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佛尔哈德法测定复混肥料中氯离子的含量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
朱涛  李崇明 《化肥工业》2002,29(1):23-26
对氯离子含量测定方法进行了研究,通过试验确定佛尔哈德法作为氯离子含量的测定方法,并用邻苯二甲酸二丁酯代替硝基苯包裹沉淀取得了很好的试验效果,该方法还减少了试剂的毒害,提高了操作的安全性,已被纳入复混肥料新国家标准。  相似文献   

随着我国复混肥料发展的需要,复混肥料国家标准修订中增加了氯离子含量测定项目,本文就氯离子含量的测定方法进行研究,通过试验验证,确定佛尔哈德法作为氯离子含量的测定方法,并在佛尔哈德法中采用邻苯二甲酸二丁酯代替硝基苯包裹沉淀取得了很好试验效果,同时减少了试剂的毒害,污染影响,提高了操作的安全性,目前此方法已纳入新国家标准的报批稿。  相似文献   

农业用硫酸钾原行业标准中采用汞量法测定氯离子含量,本文就氯离子含量测定方法进行理论分析和试验验证,确定佛尔哈得德法与汞量法相比,减少了试剂的毒害、污染影响,提高了操作的安全性,而且测定时条件要求简单,可以快速、准确、有效的测定农业用硫酸钾中氯离子含量。  相似文献   

<正> 氯甲醚含量的测定原均按经典方法——佛尔哈德法测定,用经典方法测定不仅要消耗昂贵的试剂硝酸银,而且分析时间长,操作步骤多,废液还易造成环境污染等缺点。用本文所推荐的方法测定氯甲醚含量,在同行业中未见报道。氯甲醚是易挥发、遇水易分解(水解)的  相似文献   

用全自动电位滴定法测定复肥中的氯离子含量。通过与佛尔哈德法结果的比较,以及重复性和回收率的试验,证明此法可以应用于复肥中氯离子含量的测定,结果与佛尔哈德法相符。  相似文献   

杜春明  许龙灿 《化学试剂》1998,20(1):46-46,43
苯甲醇代替佛尔哈德法中的硝基苯杜春明*许龙灿(云南省楚雄卫生学校化学教研室,楚雄675005)佛尔哈德法是测定氯离子的常用方法之一,在工业分析上应用很广,也是医药卫生上常用的药物含量测定方法。此法的缺点是使用了硝基苯、四氯化碳等挥发性有毒物质,也有使...  相似文献   

德士古煤气化工艺气流中的氯,常在强还原气氛中被转化为氯化氢。氯化氢的测定是该工艺的重要检测项目之一。下面介绍合成气中氯含量的测定方法。1 测量原理氯化氢可用氢氧化钠溶液吸收,采用硫氰酸汞光度法测定其中氯含量。合成气中还有硫化氢存在,可用醋酸锌吸收消除干扰。氯化氢与硫氰酸汞反应置换出的硫氰酸根,与铁离子作用生成硫氰酸铁红色化合物,根据其吸光度,采用分光光度法定量。2 仪器气泡吸收管;具塞比色管;分光光度计;湿式流量计。3 试剂吸收液:c(NaOH)=0.05mol/L;无水乙醇;硫氰酸汞-乙醇溶液:称取0.4g硫氰酸汞溶于100ml无水…  相似文献   

王巍 《安徽化工》2007,33(3):67-68
采用佛尔哈德法测银催化剂中银含量.称0.5g左右的试样,用20mL(1+1)硝酸溶解样品,加1mL硫酸铁铵饱和溶液指示剂,用0.05mol/L硫氰酸铵标准溶液滴定试样溶液,至溶液变为粉红色,激烈振荡30秒不褪色即为滴定终点.本实验测得试样银含量为16.84%,相对标准偏差为0.29%,加标回收率为99.5%~100.6%;采用Q/SY LYF0331-2003测得银含量为16.86%.该实验方法简便快捷,分析结果准确可靠,适用于银催化剂中银含量的测定.  相似文献   

二(2—氯乙基)磷酰氯是合成阻燃剂LZ—101氯代磷酸酯的中间体。本文介绍二(2—氯乙基)磷酰氯的一简单、快速、准确的分析方法,采用佛尔哈德法测定水解氯离子以确定二(2—氯乙基)磷酰氯的含量,取得了较好的分析结果。  相似文献   

通过对混合废塑料与煤共热解的实验数据进行分析计算,推导出热解过程中氯在固(焦炭)、气(煤气)中的分布量与恒温时间、WP加入量之间的关系,建立了焦炭中氯的残留量的表观动力学方程,根据该方程可以计算达到某一残留量要求时,所需的恒温时间。同时也分析了煤气中氯的生成动力学方程,以及以上过程的表观活化能。  相似文献   

采用氧瓶燃烧法测定双-(γ-三乙氧基硅基丙基)四硫化物(Si-69)的全硫含量,以过氧化氢溶液为吸收液,酚酞为指示剂,用氢氧化钠标准溶液直接滴定。探讨了该方法的精密度和准确度。结果表明,方法的相对标准偏差(RSD)<2%,与国标方法无显著性差异,相对误差≤2%。该方法简便、准确、成本低,还有快速的优点,可用于Si-69的全硫质量控制分析。  相似文献   

Combustion of waste trap grease oil in gas turbine generator   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
M.A. Al-Shudeifat 《Fuel》2010,89(3):549-553
The possibility of using waste trap grease in electric power generation is explored in this study. The performance and emissions of both diesel and waste trap grease oils were tested in a gas turbine generator at comparable operating conditions. The fuel system of the gas turbine was modified for dual fuel capability with a diversion valve and a heat exchanger with exhaust for elevating the temperature of trap grease. The viscosity of trap grease was measured as a function of temperature and it was determined that the trap grease oil should be heated up to nearly 80 °C in order to approach the viscosity of diesel fuel such that satisfactory injector atomization can be achieved. The heating values of the diesel and trap grease were measured using an oxygen bomb calorimeter to facilitate the calculations of engine performance on an energy input basis. The results showed that the trap grease exhibits less NOx emission for high generator loads compared to diesel, whereas CO and CO2 emissions are slightly to significantly higher than those of diesel as load decreases. The results of the performance and emissions testing indicate that trap grease can be satisfactorily used for power generation.  相似文献   

利用常规炼焦技术处理废塑料,在基础配合煤中添加不同配比的混合废塑料制备冶金焦和高强度多孔焦。当混合废塑料用量小于4%时,共炭化得到的焦炭与原配合煤炭化的焦炭性质相当;添加10%~18%的混合废塑料可生产I型转鼓强度大于70%、反应性约50%的多孔焦。  相似文献   

Combustion of low-calorific waste liquids in high temperature air   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Waste liquids with low-calorific values are not easy to burn. In this experiment, a furnace with a pair of burners for high-cycled alternate firing was utilized to burn the low-calorific value liquids. In a 1383 K furnace, 1173 K preheated air was achieved via these burners equipped with regenerators. It was observed that the alternate firing with highly preheated air was an effective way to ignite and burn the low-calorific value liquids. The preheated air temperature was higher than the auto-ignition temperature of the flammable mixture of the waste liquids. The combustion gas temperature in the furnace was quite uniform via the high-cycled alternate firing, resulting in a longer residence time of combustion in the furnace as compared to the conventional incinerator. The convective heat transfer in this furnace was higher than that of the conventional incinerator, and more useful energy was extracted from the waste liquids for end users. For the waste liquids with lower heating values of 15.0 MJ/kg (19 wt.% water) and 10.4 MJ/kg (42 wt.% water), it was found that 49% and 10% of the heating values of the waste liquids, respectively, could be used for utility energy. Furthermore, the waste liquid with a lower heating value of 7.1 MJ/kg (45 wt.% water) could burn itself in this furnace without the need of co-firing of any auxiliary fuels. NOx and CO emissions were lower than 60 ppmv (6% O2) and 50 ppmv (6% O2), respectively, for all tests.  相似文献   

Chunfei Wu 《Fuel》2010,89(10):3022-11821
Polypropylene, polystyrene, high density polyethylene and their mixtures and real-world plastic waste were investigated for the production of hydrogen in a two-stage pyrolysis-gasification reactor. The experiments were carried out at gasification temperatures of 800 or 850 °C with or without a Ni-Mg-Al catalyst. The influence of plastic type on the product distribution and hydrogen production in relation to process conditions were investigated. The reacted Ni-Mg-Al catalysts were analyzed by temperature-programmed oxidation and scanning electron microscopy. The results showed that lower gas yield (11.2 wt.% related to the mass of plastic) was obtained for the non-catalytic non-steam pyrolysis-gasification of polystyrene at the gasification temperature of 800 °C, compared with the polypropylene (59.6 wt.%) and high density polyethylene (53.5 wt.%) and waste plastic (45.5 wt.%). In addition, the largest oil product was observed for the non-catalytic pyrolysis-gasification of polystyrene. The presence of the Ni-Mg-Al catalyst greatly improved the steam pyrolysis-gasification of plastics for hydrogen production. The steam catalytic pyrolysis-gasification of polystyrene presented the lowest hydrogen production of 0.155 and 0.196 (g H2/g polystyrene) at the gasification temperatures of 800 and 850 °C, respectively. More coke was deposited on the catalyst for the pyrolysis-gasification of polypropylene and waste plastic compared with steam catalytic pyrolysis-gasification of polystyrene and high density polyethylene. Filamentous carbons were observed for the used Ni-Mg-Al catalysts from the pyrolysis-gasification of polypropylene, high density polyethylene, waste plastic and mixed plastics. However, the formation of filamentous carbons on the coked catalyst from the pyrolysis-gasification of polystyrene was low.  相似文献   

废旧塑料化学法回收是应对白色污染,同时实现高值化回收利用的有效方法之一,尤其是利用废塑料热解油进一步生产燃料油或化工产品的技术路线备受关注。但塑料垃圾杂质较多、成份复杂,其中杂质硅、氯对反应器、产物、催化剂或反应本身的影响均不可忽视。本文对塑料热解油中硅、氯杂质的来源、形态、生成机制及催化转化规律进行了分析,并根据杂质可能产生的不利影响提出了有效的应对策略。  相似文献   

报道了聚丙烯(PP)类塑料制品中全氟辛烷磺酸(perfluorooctane sulfonate,PFOS)的快速检测方法,样品经液氮冷冻粉碎,准确称取一定量粉碎样品于样品坩埚中,氧弹燃烧,3.2 mmol/LNa2CO3-1.0 mmol/L NaHCO3吸收液吸收燃烧释放的氟化物,离子色谱法测定。该方法准确、重复性好、操作简单,能够满足发达国家及地区关于PFOS的相关限量指令要求,与液相色谱串联质谱法测定结果比较,误差小于10%。  相似文献   

M. Mani  G. Nagarajan 《Fuel》2010,89(8):1826-1832
Environmental degradation and depleting oil reserves are matters of great concern around the globe. Developing countries like India depend heavily on oil import of about 125 Mt per annum (7:1 diesel/gasoline). Diesel being the main transport fuel in India, finding a suitable alternative to diesel is an urgent need. In this context, waste plastic solid is currently receiving renewed interest. Waste plastic oil is suitable for compression ignition engines and more attention is focused in India because of its potential to generate large-scale employment and relatively low environmental degradation. The present investigation was to study the effect of cooled exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) on four stroke, single cylinder, direct injection (DI) diesel engine using 100% waste plastic oil. Experimental results showed higher oxides of nitrogen emissions when fueled with waste plastic oil without EGR. NOx emissions were reduced when the engine was operated with cooled EGR. The EGR level was optimized as 20% based on significant reduction in NOx emissions, minimum possible smoke, CO, HC emissions and comparable brake thermal efficiency. Smoke emissions of waste plastic oil were higher at all loads. Combustion parameters were found to be comparable with and without EGR. Compression ignition engines run on waste plastic oil are found to emit higher oxides of nitrogen.  相似文献   

The flammability of wood plastic composites manufactured from recycled plastics was investigated by using the cone calorimetry technique. The peak of the heat release rate was 12% to 25% lower compared to references produced from pure polyethylene‐ and polypropylene‐based composites. The total heat capacity and mass loss rate were also smaller for recycled material compared to the references. The stability of the composites was improved due to the presence of various thermally stable compounds, eg, traces of fire retardants, pigments, and other additives and impurities that can be present in recycled material. Incorporation of carbon black into the secondary materials did not reduce the peak of the heat release rate, but the total heat capacity and mass loss rate decreased further.  相似文献   

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