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Current neuropsychological models propose that some age-related cognitive changes are due to frontal-lobe deterioration. However, these models have not considered the possible subdivision of the frontal lobes into the dorsolateral and ventromedial regions. This study assessed the age effects on 3 tasks of executive function and working memory, tasks dependent on dorsolateral prefrontal dysfunction; and 3 tasks of emotion and social decision making, tasks dependent on ventromedial prefrontal dysfunction. Age-related differences in performance were found on all tasks dependent on dorsolateral prefrontal dysfunction. In contrast, age-related differences were not found on the majority of the tasks dependent on ventromedial prefrontal dysfunction. The results support a specific dorsolateral prefrontal theory of cognitive changes with age, rather than a global decline in frontal-lobe function. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Presents an overview of traditional methodological approaches to stagewise cognitive developmental research. These approaches are evaluated and integrated on the basis of catastrophe theory. In particular, catastrophe theory specifies a set of common criteria for testing the discontinuity hypothesis proposed by Piaget. Separate criteria correspond to distinct methods used in cognitive developmental research. Such criteria are, for instance, the detection of spurts in development, bimodality of test scores, and increased variability of responses during transitional periods. When a genuine stage transition is present, these criteria are expected to be satisfied. A revised catastrophe model accommodating these criteria is proposed for the stage transition in cognitive development from the preoperational to the concrete operational stage. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Young adult rats with bilateral lesions to the hippocampus or prefrontal cortex, young operated controls, and normal old rats were tested on two complex mazes in the Hebb–Williams series. Approximately half the animals were previously trained on one of the mazes; the remainder received no previous training. The trained hippocampal rats showed sparing of memory for the general skill of maze learning but poor recall of the specific maze on which they had been previously trained. The opposite pattern was observed in trained prefrontal rats. In contrast, the aged rats' memory for maze-specific and maze-general information was impaired. The results confirmed the importance of the hippocampus for recalling highly specific information and pointed to a possible role for the frontal lobes in learning and remembering nonspecific skill-related information. The generalized deficit of the aged rats indicates that both types of memory were compromised and offers further evidence of frontal lobe and hippocampal dysfunction in normal aging. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In four experiments, we reexamined the recent report by Labbe, Firl, Mufson, and Stein (1983) that fetal cortical tissue transplanted to an aspirative prefrontal cortical cavity in rats can ameliorate the learning impairments induced by the aspirative lesions. Healthy surviving grafts from young (E16) embryonic donors had no immediate effects on the rats' impairments in T-maze alternation, spatial navigation in the Morris swimming pool task, or locomotor activity, and they produced even greater impairments than the lesions alone when all three tests were conducted after longer (3–5 month) survival periods. Grafts taken from older (E21) donors did produce a short-lasting improvement in the T-maze alternation performance, replicating the previous report. However, this effect was not seen in the other two behavioral tests; the grafts survived poorly, and the beneficial effect was no longer apparent in the long-term tests. It is concluded that (a) functional benefits of embryonic cortical grafts are dependent on a precise combination of conditions rather than being a general phenomenon, and (b) the short-lasting recovery in delayed alternation performance is attributable to diffuse influences of the embryonic tissue on the lesioned host brain rather than to a reconnection of damaged circuitries. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

To clarify the involvement of prefrontal cortex in episodic memory, behavioral and event-related potential (ERP) measures of recognition were examined in patients with dorsolateral prefrontal lesions. In controls, recognition accuracy and the ERP old–new effect declined with increasing retention intervals. Although frontal patients showed a higher false-alarm rate to new words, their hit rate to old words and ERP old–new effect were intact, suggesting that recognition processes were not fundamentally altered by prefrontal damage. The opposite behavioral pattern was observed in patients with hippocampal lesions: a normal false-alarm rate and a precipitous decline in hit rate at long lags. The intact ERP effect and the change in response bias during recognition suggest that frontal patients exhibited a deficit in strategic processing or postretrieval monitoring, in contrast to the more purely mnemonic deficit shown by hippocampal patients. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Young and older adults searched for 2 digit targets among black letter distractors in rapid serial visual presentation. Unsurprisingly, relative to the young, the older adults performed worse on both targets and exhibited greater and longer attentional blink. The data of each group were computationally accounted for by the attention cascade model (Shih, 2008) with 7 parameters; the optimum values and 95% confidence intervals of the parameters were based on 10,000 bootstrap samples. There was no age effect on the width of the attention window or on the capacity of the consolidation processor. However, relative to the young, the older adults suffered more masking effects of the salient (and brighter) stimulus, required longer consolidation duration, and had greater and more widespread decision noise. The processing rate prior to working memory was numerically slower in older adults. Both age groups adopted inefficient strategy during the task—engaging the consolidation processor for an unnecessarily long period. Further simulations suggest that varying the duration can emulate strong or weak blinkers or nonblinkers. The attention cascade model appears a useful tool for the investigation of cognitive aging and other comparative studies. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A theory of cognitive aging is presented in which healthy older adults are hypothesized to suffer from disturbances in the processing of context that impair cognitive control function across multiple domains, including attention, inhibition, and working memory. These cognitive disturbances are postulated to be directly related to age-related decline in the function of the dopamine (DA) system in the prefrontal cortex (PFC). A connectionist computational model is described that implements specific mechanisms for the role of DA and PFC in context processing. The behavioral predictions of the model were tested in a large sample of older (N = 81) and young (N = 175) adults performing variants of a simple cognitive control task that placed differential demands on context processing. Older adults exhibited both performance decrements and, counterintuitively, performance improvements that are in close agreement with model predictions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The present study examined whether inactivation of the prelimbic–infralimbic areas or the dorsal anterior cingulate area impairs strategy switching in the cheeseboard task. After implantation of a cannula aimed at either the prelimbic–infralimbic or dorsal anterior cingulate areas, all rats were tested in a spatial and a visual-cued version of the task. Some of the rats received the spatial version first, followed by the visual-cued version. The procedure for the other rats was reversed. Infusions of 2% tetracaine into the prelimbic–infralimbic or dorsal anterior cingulate areas did not impair acquisition of the spatial or visual-cued versions. However, inactivation of the prelimbic–infralimbic areas, but not the dorsal anterior cingulate area, impaired learning when rats were switched from one version to the other. These findings suggest that the prelimbic–infralimbic areas are involved in switching to new behavior-guiding strategies. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The medial prefrontal cortex of rats has a role in many aspects of cognitive function, including forms of inhibitory learning. Recent studies suggest that there is heterogeneity in the contributions of the prelimbic (PL) and infralimbic (IL) regions of the medial prefrontal cortex to response inhibition. The present study tested the effects of separate neurotoxic lesions of the PL or IL on a serial feature negative discrimination task (negative occasion setting). Rats received training sessions consisting of 16 trials: on 4 trials in each session, a tone was presented and followed by food reward; on the other 12 trials the tone was preceded by a visual stimulus and not reinforced. The results indicate that PL but not IL is necessary for learning the discrimination. We then tested the effects of these lesions on rats that were first extensively trained in the task. Rats that had been trained for 30 days before receiving PL or IL lesions were still able to perform the task as well as controls after surgery. Thus, PL lesions disrupt acquisition but not performance of a serial feature negative discrimination. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Single photon emission computed tomography with the xenon inhalation technique is used to compare activation of regional cerebral blood flow in frontal brain regions during the performance of four widely used neuropsychological tests: the Continuous Performance Test, the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, the Tower of London, and Porteus Mazes. Healthy normal volunteers performing these tasks show significant increases in frontal regions during the Continuous Performance Test, the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, and the Tower of London, but not the Porteus Mazes. Activation produced by the Continuous Performance Test and the Tower of London are mesial and bilateral and may reflect stimulation of midline attentional circuits. The Wisconsin Card Sorting Test produces a left dorsolateral area of prefrontal activation. These findings indicate that regional activation of the frontal lobes occurs in response to cognitive challenges produced through performance of standard neuropsychological tests.  相似文献   

Pavlovian fear conditioning depends on prediction error, or the discrepancy between actual and expected outcomes. We used immunohistochemistry, neuronal tract tracing, and reversible inactivation to study the role of prefrontal cortex and thalamocortical pathways in predictive fear learning. Unexpected, but not expected, conditioned stimulus (CS)–unconditioned stimulus (US) presentations caused increased c-Fos expression in the prefrontal cortex (PFC), midline thalamus, lateral amygdala, as well as retrograde labeled midline thalamic afferents to PFC. Reversible inactivation of dorsomedial PFC, but not infralimbic PFC, prevented the associative blocking of fear learning. These results suggest a role for dorsomedial PFC (dmPFC), and a thalamic → dmPFC pathway, in signaling whether or not aversive events are expected or unexpected and so whether they are to be learned about. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In the parallel map theory, the hippocampus encodes space with 2 mapping systems. The bearing map is constructed primarily in the dentate gyrus from directional cues such as stimulus gradients. The sketch map is constructed within the hippocampus proper from positional cues. The integrated map emerges when data from the bearing and sketch maps are combined. Because the component maps work in parallel, the impairment of one can reveal residual learning by the other. Such parallel function may explain paradoxes of spatial learning, such as learning after partial hippocampal lesions, taxonomic and sex differences in spatial learning, and the function of hippocampal neurogenesis. By integrating evidence from physiology to phylogeny, the parallel map theory offers a unified explanation for hippocampal function. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In order to contribute to the understanding of the biological properties of nafazatrom, an antithrombotic agent (NAP), we studied its effects on peroxidation of low density lipoproteins (LDL), lipid liposomes, heart homopgenate, and its interaction with alpha-tocopherol radical. NAP decreased the FeSO4 and H202-induced peroxidation of phosphatidylcholine liposomes and heart homogenate, and it decreased peroxidation of LDL induced by CuSO4 or 2,2'-azobis(2-amidinopropane). The antioxidant effect of NAF was about 3 times less potent than that of alpha-tocopherol (alpha-TOC) in phosphatidylcholine liposomes, and NAF was about 2-4 times more efficient to decrease peroxidation of LDL than alpha-TOC. Possible interaction of NAF with alpha-tocopherol radical (alpha-TR) was studied by EPR spectroscopy. NAF decreased the concentration of alpha-TR, but it was about 100-times less efficient than vitamin C. This may indicate that NAF does not interfere with alpha-TR formation and/or reduction of alpha-TR in biological system. The obtained results may help the explanation of biological effects of NAF.  相似文献   

Administered a cognitive test battery and tests of personal control, activity, and stress to 40 females and 11 males (mean age 80.7 yrs) on 2 occasions separated by about 10 mo. Findings indicate that cognitive performance was positively related with control and activity measures, but the main finding was a strong association between changes in cognitive performance and changes in personal control and activity level. Stress did not correlate meaningfully with other measures. The results, which extend the importance of psychosocial variables to cognitive function, highlight the important relation between perceived control and health-related behaviors in the elderly. (French abstract) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Five rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) were trained to learn novel conditional visuomotor associations, to perform this task with familiar stimuli, and to perform a visual matching-to-sample task with the same familiar stimuli. Removal of the orbital and ventral prefrontal cortex (PFv+o) in 1 hemisphere and inferotemporal cortex (IT) in the other, thus completing a surgical disconnection of these 2 regions, yielded an impairment on all 3 tasks. Addition of a premotor cortex lesion to the hemisphere containing the PFv+o lesion did not worsen the impairments. The results indicate that PFv+o interacts with IT in both the learning and retention of conditional visuomotor associations. In addition to those associations, which might be considered lower order rules for choosing a response, frontotemporal interaction also appears to be important for higher order rules, such as those involved in the matching task. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The prefrontal cortex in humans has been implicated in processes that underlie novelty detection and attention. This study examined the contribution of the rat medial prefrontal cortex to novelty detection using the targeting, or orienting, response (OR) as a behavioral index. Lesions to the medial prefrontal cortex (specifically the prelimbic and infralimbic cortices) influenced neither the OR to a novel visual stimulus from a localized light source (V1), nor the change in this OR over the course of a series of exposures to V1. However, after exposure to V1, the OR to a 2nd visual stimulus from the same source, V2, was more pronounced in control rats than in lesioned rats. These results suggest that the medial prefrontal cortex in the rat contributes to the process of novelty detection. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The morphological and behavioral effects of neonatal electrothermal lesions of the mediodorsal thalamus on the development of the prefrontal cortex were studied. Lesions of the mediodorsal nucleus (MDT), inflicted on the day of birth, caused no significant changes in prefrontal architecture on day 35. On the other hand, a significant decrease in cortical width (4.7-7.7%) was observed at some places within the lateral and supragenual parts of the prefrontal cortex. However, these local decreases in cortical width were not reflected by a significant decrease of the total volume of the particular prefrontal subareas. In adulthood, rats with neonatal MDT lesions were exposed to an operant delayed alternation task, which is known to depend upon the integrity of the prefrontal cortex, in order to investigate the behavioral consequences of the lesions for prefrontal functioning. The lesions did not impair the rats abilities to learn the spatial delayed alternation task. Neonatally lesioned and control rats scored equally. Given the relatively mild effects of MDT lesioning, thalamic fibers do not seem to play a crucial role, at least not during the postnatal period of prefrontal cortical development. It is discussed whether or not this is a specific characteristic of agranular association cortex, in which the termination of thalamic and cortical afferents overlap in layer III.  相似文献   

The authors trained 2 homing pigeons (Columba livia) on a directed forgetting task with 3 cues: a remember cue that was followed by a memory test and the opportunity to obtain a reward, a forget cue that was not followed by a memory test or a reward, and a free-reward cue that was not followed by a memory test but was followed by a free reward. The authors examined the activity of single neurons in the avian nidopallium caudolaterale, an area equivalent to the primate prefrontal cortex. Following the remember cue there was sustained neural activity during the delay period, whereas following the forget cue the neural activity in the delay period was significantly reduced. The activity following the free-reward cue mirrored that following the remember cue. The authors discuss the extent to which the findings are in line with the view that the sustained activity reflects memory for the sample stimulus or memory for reward. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

We report a series a three psychophysical experiments designed to differentiate the contributions of the neocerebellar and prefrontal cortex to time perception. Comparison of patients with focal, unilateral neocerebellar or prefrontal lesions on temporal discrimination of 400-ms and 4-s intervals (Expt. 1) indicated that neocerebellar damage impaired timing in both millisecond and seconds ranges, whereas prefrontal damage resulted in deficits that were robust only at the longer duration. Patients with prefrontal lesions, however, also exhibited working memory deficits on a non-temporal task (Expt. 2), biases in point of subjective equality indicative of attentional deficits, and were disproportionately sensitive to strategic manipulations in a long-duration discrimination task (Expt. 3). In contrast, the pervasive timing deficits of cerebellar patients were relatively insensitive to strategic support and could not be readily explained by general deficits in working memory or attention. These findings support the hypothesis that neocerebellar regions subserve a central timing mechanism, whereas the prefrontal cortex subserves supportive functions associated with the acquisition, maintenance, monitoring and organization of temporal representations in working memory. Such functions serve to bridge the output of the central timing mechanism with behavior. Together, these regions appear to participate in a working memory system involved in discrimination of durations extending from a few milliseconds to many seconds.  相似文献   

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