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E-mail: appphy@hdpu.edu.cn1. IntroductionThere has been much work on the dielectric properties of the two-phase random composites[lro"]. FOr thelinear response of such a composite system, according to its microstructure, we can use the effective mediumtheory and Maxwell-Garnett theory to deal with it. However, in fact, due to diffusion etc., there exist interfacesbetween the scattered grains and the host medium. The dielectric properties of the interfacial coating shellsare different from bo…  相似文献   

提出了一种分析两相材料塑性响应的模型。该模型由两个简单模型组成,它可以方便地预测不同体积比的两相材料的弹性模量,应力-应变响应。本文还提出了一种求解两相材料中“相”应力-应变响应的方法,并初步得到了试验的验证。  相似文献   

采用醇化聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PETG)和乙烯-正丁基丙烯酸酯-甲基丙烯酸缩水甘油酯共聚物(PTW)对聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET)进行改性,再与丙烯腈-苯乙烯-丁二烯共聚物树脂(ABS)制成复合材料。扫描电镜(SEM)表明,改性后的PET相在ABS基体中分散均匀,形成的分散相区尺寸小,相容性好。红外光谱分析发现,界面经冷热循环后,PET分子中乙二醇链段从左右式构象转变为反式构象,当复合材料在经受高低温试验的过程中,PET和ABS因具有不同膨胀系数而在界面处产生应力。采用改性PET可使ABS/PET复合材料的拉伸强度、弯曲强度和缺口冲击强度分别提高10.8%、13.3%和150%。  相似文献   

由于具有优异的光催化性能,二氧化钛在光电转换、光催化等新兴领域获得了大量的应用.而以二氧化钛为核的核/壳结构复合材料,由于可以产生不同于其本身和壳体材料的独特的全新性能,近年来受到了越来越多的关注.根据壳体材料的不同,从制备方法、表征和物性研究等方面分别介绍了以单质、聚合物、无机氧化物和杂化材料为壳的二氧化钛基核/壳结构复合材料的研究进展.最后展望了二氧化钛基核/壳结构复合材料的发展前景.  相似文献   

通过对橡胶表面进行处理并涂刷柔性过渡层,研究橡胶与乙烯基树脂复合材料的界面粘接性能。结果表明,橡胶表面经过化学处理后,出现大量细小微裂纹,使得橡胶与乙烯基酯复合材料的界面粘接强度得到大幅度提高;在经过化学处理后的橡胶表面涂刷柔性能渡层,二者界面剥离强度提高到2.90 k N/m,粘合强度达到2.30 MPa。  相似文献   

The current paper addresses the problem of 2-D modelling of the onset of failure process in a layered composite with periodic array of interfacial cracks under static compression along layers. The statement of the problem is based on the most accurate approach, the model of piecewise-homogenous medium. The condition of plane strain state is considered. The shear and the extensional buckling modes are examined. The laminae are modelled by transversally isotropic material (a matrix reinforced by continuous parallel fibres). The complex non-classical failure mechanics problem is solved utilizing finite element analysis. It is found that the -plies volume fraction, the crack length and the mutual position of cracks influence the critical strain in the composite.  相似文献   

配橡胶内衬的复合材料板壳可以模拟真实纤维缠绕压力容器。本文通过比较复合材料被撞击的时间历程和频域曲线,检测了复合材料缠绕层与内衬之间、内衬与内衬之间的损伤区,并对某型火箭发动机壳体的缩小比例试件进行了实际检测。  相似文献   

自1983年美国生产了第1批木塑复合材料(WPCs)以来,作为一种最具潜力的复合材料,木塑复合材料在建筑和结构应用方面都引起了人们极大的兴趣,其应用不仅可以减小环境污染,而且还可以缓解石油危机。热塑性树脂和植物纤维之间相容性的差异直接影响了木塑复合材料综合性能的提高。文中概述了木塑复合材料界面处理方法的最新研究进展,并对其超/亚临界流体处理方法的优缺点进行了分析和探讨。  相似文献   

孔亚茹  郭强  张荻 《材料导报》2015,29(9):34-43, 49
颗粒增强铝基复合材料具有较好的比刚度、比强度、抗疲劳、耐热耐磨和辐射屏蔽等优点,广泛应用于航空航天、军工、电子和汽车等领域。在这类材料中,基体-增强体界面的结构与性能对复合材料宏观性能影响显著。综述了颗粒增强铝基复合材料主要的制备方法和应用现状,特别聚焦于界面的结构及其对复合材料宏观性能的影响方式与机制,同时指出了复合材料制备过程中各种因素对材料界面性质的影响。最后,展望了颗粒增强铝基复合材料界面性能研究的发展前景,指出可采用先进的微纳米尺度的测量技术,结合显微结构表征的方法,系统地研究界面性能与结构之间的关系。  相似文献   

天然植物纤维复合材料界面改性研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马玉峰  张伟  王春鹏  储富祥 《材料导报》2011,25(19):81-84,89
天然植物纤维基复合材料性能优异,但天然植物纤维独特的结构性能,致使其与聚合物复合还存在诸多问题。提高天然植物纤维在聚合物基体中的分散性,增加纤维与聚合物基体的相容性对于提高天然植物纤维复合材料力学性能有着至关重要的作用。概述了天然植物纤维及其复合材料制备在界面改性方面的研究进展,总结了纤维改性对复合材料性能的影响,目前天然植物纤维改性处理的方法主要有热处理法、碱处理法、偶联剂法、酰化法、表面接枝法、复合处理法等。随着天然植物纤维改性研究的不断深入,天然植物纤维基复合材料应用前景将更加广阔。  相似文献   

高层建筑TMD风振控制分析的复模态法   总被引:13,自引:5,他引:13  
本文对带TMD的高层建筑风振响应问题进行了系统研究。首先建立了运动方程,然后用第一振型将主体结构展开,针对所得方程为非经典阻尼和非对称结构以及脉动风谱为非有理分式风谱的情况,用线性滤波过程生成脉动风谱,用复模态理论和扩阶法进行解耦,获得了等效风谱对应的以第一振型表示的结构风振响应的解析解。本文方法可用于带TMD结构的风振与抗风可靠度分析以及基于可靠度约束的抗风优化设计。  相似文献   

原位法表征碳/碳复合材料界面性能的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用单丝顶出和束顶出法分别测试了细编穿刺碳/碳(C/C)复合材料不同层次的界面粘结性能,研究了生产工艺对不同层次界面性能的影响,建立了顶出试验的力学模型,并用有限元方法分析了界面上应力的分布情况,对可能的界面破坏模式进行了预测,为最终优化C/C复合材料的生产工艺提供了依据。  相似文献   

界面的好坏直接影响RTM成型复合材料的力学性能。本文研究了RTM成型复合材料不同层次界面的特点,形成机理,并采用冷等离子处理对RTM成型复合材料界面性能进行改性。结果表明,RTM成型复合材料不同层次界面性能是不同的,通过冷等离子体处理可以减少不同层次界面之间的差别,进而可以改善复合材料的力学性能。  相似文献   

A preliminary model for the analysis of thermo-mechanical behaviour of interfacial coatings on thefibers in unidirectional composites have been developed on the solution of thermo-elastic mechan-ics. Thermal stress would be introduced into the composite during cooling because of the mismatchof thermo-mechanical properties among their components. The low modulus coating can effectivelyreduce the interracial stress caused by different thermal expansion coefficient between fibers and ma-trix, no matter how high or low the expansion coefficients of coatings are in CF/Al and SiC/Ticomposite systems, however, high modulus coating can decrease the interfacial compressive stress,only when the thermal expansion coefficient of coating is lower.  相似文献   

A series of 3D-C/SiC composites with different pyrolytic carbon (PyC) interracial layers (about 20~300 nm thick)were prepared by chemical vapor infiltration.  相似文献   

采用不同用量配比马来酸酐接枝均聚聚丙烯(iPP-MA)及马来酸酐接枝聚烯烃弹性体(POE-MA)对合成云母进行包覆后,填充到均聚聚丙烯(iPP)中制备复合材料,对包覆云母沉降行为及复合材料断面形态、性能进行研究。结果表明,固定接枝物用量,随着POE-MA含量的增多,复合材料界面结合呈现改善趋势。iPP-MA对材料屈服前比基本断裂功(We,y)的提高有利,而POE-MA对材料屈服前比非基本断裂功(β′Wp,y)提高有利。  相似文献   

A new continuum based thick shell model is presented for modeling orthotropic laminated shell structures undergoing large elastic deformations. An equivalent single-layer model involving seven nodal degrees of freedom is used. In that layered model, there are no restrictions on the number of layers, their thickness and their stacking sequence. The shell model accounts explicitly for the thickness change in the shell, as well as the normal stress and strain states through its thickness. Shear locking is avoided using an assumed natural strain formulation, while thickness locking is avoided using modified displacement interpolation functions. The performance of the layered shell element is tested using several linear and non-linear composite plate and shell problems involving anisotropic, angle and cross-ply laminates, cylindrical and spherical shells.  相似文献   

This article presents methodology for planning life tests based on the random fatigue-limit model (RFLM). The RFLM describes the relationship between fatigue life and the applied load in the presence of fatigue limits. A standardization of the RFLM is presented, and corresponding expressions for the elements of the Fisher information matrix are given. Different test plan criteria that express various objectives that the practitioner may have in conducting experiments under the RFLM are discussed. These criteria include estimation of life quantiles, estimation of stress/strain levels that yield a specific life quantile, estimation of fatigue-limit quantiles, and D and Ds optimality. Equivalence theorems used to verify optimality of test plans are also presented. The methods are sufficiently general so they can be applied to criteria based on any function of the model parameters. They are demonstrated using a nickel-base superalloy experiment.  相似文献   

We derive the general effective-medium expression for the surface-guided magnetic polaritons and magnetostatic waves, which propagate in the antiferromagnetic superlattice with antiferromagnetic impurity film, and investigate the influence of the external magnetic field on the energy of localized magnetic polaritons. Similarly as in the free-standing antiferromagnetic film, the spectrum of magnetic polaritons in the presence of an external magnetic field is reciprocal in the sense that the frequency is independent of the direction of propagation. In the system under consideration one finds both the surface polaritons which are strongly localized in the antiferromagnetic film which acts as a waveguide, and waves which are weakly localized within film. The first waves are the pure surface modes or guided modes where excitations have a standing-wave-like character. This important feature of the localized magnetic polaritons enables us to use these antiferromagnetic systems in the technologies for devices (for example, in resonators) that work at wavelengths in the infrared region. Second waves have the very small value of the decay parameter and appear in the regions where the surface mode penetrates into the bulk band, i.e. the magnetic polaritons are weakly localized in the impurity film region. Now we obtain the mixed type mode having both bulk and surface characteristics. Also, the general way in which the dispersion curves vary with the volume fraction of the superlattice components and with impurity film is illustrated in this study.  相似文献   

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