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Nine female rhesus monkeys were paired with males throughout 63 menstrual cycles. The females' motivation to approach males was studied with an operant conditioning paradigm that required the female to press a lever 250 times to gain access to the male. Sexual behavior was scored during standard 60-min tests that followed the attainment of access (17 pairs; 1,440 tests). In the overall data, mean times to access were shortest at mid-cycle and longest just before and after the onset of menstruation, and a model-fitting method showed that 45% of cycles from individual pairs were significantly correlated with a V-shaped model of the overall pattern. Male sexual activity was highest at mid-cycle and lowest in the last quarter of the cycle, but the changes in access times could not be attributed entirely to the rewarding effects of the ejaculations. In the combined data from 5 females (9 pairs; 33 cycles), high estradiol levels and low progesterone levels were statistically associated with short access times and short ejaculation times. The overall effect was for operant performance and sexual activity to be synchronized and maximized in the periovulatory period of the menstrual cycle. (20 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

An operant conditioning situation was used to relate the leverpressing performance of female rhesus monkeys to different measures of social, sexual, and agonistic behavior that underlie the formation and dissolution of consort bonds. Nine females were trained to press a lever 250 times to gain access to a male partner. After access, a standard 60-min behavioral test took place (1,440 tests). Data were analyzed independently of the stage of the menstrual cycle. Eight females were tested with 2 males, and every female gained access faster with 1 male (i.e, preferred partner). For all 8 females, the preferred male was the one that spent more time grooming the female. For 5 females, the preferred partner was also the one that ejaculated more frequently. For 4 females, where agonistic interactions with males could be evaluated, the preferred male was the one that elicited fewer submissive behavioral patterns. These results indicate that the operant behavior of female rhesus monkeys is positively reinforced by social and sexual factors and negatively reinforced by agonistic interactions and may thus provide a measure of the strength of consort bonds. (20 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The effects of chronic caffeine administration on ventilation and schedule-controlled behavior were studied in 12 adult rhesus monkeys. In seated subjects prepared with a head plethysmograph, ventilation was measured during exposure to air (normocapnia) and to elevated levels of CO2 (3%, 4% and 5%) mixed in air (hypercapnia). Acute administration of caffeine (10.0-30.0 mg/kg i.m.) produced marked, dose-dependent increases in ventilation during conditions of normocapnia and hypercapnia. However, daily administration of caffeine (10.0 mg/kg i.m.) for 8 consecutive days resulted in tolerance to its respiratory-stimulant effects that was surmountable with higher doses. Caffeine-tolerant subjects also were cross-tolerant to theophylline, an active metabolite of caffeine, and to rolipram and Ro 20-1724, selective phosphodiesterase inhibitors. When chronic administration was terminated and the acute effects of caffeine were redetermined, sensitivity returned to levels obtained before chronic administration within 9 days. Drug effects on behavior were studied in monkeys trained to respond under a fixed-interval schedule of stimulus termination. Acute administration of caffeine (1.0-30.0 mg/kg i.m.) produced significant rate-increasing effects on fixed-interval responding, but chronic administration resulted in tolerance that was insurmountable, such that no dose increased responding above control rates. Although the time course for development and loss of tolerance to the behavioral effects of caffeine corresponded closely with respiration, cross-tolerance did not extend to the behavioral effects of rolipram. Chronic caffeine administration had little effect on caffeine metabolism or clearance, which indicated that caffeine tolerance was pharmacodynamic. The results suggest that different neurochemical mechanisms mediate the effects of caffeine on respiration and behavior, and that inhibition of type IV phosphodiesterase plays a prominent role in caffeine-induced respiratory stimulation.  相似文献   

The effects of acute pentobarbital treatment were assessed using a complex operant test battery containing five tasks in which correct performance is thought to depend upon processes associated with short-term memory and attention [delayed-matching-to-sample (DMTS)], color and position discrimination [conditioned position responding (CPR)], motivation [progressive ratio (PR)], time perception [temporal response differentiation (TRD)], and learning [incremental repeated acquisition (IRA)]. Adult, male rhesus monkeys were tested 15 min after IV injection of saline or pentobarbital (1, 3, 5.6, 10, or 15 mg/kg). Behavioral endpoints measured included percent task completed, response rate or latency, and response accuracy. The order of task sensitivity to disruption by PBT was TRD > IRA = DMTS = PR > CPR, in which sensitivity was defined as a significant disruption in any aspect of task performance. PBT slowed response rates at 10.0 and/or 15.0 mg/kg in all tasks. Accuracy was decreased in the TRD task at > or = 5.6 mg/kg but doses of > or = 10.0 mg/kg were required to decrease accuracy in the IRA, DMTS, and CPR tasks. Thus, behavior thought to model time perception (TRD) was more sensitive than behavior modeling learning (IRA), short-term memory and attention (DMTS), and motivation (PR). CPR was the least sensitive behavior. Because pentobarbital exerts its effects at least in part via GABA systems, the effects in the current study were compared with those of a previous study of the acute effects of diazepam. The two compounds exerted fundamentally different effects on operant test battery performance.  相似文献   

At 6 yrs of age, 6 female rhesus monkeys that had sustained bilateral amygdalectomy in infancy and 5 intact controls were transferred to an observation cage where behaviors were recorded while the Ss were alone, paired with unfamiliar stimulus animals, and paired with familiar Ss from the opposite experimental group. The 5 adult controls then underwent amygdalectomy, and all tests were repeated with the infant- and adult-operated Ss. Infant-operated Ss changed behaviors more rapidly than did intact controls in social and nonsocial situations, and their activity levels were less modified after a 24-hr period in the observation cage. They were subordinate to intact controls but expressed less fear than did controls when briefly placed with an unfamiliar aggressive animal. Adult amygdalectomy produced many changes in behavior, but these were identical to those observed in like-age monkeys that had been amygdalectomized in infancy. Infant-operated monkeys demonstrated more behavioral deficits at 6 yrs than they had earlier in life. (49 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To compare the effects of a lensectomy with and without intraocular lens (IOL) implantation on a neonatal rhesus monkey eye. METHODS: A lensectomy and anterior vitrectomy was performed on 75 monkeys during the first 16 days of life; 21 of these monkeys also had an IOL implanted into the posterior chamber. The eyes were examined at regular intervals using biomicroscopy, applanation tonometry, and ophthalmoscopy. RESULTS: The pseudophakic monkeys were studied until they were 92.5 +/- 5.8 weeks of age and the aphakic monkeys until they were 80.4 +/- 5.7 weeks of age. Pupillary membranes (100% versus 55.5%; P < 0.01) and lens regeneration into the pupillary aperture (28.6% versus 5.6%; P = 0.02) occurred more often in the pseudophakic than the aphakic eyes. As a result, the pseudophakic eyes required more reoperations than the aphakic eyes to keep the visual axis clear (P < 0.01). There was not a significant difference in the incidence of ocular hypertension between the pseudophakic and aphakic eyes (9.5% versus 12.7%; P = 0.34). Pupillary capture of the IOL optic occurred in 52% and haptic breakage in 33% of the pseudophakic eyes. All of the eyes with broken haptics had a prominent Soemmerring's ring varying in maximum thickness from 0.6 to 2 mm. Nine of the haptics from the seven eyes with broken IOLs had eroded into the iris, two into the ciliary body, and one into the anterior chamber. CONCLUSIONS: Implanting an IOL into a neonatal monkey eye after a lensectomy and anterior vitrectomy increases the likelihood of a reoperation being necessary. Haptics frequently erode into the iris and ciliary body and may break because of stress placed on the optic-haptic junction by forward movement of the IOL.  相似文献   

The acute and chronic effects of ramelteon, an MT?/MT? receptor agonist, were evaluated in rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) to assess discriminative stimulus effects in comparison with traditional benzodiazepine receptor agonists and to assess physical dependence potential. Discriminative effects of ramelteon were compared with midazolam in untreated monkeys and in diazepam-dependent monkeys that discriminated flumazenil. Dependence potential of ramelteon after daily 1-year administration (and intermittent discontinuation) was evaluated with standard operant procedures. Ramelteon did not produce benzodiazepine-like discriminative stimulus effects at doses up to 10 mg/kg. Long-term treatment or its discontinuation had no significant effect on spontaneous behavior, operant behavior, body weight, motor activity, or posture. These findings suggest that ramelteon is not likely to have benzodiazepine-like abuse or dependence liability. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Effects of a single injection of either 150 micrograms human recombinant glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (rGDNF) or vehicle into the right substantia nigra were analyzed in 12 normal adult female rhesus monkeys. The studies included evaluating whole animal behavior, electrochemical recordings of striatal dopamine release, neurochemical determinations of basal ganglia and nigral monoamine levels, and immunohistochemical staining of the nigrostriatal dopamine system. The behavioral effects over the 3-week observation period following trophic factor administration were small, with blinded observers unable to distinguish between GDNF- and vehicle-treated animals. Quantitative measurements did show that five of six trophic factor recipients experienced some weight loss and four of the six GDNF recipients displayed small, but significant, increases in daytime activity levels. In vivo electrochemical recordings in the ipsilateral caudate and putamen 3 weeks after GDNF administration revealed increased potassium-evoked release of dopamine in trophic factor recipients. In a second series of animals killed at the same time, dopamine levels in the substantia nigra and ventral tegmental area of GDNF recipients were significantly increased, with ipsilateral values more than 200% higher than contralateral and control levels. Levels of the dopamine metabolite HVA were significantly elevated in the substantia nigra, ventral tegmental area, and caudate nucleus ipsilateral to the trophic factor injection. There was a trend toward increased HVA levels in the ipsilateral putamen, nucleus accumbens, and globus pallidus in GDNF-treated animals, but the ratios of HVA to dopamine were not significantly different between vehicle- and GDNF-treated recipients. Although some tissue damage from the delivery of concentrated trophic factor was evident, dopamine neurons remained in an adjacent to the injection site. In the substantia nigra ipsilateral to GDNF administration, dopamine-neuron perikaryal size was significantly increased, along with a significant increase in tyrosine hydroxylase-positive axons and dendrites. We conclude that, in the adult rhesus monkey, a single intranigral GDNF injection induces a significant upregulation of mesencephalic dopamine neurons which lasts for weeks.  相似文献   

The Symphysis Pubis (SP) joint was investigated by X-ray in 96 adults without any history of disease of the joints. We evaluated the width of this joint by measuring the distance between the two articular surface at three points. We calculated the mean for the three interpubic distances and carried out statistical analysis so as to evaluate if there is a significative difference between the four age classes (< 50; 50-59; 60-69; > 70) and between males and females. We did not found statistically-significative differences between males and females, and between the age classes; nevertheless, it is to be noted that a slight widening of the SP joint can be seen in the elderly, which is thus not significant. We also noted that the medium part of the SP joint undergoes a larger widening in older people: this is probably due to degenerative changes in the fibrocartilagineous disc and the ligaments.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Uterine quiescence during mammalian pregnancy is attributed to progesterone. However. systemic progesterone levels remain elevated in primates before parturition. Epostane, a selective 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase inhibitor, and progesterone (with or without epostane) were administered to late pregnant rhesus monkeys to clarify the role of progesterone in primate parturition. STUDY DESIGN: On days 122 to 132 of gestation (term 167 days), 11 rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) with timed pregnancies were divided into three treatment groups: (1) epostane alone (10 mg/kg subcutaneously), (2) epostane with progesterone subcutaneously in Silastic silicone rubber capsules, and (3) progesterone implants only with no surgical instrumentation. Maternal and fetal blood and amniotic fluid were sampled for progesterone, estrone, estradiol, cortisol, testosterone, androstenedione, dehydroepiandrosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, and amniotic fluid was sampled for prostaglandins E2 and F2alpha. Uterine activity was monitored continuously by electromyography and intraamniotic pressure. Cervical status was assessed by a modified Bishop's score. Production of prostaglandins E2 and F2alpha by amnion was determined by tissue superfusion. The group of three noninstrumented monkeys, which received only progesterone Silastic silicone rubber implants subcutaneously at 146 to 148 days, were observed until spontaneous vaginal delivery. RESULTS: Epostane reduced maternal and fetal progesterone levels by 75% and 50%, respectively, followed by increased uterine activity and cervical ripening within 24 hours and vaginal delivery within 48 hours. Amniotic fluid progesterone decreased to undetectable levels. Progesterone implants prevented the epostane-induced decrease in maternal and fetal progesterone levels and the associated myometrial and cervical changes until the implants were removed. Alterations in other steroid hormones were consistent with inhibition of 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase. Amniotic prostaglandin E2 production was increased sixfold by epostane (p < 0.05) but did not reach the high levels normally seen at spontaneous parturition. Animals that received progesterone implants alone had markedly elevated circulating progesterone concentrations yet were delivered spontaneously at term (range 163 to 167 days). CONCLUSIONS: Progesterone withdrawal induces preterm labor and delivery (which can be blocked by progesterone substitution) but exogenous progesterone, even in substantial quantities, does not prevent parturition at term.  相似文献   

The study examined the effects of the kappa opioid agonists U50,488 and ethylketocyclazocine (EKC) on cocaine discrimination in rhesus monkeys trained to discriminate cocaine (0.4 mg/kg) from saline. Administration of U50,488 and EKC alone produced primarily saline-appropriate responding. Kappa agonist pretreatments produced variable effects on cocaine discrimination across monkeys, attenuating the discriminative stimulus effects of cocaine in some monkeys, but either having no effect on cocaine discrimination or enhancing the discriminative stimulus effects of cocaine in other monkeys. The effects of kappa agonists on cocaine discrimination were reversed by pretreatment with the opioid antagonist naloxone (1.0 mg/kg). These results indicate that kappa agonists do not consistently block the discriminative stimulus effects of cocaine in rhesus monkeys. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Orally delivered cocaine was established as a reinforcer for 8 rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). Initially, each monkey was given a choice between the water vehicle and a 0.2 mg/ml cocaine concentration. The 0.2 mg/ml solution was not consumed in preference to water. One or more acquisition procedures were used with each monkey to establish orally delivered cocaine as a reinforcer. A common feature of all but one procedure was environmental situations that lead to the elective drinking of the cocaine solution. Evidence confirming the establishment of cocaine's reinforcing effects was obtained by testing each monkey across a broad range of cocaine concentrations under conditions of concurrent access to the cocaine solution and vehicle. Over a range of concentrations, the monkeys obtained greater cocaine than vehicle deliveries. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Tested the orientation and attention hypotheses by requiring 4 monkeys with superior colliculus lesions and 2 controls to discriminate between stimuli presented in different parts of the visual field, at durations either too brief or sufficiently long to permit fixation. Findings indicate that before the lesions, Ss discriminated between 2 color-differentiated stimuli presented on a screen only when they fixated the center of the screen. The stimuli were presented 8, 20, or 32° from the screen's center, for 2 sec or 100 msec, a duration too brief to permit their fixation. Performance declined when the response sites, located either centrally or peripherally, were separated from the stimuli, whether they were presented for 2 sec or 100 msec. Findings suggest that the stimulus-response separation effect is due to selective attention to the response sites and not to fixating them during stimulus presentation. Following superior colliculus lesions, Ss were impaired in discriminating between peripheral stimuli, but only when they responded centrally. This deficit was not due to a failure to fixate the stimuli, for it occurred when the stimuli were 100 msec or 2 sec, or to reduced sensory capacities, since it disappeared when Ss responded peripherally. It is concluded that this deficit may reflect deficient attentional shifts from the response sites to the stimuli. (17 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Modafinil is a central nervous system stimulant used to promote wakefulness, and it is being evaluated clinically as an agonist medication for treating stimulant abuse. This is the first report of the effects of modafinil on the abuse-related effects of cocaine in nonhuman primates. The behavioral effects of modafinil were examined in three studies. First, the discriminative stimulus effects of modafinil (3.2–32 mg/kg) were evaluated in rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) trained to discriminate either low (0.18 mg/kg, IM) or high (0.4 mg/kg, IM) doses of cocaine from saline. Modafinil dose-dependently substituted for cocaine in 6 of 7 monkeys. In the second study, the effects of chronically administered modafinil (32–56 mg/kg/day, IV) on food- and cocaine-maintained (0.001–0.1 mg/kg/inj) operant responding were examined. Modafinil was administered 3 times/hr for 23 hr/day to ensure stable drug levels. Chronic treatment with 32 mg/kg/day modafinil selectively reduced responding maintained by intermediate and peak reinforcing doses of cocaine, but responding maintained by higher doses of cocaine was unaffected. Food-maintained behavior did not change during chronic modafinil treatment. In a third study, modafinil (32 and 56 mg/kg/day, IV) was examined in a reinstatement model. Modafinil transiently increased responding during extinction. These findings indicate that modafinil shares discriminative stimulus effects with cocaine and selectively reduces responding maintained by reinforcing doses of cocaine. In addition, modafinil reinstated cocaine-seeking behavior, which may reflect its cocaine-like discriminative stimulus effects. These data support clinical findings and indicate that these preclinical models may be useful for predicting the effectiveness of agonist medications for drug abuse treatment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Six rhesus monkeys self-administered orally delivered phencyclidine (PCP; 0.35 mg/ml) with saccharin (0.3 or 0.03 % wt/vol) or water under concurrenl fixed-ralio (FR) schedules. During daily 3-hr sessions, subjects had concurrent access to liquids: PCP versus water, PCP versus saccharin. or saccharin versus water. The FR of both liquids was varied (4, 8, 16, 32, and 64) in nonsystematic order and when behavior was stable at each FR, buprenorphine (0.005 mg/kg) was injected intramuscularly for 5 days. Buprenorphine treatment decreased PCP deliveries by 16–65% across the range of FR values when compared with the no-treatment baseline, and concurrent saccharin reduced PCP deliveries from 34 to 63%. Combining buprenorphine treatment and concurrent availability of saccharin produced decreases in PCP deliveries of 70–87% from the no-trealmenl baseline across the FR values. Greater reductions were found at the highest FR values. Pmax values were shifted to the left under all treatment conditions, suggesting that the reinforcing efficacy of the drug was reduced. These findings suggest that pharmacological and behavioral treatments produce additive reductions in drug self-administration. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Investigated the relative influence of directional movement reversal on the learning of discriminations and discrimination reversals using 36 macaque monkeys in 2 experiments. The learning tasks involved comparisons among movement feedback, brightness, and spatial location as discriminanda. Results indicate that differential directional movements, when related to or serving as discriminative cues, produce a persistent elevated level of postreversal errors within a discrimination reversal task. Further, the brightness dimension was relatively easy for reversal and generally superior to spatial location and movement feedback. It is suggested that the transfer difficulty produced by cue-related differential movement might be attributed to proactive interference from the reorganization of response-response sequences within the response. (16 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

To investigate metabolic disturbances in an animal model of human malaria, four rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) were infected with Plasmodium coatneyi, a parasite which induces cytoadherence of infected erythrocytes. When moribund or the parasitaemia had plateaued, the monkeys were sacrificed (3 animals) or treated with chloroquine (1 animal). Blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) were sampled at intervals between inoculation and sacrifice or treatment. Arterial and CSF glucose and lactate rose during infection, indicating evolving insulin resistance. The arteriovenous difference in glucose concentration also increased, consistent with increased glucose consumption by parasitised tissues. Arterial plasma lactate rose but a positive arteriovenous concentration difference suggested tissue lactate uptake. The animal with the highest plasma lactate at sacrifice remained hyperglycaemic but also had the highest CSF lactate, the greatest cerebral sequestration and neurological depression, and biochemical and histological evidence of severe hepatic pathology. Serum cholesterol and corrected serum calcium fell consistently during infection; serum phosphate was also reduced in animals without renal impairment. These preliminary results indicate that lactic acidosis is a late complication of severe malaria and, by implication from this and other studies, hypoglycaemia occurs even later; other metabolic changes during P. coatneyi infection in rhesus monkeys also parallel those of severe falciparum malaria in humans. The model could be used in further studies of malaria-associated metabolic dysfunction and its management.  相似文献   

Following MPTP administration, monkeys manifest cognitive deficits on tasks known to assess the fronto-striatal system; there are, however, no data regarding long-term cognitive effects. In this study, we examined the cognitive abilities of monkeys 10 years after MPTP administration. MPTP-treated monkeys and age-matched controls performed a spatial delayed response task with fixed and random delays. The MPTP-treated monkeys were impaired in both versions of the task. Both groups performed at the same level at very short delays suggesting that the nature of the impairment is related to a spatial memory deficit that is still apparent 10 years after treatment. These results suggest that, like Parkinson's patients, the MPTP-treated primates display spatial deficits.  相似文献   

Some studies report seasonal patterns of testicular function in male rhesus monkeys even when they are housed away from females, while others suggest that exposure to sexually active females is essential for male seasonality. We conducted the present experiment (1) to test claims that seasonal testicular activation occurs in the absence of females and (2) to determine whether regular exposure to and copulation with females enhances, or is without effect upon, seasonal increases in testicular function. We studied two groups of male monkeys housed in a colony room containing no females. Males in the Female Exposure group (n = 7) were paired twice weekly with estradiol-implanted females and copulated vigorously. Males in the second group (n = 7) were placed in the same test chamber (at least 16 h after it had been scrubbed with disinfectant) but were never exposed to females. Serum testosterone levels and testis volume were monitored for both groups. Each group displayed a seasonal pattern of testosterone and of testis volume comparable in timing and magnitude to seasonal increases previously reported in group-housed males, but the two groups did not differ from each other. Our findings confirm that seasonal changes in testosterone and testis size occur in the absence of sexual interaction and demonstrate that moderate levels of sexual activity do not enhance this response.  相似文献   

Rhesus monkey mother–infant dyads were each subjected to 16 4-day physical separations between the infants' 3rd and 9th mo of life. Infants displayed protest behavior following each separation but only minimal signs of despair. Their protest diminished somewhat over repeated separations. The mothers' separation reactions were considerably milder (and changed little) over repeated separations. The separations appeared to retard the development of normal mother–infant relationsips: Relative to nonseparated control dyads, separated infants displayed excessive levels of infantile behaviors, although their mothers did not differ from control mothers in levels of any behavior. Near the end of their 1st yr, all infants were permanently separated from their mothers and housed as peer groups. Over the next 30 wks during peer housing, few behavioral differences emerged between previously separated and control Ss. However, when exposed to their mothers during preference tests, previously separated Ss seemed to avoid their mothers in sharp contrast to the mother-seeking activity displayed by control infants. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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