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The inability of substantial numbers of battered women to terminate or extricate themselves from violent relationships is of grave concern to clinical practitioners. Despite professional intervention, many victims of domestic violence return to the batterer and to repetitive battering, demonstrating that, for these women, traditional psychosocial interventions are ineffective. In a sample of 53 battered women, 92% reported having received blows to the head in the course of their battering; 40% reported loss of consciousness. Correlations between frequency of being hit in the head and severity of cognitive symptoms were significant, strongly suggesting that battered women should be routinely screened for traumatic brain injury and postconcussive syndrome. Development of treatment strategies to address the potentially damaging sequelae of head trauma in this population is essential. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The goals of the present study were to examine (a) whether battered women in a sample of both shelter and nonshelter women are sustaining brain injuries from their partners, and (b) if so, whether such brain injuries are associated with partner abuse severity, cognitive functioning, or psychopathology. Ninety nine battered women were assessed using neuropsychological, psychopathology, and abuse history measures. Almost three quarters of the sample sustained at least 1 partner-related brain injury and half sustained multiple partner-related brain injuries. Further, in a subset of women (n = 57), brain injury severity was negatively associated with measures of memory, learning, and cognitive flexibility and was positively associated with partner abuse severity, general distress, anhedonic depression, worry, anxious arousal, and posttraumatic stress disorder symptomatology. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examines the ethical aspects of a recent treatment recommendation evolved out of the literature that suggests that battered women should be encouraged by their therapists to leave their abusive relationships. The American Psychological Association's (1981) Ethical Principles of Psychologists and 5 ethical principles—autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, justice, and fidelity—defined by T. Beauchamp and J. Childress (1979) are cited as helpful sources in determining whether the treatment recommendation is ethically justifiable. The psychological dynamics of battered women are described, and it is noted that these women may be particularly vulnerable to viewing an authority's (i.e., the therapist's) opinion as definitive. On one side of the issue is respect for the individual's autonomy and an assumption that the battered woman syndrome does not render a victim incompetent. On the other side of the dilemma, under the principle of beneficence, is a determination that, because these women have limited competence due to the battered woman syndrome, a weak paternalistic intervention must be made. It is concluded that the latter argument is weightier and that such treatment recommendations are ethically just. (31 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examines the barriers facing victims of domestic violence and offers therapists an integrated model of intervention combining both case management and psychotherapy strategies. Visually represented, the Barriers Model places the battered woman in the center of 4 concentric circles. Each circle represents a layer of barriers in the battered woman's experience that potentially impedes her safety. These layers include (1) barriers in the environment; (2) barriers due to family, socialization, and role expectations; (3) barriers from the psychological consequences of violence; and (4) barriers from childhood abuse/neglect issues. Therapists are provided with an explanation of each layer of barriers, questions to help identify the extent to which these barriers are preventing the woman from becoming safe, and strategies to address these barriers with the battered woman. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors tested the effectiveness of 2 group career interventions for 73 battered women who were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 treatment conditions or a wait-list control group. Both interventions included the 5 most effective career intervention components identified by S. D. Brown and N. E. Krane (2000), and 1 of the interventions also was designed to enhance critical consciousness (i.e., empowerment for self-protection and awareness of domestic violence impact; P. Freire, 1970; I. Martín-Baró, 1994). Relative to controls, standard participants had higher career-search self-efficacy, and standard-plus participants had higher critical consciousness at posttest. At follow-up, standard-plus participants had higher critical consciousness scores and made more progress toward goal achievement than standard participants. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The current study assessed observational data of parenting in 95 battered women and their school-aged children's behavioral adjustment and analyzed them within an ecological framework. Results indicated that maternal experience of psychological and physical abuse predicts maternal warmth, but not maternal authority-control, over and above ontogenic and exosystemic factors. In addition, maternal experience of psychological abuse and maternal authority-control predicted children's observed behavior, over and above child characteristics. An ecological framework for understanding the effects of domestic violence on parenting was supported. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Do you feel overwhelmed when attempting to treat battered women with ongoing safety concerns? Could battered women in shelters benefit from psychotherapy in addition to the case management they traditionally receive? What type of treatment would be most beneficial for battered women in shelters? Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is the most prevalent disorder associated with intimate partner violence (IPV). PTSD is associated with severe impairment and loss of resources, which can severely impact a sheltered battered woman’s ability to establish long-term safety for herself and her children. Consequently, we have developed a new treatment for sheltered battered women with PTSD, Helping to Overcome PTSD through Empowerment (HOPE). HOPE is a short-term cognitive-behavioral treatment in a preliminary stage of development for battered women with PTSD in domestic violence shelters. It focuses on stabilization, safety, and empowerment and teaches women skills to manage their PTSD symptoms that may interfere with their ability to access important community resources and establish safety for themselves and their children. A case example utilizing HOPE is offered. Future directions and clinical applications are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Children exposed to interparental violence have been characterized by an array of psychological problems, but findings regarding the precise nature of these problems have been inconsistent. This study used cluster analysis to determine whether distinct patterns of adjustment could be identified in 228 8- to 14-year-old children residing in battered women's shelters. Five such patterns emerged: multiproblem–externalizing, multiproblem–internalizing, externalizing, mild distress, and no problems reported. This solution was cross-validated in independent halves of the sample and was similar for boys and girls. Differences among the clusters on relevant family and demographic variables were examined, and it was found that the clusters could be distinguished on the basis of the frequency of children's exposure to interparental violence, parent–child aggression, and children's appraisals of interparental conflict. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study was an experimental evaluation of an intervention designed to reduce conduct problems among children of battered women. Participants were 36 families (mothers and children) in which the mother had sought shelter because of relationship violence and had at least 1 child (4-9 years old) with clinical levels of conduct problems. The intervention consisted of 2 primary components: (a) providing instrumental and emotional support and (b) teaching child management skills to mothers. Families were randomly assigned to either the intervention condition or the existing services comparison condition and were assessed on 5 occasions over 16 months after shelter departure. Compared with families receiving existing services, children in the intervention condition improved at a faster rate, the proportion of children displaying clinical levels of conduct problems was greatly diminished, and mothers displayed greater improvements in child management skills. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

During development, telencephalic neural progenitors acquire positional specification and give rise to distinct structures such as the striatum and cortex. Here, we examine, in vivo, the influence of developmental stage, cell-surface molecules and regional differences along the dorso-ventral and antero-posterior axes on the selective incorporation of neural progenitors derived from different regions of the developing brain, utilizing a cross-species in utero transplantation paradigm. Striatal progenitors derived from the embryonic day (E) 12-14 mouse lateral ganglionic eminence (LGE) were observed consistently to incorporate into the developing striatum as early as 24-48 h following intraventricular injection into the E15-17 rat host. By removing cell-surface molecules from the LGE progenitors, the pattern of incorporation was remarkably different with no preferential striatal incorporation. Cortical progenitors with intact cell-surface molecules, by contrast, displayed little telencephalic (including striatal) incorporation as compared with precursors from the LGE. However, both progenitors from cortex and LGE incorporated widely into diencephalic and mesencephalic structures. The capacity for integration of precursors derived from the LGE and cortex gradually decreased during development of the host and was minimal in the postnatal day (P) 1 host. Unlike the telencephalic precursors, the vast majority of progenitors derived from the midbrain and cerebellar primordium (with cell-surface molecules intact) incorporated into diencephalic and midbrain nuclei with only a few cells observed in the telencephalon. These results demonstrate that incorporation of neural progenitors across the ventricular wall in the embryonic host is strictly developmentally regulated, dependent on their position along the antero-posterior axes and in the case of progenitors from the LGE is mediated by cell-surface molecules expressed on the transplanted cells.  相似文献   

Ethnographic interviewing methods were used to explore women's explanatory models (EMs) of overweight and the congruence of these models with professional models and professionally recommended treatments for overweight. Through community-based snowball and theoretical sampling, 40 African American, 40 Euro-American, and 40 Mexican American women of varying social status and weight participated in multiple ethnographic interviews, which were subsequently interpreted using domain analysis and constant comparison. Study participants' EMs of overweight ranged from simple to complex, were generally similar across the three study groups, and only partially congruent with professional EMs of obesity. Major differences in EMs between the study groups were found in the dimensions of etiologies and consequences of overweight. There was partial congruence between participants' EMs and professionally recommended treatments for overweight.  相似文献   

In the present study, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) prevalence rates were compared among 50 battered women and 37 maritally distressed women who had not experienced battering (N?=?87). Participants were administered R. Spitzer and I. B. S. Williams's (1985) Structured Clinical Interview for the DSM-III—R (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders [3rd ed., rev.]) to assess PTSD status and previous traumatic experiences in addition to other standardized measures of PTSD and violence exposure. Battered women exhibited significantly higher rates of PTSD than maritally distressed women (58% vs. 18.9%). Although both groups had similar rates of previous trauma experiences, women with a PTSD-positive status (both battered women and maritally distressed women) were significantly more likely to have experienced self-reported childhood sexual abuse and a higher overall number of previous traumas than those with a PTSD-negative status. Battering exposure and childhood sexual abuse predicted 37% of the variance in overall PTSD intensity levels. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Ans raci A series of 2-(4-arylpiperazin-1-yl-methyl)-4-methyl-1-oxo-5,6,8,8a-tetrahydro -thiazolo[3,4-d] [1,2,4]triazines was prepared and tested for antinociceptive activity. The compounds were prepared by the Mannich reaction from the corresponding 2-unsubstituted thiazolotriazines. When administered intraperitoneally most were found to have potent analgesic activity in the mouse during tests of phenylbenzoquinone-induced abdominal constriction; ED50 values (doses resulting in half the maximum effect) ranged from 10 to 87 mg kg(-1). Derivatives with a 3-chloro- or 4-fluorophenylpiperazinylmethyl side-chain in the 2-position of the bicyclic system were, when administered intraperitoneally at doses greater than 25 mg kg(-1), also effective in the hot-plate test without associated sedative effects. The compounds have a large therapeutic index; intraperitoneal LD50 values (doses which result in the death of half the animals) were > 700 mg kg(-1). Naloxone attenuated the analgesic activity of the 3-chloro derivative, suggesting the participation of micro-receptors in the antinociceptive effects of this drug. In addition, a nonopioid mechanism, probably related to enhancement of the release of 5-hydroxytryptamine and noradrenaline, or inhibition of the neuronal re-uptake of these compounds, has been evinced to explain the analgesic properties of the 3-chloro or 4-fluoro derivatives. These results provide evidence for the involvement of noradrenergic and 5-hydroxytryptaminergic pathways in the analgesic activity of 3 and 4. Because of their potential effectiveness, the 3-chloro- or 4-fluorophenylpiperazinylmethyl derivatives might be suitable for treatment of a wide variety of painful conditions and could be attractive reserve agents for patients dissatisfied with opioids.  相似文献   

The prevalence, consequences, and resistance to treatment of obesity make it one of the most difficult psychological and medical problems in society today. The incidence of obesity is greater in Mexican Americans than in Caucasians. The purpose of this study was to apply the Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change on a sample of Mexican American women in weight-loss study. Questionnaires assessing the stages and processes of change were shortened, translated, and administered to subjects. Cluster analyses were conducted to determine the stage of change profiles, with five distinct profiles emerging. These profiles are consistent with those reported in previous research on smoking, psychotherapy, alcoholism, and overeating. Relationships among stages, processes, and profiles of change were examined and found to be consistent with previous research. This study supports the use of the Transtheoretical Model with Mexican American women who were enrolled in a behaviorally oriented weight-loss program. Results of the study are limited owing to a small sample size; however, it does provide a foundation to incorporate Hispanic populations in future studies pertaining to stages and processes of behavior change.  相似文献   

A self-report survey of cigarette use among 10th- and 12th-grade Mexican American students found no differences in rates of use by migrant status. Male students reported higher levels of lifetime, experimental, and daily smoking than female students, and 12th-grade students reported higher levels of daily smoking than 10th-grade students. A socialization model of cigarette use based on peer cluster theory was evaluated using structural equation methods, examining the effects of family strength, family tobacco use, school adjustment, religious identification, and peer tobacco associations. The basic latent-structure socialization model was supported in all groups, but final models including specific effects identified both unique and common relationships by gender and migrant status. Common patterns across groups suggest that completely different prevention programs may not be necessary for these youth. However, program elements based on subtle group differences may serve to tailor prevention efforts and make them more effective. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Mexican American students are the fastest growing group in U.S. public schools. There is a growing body of research indicating that Mexican American families underutilize mental health services and are more likely to drop out of care prematurely when they do seek help. These findings may indicate that our health care system is not providing ethnic minorities with culturally competent care. Although cognitive?behavioral interventions are considered to be evidence-based treatments for child anxiety disorders, previous protocols have not taken cultural factors into account. This article discusses how to adapt cognitive?behavioral therapy (CBT) for Mexican American students with anxiety disorders. Working within the Psychotherapy Adaptation and Modification Framework (PAMF), this article offers adaptation principles that may guide school psychologists in implementing CBT strategies when working with Mexican American youth and their families. A case study is provided illustrating how cultural modifications of CBT can lead to positive outcomes for Mexican American students. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Decades of research with European American middle-class families have found significant relations between parenting behavior and child self-esteem. Similar research with minority and low-income families is rare. The present study examined the relation between parenting practices and child self-esteem among 70 Mexican American and 161 European American youths. The analyses consisted of regressing child self-esteem on parenting practices (acceptance, rejection, inconsistent discipline, and hostile control), ethnicity, SES, and the interactions between ethnicity, SES, and parenting practices. Several main effects and interactions were significant; for each interaction, behavior of low-income or Mexican American parents had less influence on children's self-esteem than did similar behavior by middle-class or European American parents. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Understanding the bidirectional relation between parenting behaviors and youth mental health in Mexican American families is crucial because of the current need to improve the availability of high quality services for this underserved population and to broaden the reach of extant theories on this topic. Youth (14–19 years old; N = 88) were recruited from a public high school in an urban immigrant enclave and reported their internalizing and externalizing symptoms as well as six maternal parenting behaviors at two points approximately one year apart. Youth-reported parenting behaviors formed two factors: Supportive Parenting and Harsh Parental Control. T1 externalizing symptoms predicted higher T2 Harsh Parental Control, providing evidence for the coercive model. T1 internalizing symptoms predicted lower T2 Supportive Parenting, providing evidence for social interaction theory. However, T1 parenting factors did not predict T2 youth mental health symptoms as expected according to bidirectional theories. We advocate the use of eco-developmental models to interpret our findings and guide future research. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

To begin accounting for cultural and contextual factors related to child rearing in Mexican-descent (MD; Mexican American and Mexican immigrant) families in the United States, the current study examined parenting practices in 2-parent families of Mexican, MD, and Caucasian-non-Hispanic (CNH) parents. Parents in all groups reported using authoritative practices more often than authoritarian strategies. MD parents reported greater use of authoritarian practices than Mexican and CNH parents. Results suggest that previously found cultural variations in parenting between MD parents and CNH parents may be more related to the ecological context of MD families than to an affiliation with Mexican culture. Clinicians should explore the positive qualities of authoritative parenting in MD families along with the potential motivations for using authoritarian strategies. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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