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We performed field tests using mimetic Piper fruits with and without essential oil extracted through hydrodistillation from Piper gaudichaudianum ripe fruits in order to evaluate the role of odor in Carollia perspicillata attraction and capture in mist-nets. During the field tests, 26 C. perspicillata were captured, 21 (80.7%) in nets with the essential oil of P. gaudichaudianum and five (19.3%) in nets without oil. Other bat species, Artibeus spp. (67), which is specialized on fruits of Moraceae, and Sturnira lilium (10), specialized on those of Solanaceae, were also captured, but they exhibited no significant preference for nets with or without oil. We conclude that odor is pre-eminent over visual cues in food location by C. perspicillata in a field situation. Based on the result, we propose the extraction and use of essential oils of chiropterochoric fruits as a useful approach to improve autoecological studies on fruit-eating bats and to promote tropical forest restoration through the attraction of frugivorous bats to degraded areas.  相似文献   

In the field, adult psyllids,Heteropsylla cubana Crawford, oriented significantly more towards the caged seedlings of susceptibleLeucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit than to those of the resistant tree species,Leucaena collinsii Britton & Rose, or the nonhostAmaranthus spinosus L. In a dual-choice bioassay using a still-air olfactometer, the females demonstrated a strong positive response to the hexane extract ofL. leucocephala leaves at 1×10–3 g equivalents (g eq) of leaf material. The females did not orient to leaf extracts ofL. collinsii at high concentrations but responded positively at a lower concentration of 1×10–4 g eq. Olfactory discrimination byH. cubana between resistant and susceptible host species should be considered in selection and breeding programs.  相似文献   

Responses of Wild Norway Rats (Rattus norvegicus) to Predator Odors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
If rats could be shown to avoid the odors of predators, then conservation managers could manipulate this behavior to exclude rats from important conservation sites. We evaluated the ability of six predator odors to elicit avoidance responses by wild-caught Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) from two New Zealand populations (Kapiti Island and North Island). Kapiti Island is free of mammalian predators, while the North Island has established populations of felids, canids, and mustelids. Three of the predator odors were real and three were synthesized volatile ingredients of real animal feces or urine. We compared the rats' responses to predator odors with their responses to three natural herbivore odors. We used a Y maze, and rats were offered the choice of an odor in one arm of the maze and distilled water in the other arm. Each choice arm was ducted at the entrance to remove air and the odor. We recorded: (1) the time until the rat left the first arm of the maze, (2) the time until the rat visited each arm, (3) the number of visits to each arm, (4) the amount of time spent in each arm, and (5) a total activity score for each rat. Kapiti rats showed an aversion to five of the six predator odors, despite never having encountered them before. Kapiti rats visited herbivore odors more often than carnivore odors and were less active in the presence of carnivore odors than they were when tested with herbivore odors. In addition, Kapiti rats approached some herbivore odors more quickly than they approached carnivore odors. North Island rats appeared to avoid cat urine, but despite being predator experienced, did not show a consistent aversion to the carnivore odors we tested. Both samples of rats, but particularly the North Island group, showed high individual variation. We conclude that predator odors are unlikely to be an effective management tool for all populations of this species of rat because of this high individual variability and the likelihood that each island population will differ in its responses to a given odor.  相似文献   

In one study, using a habituation procedure, male South American cavies,Cavia aperea, distinguished individual differences in odors collected from three sources: perineal gland secretions, urine, and supracaudal gland secretions. In a second study, male cavies spent more noninvestigatory time and rested more on the side of a cage containing the odor of a familiar subordinate male as compared to the cage side containing the odor of a familiar dominant male. Since the odor source was a glass plate which had been left in the home cage of the donor males for three days, the actual odorous cue to which the test males responded is not known. These studies demonstrate that male cavies distinguish odors of individuals, that individual differences in odors are found in at least three different sources, and that cavies use chemical cues to distinguish between known individuals.  相似文献   

Olfactory reception of potential pheromones and host-plant odors by male and female tarnished plant bugs (TPBs),Lygus lineolaris (Hemiptera: Miridae), was investigated by utilizing electroantennogram (EAG) techniques. In general, EAGs were similar between the sexes. Among 31 compounds of seven chemical groups tested, insect-produced butyrates and host-plant-containing green leaf volatiles (GLVs) were the most active. Hexyl butyrate and (E)-2-hexenyl butyrate elicited greater EAGs in males than in females. Females responded with significantly greater EAGs to alcohol and aldehyde GLVs than to their acetate derivatives. Among GLVs, sexual dimorphism was also observed in response to (E)-2-hexenol and (E)-2-hexenal. Females were more sensitive to the monoterpene geraniol than were males. While nonanal was the most stimulatory compound tested, no sexual differences in EAGs to this compound were observed. These studies reveal olfactory receptors on TPB antennae responsive to insect and host-plant volatiles that are likely to play a role in host finding and sexual attraction.  相似文献   

We evaluated several approaches to developing a simple, sensitive, and reliable laboratory bioassay of responses of overwintered adult plum curculios (PCs),Conotrachelus nenuphar (Herbst), to host fruit odor or its attractive components. A high proportion of assayed PCs responded positively to odor of wild plums under no-choice, moving-air conditions in a wind tunnel and under dual-choice, still-air conditions in enclosed Petri dishes. Positive response to controls lacking host odor, however, was much greater in the wind tunnel, arguing in favor of bioassays under dual-choice conditions in still air to provide greater PC discrimination. Response to host odor (from wild plums or hexane extract of wild plums or Liberty apples) in Petri dish bioassay chambers proved greatest: (1) during the scotophase of PCs under total dark or dim red light conditions, (2) when Petri dishes were completely enclosed, (3) when PCs were starved for 24 or 48 hr, and (4) when PCs were tested within seven weeks after apple tree petal fall. Neither the sex of a PC nor the direction in which a PC was obliged to move to find the source of host odor (upward through a port in the Petri dish lid or downward through a port in the base) had a substantial effect on level of response to host odor or discrimination of host odor from a nonodorous control. We conclude that an enclosed Petri dish bioassay chamber of the type described here should be a valuable asset in the process of chemically identifying components of host fruit odor attractive to PCs.  相似文献   

On potted nonfruiting host trees in outdoor field cages, we evaluated attraction of released mature laboratory-cultured or wild-origin Mediterranean fruit flies (medflies) to odor of freshly picked fruit of host and nonhost plants. Odor of ripe intact or crushed coffee fruit (the presumed ancestral host of medflies) was significantly more attractive than odor of ripe intact or crushed fruit of five lower-ranking hosts and three nonhosts. Odor of crushed coffee fruit was significantly more attractive than odor of intact coffee fruit. Odor of ripe or near-ripe coffee fruit was significantly more attractive than odor of unripe coffee fruit. Immature females (without eggs) were significantly more attracted to odor of a proteinaceous food lure than to odor of ripe coffee fruit, whereas the reverse was true for mature females carrying a high egg load. In some trials, males proved as discriminating as females in favor of coffee fruit odor, but in several other trials males were less discriminating than females. Response patterns of mature laboratory-cultured females were similar to those of mature wild-origin females. In a field of coffee plants, attraction of natural-population females was significantly greater to odor of ripe coffee fruit than to water but was not greater than attraction to odor of proteinaceous food. Findings are discussed in relation to potential use of synthetic volatiles of coffee or other host fruit in traps for monitoring or controlling medflies.  相似文献   

In order to analyze intra and interspecific olfactory discrimination, behavioral responses (sniffing and marking) towards various odors were observed in pine martens (Manes martes). Two adult males and two adult females were tested for intraspecific discrimination of abdominal gland odors and urine. Both sexes sniffed and marked objects carrying their own scent less than unscented objects. There were no differences in sniffing or marking objects impregnated with odors from known and unknown conspecifics of the opposite sex or objects carrying the odor of an unknown male or female. A second experiment with two adult females gave no evidence for interspecific discrimination: no differences emerged when comparing reactions towards marks of pine martens, stone martens (a closely related species), or genets. The most obvious result of this study is the reduced response of pine martens towards their own mark. It is suggested that scent marking in martens may reflect autocommunication, the primary effect being to familiarize an animal with its environment.  相似文献   

Anal (proctodeal) glands of maleMicrotus agrestis housed in social isolation undergo severe atrophy. Their weight and volume is significantly lower than those of the stock control males. The atrophied glands can be revived by subjecting deprived voles to various social odors. Atrophied glands of isolated males do not respond to the odors of male and female urine, voided feces of females, and unvoided feces of males. Atrophied anal glands of males exposed to voided male feces (which have passed the orifice of the anal gland) and soiled bedding from adult males show strong recrudescence. The mean weight and volume of the glands and plasma testosterone level are significantly higher than of males maintained in complete social isolation, although they are significantly less than those of stock control males. Atrophied glands of socially deprived males strongly respond to the odor of ethereal extract of gland secretion. In males exposed daily to anal gland secretion extract, the weight and volume of the gland and plasma testosterone level increase and are not significantly different from those of stock controls. They enjoy higher plasma testosterone levels and consequently larger and more active anal glands than complete isolates.  相似文献   

Yellowfin tuna can detect and distinguish between odors of intact prey organisms, responding to odor quality of various prey rinses with different amino acid profiles. Chemical fractions of natural prey odors and synthetic mixtures of amino acids are less effective than whole natural rinses. Assuming uniform dilution, tuna can detect amino constituents of prey odors at about 10–11 M. Intensity of the behavioral response is modified by hunger. Feeding experience with new prey causes a gradual shift to maximum responses to its odor. We propose that one of the functions of the tuna's olfactory system is to form chemical search images which focus food search behavior for specific prey. The search image is thought to be modifiable and to be induced by prevailing prey abundance, so as to optimize the predator's feeding efficiency.  相似文献   

Behavioral responses of the gastropod molluscLittoraria (=Littorina)irrorata indicate that it can discriminate among environmental odors. Snails were assayed for responses to 11 odors from plants and animals potentially representing food, shelter, location in the environment, and predators. Crushed conspecifics were included as an alarm odor. Except for odor of crushed conspecifics, all odor sources were water-borne from living intact organisms. Behavioral responses were categorized as no response, positive response, or negative response. For some analyses, negative responses were subdivided into withdrawing and turning responses. Snails responded positively to several plant odors. They did not respond to odors of intact conspecifics, fiddler crabs, or grass shrimp. They responded negatively to odors of a plant found at the upper limit of their minimal habitat, predatory blue crabs, crushed conspecifics, predatory gastropods, and ribbed mussels. Odors of blue crabs on different diets affect the type of negative response the snails display.  相似文献   

Larval survival of plum curculios (PCs),Conotrachelus nenuphar (Herbst), was found to decrease with increasing egg density per fruit. Subsequently, we assayed PCs for propensity to avoid egg-laying at sites (immature plums) already occupied by conspecific eggs. Laboratory choice tests showed PCs made an equal number of visits to and ovipositions in fruit with a single oviposition as in clean fruit. Although there was a trend toward more visits to fruit which contained four or eight oviposition wounds and eggs or eight artificial punctures than to clean fruit, PCs oviposited less frequently into these than clean fruit. Results suggest that wounding of fruit may enhance the ability of ovipositing PCs to locate fruit, but at the same time may furnish cues allowing some degree of discrimination against heavily infested fruit for oviposition.  相似文献   

The habituation–discrimination paradigm has been used widely to demonstrate that animals can detect individually distinctive odors of unfamiliar conspecifics. By using a modification of the habituation–discrimination technique, Todrank et al. (Anim Behav 55:377–386, 1998) found that golden hamsters discriminate between the individual odors of their own familiar brothers but cannot discriminate between the odors of two siblings that are unrelated and unfamiliar to the subject. This suggested that previous evidence showing that animals could discriminate between the odors of individuals actually may have demonstrated the ability to discriminate between genetically unrelated conspecifics (i.e., members of different families). To test this possibility, we conducted habituation–discrimination experiments with prairie voles, Microtus ochrogaster. Voles were tested under three conditions: subject and both targets were unrelated and unfamiliar; subject and both targets were brothers and familiar; subject was unrelated and unfamiliar to targets, but targets were brothers. In all cases, voles discriminated between the two individual odors. Thus, prairie voles can discriminate individual differences between the odors of brothers and they do not have to have previous experience with the conspecifics in order for discrimination to occur. The theoretical importance of these results is discussed.  相似文献   

Chemical sex discrimination of conspecifics by male and female crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) was tested. Intact female subjects were more attentive in the presence of stimulus water from males than from females and showed more aggressive postures in the presence of stimulus water from females than from males. Intact males showed more aggressive postures in the presence of stimulus water from males than from females. Females and males with only one inner antennule ramus and one outer ramus performed discrimination and localization almost as well as intact subjects. Subjects with only the two inner rami or only the two outer rami were disadvantaged in either responding to the stimuli or localizing them. The relevance of this outcome to previous conflicting reports on the use of antennules in sex discrimination in crayfish is discussed.  相似文献   

In laboratory assays, we investigated responses of female plum curculios (PCs),Conotrachelus nenuphar (Herbst), to host and nonhost fruit or leaf odor when PCs were crawling on experimental tree branchlets or twigs. In choice tests where test specimens were hung from the ends of a wooden crosspiece, PCs made significantly more visits to host plum fruit than to plum leaves, nonhost tomato fruit, wax models of plum fruit, or blanks (wire). In similar tests, PCs made significantly more visits to plum leaves compared to nonhost maple leaves or to blanks. PCs in test chambers that contained host or nonhost odor were significantly more prone to feed on wax plum models in the presence of odor from host fruit or host leaves compared to odor from nonhost fruit or leaves or a water blank. In choice tests offering alternating cluster types on an apple branchlet, PCs visited leaf clusters bearing a host apple fruit more than leaf clusters without a fruit. In tests to assay the distance at which PCs can detect an individual host fruit, PCs crawled from the central stem of an apple branchlet onto a side stem significantly more often when an apple fruit on a side stem was hung 2 cm from the central stem compared to 4 or 8 cm away. Our combined results suggest that PCs use host fruit odor to locate host fruit at close range.  相似文献   

The cement used by females ofSupella longipala (F.) (OrthopteraBlattellidae) to bind their oothecae to substrates acts as a kairomone for host acceptance by the parasitoidComperia merceti. C. merceti discriminates parasitized from unparasitized oothecae and oviposts at reduced levels in the former. Low survival rates for parasitoids reared from oothecae receiving fewer than four ovipositions suggests that an optimal density range for resource utilization byC. merceti exists.  相似文献   

The distinctive odor ofNoctilio leporinus arises from oily secretions found beneath the wings in the subaxillary region. Analysis of secretions by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry identified 372 lipid compounds. Differences in number and chemical composition of glycolipids suggest that secretions of males from the same roost are more similar to each other than to other males or females. Differences in number and chemical composition of nonpolar lipids indicate that secretions of males are more similar to each other than to females. Since secretions differ between sexes, information on sexual identity and reproductive condition may be communicated. Individually unique lipid compositions further suggest that bats may be recognizable by their odor within the roost and while flying.  相似文献   

Prior electrophoretic and morphological studies have identified two closely related, economically important tephritid flies,R. mendax (Curran) andR. pomonella (Walsh), which infest the fruits of ericaceous and rosaceous plants, respectively. Further studies also have shown consistent differences among these species in their ovipositional preferences for apples and highbush blueberries and have determined that their ovipositional behavior is elicited by extracts obtained from these fruits. In this paper we report the results of an experiment that tested whether these species show distinct electroantennogram (EAG) responses to a large array of compounds present in gas chromatograph-fractionated pentane extracts of apples and highbush blueberries.R. mendax andR. pomonella flies were found to have significant differences in their antennal sensitivity to 11 blueberry and nine apple extract peaks, which correspond to 24.4% of all blueberry and 25.0% of all apple peaks that elicited a measurable EAG response from either species. Interspecific differences in peripheral sensitivity were more pronounced for blueberry than apple extract;R. pomonella flies were most sensitive to blueberry compounds with low retention times, whereasR. mendax flies responded to blueberry compounds with a broader range of retention times. Both species were most sensitive to apple peaks with high retention times. The retention times of most apple and blueberry peaks that elicited EAG responses fromR. mendax andR. pomonella flies were different from the retention times of seven attractant fruit esters that were previously identified by Fein et al. (1982). The identification of these unknown apple and blueberry compounds could lead to the discovery of new chemical cues that mediate the host-plant preferences of these sibling species.  相似文献   

Frugivorous bats from the Old and New World use odor cues to locate and assess fruit condition. We hypothesized that Egyptian fruit bats (Rousettus aegyptiacus) use as odor cues those volatile compounds that increase in emission rate as fruit ripens. We examined whether the smell of fermentation products may indicate the degree of ripeness to fruit bats. We analyzed volatile compounds in the headspace (the gas space above a fruit in a closed container) of dates (Phoenix dactylifera) and rusty figs (Ficus rubiginosa), both of which are consumed by fruit bats, to elucidate which compounds originate from fermentative pathways and to determine which change in emission rate during ripening. Ethanol, acetaldehyde, and acetic acid were the only volatile compounds detected as products of fermentation in both fruits. In dates, emission rates of these compounds increased during maturation, whereas in rusty figs, they decreased or remained constant. Methanol, although not a fermentation product, increased in emission rate during ripening in both fruits. We found that R. aegyptiacus was neither attracted nor deterred by the smell of methanol at any of the concentrations used. Although the odor of ethanol emanating from food containing concentrations similar to those found in ripe fruit did not attract the bats, at relatively high concentrations (≥1%), the smell of ethanol deterred them. Thus, ethanol at high concentrations may serve as a signal for bats to avoid overripe, unpalatable fruit.  相似文献   

Electrophysiological recordings from antennal olfactory receptor cells were obtained fromIps grandicollis. Recordings were made from olfactory receptor cells from nine regions of the antennae in response to stimulation with the semiochemicals-pinene, frontalin,endo-brevicomin, verbenone,trans-verbenol,cis-verbenol, ipsdienol, and ipsenol. In many cases, up to two cells were recorded concurrently from the same location. When compared to males, females had a greater percentage of cells responsive to the primary pheromones ofDendroctonus frontalis, frontalin andtrans-verbenol, and ofIps spp., ipsdienol and ipsenol. Among females, more cells responded totrans-verbenol and theIps-produced volatiles than to host or otherD. frontalis-produced compounds. Olfactory cells of males responded mostly tocis-verbenol, followed by-pinene, verbenone,trans-verbenol, andendo-brevicomin. Of those cells responsive primarily to one compound, the greatest percentage were responsive totrans-verbenol in females and to verbenone in males. The response of the antennal olfactory receptor cells to semiochemicals used by male and femaleI. grandicollis is consistent with the presence of these compounds during the host colonization period for each sex. Our results, which show a lack of specificity in most pheromone and host odor receptor cells, is in contrast with previously published accounts of olfactory receptor cell specificity in otherIps species.  相似文献   

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