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Adapting luminance dependencies of various color attributes of object colors (lightness, brightness, whiteness‐blackness, whiteness‐blackness strength, chroma, and colorfulness) were clarified under white illumination with various adapting illuminances. The correlation between the perceptions of lightness and brightness and those of whiteness‐blackness and whiteness‐blackness strength is also clarified for achromatic object colors. The difference between the increase of brightness and that of whiteness‐blackness contrast (the effect studied by Stevens and Jameson—Hurvich) by raising their adapting illuminance is resolved without any contradiction. It is also shown that the nonlinear color‐appearance model developed by the author and his colleagues is able to explain the complex characteristics of all the above color attributes of object colors by making minor modifications to it. In addition, two kinds of classifications of various color attributes are given; one is based on the similarity of perception level, and the other on the degree of adapting illuminance dependency. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Col Res Appl, 25, 318–332, 2000  相似文献   

This article describes a new perceived whiteness index, C/V index, which focuses on the brightness‐enhancement effect of color components included in the spectral reflectance factor distribution of approximate white objects or in the spectral power distribution of illuminations. The index is developed on the basis of a color vision model. The perceived whiteness of 18 approximate white samples was evaluated, and then a predictability of the index was compared with 17 types of existing whiteness indices. As a result, the C/V index was one of the indices indicating the best predicting performance. The aforementioned findings show that the C/V index is effective in evaluating the perceived whiteness of approximate white objects and the brightness‐enhancement effect of color components is an important factor in determining the perceived whiteness. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 2010  相似文献   

在小试中改进聚合配方(单独使用EHP作为引发剂)的基础上,在现有生产工艺、不增加设备投资的情况下,确定了生产PVC-SG5型及PVC-SG2型树脂的方案。结果表明:改进后生产的PVC树脂白度达到80%以上,且生产中没有任何异常现象发生,这样可节约助剂成本14元/(t.PVC),按3.5万t/a 计,每年可节约助剂成本40多万元。  相似文献   

面部痤疮是困扰很多人的一种皮肤疾病,治疗痤疮备受人们关注。随着治疗痤疮产品的多样化,消费者对其要求正在逐步提高。在可以有效治疗痤疮的前提下,治疗痤疮产品正向着纯天然以及使用便捷的方向发展。  相似文献   

In this article, a video‐based analysis for facial skin appearance with an automatic face tracking technique is proposed. The change of skin appearance under various illuminations is observed by illuminating the face from various light source positions, and the changes in facial appearance are recorded as a video stream during this measurement. The recorded video stream is then analyzed to obtain the bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) at each position of the facial skin. Automatic face tracking is necessary to compensate the facial movement in order to obtain an accurate BRDF measurement at each position. Since conventional face tracking techniques cannot be used for a face illuminated from various light source positions, a new face tracking technique that is robust to the various face shadings has been developed. Experimental studies show the effectiveness of both the proposed video‐based analysis technique and the automatic face tracking technique. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 33, 477–484, 2008  相似文献   

The dependence of paper whiteness on its surface roughness is studied by numerical modeling of measuring apparatus and specimen scattering properties. The dependencies computed for various specimen illumination conditions with and without allowing for the specular component of scattered light are compared. The whiteness is calculated by ISO/DIS 11475. It is found that the whiteness of the object under study depends on both surface roughness and the illumination scheme selection, whereas the chromaticity coordinates depend on neither of them. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Col Res Appl, 25, 170–175, 2000  相似文献   

In recent years, new display technologies have emerged that are capable of producing colors that exceed the color gamut of broadcast standards. On the other hand, most video content currently remains compliant with the EBU standard and as such, there is a need for color mapping algorithms that make optimal use of the wider gamut of these new displays. To identify appropriate color mapping strategies, we have developed, implemented, and evaluated several approaches to gamut extension. The color rendering performance and robustness to different image content of these algorithms were evaluated against a reference (true‐color) mapping. To this end, two psychophysical experiments were conducted using a simulated and actual wide‐gamut display. Results show that the preferred algorithm had a dependency on image content, especially for images with skin tones. In both experiments, however, there was preference shown for the algorithm that balances chroma and lightness modulations as a function of the input lightness. The newly designed extension algorithms consistently outperformed true‐color mapping, thus confirming the benefit of appropriate mapping on wide‐gamut displays. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 34, 443–451, 2009  相似文献   

随着国民经济的发展和人们生活水平的提高,对浅色制品的需求量日益增加,因此对无机粉体材料的白度要求也越来越高.以轻质碳酸钙为例,为了使生产企业从理论到实践对提高白度的途径有所了解,对化学增白的影响因素、化学增白程序、制定化学增白方案的原则、实验室试验筛选最优方案、工业试验的方法进行了全面阐述,并提出几点行之有效的注意事项,以保证化学增白达到预期效果.  相似文献   

护肤化妆笔   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前护肤功能彩妆品已成为化妆品行业发展的一个新亮点。但是国内外对护肤化妆笔的研究和报道较少。通过在配方中添加安全性高的Uvinul MC-80、Uvinul M40和纳米二氧化钛等优质防晒剂,以及维生素A、E等活性物质和天然活性成分,研制出了能有效地防御紫外线对皮肤的损伤、增强产品防皱纹、抗衰老和滋润保湿等护肤功能的新一代高档护肤系列化妆笔。  相似文献   

简述了二氯异氰尿酸钠中铁对产品白度的影响因素和处理方法,并对铁的分析方法进行了探讨.采用溶剂法处理样品和邻菲罗啉分光光度法测定铁含量可简便、快捷获得准确的结果.  相似文献   

皮肤会随年龄发生有规律地渐近变化,表现出一些特定的衰老迹象,如皮肤皱纹、松弛和色素沉着,影响人的外观吸引力。从衰老机理出发,开发有效延缓皮肤衰老的产品备受企业的关注。综述了面部皮肤衰老的外观变化和相关外观衰老迹象对感知年龄的影响,以及皮肤主要衰老迹象的内在机制和外在环境影响因素。近年来,研究发现,无论性别、种族或地域,皮肤衰老外观最明显的迹象是皱纹和下垂,也是影响感知年龄最主要的因素,与皮肤结构的变化有关;其余主要是色素沉着相关问题。光老化、环境污染等环境因素会显著促进皮肤的衰老外观变化,提高衰老迹象的阈值。皮肤衰老是多种因素综合作用的结果,基于皱纹、下垂、色素沉着等不同皮肤衰老迹象的对应机制和影响因素开发抗衰老产品,将更有针对性地解决消费者的需求,实现精准护肤。本文为研究人员多维度开发抗衰老化妆品提供理论支持和建议。  相似文献   

从中国女性皮肤本态数据库(北京工商大学)中随机抽取22~42岁女性志愿者1 085例,采集志愿者的皮肤数据,通过相关性分析初步降噪,得到皮肤状态核心指标,并采用KMO检验和巴利特球形检验方法进行检验。根据主成分分析法计算评价模型的各项系数,最终构建皮肤状态综合评价模型。皮肤状态相关的核心指标包括:年龄、皮肤总弹性、皮肤光泽度、黑色素含量、血红素含量、水分含量、经皮水分散失量、肤色ITA°、油脂含量、毛孔数量等10项。该模型对女性的综合皮肤状态给予客观的量化判定,弥补了肉眼判断受到的周围环境以及个人主观意识的影响,解决了皮肤评价的时空限制,采集相关指标数据即可对女性皮肤进行有效评价。研究结果可为女性皮肤状态综合判定提供技术支持。  相似文献   

荧光增白剂对洗衣粉白度与去污及织物增白的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
研究了用于洗衣粉的主要类型增白剂对粉体白度、去污性能和织物增白3个方面的影响。结果表明,不同类型的增白剂对洗衣粉粉体白度、去污性能及织物增白作用的影响有较大差异,确定了不同增白剂的适宜使用量。  相似文献   

The Helmholtz–Kohlrausch effect consists of two different approaches: the variable achromatic color (VAC) and variable chromatic color (VCC) methods. In this article the difficult conceptual difference between the methods is clarified using new explanations with their schematic figures. The concept of loci with various parameters on B / L or L / Y ratios is completely different between the two methods. The VCC method can determine perceived lightness values for achromatic and chromatic colors in the whole color space. The VAC method gives perceived lightness deviation between reference achromatic color and each of the various test chromatic colors both kept at the same Munsell Value. The VAC method can never give any information on equiperceived lightness to test chromatic colors. Despite the difference between the two methods, misuse of the VAC method is sometimes found for perceived lightness studies of various chromatic colors, because of its ease in observations. An example is shown for the L scale of OSA‐UCS. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 31, 146–155, 2006  相似文献   

选取不同表观密度、老化白度的PVC,用RM智能转矩流变仪及小型实验用塑料挤出机进行流变对比实验,考查PVC表观密度、老化白度指标对物料流变性能及加工性能的影响。  相似文献   

提高煅烧煤系高岭土白度的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过煤系高岭土的煅烧实验 ,研究了煅烧温度、煅烧时间、原矿粒度、助剂用量等因素对产品白度的影响程度。原料粒度在 62 5 0目 ,煅烧温度控制在 70 0~ 95 0℃ ,恒温时间在 2 5h左右 ,助剂添加量在 3%左右 ,产品质量稳定 ,具有较高的白度。  相似文献   

建立了基于脂质组学的面部皮肤表面脂质(SSL)采集、检测及分析方法。通过脂质组学方法采集和检测同一组青年女性早晚不同时间的SSL,运用统计学进行分析。结果表明,早晚面部SSL之间表现出明显的分组趋势,进一步的分析表明,早晚面部SSL的八大类脂质成分和含量均有差异,且常见的甘油三酯、甘油二酯和神经酰胺等脂质成分也有不同,提示这些差异脂质可能与不同节律下的皮肤状态有关。  相似文献   

国产干法腈纶纤维“b”颜色值与进口样品有较大差距,根据原料工艺路线、化学反应机理,对影响腈纶纤维尊色变化的原因进行了分析,找出了主要影响纤维颜色的因素,对纤维颜色增深产生在纺丝原液制备过程的若干因素,进行定性和定量分析,解决了干法腈纶纤维“b”颜色值高的问题,提出进一步增加腈纶纤维白度的实用性生产方法。  相似文献   

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