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The adsorption-desorption behavior of the mixed rare earth elements(RE)on the main types ofsoils of China,kaolinite and synthetic oxides was studied.The isothermal adsorption of RE was fitted toLangmuir.Freundlich and Temkin equations.The main factors determining the RE adsorption capacity ofthe soils are the type of clay mineral and the content of amorphous iron oxide in the soils.The above two fac-tors and the pH of soil determine the RE adsorption ability of the soils.The soil and synthetic iron,manga-nese oxides strongly adsorb RE specifically.  相似文献   

In this paper the geochemical characteristics of rare earth elements in Guposhan granite complex in NanlingArea,South China,is systematically studied,and the balance of REE distribution in rock-forming minerals,which contain only 21.47~29.71 wt% of total REE in granites,is calculated.The petrogenetic relationship be-tween three different stages of the granites in the complex is discussed,and a geochemical model is suggested forthe formation of granitic magma in early stage by partial melting of the crustal basement rocks containing moreREE than that in the late stage.It shows that a ion-adsorption type of REE deposit could ocuur in the weath-ering crust on the early stage granite.Rb-Sr isotope isochron dating of the first stage medium-coarse-grainedK-feldspar granite shows that its age is 146.5 Ma and initial ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr ratio is 0.71198.  相似文献   

GeochemicalBehaviourofRareEarthElementsintheErdaogouGoldDepositPangJiangli(庞奖励)(DepartmentofGeography,ShanxiNormalUniversity,...  相似文献   

Studyonrareearthelements(REE)contentsinthemaintypesofsoilsinChinaisofsignificanceforfurtherexpoundingthechemicalbehaviorssuchasmobility,accumulationoftheREEinthesoilformingprocesses.Ontheotherhand,asREEavailabilityvarieswithsoilconditions,itisnotu…  相似文献   

Jianchalingoredepositisapolymetallicoredepositrelatedtoultrabasicrock.Anickeloredepositwasdiscoveredinultrabasicrockduring1970sandagoldoredepositwasdiscoveredincontactzonebetweentheultrabasicrockanddolomiteintheendof1980s.Butthegenesisoftheoredeposit…  相似文献   

StudiesontheFractionationandAvailabilityofAddedSolubleRareEarthElementsinSoilChenZhaoxi(EastChinaInstituteofMetallurgy,Maansh...  相似文献   

StudyoftheCoarseBlockyCompoundsintheAs-cast7075AluminiumAlloysContainingRareEarthElementsPanFusheng;ZhouShouze;DingPeidao;(Ch...  相似文献   

李致一  李可欣  梁涛 《稀土》2020,(2):1-14
通过对包头市路尘中14种稀土元素(rare earth elements,REEs)含量的测定分析以及小型人工降雨冲刷模拟,对稀土元素在路尘中的赋存特征及在其降雨径流中的流失特征进行了分析和探讨。结果表明,(1)路尘中的稀土元素随降雨过程发生迁移并在径流产生"流失浓缩"效应,浓缩强度随雨强增加而增强;相同雨强下,水泥下垫面的聚集效应高于沥青混凝土下垫面。(2)径流中水相稀土元素含量随降雨时间下降。(3)径流流失过程中,固相颗粒态中稀土元素的配分模式与路尘样品基本一致,呈现轻稀土富集的特征,轻重稀土之间的分馏程度较高;而水相中稀土元素的配分模式与原始路尘样品中有一定差异,轻重稀土之间的分馏程度降低。  相似文献   

稀土元素的特殊性质及其应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文从稀土元素微观结构角度,揭示了稀土元素的某些特殊性质,并指出这种特性与应用机理有必然的联系。从而启迪稀土使用者,掌握和了解稀土的基本特性,才能自由地驾驭稀土的应用。  相似文献   

风化成土过程中稀土元素地球化学特征   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
黄成敏  王成善 《稀土》2002,23(5):46-49
探讨了稀土元素在风化成土过程中轻、重稀土分异、富集、迁移规律以及 Ce、Eu异常特征。分别讨论了成土母质、气候条件、水化学性质、氧化还原条件及其它因素对稀土元素地球化学行为的影响。并提出了当前风化成土过程中稀土元素研究中存在的一些问题。  相似文献   

CompilationofQ-dataandSimulationofQ-spectrainRareEarthElementsAnalysisbyUsingICP-AESHuoDeng-Wei(霍登伟),YinXiang-Lian(尹香莲),ZhaoG...  相似文献   


By using X-ray microanalysis, the mechanism of sorption of rare earth elements (REE) and their localization in cells of Candida utilis were found to depend on the metal ion speciation in solution, the permeability of the cytoplasmic membrane (CPM), and elemental composition of cells. Sorption capacity of the yeast cells increased with the increase in the pH of solution, which is connected with the extent of metal hydrolysis. Cells with native permeability of CPM did not sorb either scandium at pH values below 4.5 or lanthanum and samarium at pH values below 5.0. Such cells accumulate rare earth elements on surface structures. Only the cells with impaired CPM could sorb REE from the acid solutions. In this case, REE were accumulated inside the cells due to the interaction with phosphorus-containing compounds; the amount of sorbed REE depended on the content of phosphorus in the yeast cells. The yeast cells were shown to have extremely high affinity to scandium which thus can be selectively sorbed from solutions containing other REE, iron, and aluminum.  相似文献   

赤泥矿中的稀土元素测定方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对目前较常用的稀土元素的测定方法进行了综述,分别探讨了各方法的优缺点.并着重研究了采用ICP-AES(电感耦合等离子体发射光谱仪)来测定赤泥矿中的15种稀土元素的方法,进行了一系列实验,结果表明,该方法用来检测稀土元素可行有效、方便快捷、精密度高.  相似文献   

土壤中可给态稀土元素的研究进展   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
本文综述了土壤中可给态稀土元素与植物生长的相关性,土壤中可给态稀土浸提剂的选择以及定量测定方法的研究,详细讨论了我国主要土壤中可给态稀土元素的含量、分布及其影响因子,并提出在今后研究中应值得关注的几个方面,为合理施用稀土微肥提供科学依据。  相似文献   

红壤中可溶态稀土元素的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对165个红壤样品进行了可溶态稀土含量的测定,研究了可溶态稀土在土壤中的分布、土壤不同剖面层的分布及其所占比例的变化,探讨了土壤可溶态稀土含量与不同母质的关系,与土壤pH值(pHKCl、pHH2O)、有机质间的相关性,分析了与土壤硅酸盐成分及质地间的相关性。  相似文献   

The development and application of rare earth aluminium alloys began in the 1960s in China.The represen-tative work was the usage of rare earth metals in alumino-silicon alloys for piston.In the 1970s,its initial stage.rare earths were used in enhanced AIMgSi alloy transmission line and FeCr Al alloy electric heating wire.Duringits developing period(from 1980 to 1985),in the field of smelting,after the electrolytic preparation of RE-Almaster alloys at relatively low temperature,a new technique was invented that rare earth compounds were addedto commercial aluminium electrowinning cell to produce RE-Al alloys directly.It opened the way for the appli-cation of rare earths in industry on a large scale.In the field of application,it was found that the addition ofrare earths could improve the conductivity and processing property of aluminium alloys.The application of rareearths to aluminium conductors and products had made a breakthrough progress.Since 1986,its golden age,thestudy,production and application of aluminium alloys containing rare earths have been developing at an amazingspeed,running neck and neck with the application of RE in agriculture,textile dyeing,and cast iron.  相似文献   

Application of rare earth in steels has gone through three stages in China.The investigation of rare earthadding method begun at the late 1970's has solved the technical problems caused by rare earth addition.Controlling sulphide morphology,several rare earth treated steel grades with improved properties have been developedand put into production.Rare earth exerts remarkable effect on the performance of low sulphur steel and on thehydrogen behavior in steel.Rare earth used for surface treatment of iron and steel materials expands rare earthutilization.  相似文献   

ManyhydrothermaloredepositswerefoundinHeishanarea,southernmarginoftheXiaoqinlinggoldoreregion.Thispaperdiscusesthecharacteri...  相似文献   

金属钕及氧化钕中稀土杂质光谱测定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李楠 《稀有金属》1999,23(2):117-120
在色散0.25mm/mm光栅光谱仪上,以控制气氛直流电弧粉末地测定了金属钕及氧化钕中氧化镧、氧化铈、氧化镨、氧化钐、氧化钆、氧化镝和氧化钇。采用正交设计实验,确定了测定条件。测定的下限对氧化铈、氧化镨为0.05%,氧化镧、氧化钐、氧化钆、氧化镝和氧化钇为0.03%,相对标准偏差为6% ̄18%。  相似文献   

喷施稀土对茶叶中不同状态的稀土元素组成及含量的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
汪东风  曹心德  赵贵文  叶盛 《稀土》2000,21(1):44-48
茶树叶面喷施稀土是一项增产提质的栽培措施。但人们关心外源稀土对茶叶中稀土元素(REE)含量、组成及存在状态所产生的影响。试验表明,喷施至采摘间隔期愈长,喷施稀土对茶叶中稀土含量及组成等的影响愈小。茶叶中REE约有80%左右以水不溶态残存于茶渣中,不进入茶汤。进入茶汤中的REE约有10%是以稀土多糖状态存在,其中尤以La、Ce、Nd为主。间隔期愈短,稀土进入茶汤的量及参与稀土多糖配合物的量愈高。  相似文献   

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