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Mark Loos Ad M.J. Ragas Aafke M. Schipper 《The Science of the total environment》2010,408(18):3908-7502
Wildlife organisms are exposed to a combination of chemical, biological and physical stressors. Information about the relative impact of each stressor can support management decisions, e.g., by the allocation of resources to counteract those stressors that cause most harm. The present paper introduces Eco-SpaCE; a novel receptor-oriented cumulative exposure model for wildlife species that includes relevant ecological processes such as spatial habitat variation, food web relations, predation, and life history. A case study is presented in which the predicted mortality due to cadmium contamination is compared with the predicted mortality due to flooding, starvation, and predation for three small mammal species (Wood mouse, Common vole, and European mole) and a predator (Little owl) living in a lowland floodplain along the river Rhine in The Netherlands. Results indicated that cadmium is the principal stressor for European mole and Little owl populations. Wood mouse and Common vole population densities were mainly influenced by flooding and food availability. Their estimated population sizes were consistent with numbers reported in literature. Predictions for cadmium accumulation and flooding stress were in agreement with field data. The large uncertainty around cadmium toxicity for wildlife leads to the conclusion that more species-specific ecotoxicological data is required for more realistic risk assessments. The predictions for starvation were subject to the limited quantitative information on biomass obtainable as food for vertebrates. It is concluded that the modelling approach employed in Eco-SpaCE, combining ecology with ecotoxicology, provides a viable option to explore the relative contribution of contamination to the overall stress in an ecosystem. This can help environmental managers to prioritize management options, and to reduce local risks. 相似文献
Spatial and temporal trends of contaminants in Canadian Arctic freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems: a review 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
B. Braune D. Muir B. DeMarch M. Gamberg K. Poole R. Currie M. Dodd W. Duschenko J. Eamer B. Elkin M. Evans S. Grundy C. Hebert R. Johnstone K. Kidd B. Koenig L. Lockhart H. Marshall K. Reimer J. Sanderson L. Shutt 《The Science of the total environment》1999,230(1-3):145-207
The state of knowledge of contaminants in Canadian Arctic biota of the freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems has advanced enormously since the publication of the first major reviews by Lockhart et al. and Thomas et al. in The Science of the Total Environment in 1992. The most significant gains are new knowledge of spatial trends of organochlorines and heavy metal contaminants in terrestrial animals, such as caribou and mink, and in waterfowl, where no information was previously available. Spatial trends in freshwater fish have been broadened, especially in the Yukon, where contaminant measurements of, for example, organochlorines were previously non-existent. A review of contaminants data for fish from the Northwest Territories, Yukon and northern Quebec showed mercury as the one contaminant which consistently exceeds guideline limits for subsistence consumption or commercial sale. Lake trout and northern pike in the Canadian Shield lakes of the Northwest Territories and northern Quebec generally had the most elevated levels. Levels of other heavy metals were generally not elevated in fish. Toxaphene was the major organochlorine contaminant in all fish analyzed. The concentrations of organochlorine contaminants in fish appear to be a function not only of trophic level but of other aspects of the lake ecosystem. Among Arctic terrestrial mammals, PCBs and cadmium were the most prominent contaminants in the species analyzed. Relatively high levels (10-60 micrograms g-1) of cadmium were observed in kidney and liver of caribou from the Yukon, the Northwest Territories and northern Quebec, with concentrations in western herds being higher than in those from the east. For the organochlorine contaminants, a west to east increase in zigma PCBs, HCB and zigma HCH was found in caribou, probably as a result of the predominant west to east/north-east atmospheric circulation pattern which delivers these contaminants from industrialized regions of central and eastern North America to the Arctic via long-range atmospheric transport. Radiocesium contamination of lichens and caribou has continued to decrease. Significant contamination by PCBs and lead of soils and vascular plants was observed in the immediate vicinity and within a 20-km radius of DEW line sites in the Canadian Arctic. There was also evidence for transfer of PCBs from plants to lemmings. There was no evidence, however, that large mammals such as caribou living in the general area of the DEW line sites had elevated levels of PCBs. There is very limited temporal trend information for most contaminants in biota of Arctic terrestrial and freshwater environments. 相似文献
Laboratory studies have traditionally indicated that aquatic insects are relatively insensitive to metals while field studies have suggested them to be among the most sensitive aquatic invertebrate taxa. We reviewed and synthesized available studies in the literature to critically assess why this discrepancy exists. Despite the intense effort to study the effects of metals on aquatic biota over the past several decades, we found studies specific to insects to still be relatively limited. In general, the discrepancy between laboratory and field studies continues with few efforts having been made to elucidate the ecological and physiological mechanisms that underlie the relative sensitivity (or insensitivity) of aquatic insects to metals. However, given the limited data available, it appears that aquatic insects are indeed relatively insensitive to acute metal exposures. In contrast, we suggest that some aquatic insect taxa may be quite sensitive to chronic metal exposure and in some cases may not be protected by existing water quality criteria for metals. The discrepancy between laboratory and field studies with respect to chronic sensitivity appears to largely be driven by the relatively short exposure periods in laboratory studies as compared to field studies. It also appears that, in some cases, the sensitivity of aquatic insects in field studies may be the result of direct effects on primary producers, which lead to indirect effects via the food chain on aquatic insects. Finally, available evidence suggests that diet is an important source of metal accumulation in insects, but to date there have been no conclusive studies evaluating whether dietary metal accumulation causes toxicity. There is a clear need for developing a more mechanistic understanding of aquatic insect sensitivity to metals in long-term laboratory and field studies. 相似文献
Cadmium and lead in selected tissues of two commercially important fish species from the Adriatic Sea 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Baseline levels of cadmium and lead were determined in muscle tissue and liver of hake (Merluccius merluccius) and red mullet (Mullus barbatus), two commercially important fish species from the eastern Adriatic. Concentrations of trace metals in liver (Cd: 6–183 μg kg−1 w. wt. ; Pb: 39–970 μg kg−1 w. wt.) were within the range of recently published data for the Mediterranean. In the muscle tissue, cadmium concentrations (4.1–29 μg kg−1 w. wt.) were among the lowest reported values for the Mediterranean, whereas lead levels (49–158 μg kg−1 w. wt.) were within the range of values reported for various coastal areas of the Mediterranean. Presented data on cadmium and lead content in the studied fish species provide no proof of the general pollution of the Adriatic. Obtained data were tested in relation to fish length. Metal concentrations in liver decreased with the increase in fish size, whereas no significant correlation was found between trace metal levels in the muscle tissue and the length of both species. Relationships between metal concentrations and sex were also tested, but they gave no significant results. A comparison of contaminant concentrations in the edible tissue of hake and red mullet with the Croatian legislation shows that the consumption of their meat is not harmful for humans, not even for the most endangered population from the coastal region. 相似文献
A dynamic combined fate and food web model was developed to estimate the food web transfer of chemicals in small aquatic ecosystems (i.e. ponds). A novel feature of the modeling approach is that aquatic macrophytes (submerged aquatic vegetation) were included in the fate model and were also a food item in the food web model. The paper aims to investigate whether macrophytes are effective at mitigating chemical exposure and to compare the modeling approach developed here with previous modeling approaches recommended in the European Union (EU) guideline for risk assessment of pesticides. The model was used to estimate bioaccumulation of three hypothetical chemicals of varying hydrophobicity in a pond food web comprising 11 species. Three different macrophyte biomass densities were simulated in the model experiments to determine the influence of macrophytes on fate and bioaccumulation. Macrophytes were shown to have a significant effect on the fate and food web transfer of highly hydrophobic compounds with log KOW > = 5. Modeled peak concentrations in biota were highest for the scenarios with the lowest macrophyte biomass density. The distribution and food web transfer of the hypothetical compound with the lowest hydrophobicity (log KOW = 3) was not affected by the inclusion of aquatic macrophytes in the pond environment. For the three different hypothetical chemicals and at all macrophyte biomass densities, the maximum predicted concentrations in the top predator in the food web model were at least one order of magnitude lower than the values estimated using methods suggested in EU guidelines. The EU guideline thus provides a highly conservative estimate of risk. In our opinion, and subject to further model evaluation, a realistic assessment of dynamic food web transfer and risk can be obtained using the model presented here. 相似文献
Echo Park Lake is a small lake in Los Angeles, CA listed on the USA Clean Water Act Section 303(d) list of impaired water bodies for elevated levels of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in fish tissue. A lake water and sediment sampling program was completed to support the development of total maximum daily loads (TMDL) to address the lake impairment. The field data indicated quantifiable levels of OCPs and PCBs in the sediments, but lake water data were all below detection levels. The field sediment data obtained may explain the contaminant levels in fish tissue using appropriate sediment-water partitioning coefficients and bioaccumulation factors. A partition-equilibrium fugacity model of the whole lake system was used to interpret the field data and indicated that half of the total mass of the pollutants in the system are in the sediments and the other half is in soil; therefore, soil erosion could be a significant pollutant transport mode into the lake. Modeling also indicated that developing and quantifying the TMDL depends significantly on the analytical detection level for the pollutants in field samples and on the choice of octanol-water partitioning coefficient and bioaccumulation factors for the model. 相似文献
Qiang Tang Peixin Shi Zhao Yuan Shenjie Shi Xiaojing Xu Takeshi Katsumi 《Soils and Foundations》2019,59(6):2099-2109
This study investigates the potential of ZVI on Cd(II) contaminated soil remediation through laboratory experiment, mechanism study and field application. The results show that the dosage of ZVI, the initial concentration level and the reaction time have significant impacts on Cd(II) adsorption and about 88% of aqueous Cd(II) can be removed from soils. The ZVI is observed to promote the increase of Cd(II) residual fraction in Cd(II) contaminated soils according to the sequential extraction procedure (SEP) results. Regression of the laboratory experimental data based on the Langmuir isotherm equation shows the adsorption capacity can reach 34.7 mg/g. Such a high value is attributed to physical and chemical adsorption, which is proved by X-ray diffraction patterns (XRD), scanning electron microscope images (SEM), and Brunner-Emmet-Teller & Barret–Joyner–Halenda (BET-BJH) analysis. The field application shows that the ZVI can reduce the Cd(II) content in soils and brown rice by 51% and alleviate soil acidification, resulting in a 9.4% increase in rice yields. 相似文献
Kryshev AI 《The Science of the total environment》2006,370(1):182-189
Data on the relationship between the equilibrium concentration factor of (90)Sr in fish and concentration of Ca in water have been collected and analyzed. The dataset contains 115 values of the concentration factors at different environmental concentrations of Ca. The data included in the dataset are based primarily on publications in Russian and relate to the whole-body concentration factors. An empirical formula was derived to estimate the equilibrium concentration factor of (90)Sr in fish as a inverse relationship of Ca: CF((90)Sr, Bq/kg w.w.)=3940/[Ca, mg/l](water). The derived relationship adequately accounts for the equilibrium concentration factor of (90)Sr in freshwater and marine fish species. A dynamic model was proposed to calculate the (90)Sr bioaccumulation of fish for non-equilibrium situations, for instance, immediately after accidental contamination of water bodies. The model was applied to reconstruct the dynamics of (90)Sr in fish from highly contaminated lake in the Southern Ural (Lake Uruskul). A comparison with data of observations showed that the model is well suited for estimating the dynamic characteristics of (90)Sr bioaccumulation by fish. 相似文献
For the purpose of understanding the environmental fate of microcystins (MCs) and the potential health risks caused by toxic cyanobacterial blooms in Lake Taihu, a systematic investigation was carried out from February 2005 to January 2006. The distribution of MCs in the water column, and toxin bioaccumulations in aquatic organisms were surveyed. The results suggested that Lake Taihu is heavily polluted during summer months by toxic cyanobacterial blooms (with a maximum biovolume of 6.7x10(8)cells/L) and MCs. The maximum concentration of cell-bound toxins was 1.81mg/g (DW) and the dissolved MCs reached a maximum level of 6.69mug/L. Dissolved MCs were always found in the entire water column at all sampling sites throughout the year. Our results emphasized the need for tracking MCs not only in the entire water column but also at the interface between water and sediment. Seasonal changes of MC concentrations in four species of hydrophytes (Eichhornic crassipes, Potamogeton maackianus, Alternanthera philoxeroides and Myriophyllum spicatum) ranged from 129 to 1317, 147 to 1534, 169 to 3945 and 124 to 956ng/g (DW), respectively. Toxin accumulations in four aquatic species (Carassius auratus auratu, Macrobrachium nipponensis, Bellamya aeruginosa and Cristaria plicata) were also analyzed. Maximum toxin concentrations in the edible organs and non-edible visceral organs ranged from 378 to 730 and 754 to 3629ng/g (DW), respectively. Based on field studies in Lake Taihu, risk assessments were carried out, taking into account the WHO guidelines and the tolerable daily intake (TDI) for MCs. Our findings suggest that the third largest lake in China poses serious health threats when serving as a source of drinking water and for recreational use. In addition, it is likely to be unsafe to consume aquatic species harvested in Lake Taihu due to the high-concentrations of accumulated MCs. 相似文献
A. Brian Hawkins 《Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment》2012,71(1):113-117
Expansion of dark mudrocks as a consequence of sulphate development has been known for many years, generally occurring in low pH conditions. In buildings in Dublin, ground floor heave of up to 48 mm has been recorded within 5 years of construction, with some properties showing signs of distress even before the completion of the development. In each case the ground-bearing floor slabs rested on a pyritiferous aggregate with a pH of 8–10. A new model is proposed to explain why the effect of the expansion was evident in such a short period of time. 相似文献
We applied binary logistic regression techniques to data collected from 779 participants in a field study of open-plan ('cubicle') offices conducted in nine buildings. Independent variables were physical conditions in the workplace, and dependent variables were derived from occupant satisfaction measures; personal characteristics were included as covariates. There was a significantly higher risk of dissatisfaction with privacy and acoustics (defined as being below the 20th percentile as opposed to being above the 80th percentile) associated with being in a small workstation, or being seated next to a window. A higher risk of dissatisfaction with ventilation was associated with being seated next to a window, temperatures substantially higher than the average neutral temperature, and a carbon dioxide concentration greater than 650 ppm. A higher risk of dissatisfaction with lighting was associated with panel heights greater than 66 inches (1.7 m), high reflected glare on computer screens, desktop illuminances outside 300-500 lux, desktop illuminance uniformity (min/max ratio) less than 0.5, and being in a workstation distant from a window. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: We have demonstrated statistically significant relationships between indoor environment conditions in office spaces and environmental dissatisfaction risk. Although generally supported by prior research, not all of these risk factors are reflected in existing recommended practice documents for office design. Consideration of these findings in future revisions of such documents may be warranted. 相似文献
The fugacity-based food web model was developed to simulate the bioaccumulation of dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethanes (DDTs) in the aquatic ecosystem in the Bohai Bay. The internal exposure levels (IELs) of DDTs in various organism categories were calculated. Monte Carlo-based uncertainty analysis was performed to get the of IEL distributions of DDTs in organisms. Probabilistic ecological risk assessment (ERA) was performed based on IEL distributions and internal species sensitivity distributions (SSDs). The results show that fugacities and bioaccumulation factors (BAFs) generally increased with increasing trophic level in the food web. Octanol-water partition coefficient (Kow), DDT levels in water and the lipid contents had the greatest influences on IELs in the organism bodies. The ecological risks of DDTs were relatively high. The risk order was p,p′-DDT > p,p′-DDE > p,p′-DDD. At an internal hazard quotient (HQint) criterion of 1/5, the risk probabilities were 0.10 (0.055-0.17), 0.079 (0.045-0.13) and 0.053 (0.028-0.092) for p,p′-DDT, p,p′-DDE and p,p′-DDD, respectively. The results from ERA based on the internal exposure approximated those based on external exposure. The food web model is a feasible method to predict the extent of bioaccumulation and IELs of hydrophobic organic pollutants in organisms as a step to evaluate their risk posed on aquatic ecosystems. 相似文献
灰色模型就建立过程的不同可分为等时距模型和不等时距模型,对两种模型的精度进行了分析研究,最后得出不等时距GM(1,1)模型更接近于实际情况,不必进行模型修正便可对地基的未来沉降做出预测的结论。 相似文献
实施现场施工质量管理的三个要素 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
浅析了现场质量管理的重要性,从样板管理、施工过程监控管理以及质量验评管理三方面探讨了如何搞好现场施工质量管理,指出一个优质工程的建设必须抓好以上三个重要环节,从而确保工程质量。 相似文献
在分析前人研究成果的基础上,运用云模型和数据场结合的算法,针对河口河床的空间数据,给出一种基于空间数据挖掘的智能变迁分析方法,为后续的数据分析提供了依据和指导。 相似文献
对施工总承包管理模式进行了介绍,根据总承包管理模式的特点,从合同管理、投资控制、进度控制、质量控制等方面进行了调整,以充分发挥管理者的专业优势、技术优势,进一步提高施工管理水平。 相似文献
Marcin Idczak Dominique Groleau Patrice Mestayer Jean-Michel Rosant Jean-François Sini 《Building and Environment》2010
This paper presents a validation of the thermo-radiative model SOLENE and its application for analysing the street canyon energy balance. The validation data were selected from the temperature and radiation measurements obtained during the JAPEX campaign, previously described by Idczak et al. [16]: a set of four lines of steel containers buildings composing three parallel street canyons at an approximate 1:5 scale. Reference weather data and micrometeorological conditions within the canyon were measured. Numerical simulations were carried out using the meteorological measurements as model inputs. The simulated surface temperatures and radiation fluxes are compared with the measurements for a full week period, with a focus on a day with clear sky conditions. The street canyon energy balance analysis demonstrates that the most energetic surface was the street ground due to its thick surface layer of tar-coated gravels while the walls had a low heat capacity. The thermal radiation balance was negative for all canyon surfaces. The sensible heat was transferred mainly from the canyon surfaces to the ambient air, but also from the air to the ground in the morning. The effective albedo of the canyon had a diurnal value of 0.20–0.25, but dropped to 0.10 in the afternoon when the ground strongly transformed the direct and reflected solar radiation into sensible heat. This narrow street configuration enhanced solar radiation absorption and longwave radiation trapping. 相似文献
针对西安市大量的地面沉降与地下水位长期观测数据,采用数值模拟方法建立地面沉降监测点沉降过程曲线模型和地下水位监测井水位升降曲线模型并编制程序,并对地面沉降与地下水位监测数据进行内插外推计算、分析和研究,进而对地面沉降和地下水动态进行预测预报。 相似文献