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综合现阶段国内外FRP复合材料加固砌体结构的研究现状,并结合工程实际案例,就FRP复合材料加固砌体结构的选材、加固设计及加固施工等方面的相关注意事项,作了有重点的阐述,内容涉及FRP选材要点、FRP强度有效利用值、对火灾等极端因素的考虑、墙体单面加固的有效性等诸多方面,相关经验可供工程实际参考使用。 相似文献
在过去的50多年间,我国的土木工程建设发展极为迅猛.建筑物和构筑物建造、使用中出现的质量、维护问题,及其老龄化问题,引起人们的高度关注和重视,各种修补加固方法也不断出现,笔者根据自身的施工经验,对钢筋混凝土结构的加固施工中所遇到的加固施工方案及施工方法进行简单的介绍,并对不同方案进行优化比较. 相似文献
本文对8根大比例的FRP加固钢筋混凝土桥柱模型在轴压比为0.2的恒定轴压力下进行拟静力试验,再对其中5根试验柱在经历有限的地震作用后进行长期荷载作用下的轴压试验。试验表明,FRP加固柱的徐变变形远小于对比柱的徐变变形;带损伤的加固柱在长期荷载作用下的变形发展受加固柱的损伤程度和持荷大小的控制,并与FRP的弹性模量有关;在试验条件下,带损伤的加固柱长期轴向变形呈稳定态势。采用AEMM和F ind ley模型为基础,考虑损伤程度、密封状态、三向应力状态和应力重分布等因素的影响,建立了损伤加固柱的徐变计算模型,并进行了验证。分析表明,损伤对加固柱的徐变发展和徐变破坏时限有显著影响。 相似文献
Due to their high corrosion and chemical resistance, fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) materials are increasingly being used in the construction of industrial chimneys. The design of a chimney is governed by wind loads as well as thermal loads resulting from the differences among the ambient, the operating and the curing temperatures. This study involves an investigation for the thermal stresses induced in angle-ply laminated FRP chimneys, using an in-house developed laminated shell element model. The finite element model is verified by performing thermal analysis of a number of plate and shell problems and comparing the results to those available in the literature. An extensive parametric study is then conducted using the shell element model to identify the parameters which significantly affect thermal stresses induced in FRP chimneys.The study indicates that the thermal stresses are only affected by the inclination of the lamina plies, the percentage of fibers content and the through thickness temperature distribution. Analyses also show that localized cracks in the direction perpendicular to the fibers are expected to occur due to the thermal loads. Finally, thermal stress values that can be used in the design of FRP chimneys, when cracking is considered, are presented as function of the through thickness temperature distributions. 相似文献
Load-bearing and deformation behaviour of truss joints using thin-walled pentagon cross-sections 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
For medium and large spans of trusses efficient solutions can be achieved with members made of cold formed sections due to the easiness of production and the nearly unlimited variety of cross-section types and the high-strength steels available today. The use of ‘pentagon’ cross-sections with a large radius of gyration for both axes offers statical and constructional advantages for the chords. The low-cost design of the truss joints using a gusset plate welded onto the ridge of the cross-section can lead, however, to great section deformations and consequently also to an early failure of the entire construction. This local load-bearing behavior can be described by the following analytical calculation model based on the Generalized Beam Theory (GBT). Furthermore this analytical model has been compared with tests on truss segments and results of an numerical analysis using the finite element program system ABAQUS. 相似文献
Assessment of excavation damaged zone using a micromechanics model 总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14
M. Cai P.K. Kaiser 《Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology incorporating Trenchless Technology Research》2005,20(4):301-310
It is well known that acoustic emission (AE) and microseismic (MS) events are indicators of rock fracturing or damage as the rock is brought to failure at high stress. By capturing the microseismic events, underground excavation induced rock mass degradation or damage can be located. The use of microseismic method has been shown as a valuable tool in a number of nuclear waste repository research programs to monitor the extent of the excavation damaged zone (EDZ), but most of the works are limited to a qualitative assessment.This paper presents a study on the quantification of the degree of damage, in terms of crack density calculated from the crack length, and the extent, in terms of crack density distribution, from microseismic event monitoring data. The approach builds on the finding that a realistic crack size corresponding to a microseismic event can be established by applying a tensile cracking model instead of the traditional shear model, commonly used in earthquake data analysis. It can be shown that brittle rock failure is the result of tensile crack initiation, propagation, accumulation, and interaction. Tensile stress can be generated in a confined rock with heterogeneous material properties. When a crack is formed by tensile cracking in this fashion, its orientation tends to become parallel to the direction of maximum compressive stress. A method is developed to take microseismic event monitoring data as input to determine the damage state and the extent of the EDZ by crack distribution. Based on the crack orientation and crack density information, the rock is modeled by a micro-mechanics based constitutive model which considers the anisotropic material properties. Numerical examples are presented using field monitoring data from a tunnel in granite to demonstrate how microseismicity can be quantitatively linked to dynamic rock mass properties. 相似文献
Amir Hossein Gandomi Siamak Talatahari Xin‐She Yang Suash Deb 《The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings》2013,22(17):1330-1349
A new metaheuristic optimization algorithm is developed to solve truss optimization problems. The new algorithm, called cuckoo search (CS), is examined by solving five truss design optimization problems with increasing numbers of design variables and complexity in constraints. The performance of the CS algorithm is further compared with various classical and advanced algorithms, selected from a wide range of the state‐of‐the‐art algorithms in the area. The results identify that the final solutions obtained by the CS are superior compared with the best solutions obtained by the other algorithms. Finally, the unique search features used in the CS and the implications for future researches are discussed in detail. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
纤维增强复合材料(FRP)编织网结构主要由编织网面和内外环梁组成,将FRP板条按一定规律编织形成网面,通过内环梁对网面进行平面外整体张拉,使结构具有一定的平面外刚度,可以承受竖向荷载。通过2个1/10比例的FRP编织网结构模型,研究了FRP编织网结构的编织方法、施工方法和成形中的力学特性,对施工中平面编织、平面外整体张拉的过程进行了模拟验证。结果表明:采用编号法和规律法可实现网面的编织施工;通过控制板条预张拉应力和控制整体变形的平面外整体张拉可实现结构的成形控制;在施工过程中FRP编织网结构表现出明显的几何非线性特征,结构刚度随着竖向张拉位移的增加而增大;相对于板条的预张拉应力控制,平面外整体张拉对于结构成形控制起决定性作用。 相似文献
为研究某植物园铝合金网壳结构中新型铸铝节点的受力性能,进行了3个足尺节点试件的加载试验,考察了3种典型受力情况下铸铝节点的受力性能和破坏机理。试验结果表明,该铸铝节点平面外的抗弯刚度较大,但平面内的刚度较小,且属于半刚性连接节点;螺栓孔处截面是节点的薄弱部位;铸铝节点本身的破坏形式为脆性断裂破坏,延性较差,节点破坏前无明显征兆。同时,还对该铸铝节点在上述3种荷载作用下的受力性能进行有限元分析,并与试验结果进行对比。结果表明,有限元与实测结果吻合较好,验证了有限元模型的准确性和可靠性;同时,有限元结果给出了节点在荷载作用下的应力整体分布状况及随加载过程的变化趋势。基于试验和有限元分析结果,建议在铸铝节点设计中考虑采用合适的安全系数,避免突然破坏。 相似文献
This paper describes a series of laboratory tests investigating the behaviour of a large model masonry arch bridge repaired with externally bonded fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) on its intrados. Many similar masonry arch bridges form critical links in the world’s transport infrastructure, but they are often not suited to the increased demands of modern traffic loading, especially in ageing arch structures that have suffered structural deterioration. FRP plates, adhesively bonded to the intrados of the masonry arch are a convenient method for strengthening arch bridges. The tests described in this paper demonstrated that FRP strengthening is an effective technique for improving the structural performance of a masonry arch bridge.A two-span, single-ring semi-circular brick arch bridge was tested in this study, complete with fill material. Each of the spans was initially loaded to investigate their response and to establish a four-hinge collapse mechanism, simulating damage prior to strengthening. FRP strengthening was then applied to the two arches, and each of the spans was again tested separately until the failure of the strengthening system. The global (load and deflection) and local (crack width and FRP strain) response of the structure was recorded. The FRP strengthening resisted flexural crack opening in the masonry, and hence prevented a four-hinge mechanism collapse. Failure instead occurred when the FRP strengthening debonded from the masonry adjacent to an existing intrados hinge crack. As well as shear debonding adjacent to flexural cracks in the masonry, peel debonding occurred where shear deformation occurred across a masonry crack. Catastrophic collapse did not occur, as the FRP continued to contribute to the load capacity by acting as a tie after the ultimate load had been reached. 相似文献
Aluminum alloys exhibit permanent degradation of material strength subsequent to reaching temperatures above 200 °C. While modeling of aluminum structural components during fire is becoming more heavily researched, modeling response of aluminum structures following fire events has still not been explored. Previous research suggests that the post-fire strength of AA6061 is heavily correlated to the maximum temperature reached during the fire. This research uses the maximum exposure temperature as an input to finite element simulations of a small scale aluminum beam to predict the post-fire behavior of the beam. Results of the simulations were compared to a set of post-fire thermo-mechanical experiments. Samples were heated using a radiative source, water quenched, and then loaded to failure in a four point bending configuration. The simulated thermal response of the aluminum was within 10% of measured values across the entire side of the beam. Prediction of the unexposed mechanical response was within 5% of experimentally measured response. The post-fire peak bending load from simulations generally over-predicted the experimentally measured value while predictions of the flexural stiffness were within 15% of experimental results. 相似文献
The influence of joints and composite floor slabs on effective tying of steel structures in preventing progressive collapse 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The event of the terrorist attack on 11th September 2001 in the USA has attracted increasing attention of researchers and engineers on progressive collapse of structures. It has gradually become a general practice for engineers to consider progressive collapse resistance in their design. In this paper, progressive collapse of steel frames with composite floor slabs is simulated by the finite element method. The numerical results are compared with test results. The influence of the joints and the concrete slabs on the effective tying of steel beams is investigated through parametric studies. From the analysis, methods of preventing progressive collapse that can be considered in design and when retrofitting existing structures are proposed. The results show that retrofitting a structure with pre-stressed steel cables and an increase of crack resistance in the concrete near joints can effectively improve effective tying of a structure, which results in an enhanced structural capacity in preventing progressive collapse. 相似文献
为研究铝合金网壳箱形、工字形截面杆件盘式连接节点(又称TEMCOR节点、板式节点)的受力性能,对南京牛首山佛顶宫工程典型铝合金盘式节点足尺试件进行了静力加载试验,采用通用有限元程序ABAQUS对加载过程进行全过程数值模拟。在进行静力加载试验时,铝合金杆件端部采用铰接,在节点盘中心区域设置加载板进行竖向加载。研究结果表明:在节点盘中心竖向荷载作用下试件发生脆性破坏。对向两杆为箱形截面(试件JD1)时,箱形截面杆件下翼缘发生断裂,上下节点盘屈曲,且与断面相邻的螺栓被拉断;对向杆件为工字形截面(试件JD2)时,下节点盘发生块状撕裂,破坏时铝合金型材及螺栓均无屈曲和破坏。在极限荷载作用下,试件JD1杆件腹板及节点盘仍处于弹性工作状态,箱形截面中性轴位于截面中间;试件JD2铝合金型材处于弹性工作状态,工字形截面中性轴位于截面强轴以下1/6腹板高度处,下节点盘在α=60°及α=180°方向应力较大,接近屈服强度。试件JD1的极限荷载和初始刚度均约为试件JD2的1.5倍。根据对称性建立的节点试件数值模型分析所得的局部应力、荷载-位移曲线及弯矩-转角曲线与试验结果吻合较好,可以用于此类节点的数值模拟。 相似文献
Gallium was removed selectively from aqueous solutions containing zinc or aluminum using sodium di-(n-octyl) phosphinate as a ligand (NaL). At low pH or low mole ratios, the gallium was removed by complexation with the ligand as GaL(3(S)), while the zinc or the aluminum remained in the solution. Nearly complete separation of gallium was obtained. By increasing the amount of ligand or by increasing the pH, the zinc or aluminum remaining in the solution was then removed as a solid complex: ZnL(2(S)) or AlL(3(S)), respectively. At a pH between 1.5 and 2 and a mole ratio ligand to total metals of 0.75 for zinc solutions and 1.0 for aluminum solutions, more than 98% of the gallium was selectively removed with a high molar selectivity, alpha(Ga/Zn) and alpha(Ga/Al), respectively. Over 95% of gallium was recovered from the solid GaL(3(S)) complex by treatment of the complex with a 3M NaOH solution and diethyl ether. The gallium was concentrated in the aqueous solution to 4 times its initial concentration and the ligand was extracted into the ether phase. After evaporation of the ether, 95% of the ligand was regenerated in its sodium form as a solid. 相似文献
Effects of co-existing anions on fluoride removal in electrocoagulation (EC) process using aluminum electrodes 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Batch experiments with bipolar aluminum electrodes and potentiodynamic polarization tests with monopolar systems were conducted to investigate the effects of the type and concentration of co-existing anions on defluoridation in electrocoagulation (EC) process. The results demonstrate that the type of the dominant anion directs the EC defluoridation reaction. The defluoridation efficiency was almost 100% and most of the fluoride removal reaction occurred on the surface of the anode in the solution without the co-existing anions, due to the electro-condensation effect. In the solutions with co-existing anions, most of the defluoridation took place in bulk solution. The residual fluoride concentration is a function of the total mass of Al(III) liberation from anodes and the types of the functions in the solutions with and without co-existing anions are different. The existence of sulfate ions inhibits the localized corrosion of aluminum electrodes, leading to lower defluoridation efficiency because of lower current efficiency. The presence of chloride or nitrate ions prevented the inhibition of sulfate ions, and the chloride ions were more efficient. Different corrosion types occurred in different anion-containing solutions and the form of corrosion affected the kinetic over-potential. The bypass flow causes the decrease of current efficiency and the proportion of the bypass flow of current increased due to a rise of the kinetic over potential and the conductivity of the solution. 相似文献
This study examined the evolution of absorbance and fluorescence spectra of standard Suwannee River fulvic acid (SRFA) induced by its interactions with iron and aluminum. The results show that changes of SRFA absorbance are associated with a consistent response of the carboxylic and phenolic functional groups to iron and aluminum forming bonds with these groups, and their deprotonation induced by such binding. The observed changes of SRFA absorbance were quantified via the use of DSlope325–375 parameter that determines the behavior of the slope of logarithms of SRFA absorbance in the range of wavelengths 325–375 nm in the presence of varying concentrations of iron or aluminum. DSlope325–375 values were correlated linearly with the concentration of SRFA-bound iron and aluminum determined using either NICA-Donnan or Stockholm Humic Model (SHM) but the correlation was stronger for the former model (R2 > 0.98). The slopes of these correlations were similar for both iron and aluminum concentrations <10.0 μM and at a wide pH range. Fluorescence of SRFA was responsive to metal binding but it changed less consistently in the presence of the examined metals, especially in the case of aluminum. The combination of these techniques can help explore in more detail manifestations of DOM site specificity at realistically low concentrations of DOM and metal ions. 相似文献