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高速角接触球轴承中,球与保持架的碰撞会导致球与滚道的冲击滑动,从而引起滚道划伤和轴承早期失效。为探究球与保持架的冲击碰撞导致的瞬时滑动,以某高速角接触球轴承为研究对象,通过对联合载荷下角接触球轴承的动力学仿真,分析了变速工况及保持架结构参数对球与保持架的冲击碰撞、球与滚道的冲击滑动以及零件磨损率的影响。结果发现,加减速及恒定转速下,球与保持架的运动呈现周期性变化;由于球进入和离开径向载荷区域时公转角速度的变化,球与保持架碰撞并导致球相对内、外圈滚道发生冲击滑动;为适应球公转角速度的变化,适当增大兜孔间隙,可以减小球与保持架兜孔碰撞力的大小和频率,从而减小球与滚道的冲击滑动以及保持架的磨损率。  相似文献   

在MMS-1G型高速干滑动摩擦磨损试验机上,采用CrNiMo钢作为销试样,与H96黄铜盘配副,进行了高速干滑动摩擦磨损试验,研究其高速干滑动摩擦磨损性能。对试验后的试样沿纵切面进行微观组织分析,探讨摩擦表面在试验前后及不同试验参数条件下的组织变化。结果表明,在高速干滑动条件下,CrNiMo钢材料的摩擦磨损性能随滑动速度的增加存在突变,其微观组织摩擦后沿纵切面发生了较大变化,且摩擦表面组织随滑动速度增加,发生了回复再结晶及碳化物的析出和长大。  相似文献   

考虑齿间滑动影响的高速列车传动齿轮动态接触特性分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为研究高速列车传动齿轮在啮合过程中因接触表面各啮合点处滑差不一致对动态接触特性的影响.以CRH3型动车组转向架传动齿轮为研究对象,基于齿轮接触相关理论及轮齿摩擦关系,引入考虑轮齿表面滑差、动力黏度及载荷等因素下的EHL时变摩擦模型,利用ABAQUS/Standard提供的隐式直接积分法对低速重载工况下的传动齿轮进行动态分析.通过对比无摩擦、常摩擦因数及变摩擦下的仿真结果分析齿轮间滑差及摩擦因数大小对齿轮副动态接触特性的影响.结果表明,表面啮合节点摩擦因数不一致对齿轮接触合力、接触斑面积、Mises、接触应力最大值及其分布影响很小;在啮合过程中,考虑滑差影响的齿面摩擦力波动更平缓,均值较常摩擦增加了 40%;摩擦剪应力分布比采用常摩擦得到的结果更贴合实际.而常摩擦因数数值的增加对应力分布影响不大,但会使得接触面应力值相应增加,加剧系统的周期性振动.  相似文献   

窦迪  阮铃月  黄春晓 《机电技术》2021,(4):65-67,75
文中使用可变速滑动电接触试验机模拟波动载流和速度下接触温升状况.通过实验以运行速度、载流为输入,接触温升为输出,获得不同电流和速度下的接触面温升特性规律,再利用拟合算法建立在不同滑动速度和波动载流下滑动电接触温升模型,并结合误差平方和可决系数验证模型的有效性.  相似文献   

滑动速度对单晶硅在不同接触尺度下磨损的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用纳米划痕仪和液压伺服磨损试验机研究不同接触尺度下滑动速度对单晶硅磨损性能的影响。结果表明:单晶硅在不同接触尺度条件下表现出不同的损伤特征,同时滑动速度对其损伤有很大影响。微观单点接触条件下,单晶硅在低载下的损伤表现为凸起;速度越高,摩擦诱导的非晶层越薄,形成的凸结构越低。随着载荷增加,当接触压力高于单晶硅的硬度时,单晶硅的损伤逐渐转变为沟槽;滑动速度越高,接触区材料的加工硬化越剧烈,沟槽越浅。宏观多点接触条件下,较低的名义接触压力即会在单晶硅表面产生磨损,磨损过程中同时发生犁沟、疲劳和氧化磨损;滑动速度越高,单晶硅表面裂纹萌生得越多,产生的磨屑越细,磨损量越低。该研究结果有助于单晶硅超光滑表面制造的工艺改进以及硅基微机电系统的摩擦学优化设计。  相似文献   

高速角接触球轴承速度性能试验研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
蒋兴奇  马家驹 《中国机械工程》2002,13(12):1052-1055
以内圆磨床砂轮轴中定压预紧成对串列背对背安装的角接触球轴承为例,通过试验研究了结构型式,润滑参数和润滑油对高速性能的影响,研究结果为高速轴承的设计和应用,以及润滑参数的选择提供了依据。  相似文献   

边界润滑下滑动接触表面破坏行为的数值分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对边界润滑条件,本文用有限元方法分析了当滚动接触处于准静态情况下,接触表面覆盖有水边界膜而且接触区内存在微观突起和微观裂纹的接触状态,阐明了液体对表面微观裂纹的影响。分析结果表明液体的存在改变了接触区的受力状态,表面裂纹造成接触区应力分布的不连续;有水存在时,最高接触压力降低并且分布均匀,但造成应力强度因子K1增大,促进裂纹的扩展。  相似文献   

为了减少和避免滚动轴承保持架与套圈接触表面的冲击滑动磨损,Mo S2等固体润滑膜被广泛用于轴承保持架表面和套圈引导面的润滑改性。为研究冲击滑动条件下Mo S2固体润滑薄膜的摩擦磨损特性,在自制的冲击滑动磨损试验装置上,在干摩擦及油润滑条件下对9Cr18轴承钢表面制备的Mo S2固体润滑膜进行不同冲击频率、冲击力和滑动速度下的摩擦磨损试验。结果表明,Mo S2固体润滑膜的失效模式主要受润滑状态和冲击力的影响,随着冲击力及冲击频率的增加,Mo S2固体润滑膜表面摩擦力矩增大,且油润滑比干摩擦下摩擦力矩显著减小;黏结工艺加工的冲击试样表面失效以疲劳裂纹及剥落为主,喷涂工艺加工的回转试样则展现出稳定的表面磨损。  相似文献   

对混合陶瓷角接触球轴承和全钢角接触球轴承的陀螺力矩、自旋滑动、高速下公转打滑、硬度、抗粘着性、电阻率和表面粗糙度进行了对比分析,论述了混合陶瓷角接触球轴承高速和长寿命的原因。  相似文献   

在光干涉滚子-盘试验机上,研究在纯滑动椭圆接触条件下急停对弹流润滑表面凹陷现象的影响,通过改变载荷与速度的大小,观察"温度-黏度楔"凹陷油膜在急停过程中向挤压凹陷油膜的转化情况,并使用双光干涉图像处理软件对油膜中截面膜厚进行测量。实验结果表明:载荷增加时,"温度-黏度楔"凹陷出现的时间与凹陷到达接触区中心的时间均缩短;当速度不同时,急停过程中"温度-黏度楔"凹陷的产生时间不同,但都会向接触区中心移动;随稳态速度的增加,在速度急剧降低为0的阶段,初始油膜厚度高,油膜厚度下降较快;在速度为0的恒载荷纯挤压阶段,油膜厚度下降较慢。  相似文献   

Data loss and demagnetization of perpendicular magnetic recording disk under sliding contact were investigated experimentally. The data loss tests of the disk against a diamond tip under normal forces (0.005–0.05 mN) and the scan of the disk with the magnetic head were sequentially carried out. Then, the demagnetization tests under normal forces (6–10 mN) were performed on the disk to examine the demagnetization behavior. After the tests, the sliding contact areas in the disk samples were observed by atomic force microscopy and magnetic force microscopy. The results showed that data loss occurred without any scratch damages on the disk and demagnetization of the magnetic medium did not occur in the data loss area. The demagnetization occurred only when the scratch depth in the disk exceeded the thickness of the diamond-like-carbon top layer. Finally, a method to study the relationship between data loss and demagnetization of the perpendicular magnetic recording disk under sliding contact was proposed and the conclusion was given that data loss of the disk was not induced by demagnetization of the magnetic medium.  相似文献   

润滑点接触粗糙表面滑动摩擦因数的实验研究   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
利用多功能微摩擦试验机,在轻载荷条件下测量了具有横向纹理圆盘表面的摩擦因数,得到了包括流体润滑、混合润滑和边界润滑完整的Stribeck曲线。考虑了载荷和时间对实验结果的影响,对不同粗糙度表面的Stribeck曲线进行了比较。实验的初步结果表明:增加载荷与实验时间,会获得更加稳定的实验结果;表面越粗糙,从混合润滑向流体润滑转换的临界速度越大;表面越光滑,Stribeck曲线的“谷底”越明显。  相似文献   

The Bernoulli head/disk interface is investigated using interferometry as well as the measurement of acoustic emission, normal force, and disk deflection. The dependence of head-to-disk spacing on radial head position and velocity for upper and lower heads is measured by monochromatic light interferometry. Acoustic emission measurements are used to study intermittent contacts between head and flexible disk. The normal force between the head and the disk h measured and is found to correlate with the acoustic emission signal. The disk deflection characteristics show that the normal force at the head/disk interface is related to the vertical displacement of the head. The normal force at the head/disk interface is determined from the relative disk deflection using the disk stiffness in the normal direction and compared with the measured force.  相似文献   

When the decrease in the space between magnetic head and disk arrived at 10 nm or less, which is much lower than the mean free path of gas molecules, the gas flow presents distinctive features against the macro features because of the rarefied effects. The modified Reynolds equation considering rarefied gas effect is used to calculate the rarefied region of a negative pressure magnetic head working in the distance of 10 nm. Inverse Knudsen number was adopted to calculating the ratio of the rarefied area. According to the numerical results, discussions and analyses are then presented to reveal the rarefied effect on the working performances of a magnetic head. The results show that the magnetic head works in the slip-flow and transition regions and moves to the transition region with the increase in velocity. Furthermore, the maximum rarefied effects occur at the side edges where the flying height is thinner and pressure is lower, rather than in the minimum flying height on the rear. The results also show that with considering the rarefied effects, the load-carrying capacity of the magnetic head and the maximum pressure decrease significantly, but the minimum pressure slightly changes.  相似文献   

根据热力学理论,建立了硬盘磁头热力学分析模型,利用数值方法分析了绝热过程中热效应及热蠕流效应对磁头承载能力、飞行姿态等性能的影响,并与实验结果进行了对比分析。数值分析结果表明,绝热过程中热蠕流效应对磁头的压力分布和承载力没有明显影响,但热效应对气体黏度和磁头飞行姿态影响明显。热效应使气体黏度和承载能力增加,从而使磁头飞行高度和俯仰角增大,但对侧翻角没有明显影响。理论分析与实验结果的对比分析表明,磁头的飞行过程不是绝热过程。  相似文献   

Results of experimental studies concerning the influence of permanent magnetic field on wear of lubricated sliding contact operating at short stroke and high frequency are presented. It was found that horizontal magnetic is affecting performance of the contact. The jagged delamination regions produced in the presence of a magnetic field can be regarded as easily undergoing oxidisation because oxygen is readily adsorbed there. Magnetic field is likely to intensify the abrasive action by wear particles and mitigate wear of the plate specimen. It is postulated that all these effects are caused by the influence of magnetic field on the electrical charge of the worn surface created on Si3N4 ball.  相似文献   

Silicon carbide (SiC) is a potential ceramic material for recording heads, yet its tribological performance against lubricated thin-film rigid disks is not fully known. Square pins with a 100 mm radius spherical surface were made from hot pressed SiC, chemical vapor deposited (CVD) SiC, and Al2O3TiC, and tested with lubricated thin-film disks. The pin-on-disk tests showed that the region of contact on the spherical surface of the SiC and CVD-SiC pins wears away to form a circular wear plateau with smears in and around the plateau. The wear plateau is formed rapidly in the first 1000 drag revolutions and then very gradually grows in size with further revolutions. Analysis of the smears showed that a large fraction of the smears contained SiO2 which had been oxidized from SiC due to high temperatures generated at the pin surface in contact with the disk. In contrast, tests with Al2O3. TiC pins did not show any formation of a wear plateau on the pins.  相似文献   

磁头/磁盘超薄气膜润滑动特性计算与分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
给出了一种新的计算超薄磁头/磁盘气体润滑压力的差分算法和公式,指出了磁头偏离平衡位置的3种方式,并对超薄磁头/磁盘气体润滑问题中的动特性参数进行了计算。计算结果表明:磁头气体动压正翻刚度是影响磁头稳定的重要因素,它会使磁头越来越偏离平衡位置。  相似文献   

根据硬盘磁记录工作原理可知,磁头输出电信号的强弱直接反应了磁头飞行高低的变化,因此本文通过测试硬盘在低频率振动下磁头电信号的变化情况来分析磁头的飞行状况.结果表明当激振频率小于25Hz时,其电压输出值的波动很小,输出结果具有一定的规律性.当频率大于50Hz时,电压输出波动幅度就比较大.磁头在磁盘表面的振动幅度也比较历害...  相似文献   

在中国国家自然科学基金重大项目《先进电子制造中的重要科学技术问题研究》资助下,针对2nm厚度的DLC薄膜的制备和磁头、磁盘间的吸附等问题,探索“磁头、磁盘表面润滑规律和超薄保护膜的生长机理及技术”,目标是寻找磁头、磁盘表面超薄DLC薄膜新的制备方法和制备工艺,发现超薄DLC保护膜的生长机理和生长极限,开发磁头表面抗吸附分子膜的制备技术。报告研究所取得的体系化理论成果。 为了制备厚度为2nm的超薄DLC薄膜,使用FCVA技术代替磁控溅射和CVD技术。通过优化制备参数,制备出厚度为2nm,表面粗糙度为0.128nm,并且连续均匀的DLC薄膜。探索基体形貌对薄膜生长模式的影响规律。发现在脉冲偏压幅值-100V、占空比20%条件下制备的薄膜性能最优  相似文献   

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