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Huang Z  Zhuo S  Chen J  Chen R  Jiang X 《Scanning》2008,30(6):452-456
The fresh adipose tissue was investigated by the use of multiphoton microscopy (MPM) based on two-photon excited fluorescence and second-harmonic generation (SHG). Microstructure of collagen and adipose cells in the adipose tissue is clearly imaged at a subcellular level with the excitation light wavelengths of 850 and 730 nm, respectively. The emission spectrum of collagen SHG signal and NADH and FAD fluorescence signal can also be obtained, which can be used to quantify the content of collagen and adipose cells and reflect the degree of pathological changes when comparing normal tissue with abnormal adipose tissue in the same condition. The results indicate that MPM has the potential to be applied to investigate the adipose tissue and can be used in the research field of lipid and connective tissues.  相似文献   

Jiang X  Zhong J  Liu Y  Yu H  Zhuo S  Chen J 《Scanning》2011,33(1):53-56
Multiphoton microscopic imaging of collagen plays an important role in noninvasive diagnoses of human tissue. In this study, two-photon fluorescence and second-harmonic generation (SHG) imaging of collagen in human skin dermis and submucosa of colon and stomach tissues were investigated based on multiphoton microscopy (MPM). Our results show that multiphoton microscopic image of collagen bundles exhibits apparently different pattern in human tissues. The collagen bundles can simultaneously reveal its SHG and two-photon excited fluorescence images in the submucosa of colon and stomach, whereas it solely emit SHG signal in skin dermis. The intensity spectral information from tissues further demonstrated the above results. This indicates that collagen bundles have completely different space arrangement in these tissues. Our experimental results bring more detailed information of collagen for the application of MPM in human noninvasive imaging.  相似文献   

Chen J  Zhuo S  Luo T  Jiang X  Zhao J 《Scanning》2006,28(6):319-326
The spectral properties of one-photon, two-photon excited autofluorescence and second harmonic generation (SHG) from ex vivo human skin induced by a femtosecond (fs) laser and three visible lasers in backscattering geometry are systematically investigated. Our experimental results indicate that peak position of autofluorescence spectra from the dermis and epidermis shift toward long wavelengths, and the fluorescent intensity decreases when the excitation wavelength increases due to an effect of the excitation wavelength on autofluorescence signals. However, the intensity of the SHG signal in collagen has the maximal value of 800 nm excitation wavelength. This may be the result that the energy of the SHG signal is in resonance with an electronic absorption band. The two-photon excited autofluorescence and SHG intensity all obey a quadratical dependence on the excitation power. Compared with the two-photon excited fluorescence and SHG, the one-photon excited fluorescence in the dermis and epidermis exhibits different spectral characteristics. The investigation of the spectral characteristics of autofluorescence and SHG from ex vivo human skin can provide new insights into morphologic structures and biochemical components of tissues, which are vital for improving the application of laser-induced autofluorescence and SHG spectroscopy technique for noninvasive in vivo tissue diagnostics.  相似文献   

Jiang X  Zhuo S  Xu R  Chen J 《Scanning》2012,34(3):170-173
Mouse is an important animal model to investigate skin physiological and pathological states. In this article, multiphoton microscopic imaging of in vivo hair mouse skin based on two-photon excited fluorescence and second harmonic generation was examined. Our results show that multiphoton microscopy can clearly display microstructure of stratum corneum, stratum spinosum, and dermis of in vivo mouse skin. The main components of epidermis and dermis such as corneocytes, spinosum cell, collagen fibers, and hair follicles can be distinctly identified in MPM images. Using the optional HRZ 200 fine focusing stage, thickness of different layers can be easily assessed. The results demonstrate that MPM can be regarded as an efficient method for in vivo investigation of skin physiological and pathological states by using hair mouse animal model.  相似文献   

Sun CK  Chu SW  Tai SP  Keller S  Abare A  Mishra UK  DenBaars SP 《Scanning》2001,23(3):182-192
Taking advantage of the electric field-enhanced second-harmonic generation effect in bulk gallium nitride (GaN) and indium gallium nitride (InGaN) quantum wells, we demonstrated the piezoelectric field distribution mapping in bulk GaN and InGaN multiple-quantum-well (MQW) samples using scanning second-harmonic generation (SHG) microscopy. Scanning SHG microscopy and the accompanying third-harmonic generation (THG) microscopy of the bulk GaN sample were demonstrated using a femtosecond Cr:forsterite laser at a wavelength of 1230 nm. Taking advantage of the off-resonant electric field-enhanced SHG effect and the bandtail state-resonance THG effect, the second- and third-harmonic generation microscopic images obtained revealed the piezoelectric field and bandtail state distributions in a GaN sample. Combined with 720 nm wavelength excited two-photon fluorescence microscopy in the same sample, the increased defect density around the defect area was found to suppress bandedge photoluminescence, to increase yellow luminescence, to increase bandtail state density, and to decrease residue piezoelectric field intensity. Scanning SHG microscopy of the InGaN MQW sample was resonant excited with 800 nm femtosecond pulses from a Ti:sapphire laser in order to suppress SHG contribution from the bulk GaN substrate. Taking advantage of the strong piezoelectric field inside the InGaN quantum well, the wavelength resonant effect, and the electric field-enhanced SHG effect of InGaN quantum wells, resonant scanning SHG microscopy revealed the piezoelectric field distribution inside the wells. Combined with accompanying three-photon fluorescence microscopy from the bulk GaN substrate underneath the quantum wells, the direct correspondence between the piezoelectric field strength inside the quantum well and the substrate quality can be obtained. According to our study, the GaN substrate area with bright bandedge luminescence corresponds to the area with strong SHG signals indicating a higher stained-induced piezoelectric field. These scanning harmonic generation microscopies exhibit superior images of the piezoelectric field and defect state distributions in GaN and InGaN MQWs not available before. Combining with scanning multiphoton fluorescence microscopy, these techniques open new ways for the physical property study of this important material system and can provide interesting details that are not readily available by other microscopic techniques.  相似文献   

Ultrafast lasers have found increasing use in scanning optical microscopy due to their very high peak power in generating multiphoton excitations. A mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser is often employed for such purposes. Together with a synchronously pumped optical parametric oscillator (OPO), the spectral range available can be extended to 1,050-1,300 nm. This broader range available greatly facilitates the excitation of second harmonic generation (SHG) and third harmonic generation (THG) due to better satisfaction of phase matching condition that is achieved with a longer excitation wavelength. Dental sections are then investigated with the contrasts from harmonic generation. In addition, through intra-cavity doubling wavelengths from 525-650 nm are made available for effective two-photon (2-p) excitation with the equivalent photon energy in the UVB range (290-320 nm) and beyond. This new capacity allows UV (auto-) fluorescence excitation and imaging, for example, from some amino acids, such as tyrosine, tryptophan, and glycine.  相似文献   

The spinal cord is a vital link between the brain and the body and mainly comprises neurons, glial cells and nerve fibres. In this work, nonlinear optical (NLO) microscopy based on intrinsic tissue properties was employed to label‐freely analyze the cells and matrix in spinal cords at a molecular level. The high‐resolution and high‐contrast NLO images of unstained spinal cords demonstrate that NLO microscopy has the ability to show the microstructure of white and grey matter including ventral horn, intermediate area, dorsal horns, ventral column, lateral column and dorsal column. Neurons with various sizes were identified in grey matter by dark spots of nonfluorescent nuclei encircled by cytoplasm‐emitting two‐photon excited fluorescence signals. Nerve fibres and neuroglias were observed in white matter. Besides, the spinal arteries were clearly presented by NLO microscopy. Using spectral and morphological information, this technique was proved to be an effective tool for label‐freely imaging spinal cord tissues, based on endogenous signals in biological tissue. With future development, we foresee promising applications of the NLO technique for in vivo, real‐time assessment of spinal cord diseases or injures.  相似文献   

In this work, we proposed and built a multimodal optical setup that extends a commercially available confocal microscope (Olympus VF300) to include nonlinear second harmonic generation (SHG) and third harmonic generation (THG) optical (NLO) microscopy and fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM). We explored all the flexibility offered by this commercial confocal microscope to include the nonlinear microscopy capabilities. The setup allows image acquisition with confocal, brightfield, NLO/multiphoton and FLIM imaging. Simultaneously, two‐photon excited fluorescence (TPEF) and SHG are well established in the biomedical imaging area, because one can use the same ultrafast laser and detectors set to acquire both signals simultaneously. Because the integration with FLIM requires a separated modulus, there are fewer reports of TPEF+SHG+FLIM in the literature. The lack of reports of a TPEF+SHG+THG+FLIM system is mainly due to difficulties with THG because the present NLO laser sources generate THG in an UV wavelength range incompatible with microscope optics. In this article, we report the development of an easy‐to‐operate platform capable to perform two‐photon fluorescence (TPFE), SHG, THG, and FLIM using a single 80 MHz femtosecond Ti:sapphire laser source. We described the modifications over the confocal system necessary to implement this integration and verified the presence of SHG and THG signals by several physical evidences. Finally, we demonstrated the use of this integrated system by acquiring images of vegetables and epithelial cancer biological samples. Microsc. Res. Tech. 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We describe a novel two‐photon fluorescence microscopy system capable of producing high‐quality second harmonic generation (SHG) images in thick turbid media by using an innovative detection system. This novel detection system is capable of detecting photons from a very large surface area. This system has proven effective in providing images of thick turbid samples, both biological and artificial. Due to its transmission detection geometry, the system is particularly suitable for detecting SHG signals, which are generally forward directed. In this article, we present comparative data acquired simultaneously on the same sample with the forward and epidetection schemes. Microsc. Res. Tech. 77:368–373, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A variety of high resolution optical microscopy techniques have been developed in recent years for basic and clinical studies of biological systems. We demonstrate a trimodal microscope combining optical coherence microscopy (OCM) with two forms of nonlinear microscopy, namely two-photon excited fluorescence (2PF) and second harmonic generation (SHG), for imaging turbid media. OCM combines the advantages of confocal detection and coherence gating for structural imaging in highly scattering tissues. Nonlinear microscopy enables the detection of biochemical species, such as elastin, NAD(P)H, and collagen. While 2PF arises from nonlinear excitation of fluorescent species, SHG is a form of nonlinear scattering observed in materials that lack a center of inversion symmetry, such as type I collagen. Characterization of the microscope showed nearly diffraction-limited spatial resolution in all modalities. Images were obtained in fish scales and excised human skin samples. The primary endogenous sources of contrast in the dermis were due to elastin autofluorescence and collagen SHG. Multimodal microscopy allows the simultaneous visualization of structural and functional information of biological systems.  相似文献   

We investigated possibilities of the combination of the one- and two-photon excitation microscopy for examination of the experimental melanoma tissue in vivo, in mice under general anesthesia, and ex vivo on freshly harvested specimens. Our aim was to obtain sufficiently informative images of unstained tumor tissues and their modifications after hyperthermia treatment. The mouse experimental melanoma structure was studied and compared with normal tissue from the same animal by using confocal and nonlinear microscopy techniques based on (i) one-photon excitation (1PE) fluorescence, (ii) 1PE reflectance, (iii) second harmonic generation imaging, and (iv) two-photon excitation autofluorescence. We checked different spectral conditions and other settings of image acquisition, as well as combinations of the above imaging modalities, to fully exploit the potential of these techniques in the evaluation of treated and untreated cancer tissue morphology. Our approach enabled to reveal the collagen fiber network in relation with the other tissues, and to identify invasive tumor cells. It also proved to be useful for the examination of interrelationships between functional and morphological aspects based on optical properties of the tissues, especially in studies of changes between the tumor and control tissue, as well as changes induced by physical treatments, e.g., delivery of microwave hyperthermia treatment. These differences were also evaluated quantitatively, when we found out that the maximum Euler–Poincaré characteristic reflects well the melanoma morphological structure. The results showed that the proposed investigative approach could be suitable also for a direct evaluation of tissue modifications induced by clinical interventions. Microsc. Res. Tech., 2009. © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Background : Multifunctional two‐photon laser scanning microscopy provides attractive advantages over conventional two‐photon laser scanning microscopy. For the first time, simultaneous measurement of the second harmonic generation (SHG) signals in the forward and backward directions and two photon excitation fluorescence were achieved from the deep shade plant Selaginella erythropus. Results : These measurements show that the S. erythropus leaves produce high SHG signals in both directions and the SHG signals strongly depend on the laser's status of polarization and the orientation of the dipole moment in the molecules that interact with the laser light. The novelty of this work is (1) uncovering the unusual structure of S. erythropus leaves, including diverse chloroplasts, various cell types and micromophology, which are consistent with observations from general electron microscopy; and (2) using the multifunctional two‐photon laser scanning microscopy by combining three platforms of laser scanning microscopy, fluorescence microscopy, harmonic generation microscopy and polarizing microscopy for detecting the SHG signals in the forward and backward directions, as well as two photon excitation fluorescence. Conclusions : With the multifunctional two‐photon laser scanning microscopy, one can use noninvasive SHG imaging to reveal the true architecture of the sample, without photodamage or photobleaching, by utilizing the fact that the SHG is known to leave no energy deposition on the interacting matter because of the SHG virtual energy conservation characteristic.  相似文献   

Zheng L  Zhuo S  Chen G  Zhu X  Jiang X  Yan J  Chen J  Xie S 《Scanning》2011,33(4):208-210
Early detection of fibroadenoma (FA) is critical for preventing subsequent breast cancer. In this work, we show that label-free second harmonic generation (SHG) imaging is feasible and effective in quantitatively differentiating the fibroadenomal tissue from normal breast tissue. With the advent of the clinical portability of miniature SHG microscopy, we believe that the technique has great potential in offering a noninvasive in vivo imaging tool for early detection of FA and monitoring the treatment responses of FA in clinics.  相似文献   

Huang Z  Chen R  Li Y  Zhuang H  Chen J  Wang L 《Scanning》2008,30(6):443-447
Autofluorescence spectra and optical imaging of Platymonas subcordiformis after irradiation of diode laser were observed via laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM). With 488 nm Ar(+) laser excitation, the horizontal and vertical dimensions of a cup-shaped chloroplast of the irradiation group increased about 10% compared with the control group. The fluorescence spectra were similar between irradiation group and control group with a maximum fluorescence band around 682 nm, whereas the former has a higher intensity. Image of a small circular substance with stronger two-photon autofluorescence (TPA) was obtained when using two-photon excitation wavelength of 800 nm in single-channel mode. Further analysis by the 800 nm excitation based on two independent-channels mode showed an emission band of the small circular substance around 376-505 nm, which corresponded to the eyespot of P. subcordiformis. In lambda scanning mode, with two-photon wavelength of 800 nm excitation, six fluorescence peaks that are located at 465, 520, 560, 617, 660 and 680 nm were observed; the fluorescence intensity of the irradiation group was higher than that of the control group, especially at 520, 560 and 617 nm. As a conclusion, diode laser irradiation can promote chloroplast growth of P. subcordiformis cells in the form of expanding area and the increasing content of protein, phospholipids and chlorophyll. LSCM, especially TPA imaging based on femtosecond laser excitation, provides a nondestructive, real-time and accurate method to study changes of living algal cells under laser irradiation and other environmental factors.  相似文献   

Autofluorescence (AF) originating from the cytoplasmic region of mammalian cells has been thoroughly investigated; however, AF from plasma membranes of viable intact cells is less well known, and has been mentioned only in a few older publications. Herein, we report results describing single- and two-photon spectral properties of a strong yellowish-green AF confined to the plasma-membrane region of transformed human hepatocytes (HepG2) grown in vitro as small three-dimensional aggregates or as monolayers. The excitation-emission characteristics of the membrane AF indicate that it may originate from a flavin derivative. Furthermore, the AF was closely associated with the plasma membranes of HepG2 cells, and its presence and intensity were dependent on cell metabolic state, membrane integrity and presence of reducing agents. This AF could be detected both in live intact cells and in formaldehyde-fixed cells.  相似文献   

Nonlinear optical microscopy (NLOM) was used as a noninvasive and label‐free tool to detect and quantify the extent of the cartilage recovery. Two cartilage injury models were established in the outer ears of rabbits that created a different extent of cartilage recovery based on the presence or absence of the perichondrium. High‐resolution NLOM images were used to measure cartilage repair, specifically through spectral analysis and image texture. In contrast to a wound lacking a perichondrium, wounds with intact perichondria demonstrated significantly larger TPEF signals from cells and matrix, coarser texture indicating the more deposition of type I collagen. Spectral analysis of cells and matrix can reveal the matrix properties and cell growth. In addition, texture analysis of NLOM images showed significant differences in the distribution of cells and matrix of repaired tissues with or without perichondrium. Specifically, the decay length of autocorrelation coefficient based on TPEF images is 11.2 ± 1.1 in Wound 2 (with perichondrium) and 7.5 ± 2.0 in Wound 1 (without perichondrium), indicating coarser image texture and faster growth of cells in repaired tissues with perichondrium (p < 0.05). Moreover, the decay length of autocorrelation coefficient based on collagen SHG images also showed significant difference between Wound 2 and 1 (16.2 ± 1.2 vs. 12.2 ± 2.1, p < 0.05), indicating coarser image texture and faster deposition of collagen in repaired tissues with perichondrium (Wound 2). These findings suggest that NLOM is an ideal tool for studying cartilage repair, with potential applications in clinical medicine. NLOM can capture macromolecular details and distinguish between different extents of cartilage repair without the need for labelling agents.  相似文献   

Papulonodular mucinosis (PM) is a cutaneous clue to the presence and activity of silent lupus erythematosus (LE), but the exact pathogenesis is still under secret. Moreover, the currently available treatments for PM are not satisfactory. To demonstrate the possibility of multiphoton microscopy (MPM) to trace the pathological state of PM and evaluate the treatment efficacy, epidermal and dermal alteration in skin lesion with PM before and after treatment was examined using MPM. Microstructure of epidermis as well as content and distribution of collagen and elastin in dermis were quantified to characterize the pathological states of PM. The results showed significant morphological difference between skin lesion before and after treatment, indicating the possibility of MPM to assess the therapeutic efficacy. With the advancement on MPM miniaturization and enhancement of contrast and depth of imaging, the MPM technique can be applied in in vivo tracking PM formation and progression, and leading the better understanding the PM pathogenesis and mechanism of response to any treatment, helping to establish novel effective therapies for PM. SCANNING 35:22‐27, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In this paper, microstructures of human oesophageal submucosa are evaluated using multiphoton microscopy, based on two‐photon excited fluorescence and second harmonic generation. The content and distribution of collagen, elastic fibers and cancer cells in normal and cancerous submucosa layer have been distinctly obtained and briefly discussed. The variation of these components is very relevant to the pathology in oesophagus, especially in early oesophageal cancer. Our results further indicate that the multiphoton microscopy technique has the potential application in vivo in clinical diagnosis and monitoring of early oesophageal cancer.  相似文献   

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