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Tien CJ 《Water research》2004,38(7):1779-1790
Changes in elemental concentrations of diatoms and river water from the river Erh-Jen were determined using scanning electron microscopy energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Relatively large amounts of copper and lead found in both planktonic and epilithic diatoms implied these algae might play an important role in biogeochemical cycles and in the transfer of those elements to higher trophic levels in the aquatic environment. Changes in elemental concentrations within diatom cells were found to vary with other elements within cells and the same or different elements in water. Planktonic and epilithic cells showed different correlation patterns. For epilithic diatoms, negative correlations were found between concentrations of total phosphorus and phosphate in water and those of phosphorus within cells, and between concentrations of lead in water and in cells. Concentrations of chromium and mercury within planktonic cells and those of phosphorus, manganese and lead within epilithic ones were found to be easily influenced by other elements in river water, indicating appearance of the competitive manner on uptake of such elements by algal cells. Relatively high concentration factors (CFs) for cadmium, mercury and lead by diatoms in this study suggested they are good accumulators for these heavy metals. Significant negative corrections were found between the CFs of diatoms and the concentrations of elements in river water.  相似文献   

Olive mill wastewater (OMW) is one of the major and most challenging organic pollutants in olive oil production countries. However, the knowledge about the in-situ effects of olive mill wastewaters to lotic ecosystems and their benthic organisms is very limited. To resolve this, eight sampling sites were selected upstream and downstream the outflow of several olive mills to assess the spatial and temporal effects of OMW to stream macroinvertebrates and to ecological status of stream ecosystems. Biotic (macroinvertebrates) and abiotic (physicochemical, hydromorphological) data were monitored for two years thus following the biennial cycle of olive growth and production and hydrological variation (drought-wet years). The results of this study revealed the spatial and temporal structural deterioration of the aquatic community due to OMW pollution with consequent reduction of the river capacity for reducing the effects of polluting substances through internal mechanisms of self-purification. OMW, even highly diluted, had dramatic impacts on the aquatic fauna and to the ecological status of the receiving stream ecosystems. The organic load of the wastewater expressed as BOD5, COD and TSS, substrate contamination (sewage bacteria) and distance from the mill outlet, were the most important factors affecting macroinvertebrate assemblages while the typology (i.e. slope, altitude) and hydrology of the stream site (i.e. mountainous-lowland) and the intensity and volume of the wastewater were the most important determinants of self-purification processes. As OMW are usually being discharged in small size streams that are not considered in the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC, there is a need for including such systems into monitoring and assessment schemes as they may significantly contribute to the pollution load of the river basin. Furthermore, guidelines to manage these wastes through technologies that minimise their environmental impact and lead to a sustainable use of resources are critical.  相似文献   

Akcay H  Oguz A  Karapire C 《Water research》2003,37(4):813-822
In this study, two economically important rivers of Turkey, Gediz and Buyuk Menderes (BM) are studied to determine their environmental pollution levels. An old analytical procedure involving sequential chemical extraction is improved and used for the partitioning of particulate trace metals (Cu, Co, Cr, Mn, Fe, Zn, Pb and Ni). Cationic and anionic Mn and Cr species with different phases are also determined by using leaching, extraction and ion exchange speciation processes.The sediment samples are analysed using graphic-furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy and differential pulse anodic stripping voltameter. Experimental results obtained on five replicate samples of fluvial bottom surface sediments at the sampling points demonstrate that the relative standard deviation of the sequential extraction procedure is generally better than +/-10%. The accuracy, determined by comparing total metal concentrations with the sum of the five sequential chemical extractions, is proved to be satisfactory. The detection limits established for three standard deviations of blank for different metals are identical and found to be 0.1mg/kg for sediment samples and 1 ppb for water samples. The results show that the pollution levels are significant especially for Pb, Cr, Mn and Zn in the Gediz river and Co, Mn, and Zn in the BM river. Comparison between our results and the measurements outlined before industrialization and the beginning of the intensive pesticide applications in agricultural fields (In: Broekaert et al., editors, Metal speciation in the environment, vol. 23. 1989. p. 601-11; A research on the environmental pollution in the agricultural fields and watering in the Aegean region, Ege University Research Project, No. 127 1988 (in Turkish); DSI Water Analyses Report, Ankara, 1985 (in Turkish)) show that the pollution in these rivers is probably originated from industrial, agricultural and domestic waste discharges.  相似文献   

Antibiotic resistance in clinical settings has been studied from last few decades but the possibility of development of antibiotic resistance at polluted environmental sites is also of concern. In developing countries, the major source of antibiotic contamination in surface water is improper disposal of effluents from industries, hospitals and domestic waste water treatment plants. The antibiotic pollution combined with other environmental pollution factors exerts selective pressure on environmental microbes, driving evolution and resulting in the spread of antibiotic resistance in a local to global scale. Present study aimed to determine the proliferation of ciprofloxacin resistant bacteria in aquatic environment of a river which is heavily impacted by industrial effluents. Correlation analyses were performed to evaluate the impact of anthropogenic factors. Statistical analysis evaluated the effect of fluoroquinolones, heavy metals, total organic carbon and total nitrogen on the levels of resistant culture in samples from the natural settings.  相似文献   

Metal accumulation and effects on plasma Ca(2+), alanine transaminase (ALT) and fish condition factor were examined in caged carp (Cyprinus carpio) and resident roach (Rutilus rutilus) at four locations along the Grote Nete River system (Belgium). Cadmium and zinc accumulation were found in carp and roach, with highest concentrations at the most contaminated site (dissolved Cd: 1.82 microg/l, Zn: 967 microg/l). On the tissue level, highest cadmium concentrations were measured in kidneys of carp and roach, followed by gills, intestine and liver, while low concentrations were observed in carcass and muscle. For zinc, a similar pattern was observed (intestine>kidney>gills>liver>carcass>muscle). Comparison between species showed higher cadmium concentrations in feral roach, while zinc levels were lower, owing to the high zinc concentrations in control carp. Furthermore, comparison of metal concentrations between two sampling periods (2005 and 2000-2001) revealed a drastic decrease in cadmium concentration in gills, liver and muscle of roach, similar to the reduction in waterborne cadmium concentrations, while differences for zinc were much less pronounced. In addition to metal accumulation, increased metallothionein concentrations (approximately 2x) were found in carp and roach, while no metal-related effects were found on ALT, Ca(2+)or condition factor. However, negative effects on fish community structure, as assessed by the index of biotic integrity (IBI), were found along the pollution gradient and indicated long-term adverse effects of metal pollution.  相似文献   

Diversity Indices, Biotic Indices and Similarity Indices are reviewed considering their ecological application, both theoretical and practical. Eighteen diversity indices in eight groups, nineteen biotic indices in ten groups and five similarity indices are examined for their applicability to biological systems, particularly aquatic ecosystems. All the diversity indices were found unsuitable except for Simpsons D, Hurlberts PIE, indices based on the theory of Runs (SCI and TU) and possibly McIntosh's M. Indices based on information theory, such as H′ and H, although the most commonly used diversity indices were unsatisfactory due to the lack of exploration of their biological relevance. The use of H′ in aquatic ecosystems is only justified until the more satisfactory indices are adequately field tested.Biotic indices are highly specialised for a particular type of water pollution, usually organic pollution. Chutter's and Chandler's biotic index appear to be most favoured. In their present form, however, such indices are necessarily limited to the geographical area in which the tolerance lists were compiled. Although many comparisons have been made between diversity indices and biotic indices, these were found to be spurious as one index reflects community structure the other the physiological response of indicator species to one type of pollution. Such comparisons have usually been justified by claiming that one index performs better when compared to the term “water quality”, which is usually left undefined.The five similarity indices examined have been used in aquatic systems. It is not clear which of these indices is best to use. The percentage similarity index (PSC) and Pinkham and Pearson's index (B) appear to be most favoured for aquatic systems, though there is a need for further research and field testing of similarity indices for water pollution.The relationship and definitions of diversity and stability are examined. Though discussion is by no means concluded on this topic it is clear that diversity does not automatically lead to either stability or instability but may be found with both. Disturbance to an ecosystem may often increase diversity provided it is of intermediate frequency, yet an ecosystem may also become more diverse without becoming less stable.The numbers of these three types of indices have become legion, as has their use. It is time that only those indices with biological relevance were used. It is hoped that work will now concentrate on the promising members of the two indices of community structure (diversity and similarity) as these are of broad applicability while biotic indices are limited to one or a few pollutants and one geographical area.  相似文献   

Kelly MG  Wilson S 《Water research》2004,38(6):1559-1567
The effect of nutrient removal at Ashford sewage treatment works on the benthic diatom ecology of the River Stour was studied. This paper describes assemblages above and below the works both before and after phosphorus stripping was installed. Taxa typical of eutrophic conditions dominated all samples, including those upstream of the works, suggesting that the river was already eutrophic before receiving the sewage effluent. Once nutrient removal was installed, phosphorus concentrations measured downstream of the works were similar to those measured upstream; however, there was little change in the diatom flora. Analysis of chemical data collected from the site suggest that the river may be nitrogen-limited for part of the year, and that, even with phosphorus stripping installed, the river still exceeds the Environment Agency's proposed interim targets for phosphorus concentrations in a eutrophic river.  相似文献   

Numerical taxonomy has been applied to explain the behaviour of macroconstituents (Na, K, Ca, Mg) and heavy metals (Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Pb, Cu, Zn, Cd) in different ecological sections (mollucs, plants, rain, drv deposition, soils, airborne dust, lixiviates through soils, springs) in the industrialized area near Bilbao (Spain). Distances based on correlation coefficients and mean Euclidean distances have been used for drawing dendrograms of metals and sections. Three types of effects may be distinguished, due to potassium, other macrocomponents (Na, Ca, Mg) and heavy metals as a result of the accumulation of these constituents in specific sections of the environment.  相似文献   

This study was designed to explore the changes in physico-chemical forms of Pb, Cu, Zn and Sb in a stream draining a contaminated shooting range, located at Steinsjøen in the South-Eastern part of Norway, during a period of 21 days. To obtain information on the element species distribution, an interphased size and charge fractionation system was applied, where membrane filtration (0.45 µm) and ultrafiltration using hollow fibre (nominal cut off 10 kDa) were performed prior to charge fractionation using chromatography (cationic and anionic exchange resins). The results show that Pb mainly was present as particulate and colloidal high molecular mass (HMM) species, Cu as colloidal (HMM) and low molecular mass (LMM) species, while Sb and Zn were mainly present as LMM species. The total element concentrations of Pb, Cu, Zn and Sb were positively correlated to water flow and dissolved organic carbon (DOC), suggesting these are important factors in controlling the run-off of the investigated elements in this catchment. During episodes of higher water flow, the increase in element concentration was mainly in the colloidal fraction. Partial redundancy analysis (pRDA) revealed that variations in pH, HMM organic carbon (HMM OC) and LMM organic carbon (LMM OC) explained 47% of the variation in size distribution of the elements, while variations in precipitation and water flow explained 48% of the variation in the charge distribution of the elements. The variation in concentrations during the period varied by a factor of 4, also stressing the importance of frequent sampling opposed to spot sampling in environmental surveys and risk assessments.  相似文献   

郭钰颖  陈鑫  王树全 《矿产勘查》2022,13(10):1561-1567
尾矿中含有的重金属通过介质向环境缓慢释放,重金属进入土壤后,会对周围土壤、生态环境造成影响,危害人类身体健康和安全。本文以某金矿尾矿库为研究对象,对尾矿库流域内土壤重金属进行取样调查,确定尾矿库及周边土壤重金属污染现状,分析重金属来源及污染特征。对尾矿库及周边的土壤进行pH、氰化物、锑、砷、镉、铜、铅、锌、汞等元素含量测试,采用单项污染指数与内梅罗指数法进行重金属污染程度分析与评价;同时运用主成分分析法,探究尾矿库及周边区域土壤重金属形成原因和污染特征。研究结果表明:尾矿库流域内地表土样处于重污染状态,污染区主要集中在尾矿库东北侧,污染范围较大;氰化物、锑、镉、铜、铅、锌存在着不同程度的相关性,表明研究区内存在这6种元素不同程度的复合污染或这些元素具有同源性,重金属污染主要来源为矿石开采和工业活动等人为来源;土壤中砷的吸附、迁移与土壤pH值关系密切。调查和分析尾矿库土壤污染情况,查明尾矿库污染形成原因和污染特征,对尾矿库的综合治理具有重要意义。  相似文献   

In the long-term biomonitoring of wild populations inhabiting polluted areas, the use of non-destructive biomarkers as markers of condition is very important. We examined the possible effects of metal pollution on the haematological status of adult great tits (Parus major) along a well-established pollution gradient near a non-ferrous smelter in Belgium. We measured blood and feather metal concentrations and assessed the haematological status (amount of red blood cells, haemoglobin concentration, haematocrit, mean corpuscular volume and mean corpuscular haemoglobin) of adult great tits during winter at four study sites. Metal concentrations in blood and feathers indicated that cadmium and lead were the most important metals in the pollution gradient under study. Measurements of haematological parameters revealed that haemoglobin concentration, haematocrit, mean corpuscular volume and mean corpuscular haemoglobin were lower in great tits from the more polluted sites. These parameters were significantly negatively correlated with blood lead concentration. The amount of red blood cells, however, did not significantly differ among study sites. Our results indicate that the haematological status of great tits is negatively affected by metal pollution and may therefore be used as a successful biomarker for monitoring the negative impact of metal exposure in the wild.  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that soils with a deprived biodiversity due to metal pollution are less stable than non-polluted soils, containing a more diverse community. For this, soils were sampled from specific grasslands in the Netherlands that contain elevated heavy metal concentrations (Cu, Pb and Zn). Soils that showed the largest differences in metal concentrations were incubated in the laboratory using Terrestrial Model Ecosystems (TMEs). This approach enabled simultaneous measurement of structural (bacteria, nematodes, enchytraeids, earthworms) and functional parameters (nitrogen leaching, feeding activity, CO2 production, plant growth). The highest polluted soils showed a lower bacterial growth, and decreased enchytraeid and nematode biomass and diversity, hence a deprived community. More nitrate leached from high polluted soils, while all other functional endpoints did not differ. Additional stress application of zinc and heat was used to test the stability. Zinc treatment caused effects only in the higher polluted soils, observed at several moments in time for enchytraeids, CO2 fluxes and plant growth. Heat stress caused a large reduction in enchytraeid and earthworm biomass. Ammonium leaching was decreased by heat treatments in the most polluted soils, while CO2 was increased by heat in less polluted soils. Most effects were seen in the most polluted systems and it was concluded that they seem less stable.  相似文献   

The impact of discharges from abandoned metal and ironstone mines has been a much studied form of aquatic pollution in recent decades. Few attempts however, have been made to accurately determine the overall contaminant mass flux arising from abandoned mine sites at scales above catchment level. Such assessments are critical to determine the significance of former mining to national, regional and ultimately global trace metal flux. This paper presents the most comprehensive national survey to date across England and Wales of the total pollution burden discharged at source from abandoned non-coal mine sites. 338 discharges have been identified (from 4923 known abandoned metal mines) and while concurrent flow and contaminant concentration records are only available for around 30% of these, significant quantities of metals (and As) have been quantified to be discharged. A minimum of 193 tonnes of Zn, 18.5 tonnes of Pb, 0.64 tonnes Cd, 19.1 tonnes of Cu, 551 tonnes Fe, 72 tonnes Mn and 5.1 tonnes As are released in water discharges from abandoned non-coal mines to the surface water environment of England and Wales each year. Precautionary extrapolation of mass fluxes based on the frequency distribution of measured concentration and flow data, for discharges with absent data, suggests that the actual total mass flux for these contaminants could be up to 41% higher. The mass flux of Pb released from mines exceeds that of all currently permitted discharges (e.g. active industrial sites and wastewater treatment works) to surface waters across England and Wales, while those of As, Cd and Zn are of a similar magnitude. These data put into context the enduring legacy of historic mining on the water environment, highlighting its significance relative to more highly regulated polluting sites. Comparison of the figures with estimates of global trace metal flux suggests that the national total identified here is significant on a global scale.  相似文献   

通过以矿区土壤重金属污染评价作为主要研究对象,采用大数据分析技术,在结合具体调查矿区实际情况的基础上,建立相应的矿区土壤重金属污染评价模型。并对评价结果进行分析,可知评价矿区土壤重金属污染情况对落实矿区生态保护工作,维护整体生态系统以及人体健康安全具有重要意义。结果显所建立的单因子污染指数模型、综合污染指数模型以及污染负荷指数模型与潜在生态危害模型,得出的评价结果基本一致。在该矿区土壤中存在严重的重金属污染,包括Cd污染、Cu污染以及轻微的Ni等污染。相比于矿区周边区域,采场中的污染问题更为严重,因此需要在矿区后续工作中加大生态修复力度,重点加强对Cd污染与Cu污染的防治处理。  相似文献   

贺鑫 《山西建筑》2009,35(26):166-167
对黄河流域水资源污染及其污水排放现状进行了介绍,在此基础上,分析了黄河流域废污水排放情况、水质污染程度、污染物的组成等情况,并提出水资源的保护措施。  相似文献   

This study was performed to gain an understanding of the structural and functional relationships between inter-taxa communities (macroinvertebrates as consumers, and microbes as decomposers or preys for the invertebrates) in a polluted stream using artificial neural networks techniques. Sediment samples, carrying microorganisms (eubacteria) and macroinvertebrates, were seasonally collected from similar habitats in streams with different levels of pollution. Microbial community taxa and densities were determined using polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) and 16S rDNA sequence analysis techniques. The identity and density of macroinvertebrates were concurrently determined. In general, differences were observed on grouping by self-organizing map (SOM) in polluted, clean and recovering sites based on the microbial densities, while the community patterns were partly dependent on the sampling period. A Spearman rank order correlation analysis revealed correlations of several eubacterial species with those of macroinvertebrates: a negative correlation was observed between Acidovorax sp. (from polluted sites) and Gammaridae (mostly from the clean site), while Herbaspirillum sp. and Janthinobacterium sp. appeared to have positive correlations with some macroinvertebrate species. The population dynamics of the tolerant texa, Tubificidae and Chironomidae, appeared to be related with changes in the densities of Acidovorax sp. This study revealed community relationships between macroinvertebrates and microorganisms, reflecting the connectivity between the two communities via the food chain. A further physio-ecological and symbiological study on the invertebrate-microorganism relationships will be required to understand the degradation and utilization of detritus in aquatic ecosystems as well as to elucidate the roles of the inter-taxa in the recovery of polluted aquatic environments.  相似文献   

The Marikina River in the Philippines has been polluted by Payatas landfill leachate, and domestic and agricultural waste. This study monitored the water quality at five stations on the river and two stations on two creeks that discharge to the river to determine the effects of Payatas landfill and to estimate pollution loading. The dissolved oxygen (DO), chemical oxygen demand (COD) and other water quality parameters were compared with the Philippines Standards for river water classification. It was found that Payatas leachate has a significant influence on the DO and COD levels as well as other water quality parameters. Per capita pollution loading for Quezon City was found to be lower than for Europe and Japan. The effect of leachate is more significant during the dry season. It is recommended that a leachate collection system be established to prevent leachate form entering Payatas creek, and that the Patayas landfill be replaced with a modern landfill site, conforming to current best practice at another location.

List of Abbreviation: BOD= Biological Oxygen Demand COD = Chemical Oxygen Demand DO = Dissolved Oxygen EC = Electrical Conductivity M1, M2, M3, M4, M5 = monitoring stations TDS = Total Dissolved Solids TSS = Total Suspended Solids  相似文献   

Recent studies have demonstrated that the Guadiana Estuary contains metal concentrations in excess of background values. Therefore, this work aims to document the potential environmental hazards associated with the availability of these metals in this environment of high ecological value. Mineralogical analysis shows that the sediments are composed mainly of quartz, albite, and clay minerals (illite, smectite, kaolinite, and vermiculite) along with several small, reactive compounds (including soluble sulphated salts, Fe-Mn oxyhydroxides, organic matter, and pyrite) capable of retaining metals, which can be subsequently released, causing environmental degradation. BCR sequential extraction shows that As, Cd, Cu, Mn, Pb, and Zn present mobile fractions with respect to the total metal content (41, 100, 57, 53, 70, and 69%, respectively) in any of the described reactive phases (F1 + F2 + F3).Calculated environmental risk indices demonstrate moderate to considerable ecological risk for almost the entire estuary, associated mainly with acid mine drainage from the nearby Iberian Pyrite Belt. In addition, the indices highlight several zones of extremely high risk, which are related to industrial and urban dumps in the vicinity of the estuary and to heavy traffic on the international bridge.  相似文献   

Metal pollution can affect soil microbial communities, and vegetation potentially influences this relationship. It can, for example, modify the toxicity of metal to soil microbes by controlling its input to the ground or by altering soil physicochemical properties. This study examined metal effects on soil respiration, potentially active microbial biomass (SIR) and catabolic abilities of culturable heterotrophic bacterial communities (Biolog GN) in pine forest and grassland ecosystems developed on soils contaminated with Zn, Pb and Cd. In samples from non-forested areas we found that metal pollution reduced the microbial biomass and functional diversity of bacteria, while increasing the metabolic quotient. In samples from pine forests we found no relationship between metal pollution and microbial parameters. Metals induced changes in soil respiration neither in forest nor in grassland sites. Generally, microbial performance was determined predominantly by soil physicochemical properties (nutrient content, acidity, contamination level). Vegetation type seemed a minor but important factor influencing microbial communities. More work is needed to determine why even relatively high metal concentrations do not significantly affect microbial communities in forest soils.  相似文献   

邴燕萍 《山西建筑》2009,35(3):347-348
从经济学角度分析了国家环境经济政策由超标收费转向排污即收费的原因,从几个方面构建研究框架,比较两者的差异,着重讨论了在信息偏差情况下政府判断失误对它们的影响,指出超标收费存在诸多弊端,并对当前的双收费制度作简要评价,以促进城市环境管理更加科学化。  相似文献   

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