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This study describes the isolation and characterization of zebrafish homologues of the mammalian Pax3 and Pax7 genes. The proteins encoded by both zebrafish genes are highly conserved (>83%) relative to the known mammalian sequences. Also the neural expression patterns during embryogenesis are very similar to the murine homologues. However, observed differences in neural crest and mesodermal expression relative to mammals could reflect some functional divergence in the development of these tissues. For the zebrafish Pax7 protein we report the first full-length amino acid sequences in vertebrates and show the existence of three additional isoforms which have truncations in the homeodomain and/or the C-terminal region. These novel variants provide evidence for additional isoform diversity of vertebrate Pax proteins.  相似文献   

There are now six recognized neuropeptide Y (NPY) receptor subtypes (Y1-Y4 and two recently cloned distinct receptors labeled Y5), of which Y1 and one of the Y5's have been suggested could mediate the effect of NPY on feeding. The fragments NPY(2-36) and NPY(3-36), which bind Y1 only poorly, were injected intracerebroventricularly (icv) and found to have similar dose-response relationships to NPY in the stimulation of feeding. However NPY (13-36), which stimulates both Y2 and Y5, caused no increase in food intake, even at high doses. Maximal stimulation with the classical Y1 agonist [Pro34]-NPY produced only 50% of the maximum effect of NPY itself despite fully inhibiting adenylyl cyclase activity in vitro in a Y1 system. The novel fragment [Pro34]-NPY(3-36) is as effective at stimulating food intake as the classical Y1 analogue [Pro34]-NPY but bound to the Y1 receptor with only 1/20th of the affinity of NPY and failed to inhibit adenylyl cyclase through this receptor. [Pro34]-NPY(3-36) is therefore a relatively appetite-selective ligand. Coadministration of high dose NPY(13-36) and [Pro34]NPY did not enhance feeding compared with [Pro34]-NPY alone. In addition, the NPY Y1 receptor antagonist BIBP-3226, which does not bind Y2, Y4, or Y5 receptors, significantly reduced NPY induced feeding. These results indicate that the feeding effect of icv NPY involves a novel receptor and that it is functionally distinct from the recognized receptor subtypes.  相似文献   

One hundred and five sequential transjugular core liver biopsies (TJLBx) were performed in 101 patients with coagulopathy and/or ascites using the 19-gauge Quick-Core Biopsy (QCB) needle. Two-hundred and seventy-three cores were obtained in 295 passes (92. 5%). One-hundred and two of the 105 procedures (97.1%) led to a histopathologic diagnosis. One of the three nondiagnostic biopsies was done because of severe autolysis of the liver. There was one subcapsular hematoma, one hepatic arteriovenous fistula, and one liver capsular puncture. Two minor neck hematomas occurred. One death was reported (unrelated to the procedure). QCB needle TJLBx is an effective and relatively safe way to obtain core liver samples.  相似文献   

The subcellular distribution of the membrane components, present in rat brain cortex homogenates, that interact with glycine in the presence of sodium ions was studied. The distribution in the primary fractions, as per cent of total binding in the homogenate, was: P1 ('nuclear'), 58%; P2 (large granule), 39%; P3 (microsomal), 2%9 Of the subfractions obtained by centrifuging P1 in a linear 0.32--1.5 M sucrose gradient, only the lighter fraction (P1-III) formed by large myelin fragments was enriched in specific binding activity with respect to P1. The pellet formed by purified nuclei had negligible binding, and fractions of intermediate density had a lower activity than P1. Transient exposure of P1-III to 1.5 M sucrose did not diminish its binding ability. Similarly, in the subfractions obtained by centrifuging P1 in a discontinuous sucrose gradient, only the least dense one, P1-A, that is formed exclusively by large myelin fragments, was enriched with respect to P1. The electron microscopy of these fractions is presented. The P2 subfractions, obtained in a linear 2--18% Ficoll gradient, had the following sodium-dependent activity (counts/min/mg protein, fractions being in the order of decreasing density): pellet, 0; P2-I, O; P2-II, 450; P2-III, 1770; P2-IV, 4130; unfractionated P2, 880; P2-IV, the least dense fraction being composed mainly of myelin. With P2 subfractions obtained in a discontinuous sucrose gradient (0.32, 0.8 and 1.2 M sucrose layers), it was also found that sodium-dependent glycine binding was only enriched, with respect to P2, in the myelin fraction P2-A. Glycine binding to purified brain cortex myelin was also found to be very high, while binding to non-myelin membranes, obtained during the purification procedure, was only 0--7% of that seen with myelin. These results suggest that high-affinity glycine binding is located in myelin proper, and possibly also in some other glial plasma membranes, but not in nuclei, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum or synaptosomes. The relevance of these findings for interpreting previous reports on high-affinity glycine transport in the central nervous system is analyzed.  相似文献   

The homozygous mouse mutant aphakia (ak) has been characterized by bilaterally aphakic eyes without a pupil [Varnum DS, Stevens, LC (1968): J Hered 59:147-150]. The mutation was mapped to chromosome 19 [Varnum DS, Stevens, LC (1975): Mouse News Lett 53:35]. Our linkage studies yielded a precise localization of the ak gene 0.6 +/- 0.3 cM proximal to the microsatellite marker D19Mit10 and 0.7 +/- 0.4 cM distal to D19Mit4 and D19Mit91. No recombination was found with the marker D19Mit9 among 418 backcross offspring tested. The developmental control gene Pax2 mapped 11.0 +/- 3.5 cM proximal to ak and is excluded as a candidate gene. Sequence analysis of Fgf8 and Chuk1, which are localized close to the marker D19Mit10, detected no mutations in the ak/ak mutants. Histological analysis of homozygous mutants suggested the arrest of lens development at the lens stalk stage, a transient morphological structure during the formation of the lens vesicle. In the lens remnants, Pax6 and Six3 are expressed, whereas in the persisting lens stalk only Pax6 was detected. The expression pattern of Pax2 appeared normal; Cryaa expression could not be detected. As a consequence of the arrested lens development, other ocular tissues that require for their development information from the intact lens, such as iris, ciliary muscle, retina, and vitreous body, are absent or formed abnormally.  相似文献   

The identification of transgenes with antitumor activity is critical to the development of gene therapy of cancer. Retrovirus-mediated transfer of the Escherichia coli gpt gene into rat C6 glioma cells without subsequent selection still inhibited the proliferation of this mixed polyclonal population upon addition of the prodrug, 6-thioxanthine, with an ID50 of 4.1 microM, whereas parental C6 cells were not affected at a concentration of 500 microM. In a time-course assay, effects of the prodrug on the mixed polyclonal cell proliferation required at least 10 days of exposure. In mixed co-cultures, a bystander effect was not present over the first 4 days of prodrug exposure, but required trypsinization of the co-cultures and replating at lower densities. This "modified" bystander assay thus revealed a 50% decrease in C6 cell proliferation, even when the initial ratio of gpt-expressing to parental C6 cells was as low as 1:19. In a nude mouse model of subcutaneous tumors, co-grafts of C6 glioma and gpt-retrovirus producer cells displayed retarded growth upon exposure to 6-thioxanthine (6-TX). In a nude mouse model of intracerebral tumors, grafting of the gpt-retrovirus producer cells leads to an 80% reduction in intracerebral tumor volumes after 6-TX treatment. This reduction results in a 28% increase in the mean time of survival of animals that harbor intracerebral tumors (p < 0.0005). These antitumor effects indicate that the gpt/6-TX enzyme/prodrug pair is a promising alternative to the thymidine kinase gene and ganciclovir combination in the gene therapy of cancer.  相似文献   

We produced local tissue acidosis in various brain stem regions with 1-nl injections of acetazolamide (AZ) to locate the sites of central chemoreception. To determine whether the local acidosis resulted in a stimulation of breathing, we performed the experiment in chloralose-urethan anesthetized vagotomized carotid-denervated (cats) paralyzed servo-ventilated cats and rats and measured phrenic nerve activity (PNA) as the response index. Measurements of extracellular brain tissue pH by glass microelectrodes showed that AZ injections induced a change in pH at the injection center equivalent to that produced by an increase in end-tidal PCO2 of approximately 36 Torr and that the change in brain pH was limited to a tissue volume with a radius of < 350 microns. We found AZ injections sites that caused a significant increase in PNA to be located 1) within 800 microns of the ventrolateral medullary surface at locations within traditional rostral and caudal chemosensitive areas and the intermediate area, 2) within the vicinity of the nucleus tractus solitarii, and 3) within the vicinity of the locus coeruleus. Single AZ injections produced increases in PNA that were < or = 69% of the maximum value observed with an increase in end-tidal PCO2. We conclude that central chemoreceptors are distributed at many locations within the brain stem, all within 1.5 mm of the surface, and that stimulation of a small fraction of all central chemoreceptors can result in a large ventilatory response.  相似文献   

The ε4 allele of the apolipoprotein E (ApoE) gene is associated with alterations in brain function and is a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease (AD). Changes in components of visuospatial attention with ApoE-ε4, aging, and AD are described. Healthy middle-aged adults without dementia who have the ApoE-ε4 gene show deficits in spatial attention and working memory that are qualitatively similar to those seen in clinically diagnosed AD patients. The findings support an association between ApoE polymorphism and specific components of visuospatial attention. Molecular mechanisms that may mediate the ApoE-attention link by modulating cholinergic neurotransmission to the posterior parietal cortex are discussed. Studies of attention and brain function in ApoE-ε4 carriers without dementia can advance knowledge of the genetics of visual attention, may enhance understanding of the preclinical phase of AD, and may lead to better methods for early AD detection. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The physiological role of the catecholamines (CA), adrenaline and noradrenaline in fish has been frequently reviewed, but the metabolic consequences of these hormones have received less attention. The purpose of this review is to examine the recent literature dealing with CA actions on whole fish and tissue metabolism. The CA increase glucose production both in vivo and in vitro, at least in isolated hepatocytes. Although the data are less clear, lipid mobilization is also a consequence of elevated circulating CA. The difficulty with using the whole fish for such studies is that CA may alter other circulating hormone levels, CA turnover in the circulation quickly, and it is difficult to define precisely the tissue being affected. Much of our understanding is derived, therefore, from the study of isolated tissues, and especially the hepatocyte. Catecholamines stimulate both glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis in hepatocytes isolated from a large number of fish species. This review examines the steps involved in the signal transduction system, from the binding of CA to alpha- and beta-adrenoceptors to the ultimate effects of specific enzyme phosphorylation. Recent literature demonstrates that the complexity of the adrenoceptor system noted for mammals, also is expressed in fish. Adrenoceptor subtypes are specific to species, to tissues and to function of the tissues, and these issues are discussed especially as they are related to external and to internal stressors. Future research will pursue better definitions of the adrenoceptor systems, molecular biology of the components of these receptor systems and development of alternative cell models. There still remains a poor explanation of the reason for the diversity of adrenoceptor systems, and there are a number of fish systems that may provide unique opportunities to understand this question.  相似文献   

In the accompanying paper (Gitt, M. A., Colnot, C., Poirier, F., and Barondes, S. H., and Leffler, H. (1998) J. Biol. Chem. 273, 2954-2960), we reported that mouse gastrointestinal tract specifically expresses two closely related galectins, galectins-4 and -6, each with two carbohydrate recognition domains in the same peptide. Here, we report the isolation, characterization, and chromosomal mapping of the complete mouse Lgals6 gene, which encodes galectin-6, and of a fragment of a distinct gene, Lgals4, which encodes galectin-4. The coding sequence of galectin-6 is specified by eight exons. The upstream region contains two putative promoters. Both Lgals6 and the closely related Lgals4 are clustered together about 3.2 centimorgans proximal to the apoE gene on mouse chromosome 7. The syntenic human region is 19q13.1-13.3.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We conducted an exploratory study of brain tumors that occurred as a second primary malignancy to identify potential risk factors for brain tumors. METHODS: Using data from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program, we calculated the sex-specific standardized incidence ratio (SIR), adjusted to age and time period, as an estimate of the relative risk (RR) of developing a second primary brain tumor following other cancers. RESULTS: We found an elevated RR of brain tumors after bladder cancer in both men (RR, 1.7; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.2 to 2.3) and women (RR, 1.7; 95% CI, 0.8 to 3.2); this effect was present for both astrocytoma and glioblastoma multiforme. Elevated RRs of brain tumors were also found after sarcoma (RR, 4.4; 95% CI, 1.8 to 9.0) and leukemia (RR, 2.9; 95% CI, 1.6 to 4.8) in men, and after colorectal cancer (RR, 1.8; 95% CI, 1.3 to 2.4) and endometrial cancer (RR, 1.4; 95% CI, 1.0 to 1.9) in women. The highest RR observed in this study was for CNS lymphoma following any first primary malignancy in men (RR, 7.9; 95% CI, 5.5 to 11.0). CONCLUSION: The associations of brain tumors with bladder, colorectal, and endometrial cancers in women, and an increased occurrence of CNS lymphoma as a second malignancy in men, are new findings that have not been described previously.  相似文献   

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