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In order to evaluate the effect of improved oxygen concentrations in overlying surface water on the redox status, sediment geochemistry and metal bioavailability in metal-polluted sediments a 54 days lab experiment with two different experimental treatments was conducted (90% and 40% O2). Changes in redox potential (Eh) in the sediment were monitored over time. At 6 different time points (after 0, 2, 5, 12, 32 and 54 days) and at 4 sediment depths (0-1, 1-4, 4-8 and 8-15 cm), acid volatile sulfides (AVS), simultaneously extracted metals (SEM) and total organic carbon (TOC) were measured and metal release to overlying surface water was determined. Labile metal species in both water and sediment were measured using Diffusive Gradients in Thin films (DGT). Our results showed that elevated oxygen levels in overlying surface water led to an Eh increase in the sediment of the 90% O2 treatment from 0 to ±200 mV while AVS concentrations in the upper sediment layer decreased by 70%. Following AVS oxidation metal availability in the pore water was highly elevated after 54 days. However, Cu remained strongly bound to the sediment during the whole experiment. Only a limited metal release to the overlying surface water was noticed, which was due to the fact that SEMtot concentrations in the sediment did not yet exceeded AVS levels ([SEMtot − AVS]/fOC = 0) after 54 days. Additionally, adsorption on Fe and Mn hydroxides and particulate organic carbon also slowed down any potential metal release. Our results indicated that increasing oxygen concentrations due to general water quality improvements can enhance the mobility of trace metals which may result in the leaching of sediment-bound metals to overlying surface water, even in undisturbed watercourses.  相似文献   

Kelderman P  Osman AA 《Water research》2007,41(18):4251-4261
Heavy metal binding forms for Cu, Zn and Pb were determined at four representative sediment sites in the canals of Delft (The Netherlands), using selective chemical extraction methods. Small differences (on average <5%) were found between duplicate extraction experiments. The dominant Cu binding form was always related to sulphide and organics in the sediment. Zn was mainly bound to iron+manganese (hydr)oxides, whereas Pb was rather evenly distributed over the different labile and non-labile binding fractions. A gradual (over about 1 month) increase in redox potentials of the anaerobic sediments led to a 7-37% sediment release of the above heavy metals; this could mainly be ascribed to oxidation of the heavy metal-sulphide bindings. Part of the released heavy metals was re-adsorbed by the labile binding phases ("exchangeable" and "carbonate bound"). Contrary to expectations, we found a decrease rather than an increase in the Fe+Mn (hydr)oxide binding forms. This can probably be ascribed to non-equilibrium reactions in the time span of the experiments, as well as side reactions such as complexation with humic acids and hindered precipitation reactions due to organic matter coatings.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the factors affecting trace metal behaviour in estuarine and riverine floodplain soils and sediments. Spatial occurrence of processes affecting metal mobility and availability in floodplains are largely determined by the topography. At the oxic-anoxic interface and in the anoxic layers of floodplain soils, especially redox-sensitive processes occur, which mainly result in the inclusion of metals in precipitates or the dissolution of metal-containing precipitates. Kinetics of these processes are of great importance for these soils as the location of the oxic-anoxic interface is subject to change due to fluctuating water table levels. Other important processes and factors affecting metal mobility in floodplain soils are adsorption/desorption processes, salinity, the presence of organic matter, sulphur and carbonates, pH and plant growth. Many authors report highly significant correlations between cation exchange capacity, clay or organic matter contents and metal contents in floodplain soils. Iron and manganese (hydr)oxides were found to be the main carriers for Cd, Zn and Ni under oxic conditions, whereas the organic fraction was most important for Cu. The mobility and availability of metals in a floodplain soil can be significantly reduced by the formation of metal sulphide precipitates under anoxic conditions. Ascending salinity in the flood water promotes metal desorption from the floodplain soil in the absence of sulphides, hence increases total metal concentrations in the water column. The net effect of the presence of organic matter can either be a decrease or an increase in metal mobility, whereas the presence of carbonates in calcareous floodplain soils or sediments constitutes an effective buffer against a pH decrease. Moreover, carbonates may also directly precipitate metals. Plants can affect the metal mobility in floodplain soils by oxidising their rhizosphere, taking up metals, excreting exudates and stimulating the activity of microbial symbionts in the rhizosphere.  相似文献   

Heavy metal polluted soils usually contain mixtures of different metals, whereas legislation is derived from concentrations of individual metals. The mixture toxicity of the Dutch floodplain Afferdensche and Deestsche Waarden was estimated to be high (msPAF ranged from 67-94%). Analyses of nematode community based bioindicators (Maturity Index, taxonomic diversity, trophic groups, multivariate analysis, DoFT-sentinels) were used to determine the ecological effects of the mixture toxicity in the floodplain soil. None of the indices indicated direct effects of heavy metals on the nematode community. This can be explained by the high adsorption of heavy metals on organic matter and clay particles resulting in a low bioavailability, and questions the estimation of the toxicity based on total concentrations of heavy metals in such environments. The nematode fauna showed great seasonal variation, which most probably was related to the temporal inundation of the floodplain.  相似文献   

The present study evaluated the effect of increasing oxygen concentrations in overlying surface water on the accumulation and toxicity of sediment-bound metals in the aquatic invertebrates Lumbriculus variegatus, Asellus aquaticus and Daphnia magna. A 54 days experiment using three experimental treatments (90% O2 in overlying surface water, 40% O2 and a non-polluted control) was conducted. At 6 different time points (after 0, 2, 5, 12, 32 and 54 days) acid volatile sulfides (AVS), simultaneously extracted metals (SEM) and total organic carbon (TOC) were measured in the superficial sediment layer (0-1 cm). At each time point, accumulated metal levels as well as the available energy stores were measured in L. variegatus and A. aquaticus and each time D. magna was exposed to surface water in a 24 h toxicity test. Additionally metallothionein-like protein (MTLP) induction was quantified in L. variegatus. Oxygen induced changes in sediment AVS resulted in faster accumulation of metals from contaminated sediments in A. aquaticus, while no differences in toxicity in this species were observed. Ag, Cr, As and Co accumulation as well as toxicity in water exposed D. magna were clearly enhanced after 54 days, caused by oxidation of metal-sulfide complexes. Due to their feeding and burrowing behaviour, metal accumulation and toxicity in L. variegatus was not influenced by geochemical characteristics. Nevertheless, a rapid induction of MTLP was observed in both the 90% O2 and the 40% O2 treatment. The present study showed that elevated oxygen concentrations in overlying surface water can directly enhance metal accumulation and toxicity in aquatic invertebrates, however this is highly dependent on the organisms ecology and most dominant metal exposure route (water vs. sediment).  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that soils with a deprived biodiversity due to metal pollution are less stable than non-polluted soils, containing a more diverse community. For this, soils were sampled from specific grasslands in the Netherlands that contain elevated heavy metal concentrations (Cu, Pb and Zn). Soils that showed the largest differences in metal concentrations were incubated in the laboratory using Terrestrial Model Ecosystems (TMEs). This approach enabled simultaneous measurement of structural (bacteria, nematodes, enchytraeids, earthworms) and functional parameters (nitrogen leaching, feeding activity, CO2 production, plant growth). The highest polluted soils showed a lower bacterial growth, and decreased enchytraeid and nematode biomass and diversity, hence a deprived community. More nitrate leached from high polluted soils, while all other functional endpoints did not differ. Additional stress application of zinc and heat was used to test the stability. Zinc treatment caused effects only in the higher polluted soils, observed at several moments in time for enchytraeids, CO2 fluxes and plant growth. Heat stress caused a large reduction in enchytraeid and earthworm biomass. Ammonium leaching was decreased by heat treatments in the most polluted soils, while CO2 was increased by heat in less polluted soils. Most effects were seen in the most polluted systems and it was concluded that they seem less stable.  相似文献   

The toxicity of three heavy metals (copper, zinc and nickel) on an activated sludge biomass was studied by measuring several parameters of microbiological activity and the dynamics of microbial community composition. The effects on the microflora in the activated-sludge tank were evaluated by dosing the tank with different metal concentrations and a non-inhibiting concentration of copper for a 2-week period. The relationship between biological effects and chemical measurements was elucidated by principal component analysis (PCA). The biochemical data suggested a higher sensitivity of nitrifiers to these metals than heterotrophs. This was confirmed by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis on the microbial community. The impact of copper was displayed by biomass deflocculating phenomena (pin-point) and a decrease in the beta-proteo bacteria component. In addition, the zone settling velocity (ZSV) was shown not to be a good indicator of chronic toxicity phenomena. Finally, the sequence of biomass metal accumulation capability was assessed, and corresponds to Cu>Ni>Zn.  相似文献   

A systematic investigation evaluated the concentrations of a selected number of trace elements (Cd, Co, Cu, Li, Ni, Pb, V and Zn) in carbonates of the benthic foraminifera Ammonia tepida collected from surface sediments of the highly polluted harbour of Naples. Application of cleaning procedures, combined with Scanning Electron Microscopy investigation (SEM) of the analysed shells allowed reliable quantification of the elements in the carbonate lattice. Adoption of biogenic carbonate/seawater distribution coefficients reported in the literature provided the ranges of variability of total dissolved trace elements in the studied marine environment. Very high concentrations of Zn, Cd, and Cu calculated in seawater (from 100 to 10,000 times higher than those reported for uncontaminated Mediterranean seawaters) testify to intense effects of anthropogenic impact on the harbour mainly related to the industrial and commercial activities carried out in the neighbouring area. The ensemble of the obtained results emphasizes the high potential of measurements of trace elements in the biogenic carbonates of benthic foraminifera as tracers of anthopogenic pollution of seawater and reliable proxies of potentially bioavailable forms (as free ions and/or more labile organic complexes) of seawater dissolved metals.  相似文献   

Metal pollution can affect soil microbial communities, and vegetation potentially influences this relationship. It can, for example, modify the toxicity of metal to soil microbes by controlling its input to the ground or by altering soil physicochemical properties. This study examined metal effects on soil respiration, potentially active microbial biomass (SIR) and catabolic abilities of culturable heterotrophic bacterial communities (Biolog GN) in pine forest and grassland ecosystems developed on soils contaminated with Zn, Pb and Cd. In samples from non-forested areas we found that metal pollution reduced the microbial biomass and functional diversity of bacteria, while increasing the metabolic quotient. In samples from pine forests we found no relationship between metal pollution and microbial parameters. Metals induced changes in soil respiration neither in forest nor in grassland sites. Generally, microbial performance was determined predominantly by soil physicochemical properties (nutrient content, acidity, contamination level). Vegetation type seemed a minor but important factor influencing microbial communities. More work is needed to determine why even relatively high metal concentrations do not significantly affect microbial communities in forest soils.  相似文献   

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) have been determined in recent [0–1(2), 1(2)–5 and 5–10 cm deep layers] sediments from different sites of the southern Baltic Sea, including the Szczecin Lagoon, collected from May 1996 to October 1999, i.e. before and after the great flood in Poland of July/August 1997. The PCB distribution has been correlated with location and hydrological conditions as well as with organic carbon, algal pigments and their derivatives in the sediments. The sum of PCB (seven congeners) was equal to 1–149 ng/g dry wt., on average this was rather low (up to 40 ng/g). There was a decreasing trend in PCBs concentrations in the bottom sediments of the southern Baltic in 1996 but considerable amounts were still accumulated there. The flood of 1997 caused a distinct increase of PCB concentration level in the sediments, which again showed a decreasing trend in the next few years. This illustrates that at present the main source of PCBs for the southern Baltic are not a direct consequence of human activity, but from floods and heavy rains washing these compounds from land to the sea. Algae and algal detritus play an important role in the transport and distribution of PCBs in the southern Baltic. High correlation of PCBs with chlorophyll a derivatives — products of zooplankton grazing — indicates that PCBs are ingested by zooplankton with phytoplankton and then exuded with fecal pellets. PCBs bound to algal detritus or to fecal pellets in the water column are transferred to sediments, there they may be trapped either in a bonded and unchanged form or resuspended, remobilized and/or dechlorinated, depending on their properties and environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Nitrogen gas distributions in sediment pore water were determined for cores collected in Lake Erie and two nearby harbors. Concentrations of N2 gas ranged from 11.9 to 37.0 ml l−1 and from 8.9 to 58.3 ml l−1 for open lake and polluted harbor sediments, respectively. Maximum concentrations in the harbor sediments were as high as 3.5 times N2 saturation calculated for the overlying water. Indirect diffusive flux estimates for nitrogen gas ranged from 20 to 32% of the particulate nitrogen sedimentation rate in Lake Erie. At one location, the amount of nitrogen gas lost by diffusion was calculated to be greater than the nitrogen deposited to the sediments. Nitrogen gas production and diffusive loss from surficial sediments probably represents a major pathway for nitrogen removal from Lake Erie.  相似文献   

Controlled flooding of lowlands is considered as a potential water management strategy to minimize the risk of flooding of inhabited areas during high water periods. However, due to industrial activities, river water, sediments and soils are often contaminated with metals which may have adverse effects on the ecosystem's structure and functioning. Additionally, salinity may greatly affect the bioavailability and toxicity of metals present or imported into these systems. The effect of contaminated soils under different flooding and salinity exposure scenarios on the growth, reproduction and metal accumulation in the oligochaete Tubifex tubifex (Müller, 1774) were examined. In these bioassays metal contaminated soils were flooded with water of different salinities (0 and 3 psu), and tested after 0, 6 and 12 months of permanent inundation. We indeed found that inundation time had significant decreasing effects on Cu and Zn accumulation; although initial accumulation of Cu and Zn was higher in the previously unflooded soil at the start of the flooding treatment, these differences seem to disappear after 6 months of permanent inundation. Moreover, the complex interaction between substrate type and salinity suggests that redox potential is probably of major importance.  相似文献   

Surface sediments of the Guanabara Bay (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) were analyzed by a sequential extraction procedure for Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Zn, Mn and Fe, determining their distribution among five geochemical phases and in the nitric acid extractable phase. Bioavailable phases and non-bioavailable phases have been determined in six transects in the bay to define the significant level of pollution due to sediment metal contamination. A multiple correlation showed limited responsibility of Mn and Fe oxides and humic acids in the adsorption process, which allowed discrimination among the different processes and suggested the strong influence of the hydrogen sulfide present in the highly reduced bay bottom environment. The authors suggest the need to avoid disturbing bottom sediment by dredging or by artificial bottom aeration which could result in a rapid worsening of the environment due to the accelerated formation of more soluble oxygenated metal compounds making the toxic metals much more available to the benthic fauna and to the bay biota in general.  相似文献   

The diagnosis of lead poisoning in horses living on farmland in the vicinity of a battery recycling plant was based on clinical signs as well as on laboratory findings. Chemical analysis of six surface soils (0-15 cm) and herbage samples taken at different distances to the recycling plant showed very high total lead levels in the closest sites to the facility and a clear decrease with distance. Total lead levels in soil samples ranged from 127 to 5657 mg kg(-1), with more than 70% of lead extractable by EDTA in the most polluted soils. Lead levels in the aerial part of herbage samples were in the range of 113-4741 mg kg(-1). A water washing pre-treatment of the vegetal samples considerably diminished the concentration of lead, suggesting that airborne lead particles from the facility emissions were fixed on the shoots. The analysis of samples taken from six dead horses showed lead concentrations, expressed as mg kg(-1) (d.w.), as follows: blood: 0.20-0.89; liver: 2.5-15; kidney: 1.70-6.75. Lead intake levels, estimated according to the ingestion rate of Grammineae forage, illustrates that the apported lead through the ingestion of vegetation growing in the closest sites to the recycling plant was approximately 99.5 mg Pb/kg body weight/day surpassing the fatal dosage for horses of 2.4 mg Pb/kg body weight/day reported by Hammond and Aronson, Ann NY Acad Sci, 1964; 111: 595-611.  相似文献   

Recent studies have demonstrated that the Guadiana Estuary contains metal concentrations in excess of background values. Therefore, this work aims to document the potential environmental hazards associated with the availability of these metals in this environment of high ecological value. Mineralogical analysis shows that the sediments are composed mainly of quartz, albite, and clay minerals (illite, smectite, kaolinite, and vermiculite) along with several small, reactive compounds (including soluble sulphated salts, Fe-Mn oxyhydroxides, organic matter, and pyrite) capable of retaining metals, which can be subsequently released, causing environmental degradation. BCR sequential extraction shows that As, Cd, Cu, Mn, Pb, and Zn present mobile fractions with respect to the total metal content (41, 100, 57, 53, 70, and 69%, respectively) in any of the described reactive phases (F1 + F2 + F3).Calculated environmental risk indices demonstrate moderate to considerable ecological risk for almost the entire estuary, associated mainly with acid mine drainage from the nearby Iberian Pyrite Belt. In addition, the indices highlight several zones of extremely high risk, which are related to industrial and urban dumps in the vicinity of the estuary and to heavy traffic on the international bridge.  相似文献   

The impact of discharges from abandoned metal and ironstone mines has been a much studied form of aquatic pollution in recent decades. Few attempts however, have been made to accurately determine the overall contaminant mass flux arising from abandoned mine sites at scales above catchment level. Such assessments are critical to determine the significance of former mining to national, regional and ultimately global trace metal flux. This paper presents the most comprehensive national survey to date across England and Wales of the total pollution burden discharged at source from abandoned non-coal mine sites. 338 discharges have been identified (from 4923 known abandoned metal mines) and while concurrent flow and contaminant concentration records are only available for around 30% of these, significant quantities of metals (and As) have been quantified to be discharged. A minimum of 193 tonnes of Zn, 18.5 tonnes of Pb, 0.64 tonnes Cd, 19.1 tonnes of Cu, 551 tonnes Fe, 72 tonnes Mn and 5.1 tonnes As are released in water discharges from abandoned non-coal mines to the surface water environment of England and Wales each year. Precautionary extrapolation of mass fluxes based on the frequency distribution of measured concentration and flow data, for discharges with absent data, suggests that the actual total mass flux for these contaminants could be up to 41% higher. The mass flux of Pb released from mines exceeds that of all currently permitted discharges (e.g. active industrial sites and wastewater treatment works) to surface waters across England and Wales, while those of As, Cd and Zn are of a similar magnitude. These data put into context the enduring legacy of historic mining on the water environment, highlighting its significance relative to more highly regulated polluting sites. Comparison of the figures with estimates of global trace metal flux suggests that the national total identified here is significant on a global scale.  相似文献   

Akcay H  Oguz A  Karapire C 《Water research》2003,37(4):813-822
In this study, two economically important rivers of Turkey, Gediz and Buyuk Menderes (BM) are studied to determine their environmental pollution levels. An old analytical procedure involving sequential chemical extraction is improved and used for the partitioning of particulate trace metals (Cu, Co, Cr, Mn, Fe, Zn, Pb and Ni). Cationic and anionic Mn and Cr species with different phases are also determined by using leaching, extraction and ion exchange speciation processes.The sediment samples are analysed using graphic-furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy and differential pulse anodic stripping voltameter. Experimental results obtained on five replicate samples of fluvial bottom surface sediments at the sampling points demonstrate that the relative standard deviation of the sequential extraction procedure is generally better than +/-10%. The accuracy, determined by comparing total metal concentrations with the sum of the five sequential chemical extractions, is proved to be satisfactory. The detection limits established for three standard deviations of blank for different metals are identical and found to be 0.1mg/kg for sediment samples and 1 ppb for water samples. The results show that the pollution levels are significant especially for Pb, Cr, Mn and Zn in the Gediz river and Co, Mn, and Zn in the BM river. Comparison between our results and the measurements outlined before industrialization and the beginning of the intensive pesticide applications in agricultural fields (In: Broekaert et al., editors, Metal speciation in the environment, vol. 23. 1989. p. 601-11; A research on the environmental pollution in the agricultural fields and watering in the Aegean region, Ege University Research Project, No. 127 1988 (in Turkish); DSI Water Analyses Report, Ankara, 1985 (in Turkish)) show that the pollution in these rivers is probably originated from industrial, agricultural and domestic waste discharges.  相似文献   

The application of municipal waste compost (MWC) and other organic materials may serve to enhance soil fertility of earthen materials and mine spoils used in land reclamation activities, particularly in the recovery of degraded areas left by exhausted quarries, mines and landfill sites among others. The long-term distribution, mobility and phytoavailability of heavy metals in such anthropogenic soils were studied by collecting soil samples at different depths over a 10 y chronosequence subsequent to amendment of the top layer of a landfill covering soil with a single dose of mechanically-separated MWC. Amendment resulted in a significant enhancement of the metal loadings in the amended topsoils particularly for Cu, Zn and Pb, which were also the predominant metals in the compost utilised. Although metals were predominantly retained in the compost amended soil horizon, with time their vertical distribution resulted in a moderate enrichment of the underlying mineral horizons, not directly influenced by compost amendment. This enrichment generally resulted from the leaching of soluble organo-metal complexes and subsequent adsorption to mineral horizons. However, in the course of the 10-y experimental period, metal concentrations in the underlying horizons generally returned to background concentrations suggesting a potential loss of metals from the soil system. Analysis of the tissues of plants growing spontaneously on the landfill site suggests that metal phytoavailability was limited and generally species-dependent.  相似文献   

Mixtures of organochlorine compounds have the potential for additive or interactive toxicity to organisms exposed in the stream. This study uses a variety of methods to identify mixtures and a modified concentration-addition approach to estimate their potential toxicity at 845 stream sites across the United States sampled between 1992 and 2001 for organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in bed sediment. Principal-component (PC) analysis identified five PCs that account for 77% of the total variance in 14 organochlorine compounds in the original dataset. The five PCs represent: (1) chlordane-related compounds and dieldrin; (2) p,p′-DDT and its degradates; (3) o,p′-DDT and its degradates; (4) the pesticide degradates oxychlordane and heptachlor epoxide; and (5) PCBs. The PC analysis grouped compounds that have similar chemical structure (such as parent compound and degradate), common origin (in the same technical pesticide mixture), and(or) similar relation of concentrations to land use. For example, the highest concentrations of chlordane compounds and dieldrin occurred at urban sites, reflecting past use of parent pesticides for termite control. Two approaches to characterizing mixtures—PC-based mixtures and unique mixtures—were applied to all 299 samples with a detection of two or more organochlorine compounds. PC-based mixtures are defined by the presence (in the sample) of one or more compounds associated with that PC. Unique mixtures are defined as a specific combination of two or more compounds detected in a sample, regardless of how many other compounds were also detected in that sample. The simplest PC-based mixtures (containing compounds from 1 or 2 PCs) commonly occurred in a variety of land use settings. Complex mixtures (containing compounds from 3 or more PCs) were most common in samples from urban and mixed/urban sites, especially in the Northeast, reflecting high concentrations of multiple chlordane, dieldrin, DDT-related compounds, and(or) PCBs. The most commonly occurring unique mixture (p,p′-DDE, p,p′-DDD) occurred in both simple and complex PC-based mixtures, and at both urban and agricultural sites. Mean Probable Effect Concentration Quotients (PEC-Q) values, which estimate the potential toxicity of organochlorine contaminant mixtures, were highest for complex mixtures. Mean PEC-Q values were highest for urban sites in the Northeast, followed by mixed/urban sites in the Northeast and agricultural sites in cotton growing areas. These results demonstrate that the PEC-Q approach can be used in combination with PC-based and unique mixture analyses to relate potential aquatic toxicity of contaminant mixtures to mixture complexity, land use, and other surrogates for contaminant sources.  相似文献   

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