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PI决策技术分析原理及其应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
根据注水井试井公式,演化、推导出注水井压力据数PI(Pressure Index)计算公式,并表明PI值与流量成正比;与渗透率具有双曲线关系;与注入截面面积相关。对PI决策技术在调剖堵水方面的进一步研究证明,通过PI决策整体调剖,能有效地封堵高渗透层或条带,使油藏在平面和纵向上压力指数值基本接近,力求达到储集层在平面和纵向上均质化,改善中、低渗透层(或条带)的吸水状况,提高注入水波及体积和注入水利用率,遏制油田含水上升速度,提高水驱采收率,延长油田稳产期。对广利油田莱38区块的PI决策整体调剖分析和评价,证明无论在各个方面都有较大的改善,油田开发水平明显提高。 相似文献
Shuo-Ting Wei Li‐Chen Ou M. Ronnier Luo John Hutchings 《Color research and application》2015,40(2):157-168
The aim of this study was to develop psychophysical models that predict the influence of pack colours on consumers' psychological responses of fruit juices, such as visually perceived expectations of freshness, quality, liking, and colour harmony. Two existing colour harmony models derived from experiments involving only uniform colour plaques were tested using the juice packaging experimental data. Both models failed to predict the visual results obtained. Nevertheless, two parameters relevant to chromatic difference and hue difference were somewhat associated with the visual results. This suggested that, among all colour harmony principles for uniform colours, only the equal‐hue and the equal‐chroma principles can be adopted to describe colour harmony of packaging used for juice. This has the implication that the principles of colour harmony may vary according to the context in which the colours are used. A new colour harmony model was developed for juice packaging, and a predictive model of freshness was derived. Both models adopted CIELAB colour attributes of the package colour and the fruit image colour to predict viewers' responses. Expected liking and juice quality can be predicted using the colour harmony model while expected freshness can be predicted using the predictive model of freshness. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 40, 157–168, 2015 相似文献
Li‐Chen Ou M. Ronnier Luo Andre Woodcock Angela Wright 《Color research and application》2004,29(5):381-389
In this study three colour preference models for single colours were developed. The first model was developed on the basis of the colour emotions, clean–dirty, tense–relaxed, and heavy–light. In this model colour preference was found affected most by the emotional feeling “clean.” The second model was developed on the basis of the three colour‐emotion factors identified in Part I, colour activity, colour weight, and colour heat. By combining this model with the colour‐science‐based formulae of these three factors, which have been developed in Part I, one can predict colour preference of a test colour from its colour‐appearance attributes. The third colour preference model was directly developed from colour‐appearance attributes. In this model colour preference is determined by the colour difference between a test colour and the reference colour (L*, a*, b*) = (50, ?8, 30). The above approaches to modeling single‐colour preference were also adopted in modeling colour preference for colour combinations. The results show that it was difficult to predict colour‐combination preference by colour emotions only. This study also clarifies the relationship between colour preference and colour harmony. The results show that although colour preference is strongly correlated with colour harmony, there are still colours of which the two scales disagree with each other. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 29, 381–389, 2004; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/col.20047 相似文献
Li‐Chen Ou M. Ronnier Luo Andre Woodcock Angela Wright 《Color research and application》2004,29(4):292-298
Eleven colour‐emotion scales, warm–cool, heavy–light, modern–classical, clean–dirty, active–passive, hard–soft, harmonious–disharmonious, tense–relaxed, fresh–stale, masculine–feminine, and like–dislike, were investigated on 190 colour pairs with British and Chinese observers. Experimental results show that gender difference existed in masculine–feminine, whereas no significant cultural difference was found between British and Chinese observers. Three colour‐emotion factors were identified by the method of factor analysis and were labeled “colour activity,” “colour weight,” and “colour heat.” These factors were found similar to those extracted from the single colour emotions developed in Part I. This indicates a coherent framework of colour emotion factors for single colours and two‐colour combinations. An additivity relationship was found between single‐colour and colour‐combination emotions. This relationship predicts colour emotions for a colour pair by averaging the colour emotions of individual colours that generate the pair. However, it cannot be applied to colour preference prediction. By combining the additivity relationship with a single‐colour emotion model, such as those developed in Part I, a colour‐appearance‐based model was established for colour‐combination emotions. With this model one can predict colour emotions for a colour pair if colour‐appearance attributes of the component colours in that pair are known. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 29, 292–298, 2004; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/col.20024 相似文献
Technology‐based sustainability enhancement is a key approach for industrial sustainability realization. However, identification of effective technologies for any industrial system could be very challenging. If the available data and information about the industrial system and technologies are incomplete, imprecise, and uncertain, then technology identification could be very difficult. In this article, the authors introduce a simple, yet systematic interval‐parameter‐based methodology for identifying quickly superior solutions under uncertainty for sustainability performance improvement. The methodology is general enough for the study of sustainability enhancement problems of any size and scope. A case study on sustainable development of biodiesel manufacturing demonstrates methodological efficacy. © 2012 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 58: 1841–1852, 2012 相似文献
Li‐Chen Ou M. Ronnier Luo Andre Woodcock Angela Wright 《Color research and application》2004,29(3):232-240
This article classifies colour emotions for single colours and develops colour‐science‐based colour emotion models. In a psychophysical experiment, 31 observers, including 14 British and 17 Chinese subjects assessed 20 colours on 10 colour‐emotion scales: warm–cool, heavy–light, modern–classical, clean–dirty, active–passive, hard–soft, tense–relaxed, fresh–stale, masculine–feminine, and like–dislike. Experimental results show no significant difference between male and female data, whereas different results were found between British and Chinese observers for the tense–relaxed and like–dislike scales. The factor analysis identified three colour‐emotion factors: colour activity, colour weight, and colour heat. The three factors agreed well with those found by Kobayashi and Sato et al. Four colour‐emotion models were developed, including warm–cool, heavy–light, active–passive, and hard–soft. These models were compared with those developed by Sato et al. and Xin and Cheng. The results show that for each colour emotion the models of the three studies agreed with each other, suggesting that the four colour emotions are culture‐independent across countries. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 29, 232–240, 2004; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/col.20010 相似文献
Zena O'Connor 《Color research and application》2011,36(1):55-60
Creating a logo design is an important task for a new company wishing to gain entry in a particular industry sector. It requires an initial situation analysis that examines existing logos within the sector, and this information is then used to inform creation of a new logo design. Colour, one of a number of design elements used to create a new logo, is a key element in creating a unique logo and in terms of enabling a logo achieve differentiation in a competitive environment. This article discusses the application of the environmental colour mapping process during the initial situation analysis phase of logo design. The process, which has been applied in urban design studies in Japan, America, France, England, and Norway has recently been augmented with the addition of digital technology. Using a case study approach, the ‘environment’ for the purpose of this study represented the logo designs of organizations within a specific industry sector. The main outcome from the process (colour data presented in the form of a colour map) was examined for patterns of similarity and dissimilarity and an attempt was made to identify new options for logo colours within the sector based on colour differentiation. This study represents a new application of the environmental colour mapping process and a number of limitations and benefits are discussed. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 2011 相似文献
P. Grassivaro Gallo M. Panza P. B. Lantieri D. Risso G. Conforti P. Lagonia A. Piro G. Tagarelli A. Tagarelli 《Color research and application》2003,28(3):216-220
Red‐green colour blindness, an inherited X‐linked anomaly, was analyzed both in its biological aspects (genetic frequency) and its pedagogical and psychological implications (only the latter are the exhaustive subject of this analysis). A mass screening was carried out by means of the Ishihara test between 1998 and 2000 in Calabria and Basilicata (South of Italy). A total of 63,933 male and female schoolchildren were investigated, belonging to 351 towns and 655 secondary schools (age range 11–14 years). Then, a psychological questionnaire was administered to the entire sample, while the psychological statistical analysis was made on the answers given by two sub‐samples composed of 34,309 orthochromatic subjects of both sexes and 831 colour‐blind subjects of both sexes. Their answers strengthen the hypothesis that dyschromatopsia could affect the human relations of its recipients starting from their childhood, forcing them to manage their diversity in order to adapt to rules, tools and didactic media and, generally, that dyschromates carry a common feeling which presupposes and takes for granted the univocality of the visual experience. Additionally, 3,082 teachers of different subjects have been submitted to a pedagogical questionnaire, consisting of 13 closed‐open questions, in order to analyze the behavior of the school toward the colour‐blind subject. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 28, 216–220, 2003; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/col.10148 相似文献
This article provides Munsell (aim and actual), NCS (aim and actual), DIN (aim and actual), Coloroid (aim), Colorcurve (aim and actual), and OSA-UCS (aim and actual) notations for the 237 colour samples that comprise BS5252. These notations were obtained from recent spectrophotometric measurement of the standard, using a new version of the colour notation conversion program initially developed at the University of Teesside. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons. Inc. 相似文献
Kaida Xiao Sophie Wuerger Chenyang Fu Dimosthenis Karatzas 《Color research and application》2011,36(5):316-323
Psychophysical experiments were conducted to assess unique hues on a CRT display for a large sample of colour‐normal observers (n = 185). These data were then used to evaluate the most commonly used colour appearance model, CIECAM02, by transforming the CIEXYZ tristimulus values of the unique hues to the CIECAM02 colour appearance attributes, lightness, chroma and hue angle. We report two findings: (1) the hue angles derived from our unique hue data are inconsistent with the commonly used Natural Color System hues that are incorporated in the CIECAM02 model. We argue that our predicted unique hue angles (derived from our large dataset) provide a more reliable standard for colour management applications when the precise specification of these salient colours is important. (2) We test hue uniformity for CIECAM02 in all four unique hues and show significant disagreements for all hues, except for unique red which seems to be invariant under lightness changes. Our dataset is useful to improve the CIECAM02 model as it provides reliable data for benchmarking. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 2011 相似文献