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提高营养强化剂在粉粒体食品中混合均匀度的方法探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将单体营养强化剂或预混的多种营养强化剂按要求加入到某种食物载体中即为食物强化.食物强化是营养干预的主要手段之一.粉粒体状食物的强化要求营养强化剂在食物载体中应均匀分布.本文回顾了粉粒体状强化食品生产过程中可能影响强化营养素混合均匀度的主要因素,综述了湿法制粒、干法压片制粒、真空冷冻干燥、喷雾干燥、微胶囊等技术方法的基本原理与主要工艺路线,探讨了这些技术方法在提高营养素预混料混匀度方面的可能性和局限性,并针对这些工艺技术的自身特点,在工艺过程、混匀度改善效果、工艺成本等方面对这些技术进行了综述比较.通过比较发现,最经济的方式是干法压片制粒,最有效的方式是微胶囊,生产效率最高的是喷雾干燥,微生物控制最好的是真空冷冻干燥,湿法制粒则是最能平衡兼顾各因素的方法.  相似文献   

综合和分析现有文献及作者己进行的工作认为:中国居民中缺铁缺锌是相当普遍的,问题是严重的.解决我国缺铁缺锌问题,食物强化是不可缺少的,预防缺铁缺锌食物强化是最省最有效的.食盐是唯一有可能成为铁锌强化最理想的栽体,以它为强化铁锌载体不会导致居民摄入食盐量增加.共沉淀铁锌是最有希望的一种铁锌营养强化剂.文中也提出我国广为使用的贫血指标及用WHO对锌的EAR评判我国居民的营养状况值得商榷.建议组织研究用共沉淀氢氧化铁为铁营养强化剂制定贫血指标,以吃无锌食物所产粪锌量来测定锌状态,和以食物实际摄入为基础的营养状况预报体系,从而推进我国微量元素营养工作.  相似文献   

据世界卫生组织(WHO)的缺铁性贫血数据统计显示,目前人群铁营养素缺乏仍然是世界面临的主要营养问题之一,食物进行铁营养强化是预防和解决铁缺乏的最佳有效途径.本文系统地总结了现有常用的铁营养强化剂种类和特点,然后从相关的国际食物强化法规和组织、各国食物强化项目和研究等方面介绍了国内外各种铁营养强化剂在面粉、婴幼儿食品、调味品和大米等产品中的应用情况,并对新型铁营养强化剂如乙二胺四乙酸铁钠(NaFeEDTA)、甘氨酸亚铁和包衣铁剂的最新研究进展做了进一步综述;对于强化食品制造商遇到铁剂强化单位成本价格与生物利用率矛盾性问题时,本文推荐参考生物利用率来计算成本.铁营养强化剂研究与应用的不断创新,有助于世界各国的全民营养改善和健康事业的发展.  相似文献   

新版《食品营养强化剂使用标准》于2013年1月1日实行,在此之后,生产单位生产营养强化食品必须执行新版标准规定,但在该日期前生产的食品可在产品保质期内继续销售至保质期结束。新版《食品营养强化剂使用标准》,旨在规范我国食品生产单位的营养强化行为,属于强制性标准。生产单位在食品中进行营养强化的,必须符合新版标准的相关要求(包括营养强化剂的允许使用品种、使用范围、使用量、可使用的营养素化合物来源等),但是生产单位可以自愿选择是否在产品中强化相应的营养素。  相似文献   

<正> 营养强化冰淇淋是强化食品中的一员。所谓营养强化冰淇淋,即在冰淇淋中补充某些缺少的营养成分或特需的营养成分,使其成为有特殊功能的冰淇淋,而所添加的成分称为营养强化剂。 强化的意义 添加营养强化剂于冰淇淋中,主要目的是使人体能获得全面而合理的营养物质,提高健康水平,其主要意义有3点: 补充食物营养成分的不足 在天然食品中,几乎没有一种单纯食物可满足人体所有的营养需要,结果造成部分营养过剩,而某些营养却又缺乏。如我国居民多以淀粉类为主食,  相似文献   

铁缺乏是人们面临的公共营养问题之一,铁强化食品的开发是预防和解决铁缺乏的有效干预措施.为全面了解铁强化食品的开发状况,本文就铁营养强化剂的种类、特点以及近年来铁强化剂和强化技术的研究进展进行了综述,并对铁强化食品的应用前景进行展望.以期为世界各国全民营养改造和健康事业的发展提供新思路.  相似文献   

食物强化是目前国际公认的最经济有效、可控、可持续的营养改善手段,大规模的食物强化已有60余年的历史。在卫生部的支持下,在联合国儿童基金会、全球营养改善联盟等国际组织和机构的资助下,我国已开展了铁强化酱油、强化面粉、维生素AE食用油等强化食品的推广工作。但是,强化食品的市场推广有别于普通食品,消费者的相关营养知识储备对购买的影响非常大。中国疾病预防控制中心食物强化办公室(FFO)主任陈君石院士指出:"营养宣传教育是加快食物强化市场化进程的重要手段。"  相似文献   

以GB14880-1994中规定谷物食品的L-赖氨酸(Lys)和公众营养与发展中心规定的锌(Zn)的强化标准为依据,设计了在小麦粉中强化两种L-赖氨酸复合盐(L-赖氨酸锌(LZn) L-赖氨酸-L-谷氨酸盐(LG))的配方(mg/kg小麦粉),配方一是LZn584.8 LG2072.1,配方二是LZn443.5 LG1592.1。测定了强化L-赖氨酸复合盐的小麦粉的混合均匀度和营养成分。结果表明:赖氨酸复合盐强化剂在小麦粉中混合分散的变异系数(CV)为7.63%,混合均匀度符合要求,利用面粉公司生产线定量添加赖氨酸复合盐在工艺上是完全可行的,不会对原有工艺流程和设备造成不利影响。与普通小麦粉比较,中试生产的强化L-赖氨酸复合盐的小麦粉在外观、气味和色泽等方面无不良变化。使用该复合强化剂可显著增加小麦粉中的锌含量,提高小麦粉赖氨酸含量及蛋白质的赖氨酸分,营养价值得到显著提高。  相似文献   

超微豆粕粉体特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以六种不同粒径的脱脂豆粕粉为研究对象,以粉体的体积密度、固体密度、粉体流动性、电导率、色差、持水力与水溶性等理化特性为指标,考察随着颗粒的细微化,粉体理化性质的变化。结果表明:随着颗粒的细化,体积密度、持水力、水溶性与电导率呈现明显的增大趋势;固体密度和粉体流动性则有下降的趋势。  相似文献   

铁强化酱油的工艺研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文就酱油酿造过程中发酵与温度、时间的关系进行了研究。在实验中,重点对铁强化剂的选择、铁强化剂添加量的确定及控制、铁强化剂添加工艺、含铁量测定等进行了研究,并研制出铁强化酱油。结果表明,在酱油中添加180~210mg/100ml的NaFeEDTA,相当于20~30mg/100ml的铁,即在强化食品的允许剂量范围内,不影响制品的色、香、味、体及各项理化指标,包括pH、密度、氨基氮、固形物含量、糖分、总酸,且制品含铁量高,性能稳定,口感好。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Despite more than 20 y of awareness of the importance of calcium to health, U.S. calcium intakes remain suboptimal. Fortification of foods with shortfall nutrients is probably the optimal strategy for dealing with widespread nutrient deficiencies, as it has the best chance of reaching the population segments most at risk, as contrasted with attempts at changing individuals' food choices or relying on voluntary supplement taking. Given the wide array of potential calcium fortificants and fortification levels, there is not much to guide manufacturers interested in improving the nutritional value of their products. In this review, we assemble the calcium salts/complexes that have been used or proposed for use as fortificants and describe certain of their measured characteristics that relate to incorporation into foods, particularly what is known of their absorbability. The calcium salts most commonly used as supplements or fortificants exhibit similar absorbability when tested in pure chemical form. Choice of salt will depend mainly upon cost, compatability with the manufacturing process, and consumer acceptability. However, interaction with food, tablet, or beverage matrices can degrade intrinsic absorbability substantially. As a consequence, each product must be explicitly tested to establish the degree to which its calcium is available to consumers.  相似文献   

干法生产婴儿配方乳粉   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
阐述了婴儿配方乳粉的配方设计原则。在此基础上,介绍了干法生产婴儿配方乳偻的工艺流程及操作要点,并对原材料的技术要求和预加工方法进行详细论述。该工艺以特殊的混合机械,将预生产的高脂乳粉与配方中的其他原料干法混合,同时添加营养强化剂。研究表明,干法生产婴儿配方乳粉可完全达到配方要求,产品理化指标容易控制。同时,节省能耗,降低成本,缩短生产时间,减少微量成分损失,保证婴儿配方乳粉的全价营养效能。  相似文献   

Food fortification strategy--preventing iron deficiency anemia: a review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) is a significant challenge in developing countries. It increases the risk of premature delivery and low birth weight. In children, IDA retards growth, impairs cognitive performance, and reduces physical activity. It also accelerates the mortality and morbidity rate in women. The key factors responsible include dietary elevated iron demand, socioeconomic, and disease status. To overcome IDA, disease control measures, dietary diversification, supplementation and iron fortification in food have been adopted. Iron fortification in food is considered a long term and sustainable strategy in the present scenario. For an efficient fortification program, the combination of iron fortificants and food vehicle must be safe, acceptable, and consumed by the target population. Moreover, it should not adversely affect acceptability and stability of the end product.  相似文献   

Vitamin A deficiency is a world wide nutritional problem especially in the developing countries that afflicts severely the health of pregnant and lactating women, infants and children. Women are the most vulnerable group affected by vitamin A deficiency during their pregnancy and lactating periods. Different strategies like food diversification, fortification, and supplementation are helpful to cope with vitamin A deficiency. Food fortification is the most cost effective, long-term approach, while supplementation is considered to be the fastidious way to uplift vitamin A status. Generally Retinyl acetate and retinyl palmitate are used in different food products as fortificants against the Vitamin A menace. In addition to these food-based strategies, educating the people regarding health and nutrition can also play an effective role.  相似文献   

Vitamin A deficiency is a world wide nutritional problem especially in the developing countries that afflicts severely the health of pregnant and lactating women, infants and children. Women are the most vulnerable group affected by vitamin A deficiency during their pregnancy and lactating periods. Different strategies like food diversification, fortification, and supplementation are helpful to cope with vitamin A deficiency. Food fortification is the most cost effective, long-term approach, while supplementation is considered to be the fastidious way to uplift vitamin A status. Generally Retinyl acetate and retinyl palmitate are used in different food products as fortificants against the Vitamin A menace. In addition to these food-based strategies, educating the people regarding health and nutrition can also play an effective role.  相似文献   

Deficiencies of iron, zinc and vitamin A have been a focus of the governments and world organizations for decades and extensive efforts are being made to address this malnutrition. Being a popular and most common dietary staple of the population living in sub-continent and developing countries, wheat flour (WF) has gained a significant attention as a suitable vehicle for micronutrient fortification. Fortification of wheat flour has been established as an appropriate strategy to curtail micronutrient deficiencies especially in the developing economies. Extent of the prevalence of micronutrient deficiencies, their consequences, selection of a suitable vehicle, choice of fortificants and their levels and storage stability, acceptability and bioavailability of iron and zinc fortified WF are the key points of discussion in the current review. This review further highlights multifaceted issues pertaining to the appropriateness and suitability of fortification over other intervention strategies, ecological needs and fortification success stories and advantages of simply adding fortificants to flour to meet nutritional requirements of vulnerable groups. The authors have attempted to encompass the subject matter based on their research endeavors made in this direction.  相似文献   

The requirements for labeling and safe control of dosage during the production of fortified products in complex matrices require reliable, precise, and accurate concentration analysis. On-line or real-time spectroscopic methods can provide a valuable window into in-process food manufacturing to permit optimization of production rate and ensuring quality of food products. Our objective was to develop a real-time methodology for monitoring fortification of whole grain cornmeal throughout the industrial mixing process using a handheld infrared (IR) sensor. Whole grain cornmeal was fortified with a blend premix, containing zinc, iron, vitamin E, and calcium, at different levels (0.5–5.5%) and mixed for 30 min to ensure homogenous distribution of the fortificants. Real-time IR analysis was achieved by pressing an aliquot (0.1 g) onto an attenuated total reflectance diamond crystal of a portable handheld spectrometer and spectra were collected. Multivariate analysis was used to examine the data collected for monitoring distribution uniformity. The handheld regression (partial least squares regression) model based on specific IR spectral information (1,200–900 cm−1) associated to phosphate ion stretching vibration bands showed strong correlation (coefficient of correlation for validation >0.96) and similar performance statistics (standard error of cross-validation = 0.4%) as models generated from spectra collected by a benchtop system. Given the greater simplicity, speed, versatility, ruggedness, and portability of the handheld system over the laboratory benchtop instrument, it can provide the food industry with real-time sensor to evaluate the fortification of whole grain cornmeal snack foods, enabling timely correction measures during manufacture.  相似文献   

Iron has several functions in the human body and its deficiency leads to severe health problems. Food fortification is considered as the most acceptable strategy to combat iron deficiency, but the fortification of soluble iron salts induces many technological problems. Succinylated milk proteins can bind sufficient amount of iron. Many varieties of iron protein succinylates are also available in the market as iron supplements, not as food fortificants. Therefore, the present study was intended to prepare succinylated sodium caseinate (succ. NaCas)–iron complex suitable for food fortification purposes by adopting ultrafiltration technology. Level of iron required for the preparation of complex was standardized on the basis of maximum iron binding ability of succ. NaCas. Diafiltration carried out during the manufacturing process not only removed free iron but also reduced excess succinic acid from the complex. The obtained complex also showed better stability under different conditions encountered during processing.Industrial relevanceCentrifugation and ultrafiltration (UF) technologies were adopted in the study, the former used to remove the insoluble iron and latter was used to remove free iron. The presence of both insoluble and free iron may be unacceptable for the food processing. The freeze drying technology was also used to facilitate the availability of iron protein succinylate in the powder form for wide range of food application. The proposed method will help industries to adopt the suitable conditions to produce a novel food fortificant commercially.  相似文献   

研究了某类特殊动力系统的弱混合子集的定义.通过给出部分拓扑真弱混合性定义,并加强其条件的方法,得出了部分拓扑真强弱混合性新的概念,且进一步得出了此定义的等价条件.对于某类特殊动力系统的弱混合子集的定义,可以得到它的简化定义.  相似文献   

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