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The propagation constants and resulting fields for the current excited on bare and insulated cables buried in a lossy Earth medium are examined. The fields are formulated in integral form under the thin-wire approximation. The discrete mode propagation constants for the insulated and bare cable types have dramatically different behavior, and subsequently affect the radiated fields. Unlike the insulated cable, it is shown that for the bare conductor the accurate determination of the propagation constant is imperative in the calculation of some of the field quantities at the Earth's surface. Simple near-field expressions are developed from the integral forms and numerical results are presented for various cable structures and burial depths. The study implies that the use of various commonly utilized approximations, such as the uniform axial current assumption, may not be valid for the bare or grounded buried conductors  相似文献   

For pt. see ibid., vol. 50, no. 10, p. 2135 (2003). Based on the physical double-gate MOSFET model described in Part I, we present a systematic parameter extraction methodology that avoids parameter interdependence between different physical effects whenever possible. Several extraction schemes are compared for precise modeling of small-signal and large-signal characteristics. The physical model and the extraction methodology are verified through the reproduction of the simulated drain current, incremental drain resistance, and transconductance per unit current, which are parameters of particular interest to mixed-signal circuit designs.  相似文献   

Part II of this Feature Topic provides insight into the inner workings of the long term evolution (LTE) air interface.  相似文献   

随着激光技术的快速发展,推扫相机的激光干扰问题倍受关注。推扫相机一般有较高的角分辨率,口径大焦距长造价高,若按照对等要求进行干扰实验研究,其技术难度大实验费用高。针对激光对推扫相机干扰效果评价的难题,从推扫相机成像原理和激光对推扫相机干扰机理入手,提出了一个推扫相机激光干扰等效缩比模型,并通过实验对该模型进行了验证。实验表明:在推扫相机F数不变的前提下,保持相同的入瞳激光功率和积分时间,激光对缩比相机与原相机具有相同的干扰效应,即在两相机像面上的激光干扰面积基本相同。该研究成果可应用于激光对推扫相机干扰效果评价和相机激光防护研究等方面。  相似文献   

By interpreting the Green-function reproduction property of exponential splines in signal processing terms, we uncover a fundamental relation that connects the impulse responses of allpole analog filters to their discrete counterparts. The link is that the latter are the B-spline coefficients of the former (which happen to be exponential splines). Motivated by this observation, we introduce an extended family of cardinal splines-the generalized E-splines-to generalize the concept for all convolution operators with rational transfer functions. We construct the corresponding compactly supported B-spline basis functions, which are characterized by their poles and zeros, thereby establishing an interesting connection with analog filter design techniques. We investigate the properties of these new B-splines and present the corresponding signal processing calculus, which allows us to perform continuous-time operations, such as convolution, differential operators, and modulation, by simple application of the discrete version of these operators in the B-spline domain. In particular, we show how the formalism can be used to obtain exact, discrete implementations of analog filters. Finally, we apply our results to the design of hybrid signal processing systems that rely on digital filtering to compensate for the nonideal characteristics of real-world analog-to-digital (A-to-D) and D-to-A conversion systems.  相似文献   

We investigate timing tolerances of ultra-wideband (UWB) impulse radios. We quantify the bit-error rate (BER) sensitivity to epoch timing offset under different operating conditions, including frequency-flat fading channels, dense multipath fading channels, multiple access with time hopping, and various receiver types including sliding correlators and RAKE combiners. For a general correlation-based detector, we derived in Part I unifying expressions for the decision statistics as well as BER formulas under mistiming, given fixed channel realizations. In Part II, we provide a systematic approach to BER analysis under mistiming for fading channels. The BER is expressed in terms of the receiver's energy capture capability, which we quantify under various radio operating conditions. We also develop the optimal demodulator in the presence of timing offset and show a proper design of the correlation-template that is robust to mistiming. Through analyses and simulations, we illustrate that the reception quality of a UWB impulse radio is highly sensitive to both timing acquisition and tracking errors.  相似文献   

Gupta and Kumar (2000) introduced a random model to study throughput scaling in a wireless network with static nodes, and showed that the throughput per source-destination pair is /spl Theta/(1//spl radic/(nlogn)). Grossglauser and Tse (2001) showed that when nodes are mobile it is possible to have a constant throughput scaling per source-destination pair. In most applications, delay is also a key metric of network performance. It is expected that high throughput is achieved at the cost of high delay and that one can be improved at the cost of the other. The focus of this paper is on studying this tradeoff for wireless networks in a general framework. Optimal throughput-delay scaling laws for static and mobile wireless networks are established. For static networks, it is shown that the optimal throughput-delay tradeoff is given by D(n)=/spl Theta/(nT(n)), where T(n) and D(n) are the throughput and delay scaling, respectively. For mobile networks, a simple proof of the throughput scaling of /spl Theta/(1) for the Grossglauser-Tse scheme is given and the associated delay scaling is shown to be /spl Theta/(nlogn). The optimal throughput-delay tradeoff for mobile networks is also established. To capture physical movement in the real world, a random-walk (RW) model for node mobility is assumed. It is shown that for throughput of /spl Oscr/(1//spl radic/(nlogn)), which can also be achieved in static networks, the throughput-delay tradeoff is the same as in static networks, i.e., D(n)=/spl Theta/(nT(n)). Surprisingly, for almost any throughput of a higher order, the delay is shown to be /spl Theta/(nlogn), which is the delay for throughput of /spl Theta/(1). Our result, thus, suggests that the use of mobility to increase throughput, even slightly, in real-world networks would necessitate an abrupt and very large increase in delay.  相似文献   

A network-theoretical model of the gyrotron has been elaborated which is both conspicious and rigorous. The electromagnetic field in the presence of the electron beam, to be determined in a self-consistent calculation, might be regarded as an abstract vector in infinite-dimensionalHilbert space. In the first part of this paper, a method was described to determine the oscillation modes of empty gyrotron cavities. Once these oscillation modes are known, their fields can be used as the “coordinate system” for the representation of this “vector”. In this representation,Maxwell's equations reduce to a system of ordinary differential equations — the so-called “resonator equations”, describing the linear dependence of the field amplitudes on the excitation coefficients. They are readily solved in the frequency domain. The solution can be represented as a parallel resonance circuit, if the mode amplitudes are identified with equivalent voltages, and the exciation coefficients with equivalent currents. The nonlinear dependence of the excitation coefficients on the mode amplitudes, on the other hand, is then identified with the device (or electron beam) admittance. The latter is determined numerically, for a number of points in the amplitude-frequency plane, and subsequently represented in the frequency domain. In order to efficiently compute the device admittance, the coordinates are transformed into the electron beam frame, and afterwards an averaging method is applied. The interaction of these admittances determines the behaviour of the gyrotron.  相似文献   

In the preceding paper [1], a new phenomenological model for the electrical conduction in polycrystalline silicon was developed. Electrical conduction in polycrystalline silicon was shown to be controlled by dopant segregation, carrier trapping, and carrier tunneling through the grain boundaries. In this paper, the theoretical model is compared to experiment. The electrical behavior of polycrystalline silicon is shown to be influenced by the properties of the grain boundaries. In arsenic and phosphorus-doped polycrystalline-silicon films the grain boundaries are best modeled by rectangular barriers with a height of 0.66 eV and an approximate width of 7 Å. The width of the grain-boundary barriers and the density of carrier trapping states are found to be weak functions of the dopant species and sample processing. The resistivity is found to be a strong function of dopant concentration, dopant species, and processing history at low and intermediate dopant concentrations, and the model can be used to predict this behavior.  相似文献   

In a companion paper, we showed the existence of decoding thresholds for maximum-likelihood (ML) decoding of a serial concatenated trellis-coded modulation (SCTCM) system with one or more inner accumulate codes. In this paper, we compute the decoding thresholds for an iterative, non-ML decoder by density evolution (DE), assuming infinite blocklengths. We also derive a stability condition for the particular case of an outer parity-check code and a single inner accumulate code. We show that, for equiprobable signaling, the bit-wise log-likelihood ratio densities for higher order constellations are symmetric. Furthermore, when used in DE, these densities can be averaged without significantly affecting the resulting threshold values. For an outer single parity-check code, the lowest decoding thresholds are achieved with two inner accumulate codes. For an outer repeat code, a single inner accumulate code gives the lowest thresholds. At code rates r/sub c/>2/3, the decoding thresholds for the SCTCM system are within 1 dB of the constellation-constrained channel capacity for additive white Gaussian noise channels, and within 1.5 dB for independent, identically distributed Rayleigh channels. Simulation results verify the computed thresholds.  相似文献   

Radiation leakage from a high-power bounded-wave electromagnetic pulse simulator can cause severe electromagnetic interference (EMI) with surrounding equipment. In Part I, we analyzed the electromagnetic mode structure inside a simulator. In Part II, we examine the relative contribution of these modes to radiation leakage. We have calculated the temporal cross correlation between the electromagnetic modes inside the simulator and the temporal waveform of the forward-radiated far field. The TM1 and TM2 modes show strong cross correlation over a range of switching times. For the TEM mode, on the other hand, this holds true only for larger values of the switching time. Hence, for a given mode amplitude, higher order TM modes tend to produce more leakage than the TEM mode. However, since TEM is far stronger than TM throughout the simulator, it may still contribute more in absolute terms. Increasing the angle between simulator plates excites more higher order modes and increases their strength, thereby enhancing leakage. Pulse compression with respect to time increases the relative strength of higher order modes. Placing a spatial mode filter inside the simulator significantly reduces TM/sub 1/ without modifying the desired TEM mode. However, TM/sub 2/ remains largely unchanged. The reduction in TM/sub 1/ depends sensitively upon the parameters of the filter. These observations illustrate a new method of understanding and improving simulator design from the point of view of EMI.  相似文献   

For pt.I, see Sanchez, M.G. et al., ibid., p.111-15. The results of an extensive study on analog PAL signals interfered with by digital DVB-T signals are presented. The study covers a theoretical evaluation of the interference problems, field and laboratory measurements and a national survey among TV installation companies. Field measurements are reported in part I. These measurements explain the origin of cochannel and some of the adjacent channel interference problems. However, interference was reported in areas where the field measurements showed that the protection ratios for PAL signals interfered with by DVB-T adjacent channel signals were met. As these reports came from multistorey buildings with master antenna TV (MATV) installations, the study was extended to analyze the role of these installations in the interference problems. Part of the interference problems are due to the MATV system amplifiers which are unable to cope with adjacent channel DVB-T signals. The nonlinear amplifiers give rise to intermodulation problems. The ITU-R recommendations (see ITU-R BT.1368, 2000) recognize that such nonlinear amplifiers could be a source of problems and that higher protection ratios may be needed, but no value is given for the increase. Our laboratory tests of commercial amplifiers found that an increase in the protection ratios of between 12 to 16 dB is needed to avoid a significant degradation of the PAL TV signal in the amplifiers. It has also been found that most of the interference situations are not due to the interfering signal being a DVB-T format, but that any significant signal amplitude in the passband of the filter causes interference. Therefore, MATV system distribution needs planning factors associated with the distribution of any signals near the main signal. The results are presented of a survey conducted among companies who install communal telecommunication infrastructures in Spain.  相似文献   

The LTE link-layer design - [LTE part II: 3GPP release 8]   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The LTE radio interface for 3GPP Release 8 was specified recently. This article describes the LTE link-layer protocols, which abstract the physical layer and adapt its characteristics to match the requirements of higher layer protocols. The LTE link-layer protocols are optimized for low delay and low overhead and are simpler than their counterparts in UTRAN. The stateof- the-art LTE protocol design is the result of a careful crosslayer approach where the protocols interact with each other efficiently. This article provides a thorough overview of this protocol stack, including the sub-layers and corresponding interactions in between them, in a manner that is more intuitive than in the respective 3GPP specifications.  相似文献   

This is the second of a series of two papers on the thermal increase in the human eye and head in response to an implanted retinal stimulator. This paper provides specific absorption rates induced in the human head by the extraocular unit and the temperature increases associated with induced electromagnetic fields and power dissipation of the implanted microchip. Results are provided for different assumptions about choroid blood flow. It is shown that computed results associated with the power dissipation of the implanted microchip, corresponding to temperature increases of approximately 0.6/spl deg/C in the midvitreous of the eye and 0.2/spl deg/C in the retina, closely parallel in-vivo experimental results in animals.  相似文献   

EMI induced in electronic circuits inside a building due to a lightning flash can be caused by either a direct strike to the lightning protection system or or by an indirect discharge in close proximity. This paper deals with the induced transient voltages on nonlinearly terminated metallic loops inside a building due to an indirect lightning strike. The conductive parts of the building (such as reinforcing bars in walls and floors, metallic beams), the lightning protection system, and the loops are simulated by an electric field integral equation in the time domain, with the nonlinear loads by a system of nodal equations. These two sets of equations allow a solution to be determined completely in the time domain. The proposed technique is validated by comparison with other referenced numerical techniques. Some results which show the effects of the conductive structural elements of the building on the induced transients are presented  相似文献   

Phased arrays - part 1: theory and architectures   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
An overview of electronically scanned array technology with a brief introduction of the basic theory and array architectures are presented. Implementations, current state-of-the-art, and future trends are briefly reviewed in Part II of this paper  相似文献   

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