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OBJECTIVE: To determine current practice patterns of obtaining informed consent for infertility treatment by reproductive endocrinologists and to assess changes in response to reports of an association between ovulation induction and ovarian cancer. METHODS: Board-certified reproductive endocrinologists (n = 575) were surveyed by mail regarding how they informed patients and obtained consent for infertility treatments and how their practices had been influenced by studies suggesting a link between ovulation induction and ovarian cancer. Data were analyzed using chi2 and logistic regression analyses. RESULTS: The return rate was 62.1% (357 of 575 surveys). Most respondents (92%) used discussions with physicians to inform their patients of risks and benefits of all infertility treatments. Additional means, such as audiovisual aids, were used significantly more often for assisted reproductive technologies (including intracytoplasmic sperm injection and use of donated eggs) than for less invasive therapies (31-43% versus 4-11%, P < .001). Most physicians (46-66%) used verbal consent alone for hysterosalpingogram, intrauterine insemination, and ovulation induction. Formal written consent was used significantly more often for the various assisted reproductive technologies than for hysterosalpingogram, intrauterine insemination, or ovulation induction (94-95% versus 26-44%). Although most physicians (70%) did not believe that ovulation induction increases the risk of ovarian cancer, 83% addressed this risk when obtaining consent and 47% reported changing their practices since an association was reported. Common changes included limiting length of treatment and addressing ovarian cancer risk. CONCLUSION: Current practice patterns of obtaining informed consent for various infertility treatments by board-certified reproductive endocrinologists show, as expected, that informed consent is more rigorous for assisted reproductive technologies. Although most surveyed did not believe that ovulation induction increases risk of ovarian cancer, the majority of physicians addressed that risk when obtaining consent and nearly half changed their practices on the basis of a possible association.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the effects of the NMDA receptor antagonists dizocilpine (MK-801) and ifenprodil on the appearance of diazepam withdrawal signs caused by discontinuation of long-term diazepam treatment using a drug-admixed food (DAF) method in Fischer 344 rats. The total withdrawal score was significantly decreased by after-withdrawal treatment with dizocilpine or ifenprodil. Dizocilpine, in particular, markedly suppressed the motor withdrawal signs and body weight loss, while ifenprodil suppressed the motor and emotional withdrawal signs. Furthermore, the decrease in the food intake during withdrawal (anorexia) was significantly reduced by dizocilpine, but not by ifenprodil. These behavioral results indicated that the activation of NMDA receptors during withdrawal may play an important role in the appearance of withdrawal signs (in particular motor withdrawal signs) caused by discontinuation of chronic diazepam treatment, and that inhibitory agents for NMDA receptors may be effective in alleviation of the appearance of benzodiazepine withdrawal signs.  相似文献   

Schizophrenia affects prefrontal and temporal-limbic networks. These regions were examined by contrasting regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) during executive (Wisconsin Card Sorting Test [WCST]), and declarative memory tasks (Paired Associate Recognition Test [PART]). The tasks, and a resting baseline, were administered to 15 patients with schizophrenia and 15 healthy controls during 10 min positron emission tomography 1?O-water measures of rCBE Patients were worse on both tasks. Controls activated inferior frontal, occipitotemporal, and temporal pole regions for both tasks. Similar results were obtained for controls matched to level of patient performance. Patients showed no activation of hypothesized regions during the WCST and activated the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex during the PART. On the PART, occipitotemporal activation correlated with better performance for controls only. Better WCST performance correlated with CBF increase in prefrontal regions for controls and in the parahippocampal gyrus for patients. Results suggest that schizophrenia may involve a breakdown in the integration of a frontotemporal network that is responsive to executive and declarative memory demands in healthy individuals. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The alteration of regional cerebral blood flow (CBF) during and after hyperventilation was measured using positron emission tomography (PET) to determine the circulatory response induced by daily respiratory changes in the cerebral area under chronic hemodynamic stress. METHODS: Three normal volunteers and 12 patients with an obstruction of major cerebral arteries underwent PET measurements of the CBF after an injection of H2(15)O: (1) in the resting condition, (2) during hyperventilation (HV scan), (3) 1 to 3 minutes after hyperventilation (post-HV scan), (4) during the inhalation of 5% CO2, and (5) after an injection of acetazolamide. Eleven patients also underwent a 15O gas study to measure CBF, oxygen extraction fraction (OEF), and cerebral blood volume (CBV). RESULTS: (1) In 9 patients, the CBF value in the post-HV scan was lower than that in the HV scan in 1 or more regions in the area of the obstructed arteries, although the PaCO2 level during the post-HV scan was higher than that during the HV scan in all patients. All control regions in the patients and in the normal volunteers showed an elevated CBF in the post-HV scan compared with the HV scan. (2) The negative post-HV response (posthyperventilatory steal) was prominent in 4 patients with moyamoya vessels and in another 5 patients with atherosclerotic disease who had PET evidence of hemodynamic stress (elevated CBV or OEF). (3) The regional pre- to post-HV change in CBF was significantly correlated with the CBF responses to acetazolamide and CO2. CONCLUSIONS: Vasodilatation after the termination of hyperventilation in the normal areas induces a steal response in the cerebral area suffering from hemodynamic stress and may cause profound hypoperfusion in everyday situations. This phenomenon may be important to our understanding of the clinical symptoms and the natural course of chronic cerebral occlusive disease bearing hemodynamic stress.  相似文献   

Subjective and physiologic effects of 33% inhaled Xe were measured with 15O-water positron emission tomography (PET) in 3 subjects at rest and during visual stimulation. The procedure was well tolerated. Robust functional activations of the visual cortex were obtained after xenon (Xe) inhalation as well as air breathing. However, Xe inhalation was followed by smaller size, but significant decreases of regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) in visual cortex relative to the air-breathing baseline, both during visual stimulation and at rest. No such decreases were found in other sensory or motor regions.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: We previously established the ability of intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation (IABC) to improve cerebral blood flow (CBF) significantly in a canine model of cerebral vasospasm. This study was performed to assess the efficacy of IABC in a patient with cardiac dysfunction and severe cerebral vasospasm that was refractory to traditional treatment measures. METHODS: We report our experience with the clinical use of IABC to treat cerebral vasospasm in a patient who suffered subarachnoid hemorrhage and concomitant myocardial infarction. Hypertensive, hypervolemic, hemodilution therapy was ineffective, and IABC was instituted. Xenon-enhanced computed tomography (Xe-CT) was utilized to obtain serial measurements of CBF with and without IABC over a 4-day period. RESULTS: IABC dramatically improved cardiac function in this patient, and Xe-CT demonstrated significant improvement in CBF with IABC. The average global CBF was 20.5 +/- 4.4 ml/100g/min before versus 34.7 +/- 3.8 ml/100g/min after IABC (p < 0.0001, paired student's t-test). The lower the CBF before IABC, the greater the improvement with IABC (correlation coefficient r = 0.83, p = 0.0007). CBF improvement ranged from 33% to 161% above baseline, average 69.3%. No complications of IABC were observed. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first report demonstrating the ability of IABC to improve CBF in a patient with vasospasm. We suggest that IABC is a rational treatment option in select patients with refractory cerebral vasospasm who do not respond to traditional treatment measures.  相似文献   

Even though there have been numerous positron emission tomography (PET) activation studies on the perfusional and metabolic bases of language processing, little is known about the intracerebral functional network of language and cognitive processes. It was the aim of this study to investigate the cerebral interregional correlations during voluntary word association versus word repetition in healthy subjects to gain insight into the functional connectivity of associative speech processing. Due to individual variability in functional anatomy, the study protocol was designed as an averaged single-subject study. Eight healthy volunteers performed a verbal association task during fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG) PET scanning. Two different tasks were performed in randomized order: (a) word repetition (after auditory presentation of nouns) as a control condition, and (b) word association (after auditory presentation of nouns) as a specific semantic activation. The regional metabolic rate of glucose (rMRGlu) was calculated after brain regionalization [112 regions of interest on individual 3D flash magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)] and PET/MRI realignment. Statistical analysis was performed for comparison of association and repetition and for calculation of interregional correlation coefficients during both tasks. Compared with word repetition, word association was associated with significant increases in rMRGlu in the left prefrontal cortex, the left frontal operculum (Broca's area) and the left insula, indicating involvement of these areas in associative language processing. Decreased rMRGlu was found in the left posterior cingulum during word association. During word repetition, highly significant negative correlations were found between the left prefrontal cortex, the contralateral cortex areas and the ipsilateral posterior cingulum. These negative correlations were almost completely eliminated during the association task, suggesting a functional decoupling of the strict intercorrelation pattern.  相似文献   

Subjects participated in perceptual and imagery tasks while their brains were scanned using positron emission tomography. In the perceptual conditions, subjects judged whether names were appropriate for pictures. In one condition, the objects were pictured from canonical perspectives and could be recognized at first glance; in the other, the objects were pictured from noncanonical perspectives and were not immediately recognizable. In this second condition, we assume that top-down processing is used to evaluate the names. In the imagery conditions, subjects saw a grid with a single X mark; a lowercase letter was presented before the grid. In the baseline condition, they simply responded when they saw the stimulus, whereas in the imagery condition they visualized the corresponding block letter in the grid and decided whether it would have covered the X if it were physically present. Fourteen areas were activated in common by both tasks, only 1 of which may not be involved in visual processing (the precentral gyrus); in addition, 2 were activated in perception but not imagery, and 5 were activated in imagery but not perception. Thus, two-thirds of the activated areas were activated in common.  相似文献   

A whole body blood flow model (WBBFM) was developed and tested using STELLA II, an icon-driven mathematical simulation software package. The WBBFM uses parallel chambers to represent gray and white areas of the brain, body organs such as lungs, heart (right and left halves), injection site, and blood sampling sites. Input values to the WBBFM include organ blood flows, organ volumes, tissue:blood partition coefficients, injected activity, and data acquisition times for a positron emission tomography (PET) camera. Input variables included an injection function (e.g., bolus), and a blood flow function (e.g., transient variations in flow). The kinetic behavior of [15O]water, a freely diffusible radiotracer employed in PET to characterize blood flow was examined by the WBBFM. The physiologic behavior of water in the human body was emulated using the WBBFM and the model's predictive value was verified by comparing calculated results with the following properties of water: diffusibility, tissue:blood partition coefficient of [15O]water, and the mixing of [15O]water with total body water. The WBBFM simulated Kety's autoradiographic method used in the estimation of regional cerebral blood flow by PET using [15O]water. The application of the model to a cognitive activation study paradigm based on Kety's method is presented and its results compared to published literature data. With appropriate modification in the half-life, tissue:blood partition coefficient, and the amount of administered radioactivity, the WBBFM should prove useful as a tool to examine kinetics of other freely diffusible radiotracers used in PET.  相似文献   

Two cases of histologically proven primary cerebral malignant lymphoma were examined serially with positron emission tomography (PET) using 11C-methyl-L-methionine (11C Met). Lesions delineated by 11C Met accumulation extended beyond enhancing areas on either X-ray computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging. High uptake of 11C Met accurately showed biologically active and residual tumours, at a time when disappearance of a contrast-enhancing lesion on CT seemed to indicate involution. PET provides valuable information on the extent of tumour and assessment of radiotherapy in malignant lymphoma.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To quantitatively demonstrate the pattern of cerebral perfusion abnormalities in HIV-1-infected individuals described as 'patchiness' or inhomogeneity in previous qualitative emission tomographic imaging studies. DESIGN: We aimed to create a quantitative measure of inhomogeneity in HIV-infected individuals. High-frequency variance in cortical profiles is an indication of inhomogeneity in the distribution of radiotracer in the cerebral cortex. Therefore, the study analysis was designed to enable the estimation of variance frequencies in cortical profiles. METHODS: Regional cerebral blood flow was examined in nine mildly demented and 10 cognitively normal HIV-1-seropositive individuals and eight seronegative normal controls using single photon emission computed tomography with the radiotracer [I-123]-N-isopropyl-p-iodoamphetamine. Quantitative analysis was performed using circumferential profiles of cerebral cortical perfusion. Fourier transform power spectra of the profiles were examined as an index of patchiness in tracer distribution. RESULTS: Normal controls were characterized by strong middle frequency and weak high-frequency power. Both HIV-1-infected groups showed a significant power shift from middle to high frequencies. CONCLUSIONS: Increased high-frequency variations in both HIV-1-infected groups indicates diffuse cortical perfusion changes compared with normal controls. This study suggests that there are cerebral bloodflow abnormalities in HIV-1-infected individuals both with and without clinically severe dementia.  相似文献   

We performed PET on four patients with chronic industrial Mn intoxication; presynaptic and postsynaptic dopaminergic function were measured with [18F]6-fluoro-L-dopa (6FD) and [11C]raclopride (RAC). All patients had a rigid-akinetic syndrome; they had no sustained benefit from L-dopa. Influx constants (Ki) of 6FD were normal in the caudate and putamen. RAC binding was mildly reduced in the caudate and normal in the putamen. We conclude that nigrostriatal dopaminergic dysfunction is not responsible for the parkinsonism caused by chronic Mn intoxication. The pathology is likely to be downstream of the dopaminergic projection.  相似文献   

This study examines whether or not in Sturge-Weber syndrome hypoperfused brain areas that are affected by calcification continue to retain some function and participate in language and motor activations. [15O]-Water positron emission tomography (PET) was used for brain mapping of these functions in two patients with extensive unilateral calcification and hypoperfusion and in one patient with calcification and hypoperfusion restricted to the left posterior region. Task-related regional cerebral blood flow changes suggest that (1) hypoperfused areas may become activated during language and motor performance, and (2) progressive calcification in Sturge-Weber syndrome is associated with functional reorganization in the language and motor domains. Interhemispheric reorganization appears to be more pronounced for language than for motor functions.  相似文献   

Lactoferrin has been for the first time purified from the porcine cauda epididymal fluid as a 70 kDa protein. Both Western and Northern blot analyses show that lactoferrin is synthesized in the regions from the distal caput to the cauda epididymis and secreted into the luminal fluid. Lactoferrin is first secreted as a 75 kDa glycoprotein and its carbohydrate moieties are gradually digested to form 70 kDa protein in the cauda epididymis. Lactoferrin has already bound to the surface of the epididymal sperm because the anti-lactoferrin antiserum induces the mature sperm tail-to-tail agglutination. These results strongly suggest new physiological functions of lactoferrin on the sperm maturation in the epididymis.  相似文献   

Brain lesions have been reported with increasing frequency in the delusional misidentification syndromes (DMS). This is the first controlled study to describe DMS regional cerebral metabolic rates of glucose (rCMRglc). We compared rCMRglc (using positron emission tomography) and neuropsychological data in 9 patients with DMS and Alzheimer dementia (AD), 15 AD patients without DMS, and 17 healthy controls. The DMS group differed from the AD group without DMS in having significant hypometabolism in paralimbic (orbitofrontal and cingulate areas bilaterally) and left medial temporal areas, and significant bilateral normalized hypermetabolism in sensory association cortices (superior temporal and inferior parietal) without right left asymmetry. Compared to healthy controls, both AD groups had significant dorso lateral frontal hypometabolism bilaterally. No specific DMS neuropsychological profile was identified. Dysfunctional connections among multimodal association areas, paralimbic structures, and dorsolateral frontal cortex are proposed as the predisposing neural deficit underlying DMS, causing cognitive-perceptual-affective dissonance, which under specific conditions results in "positive" delusion formation.  相似文献   

Pig-to-primate cardiac xenografts surviving beyond the period of hyperacute rejection succumb after 3-4 days to a secondary immunologic response characterized by xenograft infiltration with NK cells and macrophages. Circulating baboon mononuclear cells contain NK cell precursors which mediate lysis of porcine endothelium by two distinct mechanisms: antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity and lymphokine activation. IL-2 activated NK lysis of porcine endothelium was 2.4-fold stronger than lysis occurring following engagement of FcRIII by xenoreactive IgG. IL-2 augmented NK lysis involved interactions between CD2 and CD49d on baboon NK cells and their respective ligands on porcine endothelium, since NK lysis was reduced either by using Mabs against CD2, CD49d, or porcine VCAM, or by treating endothelial cells with PIPLC to cleave GPI-linked molecules. These results imply that interactions between accessory molecule receptor-ligand pairs on primate NK cells, macrophages and porcine endothelium are of critical importance in delayed xenograft rejection.  相似文献   

Several studies have reported olfactory deficits in schizophrenic patients. This study examines local cerebral metabolic rate within two cortical areas in eight normal men and eight schizophrenic men. A significantly greater degree of hypometabolism was observed in the schizophrenic men in the cortical area of the nondominant hemisphere that receives direct uncrossed olfactory projections.  相似文献   

Examined whether electrodermal nonresponder and responder subgroups of schizophrenic patients differ in regional brain metabolism assessed by positron emission tomography during a continuous performance test. In comparison to both 6 normal controls and 3 responder schizophrenics, the 3 nonresponder schizophrenics showed about a 20% reduction in metabolic rate across the entire brain. Nonresponder schizophrenics tended to have lower absolute metabolic rates than responders in lateral and medial frontal, thalamic, and hippocampal areas. Nonresponders also had significantly lower relative metabolic rates in medial frontal and hippocampal areas as well as the right amygdala. These data suggest that electrodermal subgroups of schizophrenics differ in both regionally specific brain metabolic processes thought to be involved in electrodermal activity and in generalized brain metabolism. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Diabetic retinopathy is one of the most important causes of blindness. Diabetic patients do not attend outpatient clinics with the necessary regularity for an early diagnosis of the most severe forms of retinopathy. A program was planned to compare the efficiency of a 45 degrees non-mydriatic retinal camera with a Polaroid instant film versus biomicroscopy with a 78D lens and reverse image ophthalmoscope (standard method) in the diagnosis of the presence and evolutive degree of retinopathy. In a cross-sectional epidemiologic study a questionnaire was administered to 258 randomly selected diabetic patients, 129 with and 128 without retinopathy. Information was collected of demographics, visual acuity, diabetes and resources used with each method. The eye fundus with the poorest visual acuity was examined to determine the presence and evolution of retinopathy with the two diagnostic methods. The photographic method had an overall sensitivity of 91.1%, a specificity of 89.7% and a level of agreement of 82% with the standard method. A cost-effective analysis revealed a decrease of 35.7% in the cost per true positive case detected with the photographic methods versus the standard method. The 45 degrees non-mydriatic retinal camera had a similar efficiency to the standard method used in our setting for the diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy, which together with a lower cost per patient renders this method advisable for its use in medical settings that usually control for potential ophthalmologic complications resulting from diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

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