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二维鼓泡床内气泡尺寸分布的实验与CFD模拟 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
在有机玻璃制成的二维鼓泡床(0.20m×0.02m×2.00m)内,采用摄像法对空气-自来水的气液两相体系的气泡尺寸分布进行了考察。以商业计算流体力学软件ANSYS CFX 10.0为平台,在双流体模型的基础上,采用k-ε湍流模型和GRACE曳力模型对气液鼓泡床内流体动力学行为进行了多相流CFD数值模拟。结果表明 MUSIG(Multiple Size Group)模型实现了对多气泡体系内气泡尺寸分布特性的考察,气泡尺寸分布的模拟结果与实验结果吻合得较好,从而说明了考虑了气泡聚并破碎的MUSIG模型能很好地反映出鼓泡床内气泡尺寸分布特性。 相似文献
引言 鼓泡床是一种重要的气液或气液固多相反应器.液体循环流动是鼓泡床的一个重要流体力学特征,从20世纪50年代人们就开始对此进行了比较系统的实验研究[1-6].这个特征对鼓泡床的流体返混行为、气含率、气液界面积以及传热传质系数都有很大影响,特别是液体返混行为可以由液体循环特性直接决定.如何准确地描述和预测鼓泡床中的液体流速沿径向的分布,关系到鼓泡床反应器的设计、放大和优化.因此,许多年来它一直是人们致力探讨的重要课题之一[7-8]. 相似文献
气泡尺寸分布直接影响气浮分离效率,而聚并是导致气浮池内气泡尺寸变化的主要因素。首先用实验方法测量气浮接触区气泡尺寸分布,然后用计算流体力学方法对气泡/水两相流动及气泡聚并进行模拟,最后通过对实验和数值模拟结果进行对比建立基于相群平衡模型的浮选气泡聚并行为的模拟方法,分别运用Luo、Free molecular和Turbulent聚并模型对气浮接触区气泡聚并行为进行模拟。结果表明:Turbulent聚并模型计算所得气泡尺寸分布与实验值最接近,适合模拟接触区气泡聚并;气泡平均直径随高度升高先变大后保持不变,气泡聚并主要发生在接触区中下部;气泡的加入增强了接触区流动混乱程度,上部产生对称涡流,中下部呈由边壁向中心的水平流动。 相似文献
Gas holdup and pressure loss were measured for various gas-liquid systems in a batch, multistage bubble column. Experimental results show that the use of screen plates (α = 0.64) considerably increases the gas holdup but introduces a significant pressure loss for the two-phase mixture. The pressure loss was found to be independent of physical properties of the mixture, and predictable either from the modified separated flow model (Chen et al., 1986) or from the kinetic energy loss based on the liquid circulation velocity. 相似文献
Gas-liquid mass transfer in a bubble column in both the homogeneous and heterogeneous flow regimes was studied by numerical simulations with a CFD-PBM (computation fluid dynamics-population balance model) coupled model and a gas-liquid mass transfer model. In the CFD-PBM coupled model, the gas-liquid interfacial area a is calculated from the gas holdup and bubble size distribution. In this work, multiple mechanisms for bubble coalescence, including coalescence due to turbulent eddies, different bubble rise velocities and bubble wake entrainment, and for bubble breakup due to eddy collision and instability of large bubbles were considered. Previous studies show that these considerations are crucial for proper predictions of both the homogenous and the heterogeneous flow regimes. Many parameters may affect the mass transfer coefficient, including the bubble size distribution, bubble slip velocity, turbulent energy dissipation rate and bubble coalescence and breakup. These complex factors were quantitatively counted in the CFD-PBM coupled model. For the mass transfer coefficient kl, two typical models were compared, namely the eddy cell model in which kl depends on the turbulent energy dissipation rate, and the slip penetration model in which kl depends on the bubble size and bubble slip velocity. Reasonable predictions of kla were obtained with both models in a wide range of superficial gas velocity, with only a slight modification of the model constants. The simulation results show that CFD-PBM coupled model is an efficient method for predicting the hydrodynamics, bubble size distribution, interfacial area and gas-liquid mass transfer rate in a bubble column. 相似文献
Multicompartment hydrodynamic model for slurry bubble columns 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A core-annulus multicompartment two-dimensional two-bubble class model accounting for slurry recirculation and coupled with catalyst transport was developed as a part and parcel of the analysis of the behavior of slurry bubble column reactors at high gas throughputs corresponding to the churn turbulent flow regime. The model analyzed the contributions of bubble-induced turbulence closures, bubble coalescence and breakup phenomena, and catalyst axial distribution as the resultant of sedimentation, advection via liquid-solid slip, per-compartment axial dispersion and core-annulus lateral exchange of catalyst by bubble-induced turbulence. The model was also used to analyze the effects of catalyst loading, gas density and superficial velocity, and column diameter and vessel aspect ratio on the hydrodynamics of slurry bubble column reactors, namely, the per-compartment phase holdups and interstitial velocities, pressure gradient, bubble coalescence and break-up rates, and loci of velocity inversion for the gas and slurry profiles. 相似文献
The bubble size distributions are measured for the air-water system as a function of air velocity at room temperature in two bubble columns. High speed cinephotography and fiber optic probe techniques are used to measure the bubble size. Our limited measurements suggest that the bubble size may be independent of gas velocity in the range 3.6 to 9.2 cm/s and may be dependent on column diameter with smaller bubbles for narrower columns. The bubble size appears to be smaller at the column wall than at distances away from the wall. 相似文献
Liquid-phase mixing in bubble columns is discussed on the basis of the mixing length theory. A characteristic mixing length defined as a lumped hydrodynamic parameter is estimated. The results indicate that the characteristic mixing length assumed previously by one of the authors is reasonable. 相似文献
The constant bubble size modeling approach (CBSM) and variable bubble size modeling approach (VBSM) are frequently employed in Eulerian–Eulerian simulation of bubble columns. However, the accuracy of CBSM is limited while the computational efficiency of VBSM needs to be improved. This work aims to develop method for bubble size modeling which has high computational efficiency and accuracy in the simulation of bubble columns. The distribution of bubble sizes is represented by a series of discrete points, and the percentage of bubbles with various sizes at gas inlet is determined by the results of computational fluid dynamics (CFD)–population balance model (PBM) simulations, whereas the influence of bubble coalescence and breakup is neglected. The simulated results of a 0.15 m diameter bubble column suggest that the developed method has high computational speed and can achieve similar accuracy as CFD–PBM modeling. Furthermore, the convergence issues caused by solving population balance equations are addressed. 相似文献
对圆柱形鼓泡塔反应器内的气液两相流动进行了三维瞬态数值模拟,模拟的表观气速范围为0.02~0.30 m8226;s-1; 模拟采用了双流体模型,并耦合了气泡界面密度单方程模型预测气泡尺寸,该模型考虑了气泡聚并与破碎对气泡尺寸的影响。液相湍流采用考虑气相影响的修正k-ε模型,两相间的动量传输仅考虑曳力作用。模拟获得了轴向气/液相速度分布、气含率分布、湍流动能分布以及气泡表面面积密度等,对部分模拟结果与实验值进行了定量比较,结果表明模拟结果与实验结果吻合较好。 相似文献
Theoretical prediction of flow regime transition in bubble columns was studied based on the bubble size distribution by the population balance model (PBM). Models for bubble coalescence and breakup due to different mechanisms, including coalescence due to turbulent eddies, coalescence due to different bubble rise velocities, coalescence due to bubble wake entrainment, breakup due to eddy collision and breakup due to large bubble instability, were proposed. Simulation results showed that at relatively low superficial gas velocities, bubble coalescence and breakup were relatively weak and the bubble size was small and had a narrow distribution; with an increase in the superficial gas velocity, large bubbles began to form due to bubble coalescence, resulting in a much wider bubble size distribution. The regime transition was predicted to occur when the volume fraction of small bubbles sharply decreased. The predicted transition superficial gas velocity was about 4 cm/s for the air-water system, in accordance with the values obtained from experimental approaches. 相似文献
Counter current bubble columns have the feature that specific gas-liquid interfacial area and gas holdup are larger than those for standard and cocurrent bubble columns. In this study, three different flow regimes, churn-turbulent flow, bubble flow and bubble down-flow, have been observed in a counter-current bubble column and correlations of gas holdup and volumetric liquid-phase mass transfer coefficient have been proposed as functions of operating variables such as the superficial velocities of gas and liquid, the gas-liquid slip velocity and the liquid properties. 相似文献
针对咪唑类离子液体介质,采用Euler-Euler双流体模型与群平衡模型(PBM)耦合的方法,引入由实验结果拟合获得的适用于该介质的气液相间曳力系数模型,对内径0.203 m、高2 m的鼓泡塔中离子液体-空气两相流进行计算流体力学模拟,研究了不同表观气速下塔内气液两相速度场分布、气含率和气泡尺寸分布等流体动力学性质。与现有的相间曳力系数模型Schiller-Naumann模型模拟结果对比,采用本文模型得到的气含率与实验值吻合更好,气泡尺寸分布与实验结果一致。 相似文献
Bi Jingliang Lin Xipeng David M. Christopher 《American Institute of Chemical Engineers》2013,59(5):1735-1745
Bubble coalescence events and single bubble nucleation, growth, and departure were observed with a charge‐coupled device (CCD) camera synchronized with a high‐speed data acquisition system measuring the heat fluxes at different positions underneath the bubble. Four different kinds of coalescence events took place with characteristic heat flux signatures for each type of event. The heat transfer measurements under four typical heaters representing different positions under the bubble showed very different heat flux characteristics during each ebullition cycle. The results show that transient conduction due to the movement of the contact line during bubble interactions, sliding, stretching, and oscillating is the main mechanism resulting in the high heat transfer rates during coalescence. Fast evaporation of the liquid layer trapped between the two bubbles and higher heat fluxes near the contact line as the microlayer evaporated also generate high heat flux spikes but have less influence due to their short duration and small influence area. © 2012 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 59: 1735–1745, 2013 相似文献
Rachid Bannari Fouzi Kerdouss Brahim Selma Abdelfettah Bannari Pierre Proulx 《Computers & Chemical Engineering》2008,32(12):3224-3237
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations of bubble columns have received recently much attention and several multiphase models have been developed, tested, and validated through comparison with experimental data. In this work, we propose a model for two-phase flows at high phase fractions. The inter-phase forces (drag, lift and virtual mass) with different closure terms are used and coupled with a classes method (CM) for population balance. This in order to predict bubble’s size distribution in the column which results of break-up and coalescence of bubbles. Since these mechanisms result greatly of turbulence, a dispersed k– turbulent model is used.The results are compared to experimental data available from the literature using a mean bubble diameter approach and CM approach and the appropriate formulations for inter-phase forces in order to predict the flow are highlighted.The above models are implemented using the open source package OpenFoam. 相似文献