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采用海参、文蛤和牡蛎提取物为主要原料,结合牛磺酸、支链氨基酸、左旋肉碱、维生素和微量元素开发一种疲劳恢复型运动补剂。选取40名大学生作为研究对象,分别观察服用运动补剂后参与运动和不参与运动的效果。结果表明运动食用组人员血液指标、饮食和体重情况以及耐力游泳成绩均优于运动对照组,而安静食用组人员血液指标、饮食和体重情况以及耐力游泳成绩均优于安静对照组。安全性分析证实运动补剂具有足够安全性。通过市场前景预测,疲劳恢复型运动补剂可具有年产值100亿以上的全球市场,具有较好的研发和推广前景。  相似文献   

人在大量运动下,就会出现运动性疲劳。简单来说,运动性疲劳就是运动本身引起的机体工作能力暂时降低的生理现象,一般在适当休息和调整后就可以恢复正常。近年来,我国体育事业发展迅速,体育竞争也越来越激励,这就对体育运动员也提出了更高的要求,为了更好的提高运动员的运动能力,就需要进行不断的训练,而在高强度、高压力的运动训练下,运动员就很容易出现运动性疲劳。运动性疲劳会直接影响到运动员的运动能力。因此,如何有效消除运动员的运动性疲劳是体育训练过程中需要重点考虑的问题。而营养补充在消除运动性疲劳方面就发挥着重要的作用。本文就营养补充与运动性疲劳这一问题进行详细分析,希望能够为相关工作者提供一些参考意见。  相似文献   

运动营养补剂的主要功能是提高机体运动和代谢能力,促进运动性疲劳恢复,为提高运动成绩、强健体魄、增肌或减脂提供助力。本文对运动营养补剂进行概述并对运动员和健身者摄入补剂提供合理建议,以期为补剂的选择提供参考。  相似文献   

目的 研究运动营养补剂对人身体成分的改善情况,为塑形运动爱好者使用和选择运动营养补剂提供参考和指导。方法 以氨酰胺胶囊、乳清蛋白粉冲剂、左旋肉碱胶囊、血红素含片四种运动营养补剂为变量,以实验法和数据统计分析法为研究方法,通过观察48名塑形运动爱好者训练前后的身体指标差异来探寻运动营养补剂对运动爱好者身体机能的影响效果。结果 服用运动营养补剂的实验组人员身高、体重、体身体成分、血清指标、乳酸酸脱氢酶和肌酸激酶等身体指标均优于空白对照组。说明在运动中使用运动营养补剂对身体机能状态有改善作用,同时,还证明了运动爱好者的身体各方面都要优于平时很少运动的人群。  相似文献   

运动员除了合理膳食,还需要摄入高纯度、易吸收的运动补剂强化补充,以促进疲劳恢复、改善机能、提高运动能力。本文综述了运动补剂的监管现状,评价了运动补剂的优缺点,并主要介绍了恢复体能类、提高免疫力类及电解质和微量元素类运动补剂,总结了运动补剂中可能添加的违禁药物,并为运动员选择合适的运动补剂提出建议,以期为运动员的补剂选择提供参考。  相似文献   

运动性疲劳是由于多因素综合叠加、相互作用引发的机体运动机能下降的状态。近年来研究表明,膳食补充中草药或食物来源的天然物质可以有效延缓运动性疲劳,然而其内在机理不尽相同。该文综述国内外有关天然物质抗运动性疲劳生物活性的研究文献,从增加机体能量物质储备、促进脂肪供能、维持氧化还原稳态、增强线粒体生物合成和修复线粒体损伤、减少代谢物堆积和抑制神经递质的累积等方面总结其调控作用的内在分子机理。  相似文献   

随着世界竞技健美操运动的快速发展,竞技健美操动作的难度也越来越大,技术越来越全面,强度越来越高,在训练和比赛中出现运动性疲劳的几率越来越高,影响了正常的训练和比赛成绩的提高。运动性疲劳是指:在训练或比赛达到一定程度后,运动员身体各器官及机能暂时下降的一种状态,也是机体正常的一种保护性抑制。  相似文献   

运动性疲劳是运动员常见的问题。本文就不同类型的运动性疲劳进行分析,并介绍科学的疲劳恢复的方法,以增强身体的机能并缩短疲劳恢复的时间。  相似文献   

咖啡因抗运动性疲劳作用的实验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:探讨咖啡因对小鼠运动性疲劳的影响。方法:昆明种雄性小鼠48只随机分为生理盐水对照组和咖啡因高、中、低剂量组。常规饲料适应1周后,咖啡因高、中、低剂量组小鼠分别灌胃不同浓度相同容量的咖啡因15mg/kg、10mg/kg、5mg/kg,2次/d,生理盐水对照组在相应时间灌服等体积的生理盐水,连续7d,末次给药1h后进行负重游泳,记录游泳力竭时间;第8d负重游泳20min后采血、摘取肝脏、分离切下左侧腓肠肌,检测血清乳酸和尿素氮浓度、肝糖原含量及肌肉组织中MDA含量和SOD活性。结果:与生理盐水对照组比较,咖啡因高、中、低剂量组小鼠游泳时间均延长(P<0.01和P<0.001),运动后血清乳酸浓度降低(P<0.01、P<0.001和P<0.05),咖啡因高、中剂量组血清尿素氮水平降低(P<0.01),咖啡因高、中、低剂量组小鼠运动后肝糖原储备量较高(P<0.01),咖啡因高、中剂量组小鼠肌肉组织中MDA含量降低,而SOD活性增高(P<0.01)。结论:咖啡因可提高小鼠运动耐力,具有抗运动性疲劳作用。  相似文献   

水杨酸钠及其盐类广泛被动物学家和植物学家使用,具有独特的药用价值,常被用于解热、镇痛、抗炎、抗氧化、抗肿瘤、抗衰老等,在自然界中常见于柳树皮中,是老药新用的典型代表。现有研究发现,水杨酸钠在抗运动性疲劳中有独特的作用。  相似文献   

目的 了解铜川市2017~2018年运动员食用营养品的功效成分状况, 为运动营养品的功效分析评价和有效的监督管理提供科学依据。方法 于2017~2018年, 采集铜川市8类运动营养食品, 按照国家标准及实验室方法进行功效成分含量的测定, 测定肌酸、蛋白质、番茄红素、牛磺酸等指标, 分析检测结果, 评价铜川市运动员食用营养品的功效成分状况。结果 2017~2018年铜川市共采集40份运动营养品样本, 合格样本28份, 不合格样本12份, 合格率为70%。结论 铜川市2017~2018年运动营养品存在较小程度的隐患, 但有必要针对运动营养品中营养标签标识以及功效成分检测标准加强监督和管理。  相似文献   

对于职业运动员和运动爱好者来说, 如何补充营养是其最关心的问题。随着运动营养食品概念的提出, 相关的产品也层出不穷, 经过近些年的研究, 一些活性成分在运动营养补充剂的应用及其作用得到了证实。然而, 任何关于性能补充剂都要考虑使用该产品是安全、合法的。本文着重介绍了体育运动中使用的一些常见和新出现的营养补剂, 及其实际运动过程中应用的可行性, 为新型运动营养食品的开发及合理应用提供理论参考。  相似文献   

Milk proteins have a strong position in the sport nutrition markets, such as sport supplements for highly trained athletes, apart from bodybuilders. Furosine, a well-known index for the availability of lysine and subsequently of the extent of the Maillard reaction, was evaluated in different common ingredients used for formulation, as well in commercial sport supplements. Furosine content ranged from 2.8 to 1125.7 mg/100 g protein in commercial sport supplements being usually lower in samples containing mainly whey protein isolates or casein, as compared with whey protein concentrates. It is estimated that 0.1–36.7% of the lysine content is not available in this type of products. The use of high quality ingredients for the manufacture of sport supplements reveals important, since it could be the major source of protein intake of certain group of consumers in high or moderate training regime. Furosine is an appropriate indicator to estimate the nutritional quality of sport supplements. A reference value of 70 mg furosine/100 g protein content in dried sport supplements could be set up for controlling the quality of milk-based ingredients used in the formulation. Samples with higher levels are suspected of use of low quality milk-based ingredients or inappropriate storage conditions.  相似文献   

Despite advancements in hypertensive therapies, the prevalence of hypertension and associated morbidities are still immense. Physicians are in great need for updated information on novel and effective antihypertensive therapies. Therefore, the study objective was to provide comprehensive information on the efficacy of available antihypertensive therapies. Antihypertensive therapies were divided into four general approaches: diet, nutritional supplements, lifestyle modification, and conventional antihypertensive medications. A search of PubMed and Google Scholar resulted in an analysis of 30 antihypertensive therapies from meta-analyses and randomized-controlled trials (RCTs). The studies were analyzed using the American Heart Association/American College of Cardiology classification system. Calculated average blood pressure reductions were: (systolic/diastolic) 6/4 mmHg, 4/2 mmHg, 5/3 mmHg, and 9/5 mmHg for dietary, nutritional supplements, lifestyle, and medications, respectively. The results demonstrate that dietary, nutritional supplement and lifestyle strategies have a solid level of evidence to support their efficacy as antihypertensive strategies. These strategies can be as effective as medications and, in some cases, even more effective. Dissemination of this information to physicians/dietitians can help facilitate an important shift in hypertension management.  相似文献   

黑米糠用于运动食品开发的价值探讨及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对黑米糠中10种运动营养成分的分析表明,黑米糠是难得的潜在运动营养食品原料。黑米糠的运动功效研究主要集中在花青苷的功效研究。现有研究结论显示,黑米糠具有抗氧化、抗疲劳、抗炎、提高免疫力和清除自由基的潜在活性。本研究指出开发黑米糠运动食品的8个途径,旨在引起体育科研工作者对黑米糠运动营养源的关注,为运动食品增添新成员和黑米糠资源的利用提供新途径。  相似文献   

Nutritional supplements are frequently used by athletes and can contain substances banned by the World Anti Doping Agency (WADA). The aim of this study was to develop a screening method for the detection of selected stimulants in solid nutritional supplements. Analysis of the samples was performed on an LCQ-Deca® instrument after an acidic wash with n-pentane and an alkaline liquid/liquid extraction with diethylether. The mass spectrometer was operated in full scan MS2 using positive ionisation. Detection limits (LODs) were equal or below 50 ng/g for all compounds except strychnine (100 ng/g). The suitability of the method for routine application was illustrated by the analysis of two suspicious samples.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  As part of the efforts to reduce iron deficiency anemia (IDA), the Mexican Federal program PROGRESA distributes complementary foods to toddlers and pregnant women living in extreme poverty. Complementary foods were originally fortified with hydrogen-reduced iron, which proved a limited efficacy. The supplement was reformulated to provide higher iron bioavailability. This investigation aims to assess the sensory changes and the acceptance of new versions of the complementary foods fortified with either reduced iron, ferrous fumarate, or ferrous sulfate, stored at room temperature for 2, 4, and 6 mo. Complementary foods were presented without flavor (plain) or flavored with either chocolate or vanilla. The complementary foods were evaluated in toddlers and their mothers using a hedonic scale. The percentage of overall acceptance for the baby foods was higher in toddlers (80% to 88%) than in their mothers (63% to 68%). The complementary foods with a better acceptance were those fortified with reduced iron (63% to 68%) and ferrous fumarate (61% to 80%) independently of the flavoring added. The acceptance of the beverage intended for women was better for those fortified with reduced iron (52% to 63%) or ferrous fumarate (44% to 63%) in their vanilla-flavored version. For women, the most accepted sources of iron were reduced iron (50% to 60%) and ferrous fumarate (50% to 58%).  相似文献   

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