta) the 1st, 2nd and 3rd maxillary molars on one side of the jaws were extracted. The remaining bone between the alveolar crest and the bottom of the sinus was then reduced to 3-4 mm. After 3 months, maxillary sinus augmentation procedures were performed on one side of the jaws in each monkey and the sinuses were grafted with the bovine bone matrix. At that time, 2 IMZ pure titanium plasma coated implants were immediately placed into the augmented sinuses (i.e. simultaneous implants-loaded group). After 4 months, 2 additional similar implants were placed into these previously augmented sinuses (i.e. delayed implants-loaded group). Four months later, the abutment connection was performed and all 4 implants were loaded with a gold-alloy bridge for 6 months (i.e. until sacrifice of the animals). The contralateral side of each monkey received the same treatment with the exception that the extractions were performed 7 months after those in the opposite side and that the implants in this side were not loaded. Thus, 2 additional study groups (i.e. simultaneous implants-unloaded group and delayed implants-unloaded group) were obtained. Clinically, all loaded implants were stable at the day of sacrifice. Histologically, the grafted sinuses exhibited significant bone formation with integration of the bovine bone matrix particles to the new bone. Direct mineralized bone-to-implant contact was greater for the delayed implant placement groups than for the implants installed simultaneously with the sinus augmentation. Furthermore, the percentage of direct mineralized bone-to-implant contact was greater in the residual bone than in the augmented area. It was concluded that the anorganic bovine bone matrix facilitated bone formation and implant osseointegration in the augmented sinuses and that the delayed implant placement in combination with the sinus augmentation procedure seemed to be preferable.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare hydroxyapatite (HA)-coated titanium (Ti) and HA-coated cobalt-chrome (CoCr) implants in the distal femur of the rabbit by evaluating bone apposition and interfacial shear strength. Bilateral cylindrical implants with a plasma sprayed 50-microns thick HA coating were press-fit into the metaphyseal cancellous bone of the lateral femoral condyles in a transverse fashion, and the animals were sacrificed at 2, 4, and 8 weeks postimplantation. Mechanical strength of the interface between HA and bone was measured using the pushout method. For histologic analysis, the fractional linear extent of bone apposition was quantitated. No differences were found in the interfacial shear strength between the Ti and CoCr at any time period. The amount of bone apposition increased significantly at each time interval for both substrate metals, but there were no significant differences between the two substrates at any of the time periods studied. The HA-coated CoCr implants performed in a similar manner to the HA-coated Ti implants, both mechanically and histologically, suggesting that HA-coated CoCr implants deserve further study as a viable alternative to Ti for the biological fixation of total joint components in orthopaedic surgery.  相似文献   

Potential alteration of the underlying recipient bone resulting from a graft or implant has significant clinical relevance. The present study was designed to evaluate the biomechanical and histologic alteration of facial recipient bone with autogenous bone graft and alloplastic implants over a 1-year period. The bilateral arches of 15 rabbits were randomized between four groups: (1) control (n = 6), subperiosteal exposure of the zygomatic arch was made; (2) onlay (n = 12), bone graft was placed as an onlay to the zygomatic arch; (3) inlay (n = 6), bone graft was placed as an inlay within the zygomatic arch; (4) implant (n = 6), a stainless steel plate was placed as an onlay to the zygomatic arch. Animals were killed 1 year after grafting. In the onlay groups, all steel implants and half of the onlay bone grafts (n = 6) were separated from the zygomatic arch; the remaining onlay bone grafts (n = 6) were left on the zygomatic arch. Three-point breaking strength was measured through the center of the graft/implant site on the zygomatic arch, followed by histologic evaluation and histometric assessment of residual bone density. The findings demonstrated no difference in the breaking strength per unit bone area between the control zygomatic arch group and the onlay group in which the bone graft was left in place. Breaking strength of the zygomatic arch in the former two groups was significantly greater than that in either group in which the onlay bone graft or implant had been removed, and was also greater than the breaking strength in that group in which inlay bone had been placed (p < 0.05). Histologic assessment showed full-thickness conversion in architecture of the zygomatic arch from compact to woven bone beneath onlays of either autogenous bone graft or steel implant; histometric assessment demonstrated an accompanying decrease in bone density in the latter groups relative to the control zygoma (p < 0.05). We conclude that onlay autogenous bone graft and alloplastic implants to the facial skeleton induce transformation of both graft and recipient bone from compact to woven architecture, accompanied by a reduction in bone density. The biomechanical strength of recipient facial bone is significantly weakened if an onlay bone graft or implant is removed. Weakening occurs per unit area of remaining bone, and is therefore independent of any thinning that may occur within the recipient bone because of graft/implant placement. These findings may impact upon decisions to augment stress-bearing regions of the facial skeleton with bone graft or implants, particularly if the graft/implant may eventually require removal.  相似文献   

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