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To examine the mechanism by which free fatty acids (FFA) induce insulin resistance in human skeletal muscle, glycogen, glucose-6-phosphate, and intracellular glucose concentrations were measured using carbon-13 and phosphorous-31 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy in seven healthy subjects before and after a hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp following a five-hour infusion of either lipid/heparin or glycerol/heparin. IRS-1-associated phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase) activity was also measured in muscle biopsy samples obtained from seven additional subjects before and after an identical protocol. Rates of insulin stimulated whole-body glucose uptake. Glucose oxidation and muscle glycogen synthesis were 50%-60% lower following the lipid infusion compared with the glycerol infusion and were associated with a approximately 90% decrease in the increment in intramuscular glucose-6-phosphate concentration, implying diminished glucose transport or phosphorylation activity. To distinguish between these two possibilities, intracellular glucose concentration was measured and found to be significantly lower in the lipid infusion studies, implying that glucose transport is the rate-controlling step. Insulin stimulation, during the glycerol infusion, resulted in a fourfold increase in PI 3-kinase activity over basal that was abolished during the lipid infusion. Taken together, these data suggest that increased concentrations of plasma FFA induce insulin resistance in humans through inhibition of glucose transport activity; this may be a consequence of decreased IRS-1-associated PI 3-kinase activity.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional multiple-quantum magic angle spinning (MQMAS) NMR and MAS NMR of 11B at various magnetic fields, were applied to elucidate the structure of vitreous (glassy) boron trioxide (v-B2O3), vitreous boron trisulfide (v-B2S3) and crystalline boron trisulfide (c-B2S3). These techniques, when combined with computer simulations of the resulting spectra, provide the isotropic chemical shifts and the quadrupole parameters, as well as a quantitative measure of the intensities of various boron resonances. The MAS NMR of v-B2O3 produced overlapping anisotropic lineshapes corresponding to the -1/2<-->1/2 transition in two distinct types of BO3 units with 3(+/-0.08):] intensity ratio. A combination of MAS and the multiple-quantum method resulted in a better resolved, isotropic 11B spectrum of v-B2O3. A remarkable enhancement of resolution of the MQMAS NMR proved instrumental in finding and identifying various impurities present in v-B2S3 and c-B2S3. In addition to the resonances from boron in two types of BS3 groups, four other structural units, BOS2, BO2S, BO3 and BS4, were elucidated from the spectra of vitreous and crystalline samples. The effects of various experimental parameters, such as the magnitude of the B0 and B1 fields, on the resolution of the MAS and MQMAS techniques are also shown.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate change both in lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] and lipid levels in other lipoproteins in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) after short-term improvement of glycemic control. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: We compared Lp(a) levels in 210 NIDDM patients with those in 46 control subjects and evaluated the relationship between glycemic control and Lp(a) levels in diabetic patients. In addition, changes in Lp(a) levels and lipid levels were assessed after the improvement of glycemic control in 54 poorly controlled NIDDM patients. RESULTS: In NIDDM, Lp(a) levels in all patients, 62 patients with HbA1c < 6.0%, and 75 patients with HbA1c between 6.0 and 8.0%, were significantly higher than those in control subjects (19.1 [1.7-106.6], 19.2 [6.0-106.6], and 20.3 [2.7-75.3] vs. 15.4 [2.0-61.7] mg/dl, median [range], P < 0.05). Lp(a) levels in 73 patients with HbA1c of > or = 8.0% (18.7 [1.7-58.8] mg/dl) were not significantly different from those in control subjects. After glycemic control, lipid levels in plasma and in other lipoproteins fell significantly, but Lp(a) did not change (from 18.3 [1.7-58.8] to 18.4 [6.6-95.3] mg/dl). Changes in lipid levels, including Lp(a), did not correlate with those in fasting plasma glucose or HbA1c. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that elevated Lp(a) levels do not reflect poor glycemic control and that Lp(a) levels are independent of lipid levels in other lipoproteins after improved glycemic control in NIDDM.  相似文献   

Plasma lipoprotein(a) (Lp(a)) concentrations vary considerably between individuals. To examine the variation for products of the same and different apolipoprotein(a) (apo(a)) alleles, conditions were established whereby phenotyping immunoblots could be used to estimate the concentration of Lp(a) associated with the constituent apo(a) isoforms. In these studies 28 distinct isoforms were identified, each differing by a single kringle IV unit. Tracking the isoforms through 10 families showed that there could be up to 200-fold difference in the Lp(a) concentration associated with the same-sized isoform produced from different alleles. In contrast there was typically < 2.5-fold variation in the Lp(a) concentration associated with the same allele. However, there were four occasions where the concentration associated with a particular allele was reduced below the typical range from one generation to the next. A nonlinear, inverse trend with isoform size was apparently superimposed upon the other factors that determine Lp(a) concentration. Inheritance of familial hypercholesterolemia or familial-defective apoB100 had little consistent effect upon Lp(a) concentration. In both the families and in other unrelated individuals the distribution of isoforms and their associated concentrations provided evidence for the presence of at least two and possibly more subpopulations of apo(a) alleles with different sizes and expression.  相似文献   

Serum lipid, apolipoprotein concentration, and lipoprotein composition were determined in maternal and umbilical venous cord blood at delivery by elective Cesarean section (CS) in 10 singleton, full-term pregnancies with maternal insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (type I DM), which predated pregnancy, and in 22 nondiabetic pregnancies. The objectives of the study were to determine the influence of maternal type I DM, and hence potential fetal overnutrition on fetal lipid metabolism. There were no significant differences in gestational age, fetal weight, or fetal serum insulin concentration between the type I DM group and those with nondiabetic pregnancies, although fetal venous cord blood glucose was 3.4 mmol/L (3.0-4.5 mmol/L) (median and 25th-75th percentiles) and 2.9 mmol/L (2.0-3.4 mmol/L), respectively, and maternal Hemoglobin A1c [9.6% (8.2-10.7%) and 6.8% (6.3-7.8%), respectively], was significantly greater in the type I DM subjects (P < 0.02 and 0.002 respectively). Plasma nonesterified fatty acid (NEFA) concentrations were lower in the type I DM mothers [0.85 mmol/L (0.56-2.31 mmol/L) compared with 1.14 mmol/L (0.88-1.24 mmol/L] in nondiabetic pregnancies; P < 0.0001). Serum high-density lipoprotein phospholipids (HDL-PL) were increased in type I DM mothers because of elevated HDL2 phospholipid [0.39 mmol/L (0.27-0.48 mmol/L) compared with 0.12 mmol/L (0.06-0.21 mmol/L), respectively, P < 0.01). The maternal HDL cholesterol (C) concentration was not significantly different in the uncomplicated and type I DM pregnancies. However, in the umbilical venous cord blood, serum levels of NEFA [0.49 mmol/L (0.33-1.29 mmol/L) in type I DM compared with 0.13 mmol/L (0.06-0.33 mmol/L) in nondiabetics; P < 0.02)], total cholesterol (TC) [2.87 mmol/L (1.65-4.86 mmol/L) in type I DM compared with 1.65 mmol/L (1.46-1.87 mmol/L) in nondiabetics; P < 0.02]; free cholesterol (FC) [0.97 mmol/L (0.60-1.26 mmol/L) in type I DM compared with 0.62 mmol/L (0.37-0.75 mmol/L) in nondiabetics; P < 0.05), and cholesteryl ester (CE) [1.90 mmol/L (1.44-3.33 mmol/L) in type I DM compared with 1.01 mmol/L (0.83-1.24 mmol/L) in nondiabetics; P < 0.02), triglyceride (TG) (1.06 [0.50-1.91) mmol/L in type I DM compared with 0.29 [0.25-0.36] mmol/l in nondiabetics; P < 0.001), phospholipid (PL) (2.52 [1.73-3.03) mmol/L in type I DM compared with 1.34 [1.27-1.48] mmol/L in nondiabetics; P < 0.01], and the apolipoproteins A-I and B had significantly higher concentrations in type I DM. In umbilical venous cord blood, ratios of HDL-TC and HDL-PL to apo AI, reflecting the lipid content of HDL, were reduced when the mother had type I DM during pregnancy (P < 0.02 and P < 0.0001, respectively). These results indicate that maternal type I DM may lead to a fetal serum lipoprotein composition more closely resembling that seen in the adult. In type I DM, maternal TG and PL and fetal TC, TG, PL, CE, and FC were correlated to NEFA levels (P < 0.05), but not to glucose, insulin secretion, or maternal control of type I DM. These data suggest that the enhanced supply of NEFA to the fetus in type I DM pregnancies may drive the synthesis of cholesterol as well as TGs and PLs.  相似文献   

This study characterizes the pharmacokinetics of bumetanide after an intravenous dose of 0.05 or 0.10 mg/kg to 14 neonates (weight range 820-4,000 g; gestational age 26-40 weeks) during the first week of life. Blood samples and urine were collected for up to 12 h after dosing. Estimated serum clearance was 0.2-1.0 ml/min.kg (range), volume of distribution was 0.22 l/kg (range 0.11-0.32 l/kg), and the harmonic mean half-life was 6-7 h (range of 4-19 h). Nonrenal clearance accounted for 58-97% of the serum clearance with the presence of certain oxidative metabolites of bumetanide in the urine. These findings suggest higher dosing requirements and prolonged intervals as compared to adults. Utilizing these pharmacokinetic data, pharmacodynamic and ototoxicity studies should be conducted to establish a safe and effective neonatal dose.  相似文献   

Lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] particle formation is a two-step process in which initial noncovalent interactions between apolipoprotein(a) [apo(a)] and the apolipoprotein B-100 (apoB-100) component of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) precede disulfide bond formation. To identify kringle (K) domains in apo(a) that bind noncovalently to apoB-100, the binding of a battery of purified recombinant apo(a) [r-apo(a)] species to immobilized human LDL has been assessed. The 17K form of r-apo(a) (containing all 10 types of kringle IV sequences) as well as other truncated r-apo(a) derivatives exhibited specific binding to a single class of sites on immobilized LDL, with Kd values ranging from approximately 340 nM (12K) to approximately 7900 nM (KIV5-8). The contribution of kringle IV types 6-8 to the noncovalent interaction of r-apo(a) with LDL was demonstrated by the decrease in binding affinity observed upon sequential removal of these kringle domains (Kd approximately 700 nM for KIV6-P, Kd approximately 2000 nM for KIV7-P, Kd approximately 5100 nM for KIV8-P, and no detectable specific binding of KIV9-P). Interestingly, KIV9 also appears to participate in the noncovalent binding of apo(a) to LDL since the binding of KIV5-8 (Kd approximately 7900 nM) was considerably weaker than that of KIV5-9 (Kd approximately 2000 nM). Finally, it is demonstrated that inhibition of Lp(a) assembly by proline, lysine, and lysine analogues, as well as by arginine and phenylalanine, is due to their ability to inhibit noncovalent association of apo(a) and apoB-100 and that these compounds directly exert their effects primarily through interactions with sequences contained within apo(a) kringle IV types 6-8. On the basis of the obtained data, a model is proposed for the interaction of apo(a) and LDL in which apo(a) contacts the single high-affinity binding site on apoB-100 through multiple, discrete interactions mediated primarily by kringle IV types 6-8.  相似文献   

Remnants of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins containing apolipoprotein (apo) B-48 accumulate in apo E-deficient mice, causing pronounced hypercholesterolemia. Mice doubly deficient in apo E and hepatic lipase have more pronounced hypercholesterolemia, even though remnants do not accumulate appreciably in mice deficient in hepatic lipase alone. Here we show that the doubly deficient mice manifest a unique lamellar hyperlipoproteinemia, characterized by vesicular particles 600 A-1,300 A in diameter. As seen by negative-staining electron microscopy, these lipoproteins also contain an electron-lucent region adjacent to the vesicle wall, similar to the core of typical lipoproteins. Correlative chemical analysis indicates that the vesicle wall is composed of a 1:1 molar mixture of cholesterol and phospholipids, whereas the electron-lucent region appears to be composed of cholesteryl esters (about 12% of the particle mass). Like the spherical lipoproteins of doubly deficient mice, the vesicular particles contain apo B-48, but they are particularly rich in apo A-IV. We propose that cholesteryl esters are removed from spherical lipoproteins of these mice by scavenger receptor B1, leaving behind polar lipid-rich particles that fuse to form vesicular lipoproteins. Hepatic lipase may prevent such vesicular lipoproteins from accumulating in apo E-deficient mice by hydrolyzing phosphatidyl choline as scavenger receptor B1 removes the cholesteryl esters and by gradual endocytosis of lipoproteins bound to hepatic lipase on the surface of hepatocytes.  相似文献   

We recently demonstrated that granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) is an autocrine growth factor for human osteoblastic (hOB) cells. Since GM-CSF is a member of the heparin-binding factor family, we examined the interactions between GM-CSF and glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) present in the osteoblast microenvironment. Using a bioassay in which the mitogenic activity of recombinant human (rh) GM-CSF was measured after incubation in the presence of an hOB cell layer or extracellular matrix (ECM) produced by these cells, we showed that rhGM-CSF binds to GAG components present in the ECM and that the bound rhGM-CSF retains its ability to stimulate hOB cell proliferation. Heparan sulfate compounds on the hOB cell surface were also found to sequester GM-CSF. Moreover, treatment with sodium chlorate, an inhibitor of GAG sulfation, suppressed the mitogenic activity of rhGM-CSF on hOB cells. This inhibitory effect was rescued by a low dose of heparin. Heparin was also found to promote the effect of rhGM-CSF on hOB cell proliferation, allowing nonmitogenic high doses of rhGM-CSF to stimulate hOB cell growth. Western blot analysis showed that undersulfation of cellular GAGs by chlorate inhibited the increased tyrosine phosphorylation of proteins involved in GM-CSF signaling in cloned immortalized hOB cells. The data demonstrate that GM-CSF binds to proteoglycans on the hOB cell surface and in ECM produced by these cells and that the bound GM-CSF is biologically active. Furthermore, this study shows that cellular proteoglycans play an essential role in GM-CSF signaling and biological activity in hOBs.  相似文献   

Lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] is an atherogenic lipoprotein which is similar in structure to, but metabolically distinct from, LDL. Factors regulating plasma concentrations of Lp(a) are poorly understood. Apo(a), the protein that distinguishes Lp(a) from LDL, is highly polymorphic, and apo(a) size is inversely correlated with plasma Lp(a) level. Even within the same apo(a) isoform class, however, plasma Lp(a) concentrations vary widely. A series of in vivo kinetic studies were performed using purified radiolabeled Lp(a) in individuals with the same apo(a) isoform but different Lp(a) levels. In a group of seven subjects with a single S4-apo(a) isoform and Lp(a) levels ranging from 1 to 13.2 mg/dl, the fractional catabolic rate (FCR) of 131I-labeled S2-Lp(a) (mean 0.328 day-1) was not correlated with the plasma Lp(a) level (r = -0.346, P = 0.45). In two S4-apo(a) subjects with a 10-fold difference in Lp(a) level, the FCR's of 125I-labeled S4-Lp(a) were very similar in both subjects and not substantially different from the FCRs of 131I-S2-Lp(a) in the same subjects. In four subjects with a single S2-apo(a) isoform and Lp(a) levels ranging from 9.4 to 91 mg/dl, Lp(a) concentration was highly correlated with Lp(a) production rate (r = 0.993, P = 0.007), but poorly correlated with Lp(a) FCR (mean 0.304 day-1). Analysis of Lp(a) kinetic parameters in all 11 subjects revealed no significant correlation of Lp(a) level with Lp(a) FCR (r = -0.53, P = 0.09) and a strong correlation with Lp(a) production rate (r = 0.99, P < 0.0001). We conclude that the substantial variation in Lp(a) levels among individuals with the same apo(a) phenotype is caused primarily by differences in Lp(a) production rate.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to characterize abnormalities of triglyceride-rich apolipoprotein (apo) B-containing lipoproteins in type I diabetic patients with elevated albumin excretion rates (AERs). Sixty-four patients (31 men, 33 women) with normoalbuminuria (AER <20 microg/min), 52 (35 men, 17 women) with microalbuminuria (AER 20-200 microg/min), and 37 (17 men, 20 women) with albuminuria (AER >200 microg/min) and 56 healthy control subjects matched for age and body weight were studied. The major finding was increased mass concentrations of the highly atherogenic intermediate-density lipoprotein fraction in patients with microalbuminuria (P < 0.05) and albuminuria (P < 0.05), compared with those with normoalbuminuria. Triglyceride, free cholesterol, cholesterol ester, and phospholipid concentrations in the VLDL, intermediate-density lipoprotein, and LDL (P < 0.05-0.01), as well as total cholesterol, total triglyceride, and apoB concentrations were higher in patients with renal disease than in those without. Notably, there were no differences between patients with microalbuminuria and albuminuria. Only minor compositional changes could be detected. Postheparin plasma lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activities were identical, but hepatic lipase activities were higher in microalbuminuric and albuminuric patients than in normoalbuminuric patients (P < 0.01). LPL activity and VLDL1, (Sf 60-400) (r = -0.528; P < 0.001) and VLDL2 (Sf 20-60) mass concentrations (r = -0.471; P < 0.001) were negatively related. In conclusion, in type I diabetic patients with early renal disease, there are multiple lipoprotein changes, which are potentially atherogenic and may contribute to the excess of macrovascular complications seen in such patients.  相似文献   

Lipoprotein(a)[Lp(a)] concentrations and their correlation to total cholesterol (TC), low-density and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C, HDL-C) and triglycerides (TG) were estimated in 20 normal weight children affected with familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) and for comparison in 20 overweight, but otherwise healthy children, matched for sex and age. The mean value of Lp(a) in patients with FH (0.29 g/l, SD = 0.27) was markedly higher than in the control group (0.17g/l, SD = 0.19), but the difference was not statistically significant. However, the frequency distribution of Lp(a) in both groups was different: the proportion of Lp(a) levels above 0.60g/l was significantly greater in patients with FH than in the controls (p < 0.05). These results indicate that even pediatric patients with FH have increased Lp(a) levels. Since Lp(a) elevation above 0.25 to 0.30g/l--in particular in combination with increased LDL concentrations--is is associated with a markedly increased risk of coronary heart disease, cervical atherosclerosis and cerebral infarction, it seems very important to detect these high-risk individuals as early as possible and to treat them appropriately.  相似文献   

Twenty-six children with marasmus and 27 with kwashiorkor were compared with 23 control children of matching ages. Kwashiorkor was characterized by increased phospholipids (NS), low (P < 0.01) apolipoprotein (apo) B-rich LDL, and near normal apo A-I and HDL-C. In children with marasmus apo B (P < 0.02) LDL-C (NS), apo A-I (P < 0.01), and HDL-C (P < 0.001) decreased. Fifteen children in each group were followed for 2 wk. Control values were progressively reached after 2 wk. In the younger children final apo B was higher than in control subjects (P < 0.03) but apo A-I was identical. Apo A-IV, assayed because it correlates with the functional state of intestine, was near normal in children with kwashiorkor and decreased with treatment. In children with marasmus apo A-IV decreased by 50%, increased with treatment in older children, but further diminished in younger children. After 2 wk apo A-IV was significantly lower in all patients than in control subjects. Apo A-IV, by remaining depressed after other variables normalized, seems a good index of nutritional status.  相似文献   

Human apolipoprotein (apo) E, a polymorphic protein with three common alleles, epsilon 2, epsilon 3, and epsilon 4, plays an important role in lipoprotein metabolism. This article describes the association of this polymorphism with lipids, apolipoproteins, and lipoproteins with a particular regard to lipoprotein particles, as defined by their apolipoprotein content, as well as the risk of myocardial infarction in a multicenter population-based case-control study (ECTIM study). In the ECTIM study, 574 male patients aged 25 to 64 were examined 3 to 9 months after myocardial infarction in four regions participating in the World Health Organization MONICA project: Belfast (Northern Ireland) and Lille, Strasbourg, and Toulouse (France). Control subjects (n = 722) were randomly selected from the regional populations. The distribution of apoE phenotypes was significantly different across the four control samples (P = .04), with a higher frequency of the epsilon 4 allele in Belfast (14.3%) than in Toulouse (8.2%). The association of apoE polymorphism with biological measurements was studied in the control groups (n = 640) after men with coronary heart disease or those taking hypolipidemic drugs were omitted, with the apoE3/3 phenotype as a reference after adjustment for concomitant factors. Individuals carrying the epsilon 2 allele had lower levels of plasma cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), and apoB and higher levels of triglycerides, very-low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (VLDL-C), apoC-III, apoE, lipoprotein (Lp) C-III:B, and Lp E:B. However, the effect of the epsilon 2 allele on triglyceride, VLDL-C, apoE, and Lp E:B parameters was heterogeneous across the populations.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A link between cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection and atherosclerosis has been suggested by experimental, clinical, and epidemiologic studies. We investigated the association between CMV antibody titers in serum collected in 1974 in 300 adult residents in Washington County, Md, and hemostatic parameters in plasma collected in 1987 through 1989, when these individuals participated in the baseline examination of the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study. The cross-sectional association of CMV serum antibodies and hemostatic parameters was also explored in another set of Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities cases and controls. In the longitudinal analyses, CMV titers in 1974 were directly associated with 1987 through 1989 plasma levels of von Willebrand factor, factor VIII, and protein C and negatively associated with activated partial thromboplastin time. In the cross-sectional analyses, CMV titers were directly related to antithrombin III and fibrinogen levels. When the association between CMV antibodies and atherosclerosis was examined in stratified analyses, a significant association was restricted to individuals with high levels of lipoprotein(a) and fibrinogen. These results are compatible with previous evidence suggesting that CMV virus might have procoagulant properties. The possible synergism of CMV infection and resulting hypercoagulability with reduced fibrinolysis due to increased lipoprotein(a) levels deserves further investigation.  相似文献   

The magnitude of serum lipid changes in response to hypolipidemic drugs varies considerably between individuals. These differences may be due to interactions between genetic and environmental factors that effect drug bioavailability or the capacity of the lipid-regulating enzyme and receptor targets to be affected. The apolipoprotein E (apoE) gene locus has been examined in this regard, but reports are conflicting on the effect of its variability on the response to hypolipidemic drugs. We investigated the effect of apoE polymorphism on the serum lipid response to the hepatic hydroxymethyl glutaryl coenzyme A (HMG CoA) reductase inhibitor lovastatin and the fibric acid derivative gemfibrozil. Lipoprotein changes were assessed after 12 weeks of therapy in 106 patients with primary hypercholesterolemia and combined hyperlipidemia treated with lovastastin and in 63 given gemfibrozil therapy. No significant effect of the apoE phenotypes E3/2, E3/3, or E4/3 on the heterogeneity of lipid responses to either drug was found.  相似文献   

There is little information comparing the effects of a high-monounsaturated (Mono)-fat versus a high-carbohydrate (CHO) diet in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus. In the present study, the effects of these diets on a number of metabolic parameters were compared. Seventeen normolipidemic, nonobese patients with type 1 diabetes were provided with the diets for 4 weeks each in a randomized, crossover design. The percentages of Mono fat of the two diets were 25 Mono versus 9 CHO, with a corresponding total fat content of 40% versus 24% and a total CHO content of 45% versus 61%. At the end of each dietary period, parameters of glycemic control, coagulation factors, and fasting and postprandial lipoproteins were assessed. There were no differences in weight, glycemia, insulin dose, fasting lipid profile, or coagulation factors between the two diets. However, the metabolism of postprandial lipoproteins after a fat load differed; viz, after the Mono diet compared with the CHO diet, mean plasma triglyceride levels over 10 hours were higher (P=.0025, by repeated-measures ANOVA). The levels of triglyceride (P=.0045) and retinyl esters (P=.0046) in chylomicrons (Sf>400) and chylomicron remnants (Sf 100 to 400) (P=.0047 and P=.043, respectively), and the total particle number (apolipoprotein B levels) in chylomicron remnants (P=.001) and small, very low density lipoprotein (Sf 20 to 100, P=.016) were also higher. Our data suggest that in patients with type 1 diabetes, a CHO diet might be preferable to a Mono diet, since adherence to the former results in a lower number of circulating postprandial lipoprotein particles that are potentially atherogenic.  相似文献   

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