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蟹肉挥发性成分的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:研究青蟹与湖蟹挥发性风味成分的差异,为开发具有螃蟹风味的香精提供基础试验数据.方法:采用顶空固相微萃取-气相色谱-质谱联用技术分别对青蟹和湖蟹内挥发性成分进行分析.结果:在青蟹和湖蟹中分别鉴定出37种和30种挥发性成分.两种蟹共有的组分主要是:戊醇、1-辛烯-3-醇、戊醛、己醛、庚醛、壬醛、6-甲基-5-庚烯-2-酮、2-乙酰基噻唑和三甲胺.在青蟹中检测出3-甲基丁醛、辛醛、癸醛、乙酸丁酯和二甲硫醚等湖蟹中未检出的挥发性成分.结果:本研究结果对开发具有螃蟹风味的香精具有指导作用.  相似文献   

Sensory and Microbial Quality of Irradiated Crab Meat Products   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Low dose gamma irradiation has proved effective in reducing pathogenic and spoilage microorganisms in a variety of seafood products. However, little information is available on the effect of irradiation on the sensory quality and consumer acceptance of such products. We compared microbial and sensory quality of irradiated (2 kGy or less) crab products (white lump, claw, and fingers) through 14-days of ice-storage. Irradiation effectively reduced spoilage bacteria extending shelf-life by more than 3 days beyond control samples. During storage, fresh crab odor and flavor were similar for treated and control samples, while off-flavors and odors developed more rapidly in controls. Overall acceptability scores for irradiated crab samples were higher than for control samples throughout 14-days ice storage.  相似文献   

于慧子  陈舜胜 《食品科学》2011,32(8):267-271
采用同时蒸馏萃取技术(SDE)方法提取中华绒螯蟹中的挥发性风味成分,利用气相色谱-质谱联用技术(GS-MS)对提取的中华绒螯蟹蟹肉和蟹黄中挥发性风味成分进行分离鉴定。结果表明:在中华绒螯蟹中共检测到97种挥发性化合物。其中,蟹肉和蟹黄中含有的挥发性化合物的数量分别为60种和67种,仅有30种挥发性化合物被检测到同时存在于蟹黄和蟹肉中;中华绒螯蟹蟹黄和蟹肉中的挥发性成分在组成上的差别主要体现为在醇类、芳香类、烷烃类和含硫类化合物的组成上,这可能是导致中华绒螯蟹蟹黄和蟹肉香气差异的主要原因;除了组成上的差异,蟹黄中检测到的挥发性化合物的含量普遍高于蟹肉中检测到的化合物的含量。  相似文献   

The volatile flavor components of boiled red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) tail meat were characterized by a combination of dynamic headspace concentration on a porous polymer trap, high resolution gas chromatography, mass spectrometry and chromatography-coupled aroma sniffing evaluation. A total of 70 volatile compounds in many different chemical classes were identified and reported for the first time in crayfish tail meat. Various components gave green grassy, woody, buttery, metallic, or sulfur-like aroma characteristics. Most of the sensory characteristics of the individual components in the aromagram agreed well with the identification of the chemical structures eluted within the corresponding chromatographic period. However, several pleasant nutty, meaty and salty-meaty areas in the gas chromatographic aromagram remained unidentified.  相似文献   

Volatile compounds in snow crab cooker effluent (SCCE) and effluent concentrate (EC) were compared by simultaneous steam distillation-solvent extraction/gas chromatography/mass specirometry (SDE/GC/ MS). Volatile compounds (122) were detected in both samples. Of these, 97 were positively identified, composed mainly of nitrogen-and sulfur-containing compounds, aromatic hydrocarbons, aldehydes, ketones, furans, and alcohols. A total of 101 compounds were detected in the cooker effluent, and 90 were detected in the concentrate. Amounts of sulfur- and nitrogen-containing compounds were 44 and 7.3 times higher, respectively, in EC.  相似文献   

滋味物质间相互作用的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人类的味觉提供了有关食品质量及其组成的必要信息。人类可鉴别出食物的5 种基本味觉,即甜、咸、酸、苦和鲜味,但食物是多种滋味化合物组成的混合体系,因此滋味物质间相互作用是不可避免的。滋味物质间的相互作用发生在3 个层面,即化合物混合时的化学反应、一种物质对另一种物质滋味受体的影响、混合物质在大脑中的综合感知。其中研究较多的是滋味物质在第二层面上的相互作用。二元、三元及多元滋味物质之间的关系是复杂的:当滋味化合物低强度/浓度混合时呈现增强效应;中等强度/浓度往往呈现加和作用;高强度/浓度混合时常呈现抑制作用。另外,滋味感知受很多因素的影响,如温度、pH值、黏度、硬度、受试者生理状况等。滋味物质间相互作用的研究主要聚焦在饮料滋味改良、药品苦味掩盖和口腔护理产品开发等具有广阔研究前景。  相似文献   

以17 种不同产地红花椒为原料,油炸法制取花椒油,采用感官评价和高效液相色谱法测定花椒油麻感强度的时间动态曲线和呈麻物质含量及组成,进一步采用偏最小二乘判别分析及系统聚类分析研究不同产区花椒油的麻感特征及差异。结果表明:不同产区花椒油的麻感特征及呈麻物质组成差异显著(P<0.05),甘肃伏椒、棉椒及四川茂县、汶川的花椒油样品聚为1 类,四川南椒的花椒油样品聚为1 类,陕西、山西、河北大红袍聚为1 类,山东莱芜大、小颗粒未知品种花椒制取的花椒油聚为1 类。相关研究旨在为花椒油麻感风味数据库提供基础理论支持,为市售花椒油依据麻感特征产地溯源提供基础数据参考。  相似文献   

张璇 《肉类研究》2010,(11):57-60
本文简要介绍了肉品感官分析系统的组成要素、其要求和感官指标;着重介绍了肉品感官分析中常用的试验方法。  相似文献   

蒋根栋  陈舜胜 《食品科学》2009,30(20):308-311
采用顶空固相微萃取(HS-SPME)方法提取中华绒螯蟹蟹肉中的挥发性风味成分,利用气相色谱-质谱法(GC-MS)对提取的风味成分进行分离鉴别。结果表明,萃取温度60℃、时间50min、NaCl添加量0.16g/ml的条件下,挥发性风味成分的吸附效果最好。中华绒螯蟹的蟹肉中鉴别出40种挥发性成分,其中醛类8种、酮类3种、醇类3种、酯类1种、烷烃类13种、芳香类化合物4种、含氮化合物4种、其他化合物4种。中华绒螯蟹的蟹肉中,三甲胺(TMA)、壬醛和十四烷的含量较高,其含量分别达到挥发性成分总含量的20%、18%和10%左右。  相似文献   

本文以虾蟹漂烫汁酶解粉末为原料,以感官评价和褐变指数为指标,利用单因素和正交实验,优化美拉德反应工艺,并利用电子鼻和固相微萃取-气质联用技术分析反应前后挥发性物质的变化规律。实验结果表明,美拉德反应的最佳参数为:以虾蟹漂烫汁酶解液为基准,分别添加木糖4%,精氨酸3%,pH7.5,反应时间50 min,反应温度90℃,所得反应产物的感官评分为8.23分,褐变指数为0.7283。在此条件下,电子鼻分析结果表明,美拉德反应后,产品增加了烧烤味和海鲜风味;固相微萃取-气质联用技术分析结果表明,美拉德反应后,产品的胺类、烷烃类、醇类、醛类和酚类等挥发性风味成分明显减少,吡嗪类、有机酸类、酮类及硫化物等挥发性风味成分明显增加。本研究成果可为虾蟹漂烫汁的高价值开发和大规模生产提供理论依据和技术支持。  相似文献   

Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of minced meat, mechanically separated from blue crab processing by-product, were determined. Sensory evaluation was performed on crabcakes with various combinations of claw mince/meat (CMM), surimi, and functional soy protein concentrate (SPC). Separation produced 50–58% food-grade mince from picking table by-products and 49% from undersized claws. Claw mince had lower microbial concentrations than the composite picking table by-products. Crabby and beany flavors were influenced (p<0.05) by the CMM ratio but not by SPC. No significant differences were observed for textural characteristics using various levels of CMM. Sensory firmness and cohesiveness scores marginally correlated (p<0.1) with Instron compressive force measurements. Food-grade undersized crab claw mince can be used in value-added products.  相似文献   

现代感官分析技术及其在肉制品工业中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
感官分析是感官检验重要的理论,随着对乳制品感官性质的重视,感官分析在肉制品工业中得到了广泛的应用。本文对感官分析的定义、方法、在肉制品品工业中的应用以及目前存在的问题进行了综述。  相似文献   

Volatile components in fresh-picked blue crabmeat and processing byproduct were compared by simultaneous steam distillation-solvent extraction/gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (SDE/GC/MS). Compounds were identified in crabmeat (771 and by-product (80) of which 58 were common to both. Some compounds 154) were identified for the first time in crab. Trimethylamine, four alkanes (C15–C17, C19), and indole were highest (> 50 ng/g)) in crabmeat, while trimethylamine, carbon disulfide, dimethyltrisulfide, two alkanes (C15 and C17), geranylacetone, and 1–dodecanol were highest in by-product. Of compounds from both samples, 23 were higher in by-product and 7 were higher in the meat. Crab processing by-product may be a good source for volatile flavor recovery.  相似文献   

Sulfur compounds are generally accepted as being of high importance for sensory perception of meat flavour. The main problems of sulfur compounds' analysis are low flavour thresholds indicating high aroma effectiveness, high lability providing transformation into secondary products as well as active interaction with various organic substances present in meat systems. Probable pathways for formation and degradation of sulfur compounds are demonstrated. Sulfur compounds were isolated from volatiles of boiled beef by precipitation with mercuric chloride and regeneration. The separation of volatile amines and carbonyl compounds by derivatization remarkably improved the aroma of the samples. Gas Chromatographic identification with flame ionization and flame photometric detectors was accomplished on the base of retention index comparison on 4 glass columns of different polarity. Most of the peaks detected by FID were found to have identical index values in three different samples of beef. The comparison of the identification results with those of volatiles isolated from Maillard reaction products providing heated meat flavour, show large differences. It could be stated that regeneration products from mercuric chloride precipitates besides of sulfur compounds contain oxygen components as well as saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons, too.  相似文献   

沈海亮 《肉类研究》2011,25(1):59-63
感官分析方法广泛应用于食品的生产、加工、贮运、贸易、消费等方面,在肉制品市场调查、新产品开发、生产质量控制等工作环节中起着重要的作用。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The aroma property of boiled squid was quantitatively described using 10 sensory attributes. From screening experiments based on a Plackett-Burman design, pH and parts of squid were selected as significant factors for generating the "cooked squid" aroma. Squid samples prepared according to a 3-level full-factorial design for pH and parts showed that "sweet,""roasted shrimp,""cooked fish," and "cooked squid" scores were higher in both muscle and muscle with skin at pH 6.5. Response surface models calculated for each of the attributes showed how pH and parts influenced their strength. Partial least squares regression analysis applied to the sensory and GC-MS data revealed that every attribute could be predictable (R2≥ 0.956) using a small number of informative peaks.  相似文献   

本文介绍了常用的智能感官分析技术及其原理,概述了计算机视觉技术、电子鼻技术、电子舌技术和质构分析技术在肉类品质分析中的应用现状,提出了智能感官分析技术发展需解决的关键问题。  相似文献   

甘肃马鹿肉营养成分及活性物质分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以甘肃马鹿肉为实验材料,检测分析了甘肃马鹿肉的营养成分及活性物质.结果表明:甘肃马鹿水分含量为72.88g/100g,蛋白质27.49g/100g,脂肪2.13g/100g,灰分1.09g/100g;铁14.96mg/100g,锌0.84mg/100g,铜0.199mg/100g,硒1.22μg/100g,磷15.72mg/100g;总氨基酸含量为81.08g/100g,必需氨基酸占总氨基酸的38.87%;过氧化物歧化酶63.42U/mg,雌二醇157.88pg/mL,睾酮0.78ng/mL.生长激素0.76ng/mL.甘肃马鹿肉具有高蛋白、低脂肪、丰富的矿物质、氨基酸含量全面等特点,并含有一定量的活性物质,对人体有较高的营养和滋补价值,是优质的动物性食品资源.  相似文献   

秦晓蔚 《肉类研究》2002,(3):42-42,46
本文介绍了鲜禽、冻禽、白条禽的感观特征和质量鉴别方法  相似文献   

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