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古天龙  李龙 《计算机学报》2021,44(3):632-651
智能体一直是人工智能的主要研究领域之一,任何独立的能够同环境交互并自主决策的实体都可以抽象为智能体.随着人工智能从计算智能到感知智能,再到认知智能的发展,智能体已逐步渗透到无人驾驶、服务机器人、智能家居、智慧医疗、战争武器等人类生活密切相关的领域.这些应用中,智能体与环境、尤其是与人类和社会的交互愈来愈突出,其中的伦理...  相似文献   

图像标题生成与描述的任务是通过计算机将图像自动翻译成自然语言的形式重新表达出来,该研究在人类视觉辅助、智能人机环境开发等领域具有广阔的应用前景,同时也为图像检索、高层视觉语义推理和个性化描述等任务的研究提供支撑。图像数据具有高度非线性和繁杂性,而人类自然语言较为抽象且逻辑严谨,因此让计算机自动地对图像内容进行抽象和总结,具有很大的挑战性。本文对图像简单标题生成与描述任务进行了阐述,分析了基于手工特征的图像简单描述生成方法,并对包括基于全局视觉特征、视觉特征选择与优化以及面向优化策略等基于深度特征的图像简单描述生成方法进行了梳理与总结。针对图像的精细化描述任务,分析了当前主要的图像“密集描述”与结构化描述模型与方法。此外,本文还分析了融合情感信息与个性化表达的图像描述方法。在分析与总结的过程中,指出了当前各类图像标题生成与描述方法存在的不足,提出了下一步可能的研究趋势与解决思路。对该领域常用的MS COCO2014(Microsoft common objects in context)、Flickr30K等数据集进行了详细介绍,对图像简单描述、图像密集描述与段落描述和图像情感描述等代表性模型在数据集上的性能进行了对比分析。由于视觉数据的复杂性与自然语言的抽象性,尤其是融合情感与个性化表达的图像描述任务,在相关特征提取与表征、语义词汇的选择与嵌入、数据集构建及描述评价等方面尚存在大量问题亟待解决。  相似文献   

针对杂散电流的泄露对设备及主体结构腐蚀和危害较大,常规检测技术功能单一的问题,提出了融合导通柜、排流柜、钢轨电位限位装置的一体化综合监控分析系统。通过分析钢轨电位与杂散电流的关系,并对导通柜、排流柜、及钢轨电位限制装置作智能化设计,能够进行智能化排流。系统包括参比电极、采集器、监测装置、排流柜、单向导通装置、主站后台等,根据全线杂散电流控制指标,结合不同设备状态及其与杂散电流系统的耦合情况,对多元参数进行分析运算,给出智能导通柜、排流柜、及钢轨电位限制装置一体化最优控制方式,以达到最优化的杂散电流治理效果。试验表明,本文设计的方案最大限度的减少了杂散电流的泄露对设备及主体结构的腐蚀和危害,延长设备及轨道洞体结构的使用寿命。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的快速发展,以视频为主的新媒体极大改变了信息传播方式。但是视频中不安全内容的传播容易带来潜在风险,可能产生不良社会影响,并造成一定损失。因此,视频内容的安全性研究具有重要的理论价值和重大应用需求,受到了研究人员的广泛关注。视频内容安全评价是描述视频内容安全性的重要方法,能够有效管理视频中不良信息的传播风险,降低影响和损失。本文从建立技术理论体系角度,围绕4个方面的内容监管,梳理了视频内容安全评价体系。围绕5个评价原则,总结了视频内容安全评价方法,阐述了基于PDCA (plan-do-check-act)原理的视频内容安全评价流程;综合考虑不良内容的特点,从5个方面提炼形成了视频内容安全评价指标,包括内容干扰度、内容恶意度、内容敏感度、内容暴露度和内容倾向度。给出视频内容安全风险计算的过程,阐述了基于层次分析的量化方法,从而得到视频内容风险程度,即视频内容安全风险值,结果考虑了决策的主客观特征;从高、中、低3个等级评价视频内容风险严重性的总体水平,更便于优化视频内容风险处理顺序。等级排序不仅提高了检测发现安全风险的效率,也为视频内容分级提供数据支撑。最后分析了视频内容评价面临的挑战机遇,详尽总结了十大待解决问题,展望了未来研究方向与发展趋势。  相似文献   

智能网联车路云协同系统架构与关键技术研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丁飞  张楠  李升波  边有钢  童恩  李克强 《自动化学报》2022,48(12):2863-2885
随着汽车产业电动化、智能化、网联化、共享化的发展驱动,全球主要强国均将智能网联汽车列为国家战略发展方向.蜂窝车联网、边缘计算网络和高精度定位系统的技术发展,为车车、车路、车人和车云系统的全面融合提供了有效支撑.车辆、道路、云平台与蜂窝车联网(Cellular vehicle-to-everything, C-V2X)网络的融合,加速打通车内与车外、路面与路侧、云上与云间的信息互通,为实现车路云一体化的融合感知、群体决策及协同控制提供了重要基础.首先,梳理了智能网联车路云协同系统架构与关键技术,对该领域的演进特征、发展制约因素进行了总体概述;其次,阐述了新型车路云协同系统、智能网联C-V2X通信系统、云控系统和车路云协同测试系统的架构设计与工作原理;然后,从C-V2X组网、融合定位、测试评价角度,介绍了车路云协同系统融合V2X网络、融合定位的技术演进与研究进展,给出了智能网联场景的仿真平台、实车测试及评价指标;最后,对智能网联车路云协同系统的协同组网与控制、互操作、边缘智能服务和安全技术层面的发展趋势进行了展望.  相似文献   

青光眼是以视神经损伤、特征性视野损伤为特点的一类眼病,在早期很难诊断,尽早发现可更好地遏制青光眼病症的恶化,降低致盲率。视盘和视杯的比值是评价青光眼诊断中的重要指标之一,视盘和视杯的分割是青光眼诊断的关键步骤。但眼底彩照中的渗出物、不均匀照明区域等特征使其可能出现相似的亮度区域,导致视盘和视杯的分割非常困难。因此本文对现有眼底彩照中视盘和视杯的分割方法进行了总结,并将其分为5大类:水平集法、模态法、能量泛函法、划分法以及基于机器学习的混合法。系统地梳理了各类算法的代表性方法,以及基本思想、理论基础、关键技术、框架流程和优缺点等。同时,概括了适用于青光眼诊断的各种数据集,包括数据集的名称、来源以及详细内容,并总结了在各种数据集中不同视盘和视杯分割结果和诊断青光眼的量化指标及其相关结果。在现有的视盘和视杯分割方法中,许多图像处理和机器学习技术得到广泛应用。通过对该领域研究算法进行综述,清晰直观地总结了各类算法之间的特点及联系,有助于推动视盘和视杯分割在青光眼疾病临床诊断中的应用。可以在很大程度上提高临床医生的工作效率,为临床诊断青光眼提供了重要的理论研究意义和价值。  相似文献   

Digital twin (DT) technology is essential for achieving the fusion of virtual-real cyber-physical systems. Academics and companies have made great strides in the theoretical research and case studies of constructing the shop-floor digital twin (SDT), which is the premise of applying DT technology on the shop floor. A shop floor is a large complex system that involves many elements including people, machines, materials, methods, and the environment and processes, such as the technical flow, business process, logistics, and control flow. However, most of the developed cases lack a hierarchical, structured and modularized implementation framework for the development of an SDT system, which leads to problems such as a low reuse rate of the system blocks, lack of scalability, and high upgrade and maintenance costs. In response to these issues, we propose a construction method of the DT for the shop floor based on model-based systems engineering from the perspective of the system. In this method, a comprehensive DT model for the shop floor is gradually constructed by using system modeling language, the modeling method “MagicGrid,” and the “V model” of systems engineering. The model includes four dimensions of the shop-floor requirements, structure, behavior, and parameters, as well as three stages (the problem domain, solution domain, and implementation domain), and connects nine steps of the “V model,” including the system requirements, system architecture, subsystem implementation, subsystem integration, and system verification. Then, based on an example of a real NC machining shop floor, subsystems including a visualization system, synchronization system, and simulation system, are discussed. Finally, the functions of the integrated systems are verified based on the requirements, including the real-time synchronization of “man, machine, material, and method” and the transient simulation in real time. The numerical indicators of the integrated system are verified, including the model completeness and synchronization timeliness.  相似文献   

生成式人工智能技术自ChatGPT发布以来,不断突破瓶颈,吸引了资本规模投入、多领域革命和政府重点关注。本文首先分析了大模型的发展动态、应用现状和前景,然后从以下3个方面对大模型相关技术进行了简要介绍:1)概述了大模型相关构造技术,包括构造流程、研究现状和优化技术;2)总结了3类当前主流图像—文本的大模型多模态技术;3)介绍了根据评估方式不同而划分的3类大模型评估基准。参数优化与数据集构建是大模型产品普及与技术迭代的核心问题;多模态能力是大模型重要发展方向之一;设立评估基准是比较与约束大模型的关键方法。此外,本文还讨论了现有相关技术面临的挑战与未来可能的发展方向。现阶段的大模型产品已有强大的理解能力和创造能力,在教育、医疗和金融等领域已展现出广阔的应用前景。但同时,它们也存在训练部署困难、专业知识不足和安全隐患等问题。因此,完善参数优化、优质数据集构建、多模态等技术,并建立统一、全面、便捷的评估基准,将成为大模型突破现有局限的关键。  相似文献   

A novel, safe and effective software authentication protocol is presented in this paper, which is based on dynamic allocation license of the credible authorization center and the registration kernel, and all the software copyright mechanisms are analyzed. The protocol effectively implements the safe registration, software migrating and secondary allocation, and it also separates the tryout version from the kernel, and integrates the kernel, the software environment and the version together. This protocol ensures the data security and its integrality in the protocol exchange in the network through encryption, authentication and digital signature. Moreover, the kernel is registered dynamically through the license protocol, and it is compressed and encrypted in storage, then the kernel is decompressed, decrypted and implements the integrity check dynamically in running, which effectively resists static analysis and improves the ability of resisting dynamic analysis. Compared with other methods, this mechanism has the characteristics of safety, low-cost and easiness in realization, which ensures the atom property in the sense of software license, resists the reverse engineering, and solves the problem of hard disk copy attacking.  相似文献   

In casting, molding and forming processes, the surface geometries of the fabricated products are formed/molded by different functional components of tooling. In plastic injection molding, they are molded by core, cavity or side-cores. In die and mold CAD, how to identify the product surfaces formed/molded by the corresponding tool components for a given product CAD model is critical, as it affects the determination of parting directions, parting lines and parting surfaces, the generation of core and cavity blocks, and finally the design of side-cores and their actuating mechanisms. In this paper, the concepts of surface visibility, demoldability, and moldability are first presented and formulated. The surfaces formed/molded by core, cavity and side-cores are then defined based on the plastic injection molding process. The methodology to identifying and classifying them is further developed. By employing the proposed notions of the demoldability map of surfaces and undercut features, the most preferred demolding direction, the grouping of undercut features, and how to conduct the side-core design is articulated succinctly, and the detailed procedures and processes are presented. Through an industrial case study, the developed methodology for side-core design is systematically presented and the feasibility of the developed approaches is verified.  相似文献   

随着物联网应用的发展和普及利用,针对物联网的攻击事件日益增多且危害严重。目前面对物联网安全问题主要采用被动补救的方式,缺乏对物联网安全的体系化思考和研究。本论文首先介绍物联网系统架构和各实体的发展,然后分析物联网面临的多层次安全威胁,包括各实体自身的安全威胁,也包括跨域的安全威胁。其中,实体自身安全威胁涉及到云平台、设备端、管道、云端交互。物联网跨域安全威胁包含4个方面:多域级联攻击、物理域的冲突与叠加、信息域对物理域进行非预期的控制、信息域对物理域输入的理解不全面。在此基础上,论文研究了基于PDRR网络安全体系的物联网安全模型,包含安全防护、安全检测、响应、恢复4个维度。安全防护包含认证、授权与访问控制、通信加密等技术,需要考虑物联网种类繁多,规模巨大,异构等特点进行设计与实施。安全检测需要对各实体进行入侵检测、在线安全监测、脆弱性检测以及恶意代码检测。其中,在线安全监测获取系统内部设备、应用程序的行为、状态、是否存在已知脆弱性等。脆弱性检测偏向于对未知脆弱性进行深度挖掘。在响应阶段,除了配合相关部门机关完成安全行动资源配置、态势感知等响应工作外,还需要进行入侵事件的分析与响应,漏洞...  相似文献   

情感在感知、决策、逻辑推理和社交等一系列智能活动中起到核心作用,是实现人机交互和机器智能的重要元素。近年来,随着多媒体数据爆发式增长及人工智能的快速发展,情感计算与理解引发了广泛关注。情感计算与理解旨在赋予计算机系统识别、理解、表达和适应人的情感的能力来建立和谐人机环境,并使计算机具有更高、更全面的智能。根据输入信号的不同,情感计算与理解包含不同的研究方向。本文全面回顾了多模态情感识别、孤独症情感识别、情感图像内容分析以及面部表情识别等不同情感计算与理解方向在过去几十年的研究进展并对未来的发展趋势进行展望。对于每个研究方向,首先介绍了研究背景、问题定义和研究意义;其次从不同角度分别介绍了国际和国内研究现状,包括情感数据标注、特征提取、学习算法、部分代表性方法的性能比较和分析以及代表性研究团队等;然后对国内外研究进行了系统比较,分析了国内研究的优势和不足;最后讨论了目前研究存在的问题及未来的发展趋势与展望,例如考虑个体情感表达差异问题和用户隐私问题等。  相似文献   

近期元宇宙热潮席卷全球,主要国家和知名企业纷纷布局以争夺未来数字领域话语权,但目前关于元宇宙并没有形成较为统一的标准定义和终极形态描述。我国在促进电子信息产业高质量发展、保障网络空间安全的需求下,亟需科学认识元宇宙的本质特征、演变趋势及安全风险。运用文献调研和情报分析相结合的研究方法,首先基于技术应用迭代、经济商业模式、社会关系作用等核心理念归纳提出了元宇宙的基本概念,根据空间范畴、时空维度、关键技术、虚实交互等演进程度,将元宇宙发展演变依次划分为数据创生、数字仿生、虚拟镜生、虚实共生4个阶段并阐述了各阶段特征及对应形态;接着从创新应用需求、虚拟生活转变、商业价值驱动、政治力量推动等角度,分析了元宇宙广受关注的主要原因;然后针对挑战国家治理体系、冲击主流意识形态、操纵收割资本市场、引发诸多社会问题、误导技术产业布局等方面,重点研判了元宇宙浪潮带来的政治、文化、经济、社会和技术等多重安全风险和威胁。研究建议,目前元宇宙尚处于概念完善和产品探索阶段,应理性把握元宇宙发展机遇,立足我国电子信息产业现状,提前做好风险应对准备,构建数字治理监管体系,激发产业创新开放发展,夯实网络信息安全支撑,营...  相似文献   

列车动力学模型时变环境参数自适应辨识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
考虑列车制动性能与制动距离对列车安全的重要影响, 分析了列车运行的动力学特性, 构建了列车离散化制动模型,并针对影响列车制动性能的关键参数 — 钢轨粘着系数难以直接观测、随钢轨环境变化的特点, 提出基于滑动窗口与最大期望理论的轮轨粘着系数在线辨识算法. 首先, 依据数据特征确定滑动窗口位置与窗口尺寸; 然后, 构造列车动力学模型参数的条件数学期望, 并结合粒子滤波与粒子平滑算法以及贝叶斯理论, 估计预设模型参数下的列车运行状态; 在此基础上, 分析粘着系数的后验概率, 并极大化条件数学期望对模型参数预设进行优化更新, 进而实现模型真实参数的逐步逼近. 最后, 考虑雪地、隧道等场景下的粘着系数变化, 对本文方法进行了仿真验证, 并数值分析了粘着系数对制动距离的影响. 仿真结果表明本文算法可快速、准确地对粘着系数进行实时辨识, 掌握轮轨间实时粘着状态.  相似文献   

《Computers in Industry》1987,9(4):353-368
Felxible Automation Systems (FAS) are comprised of three major sybsystems: the workstations, material handling, and computer control. Much effort and research have been devoted to the first two and to system control, the loading and scheduling of the system. Little effort has been expended, however, on the information requirements of FASS, although their control is information intensive. Every move of every axis of every device must be coordinated, monitored, and controlled. Information must be stored and transmitted to the needed device at the appropriate time. The status of the system must be continuously surveyed, updated, and verified.Hierarchical systems have been suggested for the control of FMSS, and this has implications for their structure, which in turn influences computing and communication requirements, system performance, reliability, and failure recovery. This paper discusses storage and data flow requirements as a function of the system's manufacturing mission. Two control architectures, centralized and two-level distributed, are considered, and the computing, storage, and communications requirements calculated for each. Analysis of results indicates that there is a break-even point between centralized and decentralized systems that is a function of the manufacturing mission but independent of FAS size and operating environment.  相似文献   

针对独居老人室内行为及异常行为监测, 开发出一款基于方位感知的老人居家行为监测系统, 并将该系统应用于生活场景. 该系统首先以舵机为原点, 建立室内方位坐标系, 将室内划分为不同的兴趣区域; 然后通过WiFi连接树莓派、摄像头、舵机, 编写Python程序实现摄像头自动目标搜索以及人脸识别、定位功能; 同时, 根据人脸识别结果, 记录舵机方位、视频以及老人驻留热点区域的时间; 最后根据上述监测方位和时间信息, 分析老人的室内行为, 进行异常行为判断, 并发送提醒邮件. 实测结果结果表明, 监测系统能够实时采集目标的视频和方位信息, 分析老人行为状态, 并对异常行为发送邮件预警. 此外, 该系统便于实现, 能够提供丰富的历史数据, 具有实际的应用价值和良好的应用前景.  相似文献   

Traditional filtering theory is always based on optimization of the expected value of a suitably chosen function of error, such as the minimum mean-square error (MMSE) criterion, the minimum error entropy (MEE) criterion, and so on. None of those criteria could capture all the probabilistic information about the error distribution. In this work, we propose a novel approach to shape the probability density function (PDF) of the errors in adaptive filtering. As the PDF contains all the probabilistic information, the proposed approach can be used to obtain the desired variance or entropy, and is expected to be useful in the complex signal processing and learning systems. In our method, the information divergence between the actual errors and the desired errors is chosen as the cost function, which is estimated by kernel approach. Some important properties of the estimated divergence are presented. Also, for the finite impulse response (FIR) filter, a stochastic gradient algorithm is derived. Finally, simulation examples illustrate the effectiveness of this algorithm in adaptive system training. Recommended by Editorial Board member Naira Hovakimyan under the direction of Editor Jae Weon Choi. This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under grants 50577037 and 60604010. Badong Chen received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in Control Theory and Engineering from Chongqing University, Chongqing, China, in 1997 and 2003, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in Computer Science and Technology from Tsinghua University, Beijing China, in 2008. He is currently a Postdoctor of the Institute of Manufacturing Engineering, Department of Precision Instruments and Mechanology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. His research interests are in signal processing, adaptive control, and information theoretic aspects of control systems. Yu Zhu received the B.S. of Radio Electronics in 1983 at Beijing Normal University, and the M.S. of Computer Applications in 1993, and the Ph.D. of Mechanical Design and Theory in 2001 at China University of Mining & Technology. He is now a Professor of the Institute of Manufacturing Engineering of Department of Precision and Mechanology of Tsinghua University. His current research interests are parallel machanism and theory, two photon micro-fabrication, ultra-precision motion system and motion control. Jinchun Hu received the Ph.D. in Control Science and Engineering from Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing, China, in 1998. Since then, he has been a postdoctoral researcher in Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics in 1999 and Tsinghua University in 2002 respectively. His research interests are in flight control, aerial Robot and intelligent control. Dr. Hu is currently an Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Science and Technology of Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. Zengqi Sun received the B.S. degree from the Department of Automatic Control, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 1966 and the Ph.D. degree in Control Engineering from the Chalmas University of Technology, Sweden, in 1981. He is currently a Professor of the Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. He is the author or coauthor of more than 100 paper and eight books on control and robotics. His research interests include robotics, intelligent control, fuzzy system, neural networks, and evolutionary computation.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present the analysis of grasp stability for multi-fingered robot hands that is based on translational and rotational acceleration convex polytopes. The aim of the grasp stability analysis is to find the resistance forces and moments of robot hands that can withstand the external disturbance forces and moments applied on objects. We calculate the resistance forces and moments respectively which are considered the properties of objects and robots. Therefore, the resistance forces and moments depend on the joint driving torque limits, the posture and the mass of robot fingers, the configuration and the mass of objects, the grasp position, the friction coefficients between the object surface and the end-effectors of robot fingers. We produce the critical resistance force and moment which are absolutely stable about external disturbances in all directions, the global resistance force and moment which are whole grasp capability of robot hands, and the weighted resistance forces and moments which can be properly used by controlling two indices according to the importance of robot hands. The effectiveness of this method is verified with simulation examples. Recommended by Editorial Board member Hyoukryeol Choi under the direction of Editor Jae-Bok Song. Myeong Eon Jang received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Chonnam National University, Gwangju, Korea in 1987 and 1990, the Ph.D. degree in the Department of Mechatronics Engineering at Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Korea in 2009, respectively. Since 1993, he has been a Researcher in the Agency for Defense Development (ADD), Daejeon, Korea. His research interests include robotics and intelligent control. Jihong Lee received the B.S. degree in Electronics Engineering from Seoul National University, Korea in 1983, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, Korea, in 1985 and 1991, respectively, all in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Since 2004, he has been a Professor in the Mechatronics Engineering Department of Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Korea. His research interests include robotics, intelligent control, multi-robot localization and path planning.  相似文献   

穿戴式柔性下肢助力机器人发展现状及关键技术分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
穿戴式柔性下肢助力机器人技术在康复医疗、助老助残、生活起居等方面具有广阔的应用前景,具有质量轻、体积小、可穿戴性强、人机相容性好等优势.为促进我国柔性下肢助力机器人的研究和发展,总结国内外在该领域的研究进展,阐述了多种助力系统的组成、驱动原理和运动学信息等,分析了各助力系统的辅助力/矩传递规律及其助力效果.同时,对柔性下肢助力机器人所涉及的安全与可靠性、步态检测技术、驱动方式及控制策略、助力性能评估等关键技术进行了分析.在总结研究成果及分析关键技术的基础上,指出柔性下肢助力机器人今后的发展方向、研究思路和面临的挑战.对于柔性下肢助力机器人及相关的研究工作,具有一定的指导意义.  相似文献   

随着网络的发展和普及,人们对于安全性、匿名性、反审查等信息安全的需求快速增强,越来越多的人开始关注和研究Tor匿名通信网络。目前针对Tor网络内容监控的研究工作大部分存在功能少、性能弱等劣势,如缺乏为暗网设计的专用爬虫,网络连接速度较慢,本文设计开发了一套综合性的Tor网络内容动态感知及情报采集系统,包含数据采集爬虫以及网页内容分类两个部分。其中爬虫部分使用了分布式架构,包括了任务管理模块、爬虫调度模块、网页下载模块、页面解析模块、数据存储模块,同时创新性地优化了Tor连接链路以提高爬取速度和稳定性;网页内容分类部分使用了自然语言处理技术,建立训练模型并对抓取到的信息进行精准高效分类,解决分类的准确度和复杂性问题,最后根据结果分析暗网的内容结构和敏感信息。我们也相应地为保障系统运行设计了容错模块和预警模块,从而对系统各个组件的当前状态进行实时监控,并将系统的状态数据进行整合、收集和展示。最后我们将该系统放到了实际Tor网络环境中进行了测试,从系统网页爬取效果、内容分类效果及系统性能等三方面进行了评估和分析,并与国内外7中现有的框架的功能进行了对比,证明本文提出的方案在暗网域名、网页、数...  相似文献   

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