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通过八数码问题比较搜索算法的性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
搜索算法的核心在于搜索策略的制定.一般的搜索算法采用无信息指导的搜索策略,如深度优先搜索(DFS)和宽度优先搜索(BFS),还有一些搜索算法采用了启发式信息指导的搜索策略,如A*算法.不同的搜索策略会使得搜索算法的性能有很大的差异.使用以上3种搜索算法实现八教码问题的求解,分析和比较三者所表现出来的性能,同时指出3种搜索算法的特点和应用范围,最后给出分析结论以指导开发和使用更加高效的搜索策略.  相似文献   

在算法的应用中,深度优先搜索算法在图结构的数据类型中有着广泛的应用,本文设置了两个应用场景,一个是信件能否送达问题,一个是不重复打卡夜跑路线的规划问题,这两个问题都与现实生活息息相关.本文通过对这两个问题的详细分析和解决来说明深度优先搜索算法的各种不同使用场合和方法,同时也分析了在解决问题过程中存在的不足.  相似文献   

几种经典搜索算法研究与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
搜索技术是人工智能的基本技术之一,在人工智能各应用领域中被广泛地使用。而搜索技术的核心是搜索算法,而所有的搜索算法的优化主要是在经典的搜索算法上改进得来。故研究经典搜索算法有非常重要的理论价值和实际应用价值。通过对几种经典搜索算法的研究,分析,总结,使得知识形成体系,便于更好的学习和研究。最后将几种算法进行比较,列出各自优缺点,便于选择合适的算法解决相关的实际问题。  相似文献   

陆檩  李世杰  王贵甫  闵新力  张余  高珊 《计算机工程》2011,37(17):279-281,285
分析Dijikstra算法、限制区域搜索算法以及A*算法的时间复杂度和空间复杂度,提出一种最短路径搜索算法。将静态存储和动态搜索相结合,以限定区域搜索算法为主、A*算法为辅,并根据港区路况实现该算法。实验结果表明,在区域路网结构相对比较规则的情况下,该算法能够提高路径搜索的效率。  相似文献   

针对迷宫机器人路径规划问题,以机器视觉和A*算法为基础,提出了一种新的迷宫机器人全局路径规划方法。该方法利用区域阀值分割对迷宫机器人系统采集的图像进行分析,结合A*算法逆向搜索全局最优路径。仿真结果表明,该方法实现简单,在复杂的迷宫环境下能有效地实现迷宫机器人路径规划。  相似文献   

本文在对广度优先迷宫搜索算法和深度优先迷宫搜索算法进行了仔细比较与探讨之后,提出一种新的算法:目标优先法。即每次向下一个位置搜索时,按当前位置的各方向靠近目标点的距离去选择方向。使得搜索过程在较短时间内能够快速从入口向出口目标逼近。然后从数据输入输出,程序设计等方面讲述了这种带优先级的算法的实现。并将此算法用Java语言在JDK上实现其搜索过程的画面,模拟其算法实现过程。最后,将此算法与传统的广度优先和深度优先算法优缺点进行了综合比较。  相似文献   

针对八数码问题的求解,给出了深度优先搜索、广度优先搜索和启发式搜索(譬如A*算法)之间的算法比较,通过实验验证各种算法并得出结论:在通常情况下,采用启发式搜索算法来进行状态空间的搜索更为方便、高效。  相似文献   

求解八数码问题的几种搜索算法比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文针对八数码问题的求解,给出了深度优先搜索、广度优先搜索和启发式搜索之间的算法比较,并得出结论:在通常情况下,采用启发式搜索算法来进行状态空间的搜索更为方便、快捷。  相似文献   

在游戏软件中,人工智能是一个重要而又复杂的模块,而寻路算法是人工智能运用于电子游戏中的最基本问题之一。针对游戏中路径搜索的特点,在对一般搜索算法、常见搜索算法和启发式搜索技术进行详细地分析与研究的基础之上,结合实际应用情况,对A*算法进行了一些优化与改进。  相似文献   

本文是用人工智能中的深度优先算法、宽度优先算法、A*算法、SMA*算法来解决N城市旅行商问题。通过解决路径、耗散值、运行时间等数据比较这几个算法在处理该问题上的优劣。  相似文献   

Theoretical comparisons of search strategies in branch-and-bound algorithms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Four known search strategies used in branch-and-bound algorithms-heuristic search, depth-first search, best-bound search, and breadth-first search-are theoretically compared from the viewpoint of the performance of the resulting algorithms. Heuristic search includes the other three as special cases. Since heuristic search is determined by a heuristic functionh, we first investigate how the performance of the resulting algorithms depends onh. In particular, we show that heuristic search is stable in the sense that a slight change inh causes only a slight change in its performance. The best and the worst heurstic functions are clarified, and also discussed is how the heuristic functionh should be modified to obtain a branch-and-bound algorithm with an improved performance. Finally, properties and limitations of depth-first search, best-bound search, and breadth-first search viewed as special cases of heuristic search are considered. In particular, it is shown that the stability observed for heuristic search no longer holds for depth-first search.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a semi-autonomous serially connected multi-crawler robot for search and rescue. In large-scale disasters, such as earthquakes and tornadoes, the application of rescue robots to search for survivors under rubble would be beneficial. Snake-like robots (robots composed of serially connected units) are an effective candidate for such robots. Their long body enables them to overcome obstacles, and they can move into narrow spaces because of their thin shape. However, conventional snake-like robots have significant problems with operability. The numerous degrees of freedom of their bodies require complex operation to overcome obstacles, and training is required for the operators. Thus, survivors or community members cannot operate conventional robots to search for victims, despite the availability of such rescue robots. Here, we address this problem and develop a semi-autonomous serially connected multi-crawler robot designed for non-trained operators, such as community members or rescued survivors. It can be controlled easily by a conventional two-channel user interface with levers for turning and straight line motion. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed mechanism, a prototype robot was developed and experiments were conducted. The results confirm that the proposed robot had both higher operability and higher mobility than conventional robots.  相似文献   

Huatao Zhang 《Advanced Robotics》2014,28(23):1571-1585
Tipover may cause fatal damages to the mobile robot system during obstacle crossing or stair climbing, and the system centroid position (SCP) is very important for the tipover stability. By monitoring the SCP, it is possible to estimate the risk of tipover and take appropriate actions to prevent the incident from happening. This paper proposes a new tipover avoidance method for enhancing the tipover stability of a tracked mobile manipulator by online adjusting the SCP. The tipover stability criteria for the robot are discussed based on the orientation data from a three-axial gyroscope and the SCP calculation. The velocity kinematic model of the manipulator for SCP adjustment is also presented in this paper. In addition, a redundancy resolution method is employed in order to improve the performance of the robot. The proposed method is applied to a search and rescue robot consists of a four degree of freedom manipulator and a tracked mobile base, and the effectiveness of this method is demonstrated by experimental results.  相似文献   

针对在复杂地形中标准的粒子群算法用于矿井搜救机器人路径规划存在迭代速度慢和求解精度低的问题,提出了一种基于双粒子群算法的矿井搜救机器人路径规划方法。首先将障碍物膨胀化处理为规则化多边形,以此建立环境模型,再以改进双粒子群算法作为路径寻优算法,当传感器检测到搜救机器人正前方一定距离内有障碍物时,开始运行双改进粒子群算法:改进学习因子的粒子群算法(CPSO)粒子步长大,适用于相对开阔地带寻找路径,而添加动态速度权重的粒子群算法(PPSO)粒子步长小,擅长在障碍物形状复杂多变地带寻找路径;然后评估2种粒子群算法得到的路径是否符合避障条件,若均符合避障条件,则选取最短路径作为最终路径;最后得到矿井搜救机器人在整个路况模型中的最优行驶路径。仿真结果表明,通过改进学习因子和添加动态速度权重提高了粒子群算法的收敛速度,降低了最优解波动幅度,改进的双粒子群算法能够与路径规划模型有效结合,在复杂路段能够寻找到最优路径,提高了路径规划成功率,缩短了路径长度。  相似文献   

讨论设备问题的局部搜索近似算法及其在实际计算中表现出的新性质。主要讨论局部搜索算法中初始解的产生方法,设备价值与服务价值大小对算法求解性能的影响。实验表明:约有99%以上的实例可直接利用局部搜索算法求得最优解;贪心算法产生初始解的局部搜索算法求解时间明显短于随机算法产生初始解的方法,但两者求解质量相当;设备价值和服务价值数值范围越大,局部搜索算法越容易求得最优解。  相似文献   

提出了一种解决无约束连续空间优化问题的蚁群协同模式搜索算法.该算法通过目标函数值启发式信息素引导群体进行区域搜索,而每个个体的模式搜索为算法提供进一步的局部搜索,其搜索结果以信息素融合的方式进行信息共享,为下一次的区域搜索提供依据.通过随机模式搜索算法理论得出了算法的收敛性定理.详细的测试结果体现算法的涌现智能特征,与其他算法的比较结果说明了算法的有效性及群体协同的优势.  相似文献   

This paper presents the analysis of a parallel formulation of depth-first search. At the heart of this parallel formulation is a dynamic work-distribution scheme that divides the work between different processors. The effectiveness of the parallel formulation is strongly influenced by the work-distribution scheme and the target architecture. We introduce the concept of isoefficiency function to characterize the effectiveness of different architectures and work-distribution schemes. Many researchers considered the ring architecture to be quite suitable for parallel depth-first search. Our analytical and experimental results show that hypercube and shared-memory architectures are significantly better. The analysis of previously known work-distribution schemes motivated the design of substantially improved schemes for ring and shared-memory architectures. In particular, we present a work-distribution algorithm that guarantees close to optimal performance on a shared-memory/-network-with-message-combining architecture (e.g. RP3). Much of the analysis presented in this paper is applicable to other parallel algorithms in which work is dynamically shared between different processors (e.g., parallel divide-and-conquer algorithms). The concept of isoefficiency is useful in characterizing the scalability of a variety of parallel algorithms.This work was supported by Army Research Office Grant No. DAAG29-84-K-0060 to the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, and Office of Naval Research Grant N00014-86-K-0763 to the Computer Science Department at the University of Texas at Austin.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new polygonal approximation method using ant colony search algorithm. The problem is represented by a directed graph such that the objective of the original problem becomes to find the shortest closed circuit on the graph under the problem-specific constraints. A number of artificial ants are distributed on the graph and communicate with one another through the pheromone trails which are a form of the long-term memory guiding the future exploration of the graph. The important properties of the proposed method are thoroughly investigated. The performance of the proposed method as compared to those of the genetic-based and the tabu search-based approaches is very promising.  相似文献   

在化学化工研究中,Markush结构越来越多地用于申请专利保护和报告新发明成果。随着化学化工专利数目的大量增加,对化学化工专利文献的存储和检索的需求日益殷切。为了建立可检索的化学化工专利数据库,迫切需要有效地解决化学化工专利文献中所涉及的Markush结构和其他非确定结构的计算机表示与检索问题。而检索算法是与结构表达紧密联系的。本文在总结前人工作基础上,提出了广义的非确定性化学结构(包括Markush结构)的计算机表达方法。与之相对应的非确定结构的结构识别算法已经实现并在优化中。  相似文献   

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