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本文利用最小均方误差准则,推导了异步多径条件下空时CDMA多用户检测算法,分析了多用户检测与单用户检测关系,提出空时CDMA多用户检测接收机结构。基于SAGE迭代算法进行空时多用户检测,并利用CDMA信号的有限字符特性和上行信道的导频信息对SAGE算法提出改进。仿真结果说明了本文提出的空时CDMA多用户检测算法性能。 相似文献
CDMA系统粒子群多用户检测算法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Kennedy和Eberhart提出的粒子群优化算法(PSO),作为一种新的并行优化算法,在解决多维和非线性的复杂问题中,性能优良且算法简单易于实现。本文对二进制粒子群优化算法进行改进,并将其应用于DS-CDMA通信系统的多用户检测中,提出了基于矢量的二进制粒子群多用户检测器(V-BPSO-MUD),同时提出了两种高效实用的多用户检测器:基于矢量的串行二进制多用户检测器(VS-BPSO-MUD)及基于矩阵的二进制多用户检测器(M-BPSO-MUD)。仿真结果表明,PSO多用户检测器充分利用了粒子群优化算法的优良特性,性能明显优于传统的CDMA检测器,接近无多址干扰情况。 相似文献
CDMA多用户检测技术 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
首先分析了CDMA移动通信系统中采用多用户检测的必要性,然后介绍了各种多用户检测技术的工作原理,对各种多用户检测技术的特点进行了比较,最后提出了目前多用户检测技术的一些最新发展方向。 相似文献
马尔可夫链蒙特卡罗(MCMC)方法有效地解决了贝叶斯计算的问题,但是不容易将它应用于有未知干扰用户的异步多径CDMA系统.为了克服这一困难,本文提出一种新颖的贝叶斯多用户检测方法,它首先用线性群盲解相关器对接收信号做预处理,然后再用Gibbs采样(一种典型的MCMC算法)做贝叶斯多用户检测.仿真结果表明,该方法的检测性能明显地优于线性群盲多用户检测,其计算复杂度的增加与小区内用户数目呈线性关系.为了进一步提高本文方法的性能,我们使用两级Gibbs采样,根据第一级Gibbs采样的输出得到更精确的参数估计,并把它用于第二级Gibbs采样中.仿真结果证明,与只使用一级Gibbs采样的方法相比,两级Gibbs采样的检测性能明显地改善了. 相似文献
首先分析了CDMA移动通信系统中采用多用户检测的必要性 ,然后介绍了各种多用户检测技术的工作原理 ,对各种多用户检测技术的特点进行了分析比较 ,最后提出了目前多用户检测技术的一些最新发展方向。 相似文献
在MC-CDMA系统中检测技术是影响系统性能的关键技术之一。这里首先对最优多用户检测方法做出了简要的分析,然后引入蚁群算法多用户检测,使用最优多用户检测的判决准则作为蚁群算法中的目标函数,并对蚁群算法多用户检测和其他多用户检测性能做了仿真比较。结果表明蚁群算法多用户检测和其他次优多用户检测相比,具有较好的性能;和最优多用户检测相比具有很低的复杂度。在多用户检测的实际应用中表现出了很大的优势。 相似文献
We propose a blind user identification detection (UID) scheme based on linear prediction algorithm for asynchronous direct-sequence code-division multiple-access systems over multipath fading channels. Numerical results show that both the false alarm rate and bit error rate of the proposed algorithm are better than those of the existing subspace-based UID algorithms. 相似文献
空时CDMA多用户信号检测 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文利用最小均方误差(MMSE)和最大似然(ML)准则,推导了空时CDMA多用户检测算法,分析了空时多用户检测与单用户检测的关系,并提出一种空时CDMA多用户检测接收机结构.计算机仿真结果说明了本文提出的空时CDMA多用户检测算法,与单用户检测方法相比其误码性能有相当的改进. 相似文献
DS/CDMA communication systems are widelyused because of their obvious advantages, such as softcapacity, soft handover, higher spectral efficiency andthe ability to mitigate the effects of multi-path fading.However, the multiple access interference (MAI) andnear-far problem in DS/CDMA limit the furtherapplications of this technique. The structure of the conventional single-userdetector (CD), which neglects the presence of MAI, issimple, but its performance is limited, and the receiversuf… 相似文献
CDMA移动通信中的判决反馈多用户信号检测器 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
本文推导了一种具有线性计算复杂度的同步DS—CDMA系统多用户检测算法,由此形成的判决反馈检测器在性能上优于解相关检测器,与两级多用户检测器的性能相当,而实现起来则更为简单。数值结果表明,当接收到的干扰信号能量比有用信号能量高4dB以上时,判决反馈检测器的性能将接近单用户系统的性能,因而该检测器可有效地克服CDMA移动通信中的远近影响。 相似文献
Multiuser Detection of Sparsely Spread CDMA 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Code-division multiple access (CDMA) is the basis of a family of advanced air interfaces in current and future generation networks. The benefits promised by CDMA have not been fully realized partly due to the prohibitive complexity of optimal detection and decoding of many users communicating simultaneously using the same frequency band. From both theoretical and practical perspectives, this paper advocates a new paradigm of CDMA with sparse spreading sequences, which enables near-optimal multiuser detection using belief propagation (BP) with low-complexity. The scheme is in part inspired by capacity-approaching low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes and the success of iterative decoding techniques. Specifically, it is shown that BP-based detection is optimal in the large-system limit under many practical circumstances, which is a unique advantage of sparsely spread CDMA systems. Moreover, it is shown that, from the viewpoint of an individual user, the CDMA channel is asymptotically equivalent to a scalar Gaussian channel with some degradation in the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). The degradation factor, known as the multiuser efficiency, can be determined from a fixed-point equation. The results in this paper apply to a broad class of sparse, semi-regular CDMA systems with arbitrary input and power distribution. Numerical results support the theoretical findings for systems of moderate size, which further demonstrate the appeal of sparse spreading in practical applications. 相似文献
In this work, we present a new, computationally simple scheme (termed multi-shot approach) to separate and detect multiuser signals in an asynchronous code-division multiple-access (CDMA) communications system. By exploring the structure inherent in the matrix decomposition of properly arranged data, obtained from multi-shot matched filtering, we propose a near-far resistant multiuser detector. The proposed multiuser detector combines the multiple snapshots of matched filter outputs through a matrix filtering and de-biasing processing, revealed from the structure inherent in properly arranged data, prior to the final stage of decision making. Simulation results demonstrate the superior performance of the newly proposed computationally efficient detection scheme in comparison with other existing methods of comparable complexity. 相似文献
1 IntroductionMultiple AccessInterference (MAI)owingtomanysimultaneoususersconstitutesthemainlimita tionofDS CDMAsystems .MultiuserdetectiontechniquescanefficientlysuppressMAIandsub stantiallyincreasethecapacityofCDMAsystems.Variousmultiuserdetectionschem… 相似文献
Catovic Amer Tekinay Sirin 《International Journal of Wireless Information Networks》2002,9(4):259-273
Multiuser detection-oriented CDMA systems have been anticipated to significantly improve system capacity in third-generation W-CDMA-based systems. However, they are greatly limited by the computational complexity of multiuser receivers. In this work, we propose a new, computationally efficient approach to multiuser detection (MUD), consisting in MUD of the subset of preselected users, and conventional detection of the rest of users, called selective multiuser detection (SMD). It allows for full exploitation of available processing power at the receiver by use of MUD and provides remedy for computational complexity of MUD techniques when the number of active users increases beyond the processing capability. We propose and examine three different criteria for selection of users to be processed by the multiuser receiver and analyze the capacity for the single-cell and the multicell CDMA cellular system. The capacity improvement with respect to the conventional CDMA detector combines the gain from MUD and reduction of other-cell interference. We apply the analysis to two SMD schemes using decorrelator and successive interference canceller (SIC) as the multiuser receiver. The results indicate that the SMD is a promising alternative for MUD-oriented CDMA systems with large numbers of active users. 相似文献
多用户检测技术在实际应用中,难以解决的问题是在减少计算复杂度的同时又提高系统性能。本文针对空时CDMA系统设计了一种多用户检测算法,即附带噪声梯度的最速下降算法。此算法利用变步长迭代的思想实现多用户检测,避免了最小均方误差(MMSE)多用户检测庞大而复杂的求逆运算和固定步长收敛速度较慢的问题。计算机仿真结果表明,在空时CDMA系统中使用本文算法,收敛速度大大增加,同时在保持系统性能的前提下能够容纳较多的用户。 相似文献
CDMA系统由于用户容量大、频谱利用率高等特点而优于其他多址方式,近年来在通信系统中得到越来越多的重视,如何克服多址干扰问题已成为提高CDMA系统容量的关键。而作为3G的关键技术之一的多用户检测技术,近年来取得了多个方面的发展。本文就TD—SCDMA系统的多用户检测技术(MUD)之一的最小均方误差(MMSE)技术进行了详细分析,并给出仿真结果。 相似文献
Multiuser detectors for asynchronous multirate code-division multiple-access (CDMA) systems are considered. A multirate CDMA system model able to fit several system concepts in the same framework is presented. The performance of the multi-code (MC) system with one processing gain and the multiple processing gain (MPG) system is compared. Upper bounds for the expected value of the asymptotic multiuser efficiency of the decorrelating detector for a synchronous multirate CDMA system with three effective users are derived for a system with one and two processing gains. The numerical results show that the performance of the decorrelating detector for MC and MPG systems do not differ significantly. The bit error rates (BER) of the decorrelating, parallel interference canceler (PIC) and groupwise serial interference canceler (GSIC) with either PIC or decorrelator within the group are compared. The results show that the decorrelating and the GSIC detectors yield the best performance. For all interference cancellation schemes the BER saturates at high SNRs due to decision errors degrading the multiple-access interference (MAI) estimates. 相似文献
多径CDMA信道下最小均方盲空时多用户检测 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文首先在码片匹配滤波的基础上为多径CDMA信道环境的接收机提出四种数据选择方案,分析了各种数据方案对多址干扰与码间干扰的影响;接着提出了基于Rosen梯度投影实现的最小均方盲空时多用户检测方法并分析了四种数据选择方案对其运算复杂度的影响;最后通过仿真实验结果的分析比较给出较合理的实现方法,该方法在降低运算量具有一定的优势,因而更加具有实用意义. 相似文献