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In the paper, we show that the quotient [E]I[E]_I of a lattice-ordered pseudoeffect algebra EE with respect to a normal weak Riesz ideal II is linearly ordered if and only if II is a prime normal weak Riesz ideal, and [E]I[E]_I is a representable pseudo MV-algebra if and only if II is an intersection of prime normal weak Riesz ideals. Moreover, we introduce the concept of weakly algebraic sets in pseudoeffect algebras, discuss the characterizations of weakly algebraic sets and show that weakly algebraic sets in pseudoeffect algebra EE are in a one-to-one correspondence with normal weak Riesz ideals in pseudoeffect algebra E.E.  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to congruences and ideals in pseudoeffect algebras. Let I be a normal ideal in a pseudoeffect algebra E. We show that: (1) the relation ~ I induced by I is a congruence if and only if for every aE, I∩ [0,a] is upper directed; (2) the relation ~ I induced by I is a strong congruence if and only if I is a normal weak Riesz ideal in a pseudoeffect algebra E. Moreover, we introduce a stronger concept of congruence—namely Riesz strong congruence—and we prove that, if I is a normal weak Riesz ideal in a pseudoeffect algebra E, then ~ I is a Riesz strong congruence and, conversely, if ~ is a Riesz strong congruence, then I = [0]~ is a normal weak Riesz ideal, and ~ I = ~. This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 10271069).  相似文献   

 We show that a quotient of a lattice ordered effect algebra L with respect to a Riesz ideal I is linearly ordered if and only if I is a prime ideal, and the quotient is an MV-algebra if and only if I is an intersection of prime ideals. A generalization of the commutators in OMLs is defined in the frame of lattice ordered effect algebras, such that the quotient with respect to a Riesz ideal I is an MV-algebra if and only if I contains all generalized commutators. If L is an OML, generalized commutators coincide with the usual Marsden commutators.  相似文献   

A significant property of a generalized effect algebra is that its every interval with inherited partial sum is an effect algebra. We show that in some sense the converse is also true. More precisely, we prove that a set with zero element is a generalized effect algebra if and only if all its intervals are effect algebras. We investigate inheritance of some properties from intervals to generalized effect algebras, e.g., the Riesz decomposition property, compatibility of every pair of elements, dense embedding into a complete effect algebra, to be a sub-(generalized) effect algebra, to be lattice ordered and others. The response to the Open Problem from Rie?anová and Zajac (2013) for generalized effect algebras and their sub-generalized effect algebras is given.  相似文献   

主要研究了由可精确测量元控制的弱可换的伪效应代数中可精确测量元。证明了可精确测量元控制的弱可换的伪效应代数中可精确测量元是弱可换的伪正交代数代数。讨论了弱可换的伪效应代数与BZ-偏序集之间的关系。讨论了弱可换的伪效应代数商代数中可精确测量元与正规Riesz理想之间的关系。  相似文献   

Pseudoeffect algebras are partial algebraic structures which are non-commutative generalizations of effect algebras. The main result of the paper is a characterization of lattice pseudoeffect algebras in terms of so-called pseudo Sasaki algebras. In contrast to pseudoeffect algebras, pseudo Sasaki algebras are total algebras. They are obtained as a generalization of Sasaki algebras, which in turn characterize lattice effect algebras. Moreover, it is shown that lattice pseudoeffect algebras are a special case of double CI-posets, which are algebraic structures with two pairs of residuated operations, and which can be considered as generalizations of residuated posets. For instance, a lattice ordered pseudoeffect algebra, regarded as a double CI-poset, becomes a residuated poset if and only if it is a pseudo MV-algebra. It is also shown that an arbitrary pseudoeffect algebra can be described as a special case of conditional double CI-poset, in which case the two pairs of residuated operations are only partially defined.  相似文献   

Generalized effect algebras as posets are unbounded versions of effect algebras having bounded effect-algebraic extensions. We show that when the MacNeille completion MC(P) of a generalized effect algebra P cannot be organized into a complete effect algebra by extending the operation ⊕ onto MC(P) then still P may be densely embedded into a complete effect algebra. Namely, we show these facts for Archimedean GMV-effect algebras and block-finite prelattice generalized effect algebras. Moreover, we show that extendable commutative BCK-algebras directed upwards are equivalent to generalized MV-effect algebras.  相似文献   

Congruences and ideals in pseudo effect algebras as total algebras   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Congruences and ideals in pseudo-effect algebras and their total algebra versions are studied. It is shown that every congruence of the total algebra induces a Riesz congruence in the corresponding pseudo-effect algebra. Conversely, to every normal Riesz ideal in a pseudo-effect algebra there is a total algebra, in which the given ideal induces a congruence of the total algebra. Ideals of total algebras corresponding to lattice-ordered pseudo-effect algebras are characterized, and it is shown that they coincide with normal Riesz ideals in the pseudo-effect algebras.  相似文献   

A well-known fact is that every generalized effect algebra can be uniquely extended to an effect algebra in which it becomes a sub-generalized effect algebra and simultaneously a proper order ideal, the set-theoretic complement of which is its dual poset. We show that two non-isomorphic generalized effect algebras (even finite ones) may have isomorphic effect algebraic extensions. For Archimedean atomic lattice effect algebras we prove “Isomorphism theorem based on atoms”. As an application we obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for isomorphism of two prelattice Archimedean atomic generalized effect algebras with common (or isomorphic) effect algebraic extensions.  相似文献   

We study remarkable sub-lattice effect algebras of Archimedean atomic lattice effect algebras E, namely their blocks M, centers C(E), compatibility centers B(E) and sets of all sharp elements S(E) of E. We show that in every such effect algebra E, every atomic block M and the set S(E) are bifull sub-lattice effect algebras of E. Consequently, if E is moreover sharply dominating then every atomic block M is again sharply dominating and the basic decompositions of elements (BDE of x) in E and in M coincide. Thus in the compatibility center B(E) of E, nonzero elements are dominated by central elements and their basic decompositions coincide with those in all atomic blocks and in E. Some further details which may be helpful under answers about the existence and properties of states are shown. Namely, we prove the existence of an (o)-continuous state on every sharply dominating Archimedean atomic lattice effect algebra E with B(E)\not = C(E).B(E)\not =C(E). Moreover, for compactly generated Archimedean lattice effect algebras the equivalence of (o)-continuity of states with their complete additivity is proved. Further, we prove “State smearing theorem” for these lattice effect algebras.  相似文献   

We present two versions of the Loomis–Sikorski Theorem, one for monotone σ-complete generalized pseudo effect algebras with strong unit satisfying a kind of the Riesz decomposition property. The second one is for Dedekind σ-complete positive pseudo Vitali spaces with strong unit. For any case we can find an appropriate system of nonnegative bounded functions forming an algebra of the given type with the operations defined by points that maps epimorphically onto the algebra. The paper has been supported by the Center of Excellence SAS—Physics of Information—I/2/2005, the grant VEGA No. 2/6088/26 SAV, the Slovak Research and Development Agency under the contract No. APVV-0071-06, Slovak-Italian Project No. 15:“Algebraic and logical systems of soft computing”, and MURST, project “Analisi Reale”.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe the relationships between pseudo MV algebras and semirings. We also give definitions of automata on lattice ordered semirings, prove that the family of K-Languages is closed under union, and discuss the conditions for the closedness of families of K-languages under intersection, generalized intersection and reversal operations.  相似文献   

 Pseudo-effect algebras are partial algebras (E;+,0,1) with a partially defined sum + which is not necessary commutative only associative and with two complements, left and right ones. They are a generalization of effect algebras and of orthomodular posets as well as of (pseudo) MV-algebras. We define three kinds of compatibilities of elements and we show that if a pseudo-effect algebra satisfies the Riesz interpolation property, and another natural condition, then every maximal set of strongly compatible elements, called a block, is a pseudo MV-subalgebra, and the pseudo-effect algebra can be covered by blocks. Blocks correspond to Boolean subalgebras of orthomodular posets. Dedicated to Prof. Ján Jakubík on the occasion of his 80th birthday The paper has been supported by the grant VEGA 2/3163/23 SAV, Bratislava, Slovakia, and the fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Bonn, Germany. The author is thankful the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation for organizing his stay at University of Ulm, Ulm, summer 2001, and Prof. G. Kalmbach H.E. for her cordial hospitality and discussions.  相似文献   

 We show that Boolean effect algebras may have proper sub-effect algebras and conversely. Properties of lattice effect algebras with two blocks are shown. One condition of the completness of effect algebras is given. We also show that a lattice effect algebra associated to an orthomodular lattice can be embedded into a complete effect algebra iff the orthomodular lattice can be embedded into a complete orthomodular lattice.  相似文献   

文[3]给出了理想状态(广义相关系数h=0.5,广义自相关系数k=0.5)下泛逻辑的形式演绎系统B,证明了此系统是可靠的。该文提出理想状态下(h=k=0.5)泛逻辑学对应的代数系统-UB代数,给出它的一系列性质。证明了UB代数是一个交换剩余半群;进一步证明了U B代数与M V代数、正规FI代数是等价的。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to introduce the notion of states on R 0 algebras and investigate some of their properties. We prove that every R 0 algebra possesses at least one state. Moreover, we investigate states on weak R 0 algebras and give some examples to show that, in contrast to R 0 algebras, there exist weak R 0 algebras which have no states. We also derive the condition under which finite linearly ordered weak R 0 algebras have a state. This work is supported by NSFC (No.60605017).  相似文献   

Let R(A) denote the bilinear complexity (also called rank) of a finite dimensional associative algebra A.?We prove that if the decomposition of into simple algebras contains only noncommutative factors, that is, the division algebra is noncommutative or . In particular, -matrix multiplication requires at least essential bilinear multiplications. We also derive lower bounds of the form essential bilinear multiplications. We also derive lower bounds of the form for the algebra of upper triangular -matrices and the algebra of truncated bivariate polynomials in the indeterminates X,Y over some field k.?A class of algebras that has received wide attention in this context con-sists of those algebras A for which the Alder—Strassen Bound is sharp, i.e., R(A) = 2dim At is the number of maximal twosided ideals in A. These algebras are called algebras of minimal rank. We determine all semisimple algebras of minimal rank over arbitrary fields and all algebras of minimal rank over algebraically closed fields. Received: January 12, 2000.  相似文献   

Two important algebraic structures in many branches of mathematics as well as in computer science are M-sets (sets with an action of a monoid M on them) and Boolean algebras. Of particular significance are complete Boolean algebras. And in the absence of the desired completeness one often considers extensions which remedy this lack, preferably in a “universal” way as a normal completion. Combining these two structures one gets M-Boolean algebras (Boolean algebras with an action of M on them, which are a special case of Boolean algebras with operators).The aim of this paper is to study the general notion of an internally complete poset in a topos, in the sense of Johnstone, and use it to give a minimal normal completion for an M-Boolean algebra.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider fuzzy subsets of a universe as L-fuzzy subsets instead of [ 0, 1 ]-valued, where L is a complete lattice. We enrich the lattice L by adding some suitable operations to make it into a pseudo-BL algebra. Since BL algebras are main frameworks of fuzzy logic, we propose to consider the non-commutative BL-algebras which are more natural for modeling the fuzzy notions. Based on reasoning with in non-commutative fuzzy logic we model the linguistic modifiers such as very and more or less and give an appropriate membership function for each one by taking into account the context of the given fuzzy notion by means of resemblance L-fuzzy relations.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to present some ways of constructing a lattice ordered effect algebra from the given family of MV-algebras. The loop lemma of lattice ordered effect algebras is proved. Then the definitions of Greechie diagrams of effect algebras are given. All these results have generalized those of orthomodular lattices. As applications of loop lemma and Greechie diagrams, some lattice ordered effect algebras without states are presented.  相似文献   

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