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裴燕 《广东建材》2006,(5):104-105
从人居环境应具有环境、生态与节能效益的观念出发,简要地指出了当前住宅规划设计中存在的问题,着重说明了住宅设计必须具有环境、生态和节能意识,只有注重环境、生态和节能效益,才能提高人居环境质量,才能与健康建筑、绿色建筑和建筑要可持续发展的战略要求相一致。  相似文献   

住宅设计中的环境生态和节能意识   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
路亮 《山西建筑》2005,31(17):33-34
从人居环境应具有环境、生态与节能效益的观念出发,简要分析了当前住宅规划设计中存在的问题,着重说明了住宅设计必须具有环境、生态和节能意识,从而提高人居环境质量。  相似文献   

严昭佩  李秀春 《建筑技术》1993,20(10):621-625
本文介绍高寒地区6种新型保温节能住宅的试验研究成果,并提出了优化方案。经实际推广使用,这些保温节能住宅具有良好的社会效益,环境效益和经济技术效益。  相似文献   

为贯彻落实科学发展观.大力发展节能省地型建筑,加强对建设领域技术发展的引导,推广和普及适用于住宅和公共建筑中具有显著节能、节地、节水、节材和环境保障效益的技术,建设部近期发布了《建设部节能省地型建筑推广应用技术目录》,有效期三年。  相似文献   

张纪军 《智能建筑》2024,(3):108-111
“双碳”目标和能源改革的实现需要制定节能减排政策提供支撑,夏季能源短缺问题的频繁发生为节能减排提出了现实需求,建筑能耗和碳排放在能源与环境问题中占比很重,住宅作为数量最多的建筑,住宅能耗变化对建筑能耗波动具有重要影响,但人们对住宅能耗情况却缺少关注。为此,本文以汉中市为例对陕南地区城镇住宅建筑能耗情况进行了调研分析,研究了陕南地区城镇住宅建筑的能耗水平、规律及特征。研究结果显示,夏季住宅建筑空调和灯具能耗占总能耗71%,是节能的重要设备;书房能耗密度最大为0.71kW·h/m2,具有较高节能效益;日能耗大小排序:书房>餐客厅>卧室,是节能的重点部位;居住人员的行为习惯具有较高的建筑节能效益。本文为陕南地区住宅建筑节能的相关研究提供了参考。  相似文献   

居住类历史建筑是城市既有建筑的重要组成部分,承载城市发展历史,体现生活形态演变,具有不同程度的历史文化价值。在既有建筑的节能减排和发展低碳城市的大背景下,对保留下来的居住类历史建筑进行节能改造显得十分迫切,与风貌保护同等重要。新式里弄住宅是近代天津住宅类型之一,具有鲜明的时代特征和深厚的文化印记,是历史文化名城的重要构成要素,具有保留价值。天津新式里弄住宅的节能改造,需要平衡建筑空间的节能效益与建筑风貌的保护留存。文章选取天津4处具有代表性的新式里弄住宅,考察其围护结构和平面布局的现状,确立保护性、适应性、高效性和系统性等改造原则,借助软件Design builder,以围护结构和平面布局为自变量,模拟不同节能改造措施的节能效益,并分析各类现有技术适应性。以保护为前提探讨居住类历史建筑的节能改造策略,对相关类似历史建筑的保护与利用具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

住宅设计应有环境、生态和节能意识   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从人居环境应具有环境、生态与节能效益的观念出发,简要地指出了当前住宅规划设计中存在的问题,着重说明了住宅设计必须具有环境、生态节能意识,只有注重环境、生态和节能效益,才能提高人居环境质量,才能与健康建筑,绿色建筑和建筑要可持续发展的战略要求相一致。  相似文献   

氢能作为一种清洁、高效、安全、可持续的新能源,被视为21世纪最具发展潜力的能源。燃料电池技术的出现,加速了氢能的市场化应用进程。而相关数据表明,随着经济与社会的发展,住宅建筑能耗将呈现快速增长趋势。为解决低效率、高污染和能源“高质低用”的现有住宅建筑用能模式,本文提出一种以燃料电池为核心的新型能源系统,并对其进行了节能环保效益分析。结果显示,新型能源系统具有良好的节能与环境保护功能。  相似文献   

何星华 《建筑》2005,(8):65-69
中央领导提出“发展节能省地型住宅与公共建筑”的要求对指导我国社会和经济的持续发展具有重要的意义,是提高城乡发展质量和效益的重要决策。发展“节能省地型住宅与公共建筑”涉及到规划、设计、材料、施工等方方面面的工作, 对建筑材料的选用是其中很重要的一个方面。一、绿色建材是节能省地型住宅与公共建筑选材的最佳目标1 绿色建材的主要特征1999年我国首届全国绿色材料发展与应用研讨会上提出绿色建材的定义:绿色建材是采用清洁生产  相似文献   

低层冷弯薄壁型钢结构住宅经济性能分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王娟 《山西建筑》2006,32(10):231-232
以实际工程为背景,从节能、节水、节地、节材几个方面对冷弯薄壁型钢结构住宅的主要技术经济指标进行了分析,并与钢筋混凝土结构住宅和砖混结构住宅进行了对比,还分析了考虑使用面积和节能后这种结构体系的综合效益的变化,说明了冷弯薄壁型钢结构住宅较其他结构体系有显著的优势。  相似文献   

根据中国国情,发展节能省地型住宅符合我国住宅建设模式的总目标.指出了改变住宅建设的生产方式和增长方式是目前亟待解决的问题,提出了构建节能省地环保型住宅"四节一环保"技术体系、住宅建筑节能4个系统及其住宅建设环境保护体系的技术措施,并根据夏热冬冷地区环境特点提出需要推广的10项技术,从6个方面给出了住宅建设的思考.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to found a national statistical system of energy consumption in the residential building sector of China, so as to look into the actuality of residential energy consumption, and to provide data support for building energy efficiency work in China. The frame of a national statistical system of residential energy consumption is presented in this paper, according to current status of the climate, social and historic conditions, and energy consumption characteristics in the five architecture climate divisions in China. The statistical index system of residential energy consumption is constituted which refers to housing unit characteristics, household characteristics, possession and utilization of energy consuming equipment, and residential energy consumption quantities. This index system suits for all the different utilization structures of residential energy consumption in different architecture climate divisions. On this base, a complete set of statistical reports is worked out to measure the energy consumption of cities, provinces and the country stage by stage. Finally the statistical method above is applied to measure residential energy consumption by case studies, in order to validate the feasibility of this method. The research in this paper covers the first step of the elaboration of the statistical method to investigate energy consumption in China, and more work will be done in future to further impel national statistics of residential energy consumption.  相似文献   

住宅建筑节能对中国社会可持续发展具有重要意义,住宅建筑节能管理是一项复杂的系统工程,涉及多个层面、不同的利益主体。论文在分析中国住宅建筑节能管理现状的基础上,设计了符合中国国情的住宅建筑能耗评估、能效标识制度及其运行机制,同时提出政府应利用财政、税收等经济杠杆对不同利益主体实施激励,并积极培育节能住宅中介评价公司。  相似文献   

节能减排是当今社会的重大议题,自2008年10月1日实施《民用建筑节能条例》以来,居住建筑节能设计取得了显著效果,大大降低了居住建筑的能耗,节约了大量能源。但在实际执行过程中,却存在对节能设计概念模糊、节能计算方法有误以及节能设计审查不严等问题。致使出现一些虽形式上满足节能设计要求,但却存在严重能耗问题的伪节能居住建筑。这些问题的存在原因很多,其中各地方节能设计标准本身对节能设计的定义描述、具体要求及评价标准的差异是重要原因之一。论文仅就此方面举例探讨其对节能设计结果的影响,以期对节能设计者提供帮助,给规范修订者提供参考。  相似文献   

《Energy and Buildings》2006,38(9):1076-1083
Assessing the thermal efficiency of a forced-air distribution system is difficult, in large part because of interactions between energy loss mechanisms and other building characteristics. This paper describes short-term coheating, a method of measuring the thermal efficiency of residential heating and cooling distribution systems in situ, and presents the results of a series of studies that utilized the short-term coheat methodology. Short-term coheat tests were conducted in 53 residential buildings including both site-built and manufactured housing. The magnitude of the distribution efficiency, defined as the ratio of the energy required to heat the building if there were no duct losses to the actual heating energy required, ranged from less than 50% for homes with disconnected ducts to more than 90% for well sealed and insulated systems. Duct retrofits were also performed at 20 of the test sites and, following the retrofits, on average, the homes required 16–17% less heating energy. These results show that residential distribution system losses can be responsible for substantial energy loss and that duct retrofits are a viable energy conservation strategy for homes with distribution systems located outside of the conditioned space.  相似文献   

The main research purpose of this paper is to acquire a series of designed concept of “affordable housing” in key geographical areas of East China through the development of innovative, economical, flexible, reproducible and affordable residential houses using intensive steel solutions. Toward this goal, both the residential housing conditions and the development of steel residential building in China are widely investigated. Affordable housing in China is then, based on the investigation, defined as green humanized multi-storey housing comprised of medium-small type dwellings whose construction cost is not much higher than that of traditional reinforced concrete buildings and the maintenance cost is low. Taking this definition as a guiding ideology, detailed architectural and structural design of a steel affordable housing model in terms of a collective housing form with repeatable living units has been carried out. Comparisons of project cost and energy consumption between the designed steel residential housing and the corresponding reinforced concrete building show that the former is not more expensive and consumes less energy than the latter.  相似文献   

The energy issue is always an important factor in sustainable housing developments. Over the years, a number of energy-saving techniques have been developed to reduce consumption of primary energy and utilise renewable energy in architectural designs. However, the real situation regarding energy-efficient buildings has improved rather slowly during the recent decades, both in the developing and developed countries. Hammarby Sjöstad is one of the largest urban housing developments in Europe but is built to standards twice as strict as those currently being applied for new housing, including energy consumption. Eco-villages are small-scale housing developments, usually in the suburbs, where residents also try to create highly specific ecological environments. There are two basic paradigms to solve the current housing problem: top-down (provider paradigm) or bottom-up (support paradigm). This paper analyses the differences between these, especially from an energy efficiency perspective. Housing development is a gaming process between diverse stakeholders. All the stakeholders try to choose different actions in an attempt to maximise their returns. If the proposals made by the architects and engineers are not consistent with the interests of other stakeholders, they have little chance of being applied in actual projects. This paper describes systematic development strategies for the energy-efficient housing project Jun Lin Zijin, a Chinese residential and commercial project furthering the progress of design and construction.  相似文献   

吴琳 《城市建筑》2013,(22):20-20
在现代住宅设计中,众多高新技术在住宅设计中的投入使用满足了人们对住宅建筑设计的要求。本文主要介绍了节能技术、太阳能技术、雨水利用技术、玻璃技术在住宅建筑设计中的应用,希望对于提高住宅建筑设计水平起到一定的帮助作用。  相似文献   

外窗属于外围护结构之一,是建筑的重要组成部分,也是建筑保温中最薄弱的环节。窗的开设与建筑节能密切相关。夏热冬冷地区南向窗应属整套住宅建筑的主要采光源,其窗户面积大小变化对采光率影响较大。以夏热冬冷地区——桂林市南向窗采光良好条件为基础,以"窗墙面积比"和"窗地面积比"作为研究变量,以能耗模拟软件Ecotect模拟作为研究方法,在三维空间视角下进行建筑热环境模拟研究,确定了南向房间节能的"窗墙面积比"与"窗地面积比"取值范围,为今后的夏热冬冷地区——桂林市住宅建筑的节能设计提供一定的参考依据。  相似文献   

Energy Star, the largest voluntary housing eco-labelling programme in the US, conveys important signals to housing market actors about the energy efficiency of homes. With energy demand from housing being a significant energy consumer and contributor to climate change, gaining insight into the diffusion patterns of these certifications is an important analytical step. Informed by theories of new product adoption, research is used to identify the factors associated with the diffusion patterns of Energy Star certifications into US single-family housing from 2002 to 2013. The findings are generally congruent with recent studies of energy-efficiency adoption patterns in commercial property (real estate) and residential building construction. The key significant predictors of variation in the proportion of Energy Star-certified homes across US core-based statistical areas (CBSAs) are found to be public policy, climate, market attributes, industry characteristics and energy prices.  相似文献   

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